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Voices in the Garden Empty Voices in the Garden

Sat May 11, 2024 2:53 am
Lost Connections

Shiru made his way past the bustling city center of Hoshigakure towards the tucked away corner of the village where the Water Gardens were. In his two years in Hoshigakure he had only been here once before. The tranquil atmosphere it offered somehow bothered his mental state more than helped. The smoothe stone walls and running waterways were truly an astounding sight. The fish, flowers, and pristine ponds were breathtaking to behold! Beauty alone could not prevent the chills that shot down the young genins back from the moment he stepped inside. The intense feeling led him to avoid this place and not return. Shiru probably would have gone his whole life without returning but current circumstances left him no choice!

Why was I chosen for this mission? I have not even completed a D rank mission yet! Why would somebody pay a B rank mission fee to request me personally as the ninja to carry it out? It makes no sense! How do they even know who i am? None of the handful of people i've met since coming here would do something so fucking stupid! What a waste of coin!

Shiru crunched the mission scroll he received angrily in his tightly clenched fist while he muttered to himself angrily. He hated mysteries and this whole situation stunk of bullshit in the making. There was no way this was going to be as easy as it sounds. There is a catch here and not knowing what it was really irked him down to his very core. He received the official order to meet the doctor in the garden and to help him with his daily tasks earlier this morning. It said he was requested personally and that declining was not an option. The mission was accepted and paid for in full and at an exorbitant price. Who this doctor was happened to be very conveniently left out.

This is bullshit!

Shiru strolled through the gardens making his way to a luscious pond at the center. Even far away he could make out the delicate lotus that were beginning to bloom. He let his hand cut across the water that constantly flowed down the stone wall pathway as he walked. The feeling of his hand resisting the water's current and flowing against the natural order of things brought a sense of joy and helped to ease his anxious personality. The golden golden glow of the flickering ornate lanterns had really begun to be noticeable. The sun was starting to disappear and was slowly getting replaced with star light.

This asshole better not be late! I'm not getting paid by the hour over here so Doctor or not he better respect my time! This is going to be a real pain in the ass!

He scooped up a rock from the base of the pond. Frustrated, Shiru threw the stone very aggressively across the still body of water. Multiple Koi fish had to desperately evade the stone as it skipped furiously past them. Right when it was about to reach the other side a very large body accompanied by a deep booming voice appeared directly behind the red haired genin.

Its not the best idea to start a job by calling your employer an asshole boy! I am a doctor. You will show me proper respect at all times. Is that understood?

Shiru couldn't help but turn around and leap backwards directly into the pond to create space. He quickly concentrated chakra to his feet to stand effortlessly on the water. His whole body was intense as he analyzed the mysterious man. The new arrival had dark black hair that fell wildly past his shoulders. His frame was big and menacing and yet held an eloquently perfect posture.The rough lines on the man's face and gray beard suggested he had been around for many harsh winters. The clothes he was wearing had definitely seen better days and further suggested the man's age. The immediate aura Shiru sensed was that of a simple man who demanded respect for his vast amount of life experience.

What just happened? How did he get behind me like that? I didn't hear him approach at all! He could have killed me and I wouldn't have even known what happened! No genin is that smooth! Just what kind of doctor is he? Is he a ninja? Should I be threatened?

The questions just would not stop cycling in his head. There was a pit of dread knotted deep in his gut that was rivaled only by his sense of curiosity. If this was truly who hired him it would be better to play it cool and try to gather some information. He tried his best to loosen up and put on a more aloof and respectful attitude. Shiru was hoping that this was all legit but this mission seemed suspicious from the start.

I'm sorry sir, that was very rude of me. I shouldn't have spoken poorly about my elders. Hoshigakure appreciates your support and loyalty. I hope to represent us better in the future. I am Shiru Iyasu. You already knew that though since you requested me! I didnt get the pleasure of getting your name doctor? Would you mind enlightening me?

A loud grunt of disapproval came from the aging doctor. A distasteful expression rippled across his face and he spit violently on the ground like he had just eaten something rotten. In his deep haggard voice he spoke with such authority and confidence that it was impossible to mishear him.

You can call me Dr. Iyasu!

The Story!

The words hit Shiru like a hammer. Iyasu was his family name. He had been under the impression he had no family left in Hoshigakure. Nobody could be found after his father passed away. That was why he went to that stupid orphanage in the first place!

