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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:45 pm
Azuki wore a cloak over his body with nothing over his torso. Black pants and black boots his usual staple.He had kept his locs in his new style. With the locs on his left side flipped over his head showing off his fade.A black headband to hold it all in place. White bandages covered his arms and a large portion of his body. It had been getting worse his illness. These were all puncture wounds from his own bones. But having dealt with with this he was sensing the end. It was near this would soon stabalize. Exactly what he would become once done... he had no idea.

One would notice under the moonlight the streaks of grey hair. A common and noticeable sign of extreme stress.He had developed marry antoinette syndrome. The emotional burdens of his heart along with extreme training. So many changes were happening at once. It felt like the world was crashing and he was being shredded apart. He wondered if hell would be an easier punishment.

What he did know is that he would gain power. "As I learned from previous intel we have 9 targets. All chuunin level and one jonin. Considering my movement speed and the confined space I will charge and disrupt. I will exterminate as many as I can in five seconds." Azuki cracked his neck and shoulders before working towards his hands. He had a lack of weapons today and his aura was ominous.Everything had been building up lately. Work, the village, his relationships, he was confused despite the clear path ahead.

He took a deep breath. They were outside a large warehouse within the village. Inside was a base of operations of missing ninja up to no good. Luckily with access to the guild document the identity of these targets was clear. Along with known fighting styles and even techniques. This would be nothing more than Azuki's daily exercise. He preformed the needed jutsu seals for his Narukami. A thick coat of lightning roared to life.

Not only this but Azuki released all of his chakra. A bloodish black miasma that felt ominous and dirty to those who could sense it. Junko would recognize the remnants of what should have been gone. The remnants of Jashin and his chakra it had returned to Azuki. He as yet again cursed but something seemed different. As if he were more stable and controlled. "Count to five." With that Azuki burst through the wall of the warehouse leaving a 5m crater open in the wall. Not only did he surprise the enemy he created visibility.

All in all it was one sided as his foe were far too slow. He somersaulted over a swing of a spear planting his palm. With ample dexterity Azuki spun and crunched flipping his body midair. He reversed his body and swung his low body swinging his heel through the target's jaw. The force making them bounce off the concrete and spin in the air. The momentum keeping them sustained as he moved on to the others. He grabbed the arm of one dragging down their arm. Azuki used his flexibility to cock his leg and assault them with a barrage of kicks. His hold on their arm was used to keep balance. Although he kept his core activated.

Yanking him backwards Azuki gripped his wrist before spinning. He kept all his weight on his foreward leg letting momentum fall. With one harm he made the target fly in a overhead arc slamming them into the ground. He disabled their arm before jumping and swiping his arm. A sonic boom was released his willow cannon technique which would assault all below him. The sudden force and ringing keeping them all pinned in place. Some big greyish freak was seemingly still able to move. Azuki dropped from above like a bolt of lightning with an overhead axe kick.

He may have been smaller than the freak but he was faster. Azuki lunged forward with a powerful sideways jab that pierced the man's guard. Azuki kept his momentum always forward and ever moving. He fell forward kicking off the ground dropping his rear rear elbow into a rolling kick. Jumping off the ground his heel found the jaw of the giant man before a barrage of punches. All anyone could truly see was the repeated flash and buzz of lightning. Only the sound against the human body made it a chorus of nightmares.

He was still upset and depressed over learning the truth. The woman he loved was someone else's and it was his fault. He kept informing himself that it was his fault. He knew that much to be true, he .... but it didn't make him not feel the way did. He never wanted to lie to her but he had to salvage what he could. It's not as if he gave up he had a lifetime to make his dreams happen. That's why he decide to shed from his need for a weapon. He himself would become a weapon. He himself would become her shield. Stronger than that beady eyed red haired goblin ever could. He swore it on his life.

Azuki disappeared from sight before appearing behind the oversized man. His favorite throwing technique allowed him to appear behind and grab the man. With superior strength and ability he threw the 7ft man. Not just once but repeatedly over and over the area around them. The others were still to stunned and hurt from his earlier attack. He would leave them to be dealt with by the others. He would continue to make an example of this giant.

