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Sairin Uchiha
Sairin Uchiha
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Historian Uchiha
Mission Record : Sairin Mission log
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 500

the first training of many Empty the first training of many

Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:01 am
The training ground was calm, deserted even. Sairin had arrived in the village only a few weeks, ago, and already then, it seemed like few students were taking part in practicing and training these days. The village leadership apparently just changed, but to a newcomer like Sairin, it didnt make any difference. He was here in a pragmatic way. Whoever the leader was, and the politics happening now in the finer districts of the settlement, or the palace of the leader and their retinue, Sairin Uchiha wanted to hone his skill, notably his genjutsu and ninjutsu abilities, both his principal form of shinobi arts, as well as staple of the Uchiha clan. As he channeled his fire inside of him, he tried to aim for the dummies. After all, a bit of practice was usefull.

There was in total 5 dummies at a range of approximately 20 metters from Sairin. as he stood there, his arms crossed, he looked at the dummy to see if they were able to withstand the attack and jutsu he wanted to train and throw at them. They were made of wood in the outside, and hay inside, after all, it was quite flammable for a fire jutsu. But this was his element, his place of choice, as his clan used too for generations. As he weaved the handsigns to shoot multiples fireballs towards the dummies, he remembered a moment of his father, a glorious Uchiha who sadly died a long time ago...


Sairin was but a young one, sitting into a crowd of other Uchiha in the district of their clan, when he and his parent were still living in Konoha way back. The crowd was very thick with a lot of people talking, speculating and trying to predict the outcome of what was about to happen. The young Sairin was clueless for now, not able to see the true happening behind all these clan members. As he sneaked his way across a sea of legs, traditionnal long uchiha garbs and dense people, he finally arrived in the middle of the street, where all the crowd left a blank spot, a circle in the middle, to leave space to the two contender. There it was, in the middle of the street, the brutal truth: The Uchiha clan had a trouble with the Hyuuga clan, a minor dispute, and to settle it like the traditionnal way asked two, meaning a fight between the two contender, in the honor and presence of their respective clans. Here was the father of Sairin, dressed in his long black coat adorned with the uchiha sigil in the back, facing a lord of the hyuuga. Both clans were gathered around, screaming and encouraging their own against the other. The display of chakra and ninjutsu was impressive. Both conjured strongs gust of elemental releases. Sairin father sent waves after waves of flames and intense fire, exploding and sending cinders all around as his opponent blocked them, with waves of water. This exchange lasted hours, Sairin seeing multiples fire techniques, some he had learned about, and others he had never heard nor witnessed. This in turn, inspired him to grow like his dad, proficient in the art of ninjutsu, and more importantly the flame and fire release. As his little boy head went away, he quickly got back to focus on the fight as everyone started screaming. His dad flames had changed, from a bright red orange, to a dark black type of flames, burning stronger than before with a wicked type of ninjutsu. Sairin was gawking, suprised at the first dispay he ever saw of his father's abilties. That when he saw it for the first time. He had heard about it before, but seeing it was different for sure. The eyes of his father changed, becoming a dark hue of red, and 3 black dot shaped like tomoe appeared around his puppils, sharpening his sense to a fault he never seen before. As his eyes darted to follow the hyuuga movements, Sairin noticed how quickly  his sense got, how true his aim was, and was beyond impressed. He never felt this thrilled before. He now knew this was his objective, to obtain the sharigan, the dojutsu which made his clan famous so long ago!

back to reality

All of this made his think of how he wanted to learn the black flames, the Amaterasu fire of the Uchiha, the dark flames. But for now, he would have to settle to the flames that he could cast with his fire release techniques he knew. As the dummies were aflame, slowly reducing to cinder, there was a moment of silence, of reflexion.

''Don't get ahead of yourself Sairin. First, it would be great to practice genjutsu with people. If only someone was to come here...'' Said out loud to himself Sairin, hopping someone would arrive at this very moment
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 670

the first training of many Empty Re: the first training of many

Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:34 am
Another day of training, Kana was certain she was on the verge of a break through on her latest jutsu but she was just missing that extra bit of power, that extra bit of chakra she needed to pull it off and the only way she was going to get better was if she kept putting in the work so here she was at the recently opened training center, making her way through the building she wasn't surprised to see other people working away within the building, studying and learning or experimenting but what she was surprised to see was that the training field out back was left mostly empty, her silver eyes scanning the area before eventually landing on a rather tall looking guy who was launching a familiar jutsu at five training dummies a fair distance away from him, it only took her a few seconds to realize that was a jutsu she actually knew and used before to defeat one of the nightmare creatures, she hadn't really met another shinobi who used the fire element before and since this guy was a fully grown adult, he probably had something to teach her that she would be interested in.

