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Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:07 pm
In the middle of the training facility was Izu, practicting her new usages and techniques of her new weapons, a true living arsenal of needles, wires, blades and chains. As she wore her traditionnal outfit, a fishnet shirt, covered with an oversized dark blue jacket with ample sleeves, and a loose and baggy black shinobi pants with sandals and shin sleeves so common for kirigakure ninja. Under the outfit tho, Izu was armed to the teeth: two chain gauntlets, one in each hand, hidden under the sleeves, with armbands of sealing to contain a backup of senbons. A dozens of bundles of needles in her ninja pouch as well, mechanisms for wires on her arms and integrated in her gauntlets, as well as her 5ft long senbon sword she had in her left hand, and a dozen more weapons hidden away in her pocket dimmension of storage. Izu was appearing like a normal ninja, but was armed like a whole platoon of genin. As she was training alone, Izu was waiting on her brother shiro, as both agreed upon a training together to see her progress since the last time they had spared in the academy to teach a class.
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:38 pm
Leon was just wondering the training grounds in hope of finding someone who can help him with a certain conundrum. While he was studying to be a medical ninja but now he realized some holes in that as he found that he was terrible at iryojutsu but he couldn't tell his family that. The young ninja would have to figure out what he wants to do with his own life. He remembered that he was taught how to use a jutsu that gave him a recurved now but he wanted more he wanted to learn how to use an actual bow. Some reason when he used that bow it felt almost natural for him. It felt so natural that he found himself back in the Kirigakure ninja shop where he was staring at them wanting one.

How ever Leon realized that he didn't have the funds for one or proper training for one either, so he would take a chance with something else and bought himself a bundle containing a katana, a Wakizashi, and some Ronin Robes. The genin would wonder on the training grounds as he looked up just in time to see someone else there, he would tilt his head slightly he was wondering what she was doing as he examined her as he approached. Leon was a 5'11 dark skin male with long black hair that had the sides shaven down, his eyes were a beautiful sparkling oceanic blue. He wore a white lab coat that hidden his weapons on the inside he held his blade and kunai pouch. "Hello there, I hope I'm not bothering you in anyway." His voice was soft but deep as it was more of a tenor though it was still on the lower end. He would would stop to introduce himself. "I'm Leon, Leon Rentai, it's nice to meet ya. I was actually hoping to find someone who can help me learn how to use a blade a bit I'm wondering if you may know of someone." He would look her over once more at the giant senbon in her hand as he came back to her. "Or maybe you can help me?"

WC 362
TWC 362
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:26 pm
As she trained, before she could hear his words, Izu heard the footsteps of someone inside of the large gymnasium complex, and decided to ignore it, as she was concentrated in her training, capitalizing on her new usage of the chained gauntlets. As Izu whiped around serated chains on the dummy, twiling them around in a suprisingly silent maneuver, the chains wrapped themselves around the dummy, and with a pulling motion, Izu squeezed and made the chain spin, chopping in slices the dummy, falling on the floor, as the chain retracted back into Izu oversized sleeves, into the hidden mechanism of the gauntlet. It was then that the someone arrived and presented themselves. 

''You're not bothering me, I could hear you from you arrival anyways. I'm Izu Momochi. nice to meet ya Leon.'' Said Izu, barely turning her gaze and cold expression face toward him before continuing her slashes on dummies. She was unbothered but also unimpressed by the lack of stealth. It seemed the silent killing that made kirigakure shinobi so famous was less and less popular, a shame really.

''I can help you with weapons and swords, sure. Only got that tanto and katana?'' added Izu, half a mocking smile on her face as she saw the limited arsenal of the other shinobi. ''No matter, I can still teach you. You just apply the same to better weapons once you find'em.'' replied to herself the blonde kunoichi, not letting Leon some time to answer. As she waited on him to tell anything back, Izu started to throw senbons at the dummies, in a rather unique and special way, at least from anyone looking.
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:04 pm
Leon was watching in awe almost as the chain destroyed the dummy. He watched the chain disappeared into her sleeve as he made sure to take note of that before returning his attention to her again. Hearing her talk about his weapons was a bit surprising as he moved his coat to reveal them a bit better to her. "Ah yeah, I wasn't exactly quiet walking up huh normally I am much better than that though it's a pleasure to meet you Izu." He would smile as he took the one she called a tanto out and revealed it to be a Wakizashi. "Ah ye..." He didn't a chance to respond as she cut him off as she continued to work the dummy as he thought about a response. He would shake his head and would stand back to make sure she has room for anything she was gonna do.

"If you said weapons then this means you know a lot about different ones?" He asked as he rested his hand back on the hilt of his katana. "Or would you prefer to just stick with the blade? Either way is fine with me I'm just happy to learn something new." He expressed to her as he just waited for her to continue her way as he thought about what he can learn from her perhaps she knows a lot more than what he thinks.

WC 235
TWC 597
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:04 pm
As her second movement combinaison ended with the serated chain, severing in pieces another dummy, Izu turned toward Leon, her chain again entering and reeling back into her sleeves.

