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Academy Student
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Menma's Genin Exam Empty Menma's Genin Exam

Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:36 pm

Awaking this morning to the sun peeking through the blinders and lighting his face, Menma yawns and stretches before getting out of bed and getting dressed. As he walked out the door ready for the next adventure Menma muttered “Today is the day.” stopping only to lock his apartment behind him. Today was going to be his final day in the Academy, he was recommended for the Genin Exams scheduled today. After a short walk through the village the academy entrance came into sight, Menma approached the front door and read in his head ‘Uzumaki, Menma - Room 201’. With his destination now solidified Menma entered and made his way up the stairs to the second floor, taking a left and walking to the end of the hallway. Stopping, he now stood face to face with room 201, a sign hanging upon it saying ‘Examination’s In Progress’ as the sounds of another taking their exam could be heard on the other side.

Menma waited for a few moments before the silence was broken by the door opening, a young kunoichi walking from the room not speaking a word as she hurried down the hallway eventually disappearing down the stairs. A young adult proctor stepped from the room,  “Menma Uzumaki?” the words pulling his attention away from the girl who left as he turned to the proctor and nodded. He was signaled to come into the room and so he followed, the door closing behind them as they stood in the center of this room standing a mere 3 meters apart.  “Okay, so let’s see…” a long pause severed his speech, he was rustling his paperwork and pulled out a form with Menma’s ninja ID attached.  “...Alright, we’ll start with a transformation technique. Show me what you got.” Menma sighed before squaring his stance and preparing himself to perform the transformation technique.

Menma balled his right hand to a fist pointing towards his left and positioned in front of his sternum, this was followed by his left hand laying flat on top of his right with his fingers pointing as straight as possible towards his right. Chakra began to flow a little faster through his body, the surge made his hair move ever so slightly as he began to pull and push molding it to create a form. Menma then began picturing the proctor, tall, slender, red hair, glasses, green eyes, several important and key aspects needed to perfectly replicate the image on to himself. He noted his clothes, dark gray trousers, shinobi sandals to match, and a long sleeved undershirt, all less stand out than the flak jacket he wore with the hidden mist insignia on his shoulder. Menma made one last thought and realized he almost missed the small scar on his proctor's left cheek, with all the details filed away inside his head he pushed the chakra into a perfect mold of his instructor. A puff of smoke swallowed him, making him seemingly disappear for a moment, only to settle and be replaced by an exact duplicate of the instructor standing there where Menma once stood. The proctor scribbled on the paperwork then spoke,  “Very good, a perfect transformation jutsu.” He moved down the paperwork and then proceeded to speak further  “Now onto the Clone Technique. Perform a perfect clone and we’ll proceed.” Another puff of smoke engulfed Menma as he released the transformation jutsu, as it dissipated from where he stood and left Menma in his natural state.

He repositioned himself again to a more squared stature, he placed his hands together again in front of his sternum. He laced his ring and pinky fingers to each other while extending his thumbs, index and middle fingers straight up pointing at the ceiling above, his palms together as he holds the a tight grasp and begins stirring around his chakra again attempting to mold himself. From the ends of his individual hairs, down to the tips of his very toes. Menma scanned every inch of his body with his chakra identifying every detail down to the very specks of dirt on him in this present moment, he then separated the chakra into four balls around his body changing their structure to himself then expelling it into a circle around the proctor. Four puffs of smoke erupt into the classroom as four copies of Menma appear standing around the instructor, Menma himself began to sweat ever so slightly as he worried if there were any blemishes to the clones now standing before them. The proctor took a subtle look around at each of the clones, with each clone he viewed he would scribble a little more on the paperwork and make quiet remarks to himself as he critiqued the clones' very existence.  “You may release the jutsu. Very proficient work summoning four clones.” He scribbled just a few sentences more before speaking again  “One last thing, if you have anything else you wish to display to help your odds. Now is the time to show us.” he looked past the paperwork at Menma.

Menma stood there for a moment as his eyes seemed to flick about a bit, he began scanning his arsenal he had been amassing over the last few weeks. It wasn’t a very large list, but he knew he must pick the best display of his abilities. He chose to push past his current limitations and attempt Mark Seal, a technique he has been practicing but has yet to perfect. Menma knew now that this fuinjutsu was his only chance to impress the proctor and display the talents of the Uzumaki. He signed at his sternum Dog, Ox, and finally Hare as he pulled from his chakra pool and began manipulating it and attempting to maintain control all while simply preparing to perform the jutsu. Menma held his right hand up looking at his palm, the chakra flowing across it as he looked to the proctor. Taking a step towards him out reaching, wanting to place his palm on the exposed skin of the proctor's forearm. Upon contact the chakra poured from his hand to the proctor's forearm, creating a small swirl localized to where his palm once had been placed. The proctor looked at his arm, a smirk across his face as he scribbled on the paperwork some more. Looking up from his writings the proctor spoke, “Congratulations, I promote you to Genin. Menma Uzumaki, Welcome to the Shinobi World.” He handed over a Hidden Mist Headband and then ushered Menma from the room, Menma began walking home with his headband still in his hands. His eyes were locked on to it, he couldn’t believe he had gotten one step closer to being seen as a true shinobi and one day a legend.

(1,127 Words)

1,000 Ryo | +5 AP | Genin Promotion | D-Rank Promotion | Ninja Headband | 233 Words to Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt | 193 Words to Mark Seal | 500 Words to Basic Sealing Technique | +4 Speed | +4 Vigor | +3 Chakra
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Menma's Genin Exam Empty Re: Menma's Genin Exam

Today at 3:32 pm
Menma wrote:
(1,127 Words)

1,000 Ryo | +5 AP | Genin Promotion | D-Rank Promotion | Ninja Headband | 233 Words to Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt | 193 Words to Mark Seal | 500 Words to Basic Sealing Technique | +4 Speed | +4 Vigor | +3 Chakra

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