She watched as the dummies set up around him went up in flames, from what little she could tell the jutsu was on the same level as her own training with it but she was certain that jutsu hasn't been pushed to it's extremes yet either, she could probably improve upon it and she was sure if she looked it up it would probably have a few more things it could do that she was missing. Her thinking was interrupted by the man declaring his need for a partner to train genjutsu, an act that only made Kana roll her eyes. "I can take a hint asshole..." Kana muttered to herself as she approached the man, he wasn't quite as tall as she would've guessed and he seemed rather old based on the creases underneath his eyes, although he did seem like he might be use taijutsu or bukijutsu based on his muscular build. "Hmph. So what exactly are you trying to learn here?" Kana would question, curious what genjutsu the man had in mind and rather or not she even knew of it, she had been learning a few because of how useful they seemed but she was sure she could learn even more and maybe this guy could even teach her something that she missed out on.

WC: 420
Sairin Uchiha
Sairin Uchiha
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Historian Uchiha
Mission Record : Sairin Mission log
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 500

the first training of many Empty Re: the first training of many

Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:44 pm
As a young girl approached, Sairin grinned as he turned his face and head toward her. 

''ah, a potential training partner. Most excelent.'' said to himself Sairin. He could practice his genjutsu, and also learn to deeply connect into the minds of his ennemies, but also his allies. He wanted to learn to master the illusions, as he was mostly a fighter of the brain, of the mind, even if he had a quite muscular and well shaped stature, towering over the small and short woman before him. Tho Sairin knew this was not a trait to base oneself opinion on the dangerousness of an opponent. Small individuals, far younger and inexperienced in life compared to him, could be and would be far more supperior in terms of strength and abilities to use jutsu and techniques. 

As he carefully approached, he heard her mutter some swear words, as she understood him asking for a practicing partner for his gentjutsu. Trying to keep his laugh to himself, he was amused by the commentary.

''Ah well hello there. I don't think we had the pleasure of being introduced. No no, i'm not an asshole, even tho I do need to indeed practice my genjutsu. My name is Sairin Uchiha. I hope this kind of language will not be used to refer to me again. ever. We wouldnt want to spoil the mind of such a young prodigy hmm?'' said calmly Sairin, his hands tucked in the inside of his kimono, hiding his hands and making his arms crossed. His face was calm, with his eyes full of assurance and black as the deep night without a moon, total darkness. His smile of sarcasm and cleverness always leaved on the people looking at him a feeling of uneasyness, of disturbance.

''But now that this is said, what is youre name young one? You look quite potent yourself. Maybe we ought to train together? I need to learn more ninjutsu too. And if you could teach me a few techniques that i'm in need, i would be forever in your debt. I am, myself a fire release user, an I always revel in scorching the earth and my opponents alike. I sense a fiery passion inside of you. Maybe you are too a fire user?'' added Sairin.

As Kana would approach he would try and use his genjutsu on her. Instead of the usual horrors of terrifying illusions and experiences and imagery genjutsu would normaly show and impose on her brain, Sairin would show bliss and positives imagery, trying to make the usage of his genjutsu accomodating and polite to its recipient. After all, he wanted to practice, and he respected dearly his fellow shinobi.

His eyes would make contact with Kana eyes, and in an instant, she would be surrounded by a bright field of flower petals, and surrounded by trees filled with apples. As she now find herself in an enchanting orchard, Sairin appeared out of nowhere, slowly fomring and getting opaque as he walked toward her.

''Isnt it wonderfull?'' said the dark haired man, holding both of his hands up to show their surroundings.