That's not possible? He has to be lying! Why wouldn’t he have revealed himself earlier? Why wait until now? Who the fuck is this guy?

That is not funny! Dont lie to me! Who are you really? Explain yourself right now! Why did you request me? Elder or not i won't let you play games with me!

The old man shifted his weight as if trying to adjust the weight of a heavy burden he had been carrying. His arms slipped simultaneously into both of his pockets. They emerged a moment later with a lighter clenched securely in his left and a pack of cigarettes in his right. He skillfully flicked open the pack and lit himself one. He took a couple long draws as his brain organized his thoughts in preparation of a long story. He exhaled a giant cloud of smoke along with a very emotional exhale of distress.

I would not lie to you child. My name is Ibiki Iyasu. I am the father to Kazuma Iyasu. In other words, I'm your grandfather!

Shiru’s eyes began watering. He could not tell if it was from his heightened emotion or the wafting smoke that stung his eyes. Shiru mentally jumped through hoops as his brain raced to accept this bombshell of new information. He had so many questions he wanted to ask but could not form any words. The two stood in silence for what felt like eternity. The old man took advantage of the silence and took one more long draw off his cigarette. He began to weave a story where each sentence was punctuated by the exhalation of dark black smoke.

I have lived to see the sun rise many times, child. I was very blessed in that aspect. Most of our family is not. You see, we of the Iyasu have a genetic sickness that has been passed down from generation to generation. It has been a plague on our dna for as long as we can recall. For some the effects are mere mild fatigue, to others it's a death sentence! The most prominent and common effect tends to be sterilization or still born children.

Our clan has been dying out faster and faster without the ability to effectively reproduce. I thought your fathers generation might truly be our last. He was so weak as a child I feared he himself would never make it to being an adult. Kazuma was so stubborn though he wouldn't let something small like disease slow him down though.

He worked tirelessly to be a great shinobi and an even better person. Day in and day out he was pushing himself to the brink. He was so focused on beating his own sickness that he unintentionally became one of the best medics the village has ever seen. That part wasnt really surprising to me though. The Iyasu have been studying human anatomy for centuries in an attempt to cure what ails us. I drug him around with me since he was a baby to every hospital and village within our borders.

Kazuma was always so bright. He picked up on everything I as a doctor could teach him. When the sickness really took hold later in life it was almost unbearable to watch. He looked so fragile and pale. All his dreams of greatness had withered away and betrayed him like his very only flesh.

Ibiki paused to take the last drag from his cigarette before grinding it out under his heel. Without hesitation he pulled out another and lit it up. His face looked like it was in agony. The memories of times past haunted every line of his grizzled face. Shiru couldn't even fully digest what was being said. He heard the words but his brain had been short circuited.

My grandpa? That can't be! The Iyasu have genetic sickness! My dad was sick? Why didn't my mom or dad tell me any of this in her journal? I know it was my mothers but there was information on dad in there also! He could have told me! I thought the only family I had left were the Uzumaki! They weren't from Hoshigakure so I never really expected to meet them. I accepted that a long time ago. I have a grandpa?I thought I was alone in the world. I'm finally not alone anymore!

A feeling of relief washed over Shiru out of nowhere and he hated himself to the core for it. He felt weak! He never even realized he truly felt alone until now. Even as a child at the orphanage he had never really put much thought into it. He had made friends and met people he cared for along the way. There were people in the orphanage he had grown especially fond of. He was nervous when he came over from his village to Hoshi because it was new, not because he felt like he was leaving people behind. I guess this was the first time he truly realized that without a true family he had been walking the world alone!

Your father wasn't always a traitor and a deserter! He was a brilliant medical ninja and a good man. He helped many people and improved many lives. I was the one who told Kazuma of the Uzumakis clan's overwhelming life force. I insisted the key to his survival laid within their dna. I planted the seed in his mind that there was a chance he could live if he just fought a little harder for his survival.

That final mission of his didn't go down how everyone thinks it did kid!

Shiru had no doubt at this point that the man had been telling the truth. Nobody knew he was in Uzamaki clan member. He never shared any of the knowledge he learned from his mothers journal. He held onto that knowledge like his life depended on it. For all that he knew it did! That was why this old man went through all the trouble to get him here.

Things were hectic then kid, understand that!