It was better this way to make them fear him every now and then. They had to realize that to never take his kindness for weakness. He was willing to do whatever was necessary." Twin Dance." Azuki slowed down to allow  them all to hear him. He had one second left before the others would jump in. He rushed in with a side kick and a reverse kick. With a sliding jumping he spun backards knocking him into the air spiraling. Azuki became a bolt of lightning that race above. He arced over and upside down the 7 ft giant. He would finish him off with this next move. "Dragon Hunting TIger." Using Iron Leg Dragon Azuki created a 10m sized shell.

This was done at the same chains were summoned. The shell was charged with the rest of his lightning chakra. It slammed into the giant as the chains all raced and snatched the man out of the air. But they became taught and rang racing back into the ground. A Iron maiden was summoned next as the man was stuffed. An explosion of lightning chakra as the iron maiden shut in it's entirety. Azuki was pleased with his new techniques. He was learning to piece them together nicely. And next he would be able to add an entirely new skillset to his arsenal.

The screams were silenced as soon as they came and Azuki landed on top of the iron maiden. He used his body flicker and would appear back outside exactly at 5 seconds. He cracked his wrist taking off his bandages. It had seemed he had opened old wounds that were recently fresh. One would see puncture wounds. Only him and Junko knew of their true origin. He had wanted to keep it under wraps until he fully got it under control.

Azuki would be completely oblivious to the pleas or concerns of his comrades.As they headed off into battle he was lost within himself and his mind. He closed his eyes and focused on his breath. And after some time he would activate his chakra sensory to notice the lack of presence. Looking back to confirm they handled the rest he would slink off for the night. The general yet again having cleaned up the village. More blood on his hands.

Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Re: Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:25 pm
Isamu got into position, dressed in his armor. The wannabe samurai wore the traditional war gear of the Land of Iron Samurai, along with a bodysuit that protected against chakra underneath. The bodysuit covered everything except the man's neck, with the man's face covered by the helmet. At his hip were his two swords, his chakra bonded katana and a tanto. Standing at over 6 feet tall the man might even strike an intimating figure with the added bulk of his equipment, though the wannabe knew that any such success would be more likely to be a ruse than a threat. He'd managed to progress quite a bit in his short existence but he knew he wasn't on par with many of the shinobi of this world who'd lived a full life.

The ally of Tsukigakure had been assigned this mission due to the reputation he'd built on the borders, facing off against the servants of Kurogane and defending the civilians against them. He had taken it gladly, back to be on another job after spending most of his stay performing the dark art of applying Curse Marks. Though he'd managed to succeed with his endeavors so far the thought of accidentally murdering someone still haunted the old looking man. As of yet he'd managed to get through each battle without killing anyone, the worst wound he'd inflicted being the taking of a mutated man's arm.

Isamu was thankful for his helmet, The Forgemaster and their other teammate couldn't see his nervousness as they approached the warehouse that apparently housed the foes they had to take out. Isamu was surprised to hear that so many Missing Ninja had managed to sneak into the village without getting caught. He'd have to inquire as to how this situation had occurred later, perhaps he could ask The Masked Man or see if Lady Tsukiko was willing to share any of her intel with him. For now there was simply the matter of preparing himself to fight real threats, not just mutants. As they stood before the building The Forgemaster informed them that there were 9 targets, and that all of them seemed to be skilled. Isamu barely considered himself Chunnin level, so it concerned him that they might have to face 3 foes each. The wannabe samurai steeled himself as he listened to Azuki explain that he'd attempt as many as he could within 5 seconds and that Isamu and their teammate could follow after. Isamu was surprised to hear that Azuki wished to go in alone, especially considering the supposed power level of the enemies within. However Isamu saw no need to argue, he felt that the man who had taught him Sky Shredding Dragon must feel confident in his own abilities.