''Yeah. Weapons, plural. I know how to wield a shit ton of them, if not all. You'd be suprised by the whole arsenal I carry on me. I specialise in senbons, needles and wires or chains tho. How about you?''
Asked Izu, not displaying her arsenal for now.

''What type of weapon user are you? Do you throw them or use a bow? Or are you slicin' and dicin' into the thick of it, looking your opponent in the eyes when your cold steel meet his warm blood?'' Added the hyuuga girl, half a smile to her face as she expressed her appreciation for violence and fighting. Of course, Izu was someone special for her age. Most village ninja who arent adults yet never knew real danger or fights, but Izu was different. Her youth alone as an orphan after the drowning murder of her mom was filled with violence, and vengeance. It was not widely known trough the village, but as Izu graduated, she had killed 6 man in the same week, tracking down the thugs who killed her mother so long ago. And the body count since then kept getting higher. 

In fact, before moving with her brother Shiro in the more respectable places of the village of Kirigakure, Izu lived into the deep slums, the poorest district of the hidden mist, and was known there to be the bane of criminals, hunting them for fun, to keep the place as safe as she could. Some even made nicknames for her in the slums, but this was all for nothing. Outside of the ghetto, the legends of the poor folks fell on deaf ears, and she was not famous. 

''I can personnally teach you both range and melee things if you'd like, as i'm using both. Maybe my brother Shiro ought to teach a few techniques too. He was supposed to come train here today with me.'' said again the girl. 

''so huhh... wanna train with that short blade or ?'' added Izu, unsure if it was enough to train. Maybe what he wanted to learn was other techniques? after all, izu was a medical shinobi at core, but also she knew a few other jutsu useful for about every type of ninja.
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:14 pm
Leon watched the girl before him as she once again severed another dummy. He would blink a few times before focusing back on her as she spoke about how she was able to use any and all weapons as this might prove to be a great idea to learn from her. When she started to inquire what he kind of weapon user he wanted to be he had a general idea until she started to get a bit more detailed with the feeling of using a blade against someone made him look at her slightly worried. She must have been through hell or she really enjoys the feeling of fighting but he wasn't gonna let that deter him as he just as quickly dropped that face. "Well, I guess you can say I'm looking to be a jack of all weapons similar to you. I want to use a bow more but I know that if someone is able to get close enough to me I need to be able to protect myself." He told her as he thought about what she continued to speak. When she brought up her brother he would nod in agreement as he reached behind him pulling out a katana this time.

"No, with this blade. I'm hoping to get something s bit different in the future. Maybe something that is closer to a scythe... Maybe a couple of chained kamas eh time will tell." He told her as he nods once more. "If your brother is willing to teach me again I'm ready to learn." He would adjust his attire as he watched her with clear intent on learning.

WC 275
TWC: 872
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:53 pm
Practice always made perfect, training until you had done something like second nature was paramount to becoming a much more capable shinobi. Yet he wished that he had more than just Izu to train in their 3 man squad. He had sent flowers to the young red-haired boy, believing that it would show that he cared, it was what he remembered his clansmen had done with him when he was younger. They sent flowers. It was always the same type of flower, Jade. It represented a small connection to his own clan that he had not felt personally. But he thought it showed care, he thought it showed that he cared for his young student. He hoped to see Kaimera again soon after he had fully recovered, but for now, Shiro trotted along the empty grey streets, the rain having mostly dried from a few days prior. He was wearing only a black shirt and black trousers. His sword holstered too his side. Yet he didn’t know what to feel. The reports kept on piling in. . . what was he supposed to do. He felt himself being ate up by all the work and new responsibilities that he seemingly forgot during his small stint on recovery. Being now the second in command currently gave him command over so many others. Yet it ate his time up like a ravenous beast.

So this was certainly a small and welcome way to kill the small amount of time he was allowed to kill. Especially when he had approached to see that instead of just Izu Momochi residing within the training grounds of Kirigakure. He instead found another boy with Dark hair and dark skin. This must have been Leon, Reizo had given him a small description of those who had recently graduated from the Academy, Leon being just one of many. Yet he’d welcome another person to train with open arms. Especially since he had much to teach them physically, especially given his new repertoire of abilities he had at his disposal.

“Yo, Izu, Leon, I’m here.” he said, using Silent killing to mask his footsteps to see if they would see or notice him much, sneaking up behind his sister only to surprise her might not be the best idea. Yet he was preparing for the worst if necessarily.

Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:25 am
As Izu was about to teach Leon a new move and ask to spar with him, she could start to see a presence, only faint in chakra, but without a single sound being produced in the same direction. Knowing it was another shinobi of the hidden mist, she didnt recognized the signature yet, as she was only recently begining her training in the art of sensory abilities to detect and recognize chakra, but also to hide from it. Before she could make out who it was, Shiro's voice could be heard from behind her, half taking her by suprise. 

As she turned away, with her weapons in her hands but not pointed anywhere dangerous as her fast reflex knew it was shiro as soon as he speaked, so she could control her gesture and motions to not endanger her brother. The suprise was honnest in Izu's eyes, as she had hardly seen her brother at her new home, the house of Shiro himself. She had hoped they would take time together, but his job was really making him busy. It frustrated her, as she felt once again she was without a family, but such was the price of success and skillfullness, as Shiro was a high ranking of the village, and Izu too was starting to climb the stairs.