I was there as a civilian doctor. I was in the middle of helping to heal the wounded civilians of a small nearby settlement. I was there independently of allegiances or loyalty. It was a miracle and a curse to run into Kazuma and his team at that moment. He happened to be the closest available responder to the Konoha shinobi that had infiltrated our borders. I couldn't believe my eyes, and then out from a group of trees emerged your mother!

She was gorgeous beyond comparison. Her hair and eyes burned with fire and vitality. She had an aura that flooded the entire area and made everything feel alive. She was quick to leap into combat with Kazuma’s two teammates. She was strong like you wouldn't believe. In a flash she wrapped them up in chains she produced from her body and locked them in place. I rushed over to Kazuma who stood frozen in a state of shock and awe.

Shirun couldn't help but notice the tears that were rolling down his cheeks at the mention of his mother. He wasn't sure when he started crying but once he noticed it was almost impossible to stop. He was lucky enough to get a good portion of her life from her journal, but to hear her described by somebody who had actually seen her in person did something to him emotionally that he was unprepared for. The swirl of emotions was too much for him to handle. He was sad, happy, curious, and fucking pissed all at the same time. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel. That feeling of weakness from earlier crept back up inside his gut and he hated himself more than ever for it. Ibiki noticed the boy's emotional breakdown but was kind enough to just move along like it didn't happen. Another couple puffs later and he continued unbothered.

When we both saw your mothers vibrant red hair and Konoha headband we knew immediately that she was an Uzumaki. Our prayers had fallen right into our laps. It felt like a gift from the heavens. I was the first to act. I didn't want the opportunity to slip away. While she was occupied with the first two I launched two exploding tags staggered about thirty seconds apart.

The first one created a bunch of confusion and allowed your father to slip in close to your mother. When the second tag exploded it looked like it consumed both your father and mother in a violent ball of fire. In reality your dad saw the river below and purposefully tackled your mother over the side. We both knew that with his medical ability he would be able to save her and himself. The village would never have let us study her and if they did the result could be a full on war with Konoha. Tensions at that time were high all over the world. Getting her alone and getting time to study was paramount to success and survival for our entire clan!

Your father told me that your mother was extremely injured by the fall. She hit her head violently and had fallen into a coma. Kazuma worked tirelessly to bring her out of it and save her life. At first he did it for his own selfish reasons, but over time he developed a true love for Mikasa.

Your mother really was special. Once she awoke her body started healing at such a rapid pace. She was so dependent on Kazuma in the beginning that she herself began to develop feelings despite being from different villages. Kazuma told me once that right before she was pregnant he was actually stealing her energy instead of healing so that she would still need him. Mikasa also told me that she played sick longer than needed so that the two had an excuse to stay together. I doubt each other knew they were manipulating the other into staying the whole time

Once again the tears started rolling down his face again. It made his soul happy to know that his parents truly loved each other that much. The way they showed it was wrong but it was still powerful. The situation was terrible but somehow love still somehow found a way. Just like every other great love story, it was fated to end in disaster.


When it came time for me to make the official report I lied and said I saw them get blown up from friendly fire. It wasn't entirely a lie afterall. Kazuma’s teammates were out cold and couldn't verify or deny my report. There was enough evidence from the entire conflict for it to be plausible and withstand scrutiny. Both sides were quick to want to bury the situation and accept their losses. They closed the case and classified all findings. Neither could really afford a full scale war at the moment so it was best for everyone involved to look the other way.

Things were going great until your mom became pregnant. Your father at this time was close to death from his disease but he was the happiest he had ever been. He never thought he could have kids, and he knew Mikasa was so healthy it was unlikely she would suffer from a stillborn like many others from his clan. The problem was that if he passed away Mikasa would be all alone to raise you. She no longer had a village to return to. By not reporting back with the village for all that time she would be branded as a missing ninja. If anybody found out she was alive there would be hunter ninjas after her for the rest of her life. At least together they stood a chance.

Mikasa and Kazuma combined their unique specialties of fuinjutsu and Iryojutsu to develop a temporary answer to Kazuma’s health concerns. Mikasa created a seal that allowed Kazuma to take advantage of Mikasa's longevity bloodline by literally linking the couple's vitals together. The two balanced out each other's vitality.