The armored wannabe watched as Azuki's body was suddenly shrouded in lightning, the young man rushing foward and toward the warehouse in front of him. Isamu waited patiently as The General of Tsukigakure smashed a 5 meter crater through the front of the building, revealing the 9 missing ninja within. They seemed caught off guard but quickly reacted, some grab spears and trying to stab at Azuki as he somersaulted over them. Isamu watched as the man whom Isamu had thought a weaponry specialist proceeded to beat the men using just Taijutsu. Isamu admitted the younger man's dedication to the physical arts, it seemed that he'd found a way to utilize his speed as the primary force behind his blows instead of just strength.

Thankfully Azuki's Willow Cannon was far enough away as to not hit Isamu, the weaponry user wondering about the technique and if he could learn such a thing. Unfortunately Isamu wasn't much of a Taijutsu specialist so he figured that the move would be beyond him. As the fighting continued it seemed only one had withstood the young man's area of effect attack. Isamu continued to observe as Azuki proceeded to pummel the guy. The wannabe samurai started to ponder what had caused the seemingly stoic Azuki to suddenly erupt into such wanton violence, the middle aged looking man wondering if perhaps the persona he'd met in the Shinoda Spring was a façade. The samurai watched as Azuki finished off the giant foe with a combination move, the spectacle ending with the foe being suddenly silenced as he was incased within an Iron Maiden. Isamu watched as Azuki Body flickered from atop the construct he'd created and back out of the warehouse. It seemed the General of Tsukigakure had defeated all of the foes without needing any aid. The samurai pondered if these men had truly been of the power Azuki stated. While Isamu doubted he could handle a prolonged encounter with the Forgemaster he believed he'd have faired better than any of the 9 foes that he had just been defeated.

The wannabe samurai sighed, both out of relief and disappointment. Part of him had wanted to test himself against strong foes but he'd been nervous about stacking up to the challenge. Azuki seemed occupied tending to some of his bandages after dispatching the foes, so the armored man simply walked in and began roughly picking up the stunned figures within. With 9 people there Isamu wasn't entirely sure how to carry them all, accessing the situation for a moment as he crossed his arms. He eventually elected to perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu, at the very least they could each pick up 2 and carry the majority of the foes off to a jail cell or something. Isamu and his clone each slung one stunned man over their shoulder while carrying another in the crook of their arm. The uniformed trio struck an intimidating image as they each hoisted the defeated foes of the General out of the warehouse and through the streets of Tsukigakure. Onlookers questioned if the village had perhaps began employing samurai mercenaries, seeing the 3 armor clad individuals each overburdened with bruised and beaten foes. Many were able to quickly discern that those being carried weren't the victims of the samurai, there was no battle damage on the identical men and the wounds on the foes were very evidently not caused by swords.

At one point during the long walk through the village a few began to question Isamu and his clones what had happened. There was no anger or accusation in their voice, the wannabe samurai picked up curiosity and perhaps a bit of fear. The samurai mulled over what to say as the voices began to pick up into a chorus, before eventually stopping and raising the hand that help support the stunned man on his shoulder. The people quickly became quiet, eager for an answer.

"The Forgemaster Azuki had discovered a group of Ronin attempting to infiltrate this village and thwarted their efforts before they could cause any harm. He single handedly incapacitated these men, as well as others, so that they could be taken in for questioning. At this time we believe there's not further threat to the village, but if you see anything suspicious please report it to a shinobi with the Tsukigakure headband."

The wannabe samurai's voice came out deeper as it passed through his mask, the intimidating sound slightly unnerving the crowd and causing them to go still as they listened to the man's words. The middle aged man couldn't tell if his words pleased them or unsettled them, though he supposed it wouldn't matter much so long as they listened and made sure to look out for suspicious activity. Waiting a moment after he finished speaking, Isamu look around at the crowd to see if there was anyone else with questions. After determining that no one else had anything to say to him Isamu and his two clones set back upon their path.

