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Power of the Pack Empty Power of the Pack

Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:59 pm
Smoke billowed out of the cave entrance by the time Hara decided to leave. He had spent the last few hours watching the entrance from afar, just to make sure that old bastard didn’t survive. Hara was thoroughly shaken to his core by the experience. Not the life or death stakes mind you, he was beginning to get used to that. But, by the fact that he let himself be fooled. He felt shame at his own desire for a mentor and- although he would never admit it- his hopes for a person who would look out for him. If anything, this experience only cemented the fact that he was truly on his own..

He thought back to the bear he fought at his old encampment, and the one he briefly fought in the cave. Perhaps it was circumstances, perhaps fighting 2 bears in 4 months will leave an impression on you. All Hara knew was that he had begun to become fascinated with the way bears used their strength to their advantage. He had always struggled with the Gentle Fist when he was a kid, he grew so fast that he was incredibly clumsy in his youth. But, he more than made up for it in reach and strength, Hara thought more on how he could utilize that as he walked through the woods.

After some time thinking and wandering Hara stopped at a small clearing and began the movements of what would become his fighting style.

He kept his arms out wide and slightly bent, with his left arm extended forward more than his right. He then formed his hand into an open claw shape as if holding onto a ball, making sure to bend outwards at the wrist with his hands.This allowed him the flexibility to both clench his fist and use palm with fluidity. The wide open posture of his arms allowed for large sweeping movements, and took advantage of Hara's height and large wingspan. He only allowed for the slightest bend at the knees in order to maximize his height, with his strength and height advantage, any swing coming from above would use incredible force.

Hara's hands were formed in a way that made it easy to grapple and hold onto any clothing his hands got near, additionally allowing him to hook his hands behind enemies heads, neck, and shoulders. His goal in combat would always be to close the distance and keep his enemy close, Hara had seen the sort of damage the other more chakra heavy jutsus could do, and he understood as a Taijutsu user the distinct disadvantages he was burdened with. Because of this, Hara knew he would have to make fights quick and painful, and more importantly unpredictable. He thought back to himself being hip checked into the wall by the bear, and the way its large swing afterwards connected as well. The hip check was an interesting maneuver because it was not a conventional body part to defend against, and the swing afterwards was so powerful because the bear had used more of its forearm instead of paw. He thought about how the bear moved its weight around, always leaning into its attacks to add as much weight as possible.

He would have to be careful, being off balance was a dangerous position to be in, luckily Hara had been trained in the ways of the Gentle Fist, which had taught him the value in being fluid and in motion. Hara pondered more as he walked away from the clearing, resolving himself to blend the two styles together into a unique and deadly combination. For now, he needed to find shelter.

Hara’s life the last few months had been hectic, and he felt as if he was always cold, always on the move. He decided to build a more permanent structure, and spent the next week gathering supplies and doing what he could to hunt for food. The rabbits in this area were quick, and he found the challenge of catching them by hand to be more than enough training. Hara used the manual labor as a good chance to really think things through. By now he was done trying to convince himself of his own ideology, he had truly seen how cold and unforgiving nature could be.

As surprising as it may seem, Hara held no resentment towards that coldness, and he actually admired it. To Hara, it was those aspects of nature that helped forge him into a stronger shinobi. He thought it was a needed aspect of life, to experience pain and struggle, and in his mind the shinobi world could use more conflict. It would strengthen the shinobi and push them to new heights. Perhaps that is why he was here, did nature choose him?  Was his ultimate purpose to sweep through this shinobi world with the same indifference of a hurricane? Maybe that was too much, even Hara had begun to enjoy his solitary life out in these woods, even the survival of it was enjoyable to him. Maybe he didn’t need to be anything but who he was at that moment.

Hara lived in his new hut for another 6 months before anything of note happened, he spent his time split into meditating,developing the motions of his fighting style, and hard physical training. The trees around his camp were littered with dents and cracks from the continual training he did on his elbows, shins, and hands. And a large pile of logs of varying sizes sat just on the edge of his camp, which he would use to carry up and down a nearby hill. At this point Hara was lifting multiple logs at a time with ease, and he knew he would have to step up his training soon in order to see any meaningful improvement.

Survival had become an afterthought for Hara, his speed and strength getting to the point now that he was hunting full deer with nothing but his bare hands, he relished this style of hunting, it made him feel closer to nature.