Kazuma was able to secretly get a message to me and inform me that you were due in a couple weeks. I helped sneak them into the hospital using my credentials as a doctor. Your father and I delivered you personally. It was one hell of a battle if i say so myself. You did not like the idea of being forced out. You made it difficult and made sure you came out on your own goddamn time. The ordeal took hours and hours. I suffer from this hereditary disease also, it's not as bad as what your father was dealing with but it sapped all my energy reserves. It was all I could do to stay awake.

Your mother and father were in worse shape. Your mother most of all. Childbirth is taxing but the added drain from the seal sapped her reserves to practically nothing. She was so feeble I was worried if she would make it through the ordeal. Your father was suffering from not only his disease but the exertion it took to prepare, travel, and get everybody into that room safely. None of us were in great shape. The journey had taken everything out of them

They unknowingly doomed themselves!

Now it was Ibiki who was crying. The emotion was too heavy to keep suppressed any longer. He had to force back a couple heavy sobs before he was able to continue. He looked at Shiru and he could see the hurt in his face. Shiru was terrified to hear the ending to this story. He already knew what happened but all the extra detail might be too much for his soul to bear.

I should have been the one to go. I was weak! He left that hospital room to get supplies because he was the only one strong enough to actually go. He knew it was risky but he did what he must for his family like he has always done. He was only gone a couple minutes. He left the room in full disguise. He was a skilled ninja so it was virtually impossible to see through it. Unfortunately fate was not on his side. His old teammate Ryuuske just happened to be in that very hospital at that exact moment. To make things worse, Ryuuske was one of the best sensory ninja to ever come out of Hoshi. He immediately saw through the disguise and reported back to the village.

[center]No good jealous bastard!

Within an hour the entire place was swarming with hunter ninja. Your parents realized this and jumped into action. Your father bravely led them away while your mother snuck out of the window with you in her arms. I was able to sneak out during the confusion and blend back in with the civilians.

I tried tracking you and your mother down but by time I could locate you, she had already dropped you off inside the orphanage. I caught sight of her right as the fighting between your fathers and hunters spilled into the street. He was no match for them. Not in his condition! He fought valiantly to buy time but in the end it was not enough. He fell in the middle of that village for all to see.

Your poor mother didn't have the strength at that point to carry on. The seal that bonded them brought her to death's doorstep, her broken heart pushed her to walk through. I tried to sneak her out but she didn't make it another hour. I buried her on the outskirts of that damned village. You can find a headstone on the southside with just her first name written on it. I didn't want anybody to exhume her body or make the connection so unfortunately that was all the recognition I could give her.

Ibiki waited for Shiru to respond. He pulled out another cigarette and took another monstrous draw. This time he seemed to exhale with relief. It must have been nice to finally get that humongous burden off of his chest. Shiru on the other hand took a minute to digest everything he had just heard. He had been mad at his parents for his whole life. He was mad that they weren't around, mad that he had to grow up in the orphanage, mad that he had been branded the son of a traitor since birth! He had been treated like a criminal since he was a baby for the sins of his father. For the first time ever he wasn't mad at all. He felt pride in their son but moreso all he truly felt was sorrow in their absence.

If all of what you said is true then what happened to you? Why did you leave me in that busted orphanage? Why tell me now? What is the point of all this?

Ibiki fell to his knees with his palms on the ground and his forehead buried in the dirt. Loud emotional sobs erupted from the old doctor. Tears splashed off the ground as the elderly man had a full blown meltdown.

I wanted to tell you. It broke my heart every day knowing that you were out in the world all by yourself. When I escaped back to Hoshi that day it was with a heavy heart. I had just lost my only child and grandchild all in one fell swoop! I had just buried a foreign ninja who lit up the word wherever she went. I wanted to claim you but honestly I was afraid! If it was discovered I helped in any way they would have killed me also. I was already having to answer hard questions about how my son was still alive right up until he wasn't. I was afraid that if I got connected any more to the situation then everything about what transpired would be revealed. I have a strong will but Hoshi or Konoha would have ripped every secret out of me against my will. I was not willing to take that chance.

So instead I have just watched you grow from a distance. You would not believe how shocked i was when you moved to Hoshi and entered the academy. To think you would walk down the same path knowing what you know. You are so much like him and so different at the same time. You have all his courage and willpower but a burning aura of blistering energy and intensity that could only have come from Mikasa Uzumaki! How proud they would both be of you if they could see you now!

Ibiki stopped talking and Shiru found himself crying again. He didn't hate himself as much this time around. He felt like each tear was a boulder he had been carrying unknowingly since birth. The shedding of all the emotional weight made his soul feel light and almost care free.