It didn't take much longer for Isamu and his clones to arrive at a makeshift jail that had been set up in the village. Finding some folk that seemed to be running the place. Isamu informed them of the men's identity and that they had been incapacitated by Azuki. Isamu and his clones each deposited the 6 men into cells and then made their way to Darkside, hoping it had been repaired enough to get another drink.


TWC: 1,378


Mission Rewards
Base Rewards: 8,000 Ryo, 40 Bonus AP
Rank Rewards: 2,000 Ryo

WC Claims
Using Max Stat Discount:
1,125/1,125 for B-Rank Nativity of a Sea of Trees
197 to finish Adjustment, Previous Training here

[i]Modified Totals[/url]
Total Ryo: 38,700+8,000+2,000=48,700
Bonus AP:607+40=647
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Re: Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Sat Jul 20, 2024 2:53 am
The beloved village of Tsukigakure had recently been hit with a bit of turmoil as an underground organ trade had blossomed. Thankfully most of the public was unaware of of this new business so the peace was relatively maintained. After working alongside a rather out-there missing ninja named Katsuragi, she was able to obtain some rather crucial information. The man they had been able to detain immediately told them everything once he was conscious and cohesive. He gave a bit of pushback to the others who attempted to negotiate with him, but once she entered he seemingly crumbled. Junko admittedly was surprised at his willingness to give up his colleagues, though her promise to remove his organs while awake certainly helped.

He had told her of a warehouse where they had been storing various body parts in coolers and that they had been using it as a “safe house.” With the information extracted, Junko would call in Nariko who swiftly executed the man by detaching his head from his shoulders. Moving on to planning a raid on the facility, Junko would request that Azuki attend. The man had told her that there were 9 individuals usually posted at the facility, most seemingly being competent combatants. Seeing as this was a rather serious task that she didn’t have time to see to herself, she requested that he take charge of the mission.

The other she requested was Takehiko’s clone Isamu, he was still a missing ninja unlike Hasu and Junko figured his creator might find an interest in the situation. Lastly, she’d request that Jun follow them along to collect any kind of information that might be lying around and to be her eyes during the conflict. Wanting to give her clone a bit more responsibility, she hoped that she would actually accept the task, though Junko was unsure since she hadn’t heard from her in some time. The day of the mission came, and while sifting through her mail Junko found a letter from Jun informing her that she would be unable to attend.

With a sigh, Junko began to shuffle her schedule around for the night since she knew she’d be the one going in Jun’s stead. Thankfully she was able to get through most of her work for the day and as the sun set she’d prepare to head to the warehouse. After pulling her long black hair into a high ponytail, she’d slip on some more appropriate attire. A black top with golden dragons dancing across the fabric wrapped tightly around her form and kimono sleeves dangled slightly at her arms. On her legs, she wore a matching pair of tight but stretchy spandex shorts that were decorated with the same pattern. Snuggly around her waist a bit of binding could be seen, securing her top in place and fastened with a tight bow.

Making her way out of the Kage Tower, Junko began to walk towards the destination. Thankfully this late at night the streets were rather barren so she was easily able to move freely with no distractions. Upon her arrival, she noticed that the others had gotten there a bit before her. She’d briefly apologize for the delay, though as she spoke to Azuki there was obviously a bit of disconnect. This was the first time she had seen him since the encounter with Akabayashi and admittedly felt a bit awkward. His health also seemingly had continued to decline, though she knew he wouldn’t want her direct interference, she could potentially speak with his doctors to figure out whatever issues he was having.

Once greetings were out of the way, Azuki quickly got to work informing of the intel he had received. Her mind would wander briefly since she was the one who had written the intel that was passed to him anyway. However, she’d snap out of it as he requested that they give him 5 seconds to get rid of as many as possible. Though she didn’t doubt his talents, if the intel was correct, even he might have a hard time handling 9 of them. She’d offer him a shrug as she spoke up, her voice a bit monotone and lacking in its usual luster.

”By all means take charge, my general. I’ll hop in if things look to be going though.”