Nonetheless, she smiled and hastily greeted her brother with a small touch of the shoulder, the most discreet and in control gesture close to a hug she could do in public, not wanting to redo the emotionnal fiasco of the last time.

''Hey Shiro! Didnt recognize your chakra signature! I'd have to train that sense better. I got great news! I got authorisation to learn some secret weaponry technique from you from the Mizu lord himself! So how you both wanna train now?'' said Izu, eager to fight, as she leaned on her long needle sword, stretching as if her previous training was only a walk in the park and now she would actualy activate herself and take it seriously.
Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
Stat Page : Leon
Genjutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:47 pm
Leon wasn't expecting to hear the voice of Shiro call out to him. He would instinctively grab the hilt of his blade until he saw how Izu reacted to him, Leon would relax a bit when he saw that she was much more calm than he was after a hot second before she exclaimed that it was Shiro perhaps he was someone important to her. He would bow as respectfully as he could to Shiro as he relaxed his hand after resting his eyes on him. "Hello, you already know who I am... Hmm?" He says before staring at Shiro as it seems he seen him somewhere before but he's struggling on where he could place it. He would shake his head slightly as he let that thought go to the back of his head for now. He needed to focus on what he can learn from the two of them as it seems that Shiro is gonna teach Izu some secret weapon technique.

"I'm guessing I'm not allowed to learn that kind of technique, but that's fine I'm down to learn any and all weapons techniques you guys are willing to teach me. I want to become a better weapon user especially with the bow." He explained as he was willing to learn whatever they could teach him though he would love to learn that secret technique he was gonna teach her.

WC 233
TWC 1105
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 11050

Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade Empty Re: Hidden mist masterclass: blunt and blade

Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:51 am
She received permission to learn Juuichi Yosamu, one of the strongest weaponry techniques hidden within the archives of Kirigakure. The same technique that Hoshigakure could also receive from his loss against Akabyashi and that mysterious figure with one sharingan in his eye. He took in a deep breath, allowing the cold air to fill his lungs. His eyes focused on the scenery around them. The tree’s would do well in showcasing the might of the technique. Yet to know that she would be the one to learn it made him curious if Akabyashi had suggested she learn it from himself or that she simply had permission to learn it from anyone that she could find. His position in the village had not yet been cemented. He was stuck in this weird realm, one of the only active Jonin within the corps, yet also the village's second strongest asset besides the Kage himself. He’d need time, time to train, time to grow stronger, he hungered for that power. Yet to teach his sister something, something of great value. That was what he now wished to accomplish. Even if it were just for a moment. He turned towards Leon, a small smile on his lips.

“I wish for you to watch as well. Soon, I’ll allow others to learn this technique, yet you have the luck of seeing it in action.”

His eyes darted back towards the host of trees in front of him. Thick darkened oak trees with bluish green leaves. Wood for fire, wood for coal, wood for fuel. That is what he saw in the instance he placed his hand gently on his blade. A soothing feeling surrounded his body. Allowing him to bask in the serene grace of his environment. He’d turn himself to truly face the tree’s. Turning his back away from Izu Momochi and Leon Rentei for a moment. His eyes focused on the tree’s themselves, envisioning them as enemies. Their wooden trunks are now being seen almost as flesh and blood humans. Ones that Shiro would take out without mercy. As suddenly, a monstrous amount of killing intent would radiate in a 35 meter radius from Shiro himself. Izu and Leon would be caught in it, they would feel that killing intent linger on them for a moment. As Shiro would draw his blade, the Steel was coated in a thick mesh of blue and blade chakra. Shiro’s focus is on the trees now, with only a small suggestion towards Izu while she was watching him.

“Focus now Izu, embellish this feeling. . .”

In an instant, Shiro lunged forwards in a burst of speed, causing a veritable sonic boom to ring around the area. Shiro’s focus culminated into the trees, his blade's intent was made true, when he’d send a single swing towards the tree. As in one slash, Shiro had completely severed the tree from the trunk in one quick slash. Yet that was not the true effect of the technique, as Shiro quickly followed it up with another slash that when it touched the tree, completely shattered the remaining trunk into nothing but small, tiny splinters. Mist bellowed out from where Shiro had swung his blade for a single instant, before it vanished just as quick as it came. Steel meeting the thick bark had allowed Shiro to truly show the strength of the secret technique of Kirigakure famed swordsmen. His blade, still covered in the bluish black aura, would return back to normal. A faint glow of red had made the blade seem almost unwieldy. As in a single motion after Shiro had finished destroying the tree. He’d take a quick slash at the palm of his hand, allowing the blade to taste blood once more. Too which Shiro would quickly heal the wound and turn his attention back towards his sister and Leon.

“Ten Thousand Cold Nights is considered dangerous for what it does for your weapon, making it thirst for blood. It also has the special effect of clashing with chakra based forces, even including space time ninjutsu. I wish I had it when Akabyashi had come to take over, maybe if I did, things could have been way different then they are now. Any questions for you two?”


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