Thanks for telling me all of that. I know that must have been hard for you. It means a lot to me. I feel better knowing the truth.

Shiru wiped the tears from his eyes on the back of his hand. He forced himself to shake off the sorrow and walked across the surface of his pond over two his grandpa. He stopped in front of him and looked him directly in the eyes. His eyes scanned the old man's face looking for any feature that resembled himself and there were many. He had to look up to meet the doctor's gaze since Shiru was a couple inches shorter. Without a word the two men gave each other a big hug. It was probably the first hug Shiru had ever had in his life. The two separated as fast as they had come together and looked around awkwardly refusing to meet each other's gaze.

Look kid, it's been a long night already. Let's call it a night and we can talk about everything more tomorrow. Get some rest and clear your mind. Meet me back here at first light. Tomorrow will be a busy day so make sure you're well rested!

Shiru nodded in agreement. He needed time to process all that had transpired tonight. He politely nodded to his grandfather in a sign of respect before turning to leave. He found himself leaping from building to building at a quickened pace. His mind was so cluttered and preoccupied that he was shocked to reach the quarters as quickly as he did. He was so emotional that he skipped grabbing dinner and went straight to bed. This turned out to be a mistake as he laid in bed for hours unable to sleep. His stomach and mental state both gnawed at his body. His mind and body were just way too burnt out to cook anything. Instead he found himself lying flat with his fiery ruby eyes piercing the shelf right above him. His right arm was tightly wrapped around his mothers tattered old journal. His left arm was stretched out as if trying to grab something that was just out of reach.

He said I looked like them! I wish I could have seen them. They sounded so cool. I wonder what it would have been like if we all could have stayed together!

I miss you guys!

Pure blooded legacy

Shiru was only able to actually sleep for an hour or two. When he awoke he was still groggy and had trouble getting his body to move. This was unusual for him. Shiru was always overflowing with energy and almost never got tired. The night's events must have had more of an effect on him then he realized. After a light breakfast and a quick shower he set out to meet Ibiki in the Water Gardens.

You're Late. First light means first light, not ten minutes after. No apprentice of mine will ever show me that kind of disrespect. I expect better from a member of the Iyasu clan!


Shiru was caught off guard. He never really thought about that as a possibility. It made sense though. Ibiki was a veteran doctor and Shiru was a budding medical ninja. There was probably a lot Shiru could learn from the old man. The thought of getting to know his grandfather was an added bonus. He couldn't help but let a large smile crack across his face. His Red hair and ruby eyes made him look almost devilish.

[color=orange]Walk with me child. I'm excited to get to know you but that's not the only reason I called you here. I hired you because I need you to do a job for me that only you can do.

Truth is I'm dying!

I've only been able to hang on this long due to my skill with Iryojutsu. I won't make it much longer. Whether its weeks or months i dont know. That damned disease still haunts our family. I worked my entire life to cure the incurable. With the help of your mother I got close enough to cure it. I want you to pick up where she left off. As her son you hold the power within your body to cleanse what ails us. Don't do it for me, it's too late! Do it for all the future generations. Whether it be your kids or their kids' great grandkids. Do it for the next family he develops the same cure due to no fault of their own.

With a little of my instruction I know you have the strength inside you to heal the entire world! You're not like the rest of our clan. You are special! You are Iyasu at heart and mind but have the strength of the Uzumaki behind you!

Shiru had initially started following the old man but kept stopping in his tracks everytime a new bombshell of information dropped. He was at the point where he was starting to get real sick of surprises. He just found his grandpa and already he was going to lose him? That was just unacceptable.

I refuse to let that happen. I won't let him die! I will work night and day to do whatever I can to cure that disease. I'll make it my life's mission if I have to. I just got a taste of what having a family is like. I won't let anything take that away from me!

I want you to be my successor. Carry on the work generations of Iyasu men have taken on before you. Succeed where they failed! I will teach you everything I know and give you the tools you need to be one of the best medics the world has ever seen. What do you say kiddo?

Shiru didn't know what to say. On the one hand it sounded great. Working with his grandfather and gaining more knowledge in the medical field would be a dream come true. He couldnt shake this feeling that this decision felt very final. It was like as soon as he accepted he would be trapped in a fate beyond his control. He didn't want to disappoint or alienate the only family by turning him away. He tried answering the question in the most diplomatic way possible that wouldn't completely bind himself to another human being.