Through this time, something lingered at the back of Hara's mind, something troubling to him. In the cave with the old man, why did he say he was a Hyuuga? Hara wasn’t fully cognizant at that time, the exhaustion and rageful energy had caused his memory to be fuzzy, it was as if he was a different person. A Mixture of rage and Hyuuga pride. Why did he care if he was a Hyuuga? His father had always been a traditional man with love for the clan, and yet their family had been abandoned in Haras eyes, the clan should have protected them or intervened. Furthermore, he wondered if there were ninja looking for him, the Hyuuga clan did not like it when their secret techniques had escaped them, an understandable worry. Hara knew, however, that he would never give up the clan's secrets. He still held immense pride in his Hyuuga bloodline.

As he pondered these feelings his thoughts were interrupted by a breaking of twigs to his right. He shot up with a quickness that one develops surviving in the wilds, and faced the noise. A small whimpering could be heard from the tree line, and Hara inched closer, defenses still up. As he approached closer to the woods a brush began to rustle and a young bear fell forward, whimpering and favoring its left front leg. It lay on the ground exhausted, too weak to run from Hara now that it had noticed the tall ninja.

Hara felt a deep pity in his chest at this helpless creature. He scanned around, usually these young bears had their mothers nearby, this was a dangerous position to be in. He took out some dry fish he had smoked and set it near the bear's head. It growled in anxiety before the smell of the fish took over and it devoured it in two easy bites. With that new found energy the bear inched its way up until it was sitting upright on the ground, its left paw folded weakly, its big round eyes staring up at Hara.

“Don’t look at me like that.” He responded, moving his eyes away from the cub and gazing at the trail of blood the bear had left in its wake. He stood up and moved to track the blood-trail, if his mother wasn’t nearby it was probably because she died, it would make a good pelt.

He moved to begin tracking before stopping, the young bear was beginning to follow him. “Stay” He put his hand up and gave another piece of fish jerky to the bear. It gave a delighted cooh before devouring the meat and sitting back down.

Hara moved to enter into the woods, walking for a minute before stopping again and turning around. The young bear had followed him, looking up at him with an inquisitive look. Hara just looked at the bear with a blank expression on his face for a beat before sighing and turning around to continue his trek. The bear happily followed, albeit limping.

He tracked the bear's trail for about 1 mile before the blood trail ended in an empty clearing. Hara was confused and looked around hoping to find some clue as to which direction to go. He began to activate his Byakugan beforeHis thoughts were interrupted by a tug at his clothes as his new companion began growling and pulling at his waist. He gave a slight push as he pulled away and stood up, looking at the bear, hoping this wasn’t the sign of its aggression towards him. While young, the bear was by no means small, it was 5ft tall standing on its hind legs and must have already been at least 300 pounds.

Upon getting his attention, the bear began to walk a few steps towards one direction and stopping, turning around to stomp and make sure Hara was following. Hara cocked his head and began to follow the bear as it trudged off the path and deeper into the woods. He activated his Byakugan and scanned ahead as the two trudged through the woods. His sight allowed him to see the carnage they were walking into, and he sighed, it was not a pretty sight.

They hiked for about 20 minutes through dense brush before coming to what looked like the scene of an intense fight. Hara looked down to the ground and back to the young bear with more pity than before.

Laying on the ground covered in cuts and partially eaten was, what Hara assumed, the young bear's mother. Hundreds of pierce marks and minor cuts adorned its body, and its head was twisted at an awkward angle. The cub went up to the body with trepidation, whining slightly and shoving at the body. Hara closed his eyes at first, but forced himself to look at the carnage. This was nature, he thought to himself. He sighed and moved the cub, taking out a crude flint knife, and began to prepare to collect the pelt. The bear, as if sensing his intention, growled and bit at his hand before taking a defensive position over its mothers body and giving a weak roar.

Hara angered at first, preparing to shove the little beast away before finding himself unable to follow through. He sat there briefly, caught in his own memories of his mother, his memories of running as she was slain. He regarded the bear, his face softening. Admirable, little guy. Admirable. Hara thought to himself, there was another brief pause as both stood still and stared each other down. “Fine, you win” The ninja threw his hands up in mock surrender before standing up and moving away from the body. The bear relaxed its posture but remained at its mothers body.