''If you dont mind, I shall train and keep the illusion as a way to train my genjutsu, and while we are in this construct of the mind, we can share and learn some genjutsu prehaps?''
added the man, his voice still calm, and his face still showing a smile.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 670

the first training of many Empty Re: the first training of many

Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:35 pm
Kana listened with half an ear as the man scolded her for her language, as if she hadn't heard that before and repeated his desire to learn more about genjutsu, although what did catch her attention was the name of the man or more specifically the clan this man was claiming to be from, Sarin Uchiha, she wasn't no idiot, she had heard about the legendary Dōjutsu from the Uchiha clan and she would be lying if she didn't find those eyes to be super fucking cool, if she had been born into a clan, she would've liked it to have been the Uchiha clan just to wield the power of the Sharingan, those eyes were rumored to do a lot of crazy shit and Kana wanted to see what was true and what was just hype. "I'm Kana. I'm also a fire user but I don't exactly focus on ninjutsu, I'm more of a medic if anything. Although I probably have a few interesting things to teach you, I picked up whatever seemed interesting to me." Kana introduced herself with a simple nod to the older man, looking up at her curiosity in her eyes on rather or not this Uchiha had already unlocked his Sharingan and how far along it progressed, assuming such a thing was possible, she didn't exactly know if Sharingan came in with the full three tomoe or if someone had to earn them somehow, it wasn't like she had met an Uchiha before or read too deeply into the clan before.

Kana immediately noticed the world around her change, the training grounds around her swiftly changing into a more pleasant orchard of some kind with a lot of flowers, although the flowers weren't quite the familiar ones she knew came from the usual suspect of genjutsu, so this had to be a whole other genjutsu. Watching as the man manifested himself into the little area he had created for her, she briefly considered freeing herself from the genjutsu but if the two were just going to use this little space to train some jutsu, she saw no need to do so, instead she allowed her chakra to flood her body and cover it in a thin veil of chakra for her own counter genjutsu, trapping the man in a field of flowers that would sap the will to fight from his body as she looked at him. "Yes, the flowers are quite pretty, aren't they?" Kana agreed with a roll of her eyes, letting her arms cross as she eyed the man, the little trick with his eyes was interesting but she could've sworn she didn't see any red in them when he trapped her.

"So, I'll teach you how to use my flower garden for whatever you did with your eyes?" Kana asked as she set the man free from her counter genjutsu, better to free him herself than to let him break free and suffer the side effect of her genjutsu. "Actually, I'm not sure how green you are, so we'll start from the basics. Genjutsu release, do you know it, and can you do it without seals?" Kana decided to prod the man, she wasn't exactly known for keeping a large tab of people to watch out for but she felt pretty sure she would've remembered seeing an Uchiha around before, maybe she just hadn't run into the man before or maybe he had just recently joined in, whatever the reason she needed to make sure he knew how to walk before teaching him to run.

WC: 595
TWC: 1,015
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 670

the first training of many Empty Re: the first training of many

Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:11 pm
As Kana waited to hear from the Uchiha, she looked over the field with mild interest, curious where exactly this place was and rather or not it was a memory of the man but as she looked around she noticed something, a single golden flower resting in the field and upon seeing the golden flower, Kana let out a quiet curse to herself, she had forgot that she was supposed to have some tea with Gunshin, they were going to have some golden flower tea today, Kana had been wanting to try that flavor out for a while now. "Fuck... We'll pick this up another time, I forgot I made some plans with a friend. Do what I do to break free from a genjutsu by the way, you're a big boy, I'm sure you'll figure it out from here." Kana quickly explained as she brought up her hands to perform the tiger hand seal and let her body flood with chakra, regardless if her actual body would perform the action in the real world, it wouldn't matter since Kana had long since taught herself to perform this particular jutsu without hand seals. Freed from the genjutsu, Kana would give a nervous smile and a polite nod of her head before she began to hurry away to find Gunshin, she wasn't entirely sure how late she was going to be but if she was fast enough, she could claim foot traffic slowed her down instead of simply forgetting about it.

WC: 250
TWC: 1,265
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 670

the first training of many Empty Re: the first training of many

Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:15 pm


1,265 TWC from thread

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Used 938/938 to learn C Rank Ninjutsu Spirit Gun [v7]
Using 327/750 to learn C Rank Ninjutsu Suiton: Mizu Senbon [v7]
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

the first training of many Empty Re: the first training of many

Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:28 pm
Kana wrote:[Exit]


1,265 TWC from thread

25% discount due to max stats:
Used 938/938 to learn C Rank Ninjutsu Spirit Gun [v7]
Using 327/750 to learn C Rank Ninjutsu Suiton: Mizu Senbon [v7]

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