[color=maroon]I would be honored for you to teach me. I am committed to being a Hoshigakure shinobi. I will dedicate as much as I can without interfering with or neglecting my duties to the village. If this is acceptable to you then you have my full focus.

Excellent Shiru. I would have it no other way. I don't want to see what happened to my son happen to anyone else. I love Hoshigakure. This is our home. It's important you learn its vast history and culture. There are many shrines and monuments to get familiar with. That will be one of the first gaps in your education that we close. You were away for far too long grandchild!

The Mission

Shiru was nervous but he followed along silently throughout the village. Ibiki explained the importance of the variety of culturally important sites as they went. It was a lot of information to digest. Occasionally they would stop by and check up on random villagers. Dr. Iyasu would look over them and make sure they were all in good health. Every villager seemed very fond and grateful of his grandfather. Shiru silently absorbed everything he saw. He was impressed with how knowledgeable he was in both medicine and the history of the village in general.

He never realized how powerful some of the religious aspects in Hoshi were. He had never been the religious type. The others at the Orphanage all had different beliefs and generally kept them to themselves to avoid arguments. Seeing all the shrines and understanding some of the history really put it into perspective about how little he knew about Hoshigakure. It could take years if not decades to learn all that there was to know.

When the two finally stopped walking Shiru realized they were standing in front of a memorial stone. Tears welled up in the genins eyes when he realized where the old man had led him. This was his fathers memorial. Why was it in the garden and not with the others? He had not even known his father had one. Deserters and missing ninja are not usually given the honor. It was a small discreet little stone hidden inside the walls to a pathway in the Water Gardens. Kazuma Itasu was written beautifully in a flowing form of calligraphy. Most of the name has been mostly scratched out but if you really looked closely it was still legible.

I will find whatever asshole did this to you. ! I will make them pay!

Seeing the scratches sent a burning wave of fury coursing through his body. Clearly someone did not agree with a person who deserted getting to rest in peace with everybody else. To disrespect any dead person like that was just crossing a line. Whoever did this clearly had a personal grudge against his father.

They say that those who meditate in this garden can achieve a level of tranquility you can find nowhere else. Some say that if you come one with the garden your senses will get so powerful that you can pierce the veil and communicate with those on the other side. I wouldn't quite go that far, but I do know this garden is the perfect place to train your sensory skills. Every great doctor must be able to diagnose and detect what is happening around them at all times. Learning to sense things around you naturally is your first step in becoming my successor.

Since I paid the equivalent of a B rank mission to get you here, the next couple days are to be spent here. There is a flat rock jutting out of the ground right over there by the large pond. You will not leave that rock under any circumstance. There is plenty of accessible water from there and you will be fasting when it comes to food. Not a single morsel is to be consumed. Those are the rules. Break any of them and I will instruct you no more! I will show you the sign for confrontation that is used for this particular sensory skill I would like you to develop. It will help aid your senses but you must be the one to connect your mind to the world around you. These gardens are well traveled so there are numerous things to practice on. I will come check on your progress randomly and provide further guidance.

Shiru was completely taken aback. He had to stay here for a couple days with no food? That was some bullshit. He was all for learning but the thought of having nothing to eat instantly made his belly rumble. This was going to be so boring! The genin tried hiding the disappointment from his face but it was clearly visible because Ibiki’s face grew agitated. Ibiki quickly went over the seal and explained about needing to reach out with his chakra and discover the world around him before storming away and leaving Shiru all by himself.

Chakra Sensing

He sluggishly made his way over to the rock. He sat cross legged overlooking the crystal blue pond. He closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath while making the seal of confrontation like he was previously shown. He let his chakra extend out and permeate the air around him. A tingling sensation shot down his spine as his chakra touched all the individual people walking around the gardens.

Wow, that is amazing! It is almost like i can see them. I can feel each and every person. The clarity gets weaker the further they are. Shit i'm losing it! What happened?

The moment his mind began to lose focus the presence of the villagers' chakra disappeared. It was harder to calm down his mind for the second attempt. He kept trying to clear it out but stray thoughts kept popping back up. Thinking about nothing was harder than it looked! The chakra drain was minimal but it still caused him to sweat and wear him out. His stomach gnawed at his inside and the reminder that there would be no food struck his soul again.

