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Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Jinroku
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 18000

Sell some food Empty Sell some food

Thu Aug 08, 2024 7:19 pm

Jin had just recently entered the village of Kumogakure.  It’s a beautiful village with a serene environment. The blue-eyed had not really explored the village and had been staying in a small home that he rented. He needed money for upkeep so he decided to take some missions to get paid. His first mission would arrive in a mailbox.     Jin would retrieve the letter and read the details of the letter to himself to get a clear picture of what the mission was all about.

“There is a food market being set up in your area for the local villages. An older member of the community needs help running their food stand. Choose whatever food you want to sell, be sure to be timely to customers, and yell out to passersby so they come to your stand. Be sure to have a good chat with the owner and bring the money you made running the stand to them when you are alone”, he read.

This seemed like a simple but not-so-easy mission.      The mission requires Jin to set up a food stand to help win customers over and sell the food. It is most likely that the mission would require a lot of talking which is not something that the blue-eyed love to do. Jin is a man of few words, only speaking when necessary, as he believes too many words have led many to their misery. But for the money, it seems he has no choice here but to do what he has to do.

Jin would walk back to his house with the letter.  The day to carry out the mission was tomorrow. It was a good thing the mission letter came a day before even tho the blue-eyed felt the letter came in late. He would continue with his daily activities. When the day was gone and the night was come, he would ensure to sleep early to avoid getting to the venue late. The location of the food stand was written in the letter and where to meet the community member. With Jin not yet familiar with most of the village environment, he would need to wake up early so that he can be able to locate the place quickly.   

The D-day is finally here. Jin had woken up an hour earlier to prepare himself for the work ahead of him today. He had taken his bath brushed his teeth, and had breakfast almost like he was excited because today was his first village in the new village that he resided in.   

The blue-eyed would set out to meet the community member, asking for directions from strangers around as he moved to the location. The blue-eyed would eventually reach his location after a while.

Upon meeting the community who had waved at Jin from a distance to make him recognize him, the blue-eyed shinobi would greet to man.  The community member explains what the young lad has to do and where to report to take his leave.   Shortly after, Young Jin would set up the necessary equipment and take his stand.   On the food stand were different sets of food, rice, pasta, seafood, and sort of proteins.  Each food was in a large bowl that the blue-eyed shinobi could serve, and the price was attached to them.  Jin would also attach to the stand, a bell that he would occasionally ring to attract customers as he yelled out to call customers.     The day has just started, and not many people have patronized the aranha. He was in a big market and was not the only one selling these things. Perhaps, he needed to do something to up his game. The young Aranha would proceed to add colorful light bulbs of different colors to his stand. The addition of a light bulb gave the stand a colorful and aesthetic view. The young Aranha would watch as customers began to patronize him.  The trick seems to have worked as more people begin to approach his stand. The young shinobi would ensure to treat every customer that approached the stand, and the ones he served with the utmost respect making sure that they were fully satisfied. A satisfied customer would always come back for more, and the customer might also bring more friends.     
It was not that the blue-eyed knew anything about the food business or how to sell or market, he was only trying to improvise and he seemed to try something that worked for him. The blue-eyed had already made a lot of money in just a few hours. The young lad’s success would soon begin to make other food sellers in the market start to wonder why the red-haired was getting so many customers.   This simply makes a lot of them jealous and want to come meet the boy to share his secret. Not that they don’t get customers themselves, but they simply aren’t satisfied with what they have. Had these other food sellers been observant enough, they would have realized the trick behind Jin’s success. Jin himself would not expect that a simple change like this would attract a lot of customers. Even the owner of the food stand would be shocked by the time Jin would go to him to give him the money for the day. The young Aranha would continue with his sales for the day. He would ensure to record of every sale made in the record book and also safely secure the money, as he wants the business owner to see him as the man of integrity that he is.
The day was almost over, and a lot of the people were beginning to return home. The young Aranha would start to do the same. The food bowls were all empty which meant that he sold every food completely. The business owner would be very proud as he had not had sales like the one in a long time. Jin might as well be the man’s favorite.   The aranha would ensure to wash and clean the plates and food bowls. He would later meet the man and give an account for the whole day. Impressed, the business owner would Jin his own share, as agreed earlier. This is Jin’s step for having an upkeep but he would need to do more as things are getting expensive these days. The money he received might be enough for now, but it would surely not last long.

WC: 1074


Claiming 2000ryo + 10Ap, 10 vigor points
975wc into Shadow clones (525/1500 = 1500/1500), previous claim here

99wc into water wall B rank (99/1750)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Sell some food Empty Re: Sell some food

Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:34 pm
Jinroku wrote:
WC: 1074


Claiming 2000ryo + 10Ap, 10 vigor points
975wc into Shadow clones (525/1500 = 1500/1500), previous claim here

99wc into water wall B rank (99/1750)

Sell some food JPYXIpT
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