Before he charged in, Junko would activate her Ketsuryugan and simply nod her head towards the building, giving him the okay to begin his assault. Quickly she’d scan the building and ensure that there were only in fact 9 guards, which thankfully there were. Junko would pause for the 5 seconds that Azuki had requested, though her gaze would remain on him as he moved to take down each individual. It was very obvious by the way he moved that this was more than just a mission, he was getting something off his chest. That, or he was simply showing off to her in order to receive her favor once more.

A sigh escaped her lips as he appeared by her side once more, the sounds of agony could be heard erupting from the warehouse-like some kind of twisted symphony. Though she couldn’t revel in the anguish she felt radiating from those inside as her attention moved to Azuki once more. With her Ketsyurugan activated, Junko would glance over the state of his body and watch as he messed with the bandages around his hands. She wanted nothing more than to tend to her dear friend, to see a way to soothe whatever pain he suffered. It killed her to know he was hurting so much, and doing so alone. As he turned away from her without a goodbye, Junko would speak up once his back was turned to her. Her voice was stern, but a hint of concern could be heard as she spoke.

”General Shinoda, I request that you stop by the hospital to see my time. There are a few things I can do that the others can’t so I may be able to help you. I’m not commanding you to do so as your leader, but I’m asking you to as your sister. Should anything happen, I’m relying on you to protect the home we built together.”

Luckily she was able to maintain her neutral expression though she could feel herself beginning to choke up slightly. Once he left, Junko would turn her attention once more to the men inside who Isamu had begun to inspect. With or without his assistance, Junko would begin tending to the wounded. They had valuable information and she intended to extract it if possible. As she tended to their wounds she’d attempt to strike up a conversation with Isamu.

”I wanted to thank you for coming with us today, though Azuki seemingly handled the fighting, I was worried our opponents would be much stronger. Once we get them patched up, would you mind helping me take them to the hospital? I can send some clones with you and they’ll be able to help you explain the situation to the staff.”

Once the men were all bandaged up, unconscious but stable, Junko would pull up a sleeve and use a sharp kunai to cut a shallow wound into her arm. Once a bit of blood pooled at her feet, she’d summon two clones and quickly healed the damage she had done to her arm. She’d command them to follow Isamu to the hospital with the two others and help him explain what had happened. After thanking Isamu once more, Junko would quickly scan the rest of the warehouse. Using her telepathic bond with Ren, she’d inform him that the place was secure and requested that he send a few shinobi over to help collect everything. Upon getting confirmation, Junko would get to work compiling whatever paperwork or information she could find.

Thankfully it wasn’t long before backup arrived, and after collecting whatever remained Junko would leave the warehouse.


WC: 1337

Mission Rewards:
Base: 8000/40AP
Beloved Presence: 16,000/80 AP
converting 80AP to 4000 ryo
+10,000 Ryo from Village Leader
Total Ryo: 30,000

WC Claims: (max stat discount)
1337/2063 Chidori A Rank

Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : updated claims)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Re: Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:39 pm
Isamu Hayato wrote:

TWC: 1,378


Mission Rewards
Base Rewards: 8,000 Ryo, 40 Bonus AP
Rank Rewards: 2,000 Ryo

WC Claims
Using Max Stat Discount:
1,125/1,125 for B-Rank Nativity of a Sea of Trees
197 to finish Adjustment, Previous Training here

[i]Modified Totals[/url]
Total Ryo: 38,700+8,000+2,000=48,700
Bonus AP:607+40=647
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Re: Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:27 pm
Junko Tsukiko wrote:
WC: 1337

Mission Rewards:
Base: 8000/40AP
Beloved Presence: 16,000/80 AP
converting 80AP to 4000 ryo
+10,000 Ryo from Village Leader
Total Ryo: 30,000

WC Claims: (max stat discount)
1337/2063 Chidori A Rank
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Re: Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:28 pm
He stopped in his tracks unable to face her at the moment. He didn't try to force an expression or hide anything he just simply was. His eyes wavered ever so slightly as he soaked in her words. "I know Junko, and I will continue to sacrifice for the sake of the village." He maintained a stable voice betraying no hints of sadness nor animosity. Azuki raced off into the night taking the liberty to weaken and damper his chakra to hide.