Shiru forced himself over to the side of his boulder where his boulder connected to one of the waterways of the garden. He used his hands to cup up some water which he consumed vigorously. It wasn't food but it helped having a full belly. After he had his fill he knelt on all fours and fully submerged his face in the water.

That feels nice. The water is so soothing. I wonder if I swam right next to the rock would that still count as….

He didn't get to finish his thought before an explosive pain erupted in his left side. His breathing immediately became labored. He flung his head up out of the water and twisted around to see what had hit him. His shirt had a hole in it the size of a dinner plate right where his kidney was. Already the skin was turning purple and green where the clothes were missing. Ibiki stood a few meters away in a stance that was clearly some sort of unorthodox fighting style.

What the hell? Why would you sneak up and attack me like that?You could have killed me!

Pathetic! You were not focused on sensing your surroundings. Your lapse would have proven fatal. You must have constant vigilance! It only takes a moment for it to be your last moment. Now get back to work. Don't make the same mistake twice!

Shiru realized what the old man was trying to accomplish sp he bit his tongue before he lost control. His fists were clenched so hard that his hands were starting to bleed from the indents his nails made.

[ib]I’ll show that old bastard alright. He won't catch me with my guard down again. Next time he strikes i will be ready. That jerk is going to is going to pay!

approached the rest of his mediation like it was a life or death ninja mission. He ignored fatigue and constantly flooded his chakra out around him in hopes of locating his grandfather. As the hours passed it became easier to clear his mind and maintain his concentration. He was actually getting good enough at it that he could still peoples chakra even when he released the seal of concentration. The range and clarity were greatly reduced this way but the skill was starting to feel as natural as breathing.

Even though it was becoming natural to Shiru, Ibiki still managed to sneak in a couple of blows over the course of the next two days. Shiru could never quite detect him in time. It always felt random every time he would get struck. He could sense him though and that was the important part. During the last encounter. Shiru was too late to avoid adding to his growing collection of bruises but he did notice that it was a wind ninjutsu that he kept getting hit with. For a moment he thought he felt the jutsu being released before he saw it but his bis brain just did not process the information in time.

Now frustration and fatigue were really starting to take their toll. His confidence was starting to fade and with it his energy reserves. Shiru was having trouble keeping his eyes open and he felt like he was starting to hallucinate. He had been still and focused for so long that time stopped moving regularly. Everything was beginning to feel slowed down.

Voices from the grave.

As his mind grew blank his senses began to sharpen to an all time high. The crashing water from the gardens became like a soothing drum beat that kept his mind from wandering. The crisp air filled his lungs with its sweet oxygen. The numerous scents became more vibrant and easier to pick out.

When he made the seal of confrontation and sent out his chakra he immediately noticed the difference. Every person in the garden lit up like a burning flame. He could make out their location with his eyes closed as clearly as if he was looking at them. Their life force was so potent it almost sent him into sensory overload. His new found level of expertise allowed him to subconsciously maintain the effect even without diluting as much when his mind wandered.


What was that? That wasn't his voice. It sounded like another man's words inside his head. It was foreign but felt familiar at the same exact time. Was that my dad? Its a warning, It has to be! I have to dodge!

Shiru noticed a sudden build up of chakra behind him. It was the same feeling he had right before he got hit the last time. Shiru knew exactly what was about to happen at that moment. He flung his body to the side and rolled into a handspring to pop back onto his feet and fly towards his attacker. A large blast of wind rushed past his cheek as he dodged the old man's attack and closed the distance between the two. Shiru stopped a foot in front of his grandfather and stared at him with his demon-like grin. His fiery red eyes were brimming with excitement and pride.

Too slow old man, I could see you coming from a mile away! C’mon admit it, I'm pretty awesome huh! I may just be a sensory prodigy. So what do you think, was that focused enough for you?

Shiru couldn't help but let his pride leak into his tone when he spoke. He always had a natural confidence within himself that was hard to contain. Ibiki seemed completely unphased by it. Whether he was happy or not Shiru could not tell. The old doctor stood motionless for an agonizing amount of time before responding. Shiru used that time to reflect on what just happened. He was sure he heard a voice right now and every cell in his body told him that it was his father. Ibiki had mentioned about piercing the veil and connecting to those on the other side. Was that what happened just now? Was that really possible? He honestly wasn't sure of how he felt yet of what just transpired but the thought of his father watching over him was comforting..

You did well Shiru. Few could have picked up sensing chakra as quickly as you have. You really are a natural. I am proud of how far you have come in such a short amount of time. Do not mistake what you have accomplished as mastery of this skill. You have just barely scratched the surface of what sensory jutsu can offer. You could spend the rest of your life and still never fully master everything. You have just laid the first couple bricks of a very long road. Do not falter in your studies. Pure talent alone will not be enough. You must work hard and constantly keep adding on to every skill you learn. This journey is a very long one! There are no shortcuts!

Shiru was a little disappointed he got more of a lecture then he did praise. He was proud of what he accomplished. He wasn't naive, he knew there was always more things to learn. He was a shinobi afterall.

[purple]Do not trust him Shiru! He is a liar. Protect yourself son![/color

There it was again. There was no mistaking it this time. It vanished as quickly as it came but it was definitely there.

Why would he warn me against my very own grandfather?

Shiru couldn't help but to immediately reflect on all of his and Ibiki’s encounters. Every word and gesture played in his head like a video on repeat. Nothing blatantly obvious stood out to him that would raise suspicion. He couldn't tell if it was just because he was an old doctor, or his grandfather but it was hard to willingly distrust the old guy, He could just be overreacting but his instinct was telling him now that there was definitely something not adding up correctly in this whole situation. His instinct had always been right in the past so he would be smart to listen to it now. The decision was also easy since his dad from beyond the grave was literally screaming it at him.

[b]There is something this old geezer isn't telling me. He has not given me any reason to not trust him but my intuition is screaming to keep my guard up. I don't think he is out to hurt me but there is some hidden truth or agenda that he is keeping from me. Let's play it cool and wait for him to show his true colors. In the meantime i can soak up all the knowledge he is willing to offer. He seems very skilled for being a civilian doctor. Could i take him if had to fight him one on one? I’m not so sure i can at this level. I need to get stronger right away![b/]

I'm sorry sir. I promise I will try my best to continue growing and building upon your teachings. I am grateful for you and your instruction! Please continue to honor me with your experience and time sensei. I will make you proud grandfather! I will follow in my father footsteps and become a pure blooded shinobi capable of healing not only the Iyasu but the entire world!

I know you will do your best Shiru, you are an Iyasu afterall. I expect great things from you. That is enough for this particular exercise. You must eat and regain your strength for the trials ahead. You have come along at a much quicker rate than I anticipated. You deserve to use the remainder of the time allotted for this mission to recover.

I will report back to the village and let them know that you have completed your mission with flying colors. Remember what you have learned here today about the history of this village you protect with your life. Respect the past, for it can turn into the future and the present at any moment.

I want you to come back here when your strength has returned. We have only begun your training. I don't know how much time i have left so its imperative you learn all there is to learn about the Iyasu family curse before its too late. You will be the one to finally free us from this betrayal of the flesh. I have decades worth of medical jutsu i must pass on to you in months or even weeks so dont waste too much time. When you do come back, please bring your mothers journal, its the key to solving everything!

Shiru Iyasu
Shiru Iyasu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Sealing
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Voices in the Garden Empty Re: Voices in the Garden

Sat May 11, 2024 3:41 am

I had trouble editing to add in the mission info and editing some coding on the original post. Im not sure if it was because it was too long but the site kept deleting half of it. I didn't want to mess anything up further so I put all the info in here . I hope that is ok. This is my first claim so if I messed it up I am sorry. I will fix anything you guys find that's wrong. Thank you in advance!

Mission: Honoring Ancestors (B rank)

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Voices in the Garden Empty Re: Voices in the Garden

Mon May 13, 2024 10:06 am
Shiru Iyasu wrote:EXIT

I had trouble editing to add in the mission info and editing some coding on the original post. Im not sure if it was because it was too long but the site kept deleting half of it. I didn't want to mess anything up further so I put all the info in here . I hope that is ok. This is my first claim so if I messed it up I am sorry. I will fix anything you guys find that's wrong. Thank you in advance!

Mission: Honoring Ancestors (B rank)



Note: Make sure to include the mission in the first post next time, perhaps breaking up the post/text would prove beneficial for such situations. Additionally to include your new Bonus AP Total from any AP Gain rewards. EX: New AP Total from 0 is now 0+30/1,000.
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