Azuki was alone consumed by darkness. He escaped to a far enough distance as he set huddled up in an alley. His hands shook the pain overtook him. " please no." Desperate and weak as if the life was taken out of hand. He noticed the signs a long time ago from his consistent training. Ever since delving deeper into taijutsu his body broke first. It broke before he could attain the strength and power he would need. "Master I won't be..."  Tears welled in his eyes as his body slumped against the wall. What could only be described of as dread as he choked on his own tears. Too much was happening at once, too much for him to handle.

He remembered first meeting his master. He was 13 and he never told anyone of how he was once a slave. Wandering the road as a Jashin Cursed shit hurt him in more areas than one. That was until his now deceased master had saved him. It wasn't out of kindness or good will it was a simple vendetta. They had bumped into him when traveling the road. Azuki was meant to be traded off to a local bandit group in the area. Apparently a missing ninja within the area had taken over and used jutsu seals on non chakra users. His master killed his captor and wanted someone to pass on his killing arts. Through and through he was a device and item used by others. The training was well and Azuki had nowhere else to go. He didn't know how to survive, he owed everything to a man who thought of him as nothing more than an experiment. Nothing good ever lasted long , every good thing squandered and berated. Drudged and dragged through mud until it was stained and sullied.

He was mainly trained in physicality and agility. Everyday his Master beat him half to death. Until he couldn't move but enough to force him to survive. How many years, how many kumite. The only rest he was given was going to kill bandits. The more his chakra increased the more the cursed consumed him. The more nightmares tormented him the more he drowned in his own blood lust. The peace Junko had given him was no more he was again on his own. Left to drown in a mess of his own creation. One born of birthrate and fate beyond his control.

"Master...I won't be able to wield  weapons anymore, I can't..." His stomach collapsed knotting as it furled in on itself. Whatever he had eaten covered the dirt finding comfort against the wall behind him. Kurogane he couldn't... how could he fight it was only a matter of time. What worth was a weapon user who couldn't wield a weapon. A week or so is what he figured he had left. The tremors he was able to maintain, his strong front behind a generous title. But the fabric of reality was no longer blurred at the rationalized conclusion. Dark, cold and alone surrounded by so many and still alone. They would pity him, look down for his weakness. Even if they didn't mean to they would shatter his will with the very love he desired.

"No..despair is for the weak... I'll overcome this in my own way." Fire fueled his voice as if a unnerving calm blanketed his spirit. Chop his hands off, he'd run, his leg's he'd crawl if he had to. Just because he could feel emotions damn sure did not mean he would lose to them. Despair would not take hold of him this day nor tomorrow. Of this he was certain, within his hearts of hearts it would be made true.

"I must forgoe the way of the blade and refocus. I will once again master the cursed arts and bend reality to my will." His eyes in the darkness peered through with a seething desperation. It was not the face of a wounded animal but of a man teetering on the edge of what it meant to be a demon. He would surpass his limits and become a blight to scourge and break his enemies. "Oh moe it be." He said before curling against his knees. The darkness took hold once more as he drifted off to sleep.

[Exit]  WC:800 TWC:2,178
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Re: Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:56 pm
Claiming: 2,178 WC

Reward: Ryo: 8000 + 3000(SPC Jonin)= 11,000 Ap: 40

4ap per 100WC = 84ap

total ap 124ap
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?! Empty Re: Ep 8: Unexpected Team Up! Is Azuki A D1 Crashout?!

Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:59 pm
Azuki Shinoda wrote:Claiming: 2,178 WC

Reward: Ryo:   8000 + 3000(SPC Jonin)= 11,000                   Ap: 40

4ap per 100WC =   84ap  

total ap 124ap  
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