Suddenly, its ears perked and its nose started twitching as it began to look around. Hara had noticed something change too, the forest had grown silent and in his experience that was always a bad thing. The sun was setting quickly and He suddenly became cognizant of the fact that the bear hadn’t been completely devoured. Whatever had killed it was still out there, and had likely returned. He thought about activating his Byakugan but was interrupted by a commotion to his right.

A twig snapped to his left.

Before anything more could happen, Hara had grabbed the young bear and with surprising speed threw it over his shoulder in a fireman's carry before leaping and beginning to sprint away. He could feel themselves being surrounded, and his instincts told him to simply run.

Hara could hear the snapping of twigs and rustling of some kind of fur from all around him as he burst through the woods down a creek, he would normally stop to fight but his instincts were telling him to protect the young bear. His concentration faltered for a moment, suddenly caught off guard by his own protective instincts. Another mistake, as he slipped on a wet rock and went tumbling, the bear giving out a surprised grumble as it too went sprawling to the ground. Hara didn’t even pause as he tumbled forward and tucked his head into a roll, seamlessly continuing to run and scooping the bear back up in its arms. It squirmed briefly before roaring at something behind him that he couldn’t see.

Hara put his head down and willed himself to sprint faster, he was never much of a runner but something in him was telling him to keep going, keep pushing. He tried to use his Byakugan again to attempt to see what was chasing him, but he had overused it during hunting and the energy was simply not there.

Whatever was behind him seemed to have an endless reserve of energy however, and the ominous rustling of fur and snapping of twigs plagued him for 4 straight miles. By the end, Hara's lungs wheezed and convulsed in effort, and his legs felt like jelly. He didn’t care, survival was all that was on his mind and he would have kept pushing if not for the waterfall.

Through this time of running Hara had been using a creek as a way for a quick path forward, but now, the creek was quickly turning into a river, and as Hara got closer he could see and hear the rushing water of a waterfall. In his exhaustion he had made a grave mistake though, and the walls of the creek bed on either side of him were lined with thick trees that prevented an easy escape. It was only then that Hara turned around and set the young bear down. It growled and pushed up against his leg in a defensive posture as it stared at their pursuers.

Lining the creek bed on either side and in front of Hara were wolves, he estimated about 50, with the bulk of them lining the sides to prevent escape. The sun had set long ago, and their eyes dotted the darkness as they stared at him and the young bear. A singular wolf, massive in size, stepped forward. Flanked by about 10 more wolves, the pack leader was an impressive specimen; it stood at about 4 ft tall at the shoulders, it was a gray and white wolf, with large scars on its face and back. Its vibrant yellow eyes stared back and into Hara’s. It gave a low growl and bared its teeth, Hara took the Gentle Fist pose and readied himself.

The wolf snapped its teeth and charged forward, Hara responded in kind and lept to strike the wolf, his attack being thrown off by the multiple wolves who swarmed him from above. In that moment, Hara began to be overwhelmed, getting bitten at every angle, he would throw one wolf off only to be beset by two more. Hara was beginning to feel the pressure, when suddenly a roar could be heard behind him as his young bear companion swiped at the wolves, giving Hara enough breathing room to firmly grab onto the lead wolf, he screamed in its face before grabbing it by both hands and swinging it, beginning to do large sweeping motions while the wolf snapped at its face inches away.

He battered the other wolves away with the body of the leader before throwing it with massive force against a tree, causing it to whimper as Hara could hear the cracking of rib bones. This gave the wolves pause as they looked to their leader to recover, giving Hara and his bear enough time for a getaway, as they ran he could hear the howling of hundreds of wolves.

Hara sprinted through the dense forest with the bear on his back and the wolves in tow, he ran for another 3 miles before bursting through the tree line and coming to a stop in a rather lush and peaceful field. He looked back towards the wood, hundreds of bright and beady eyes glowed back at him, but they remained at the tree line. Hara remained in that stance, staring the wolves down, he could see the leader's eyes, marked out by the notable wide berth from any other pair of eyes. He stared into them and gave out a gut wrenching scream and the bear joined in shortly after. The wolves backed up slowly from the tree line and the hundreds of glowing dots gradually faded into the darkness. They were safe, for now.

From then on that area of the woods was simply off limits for the both of them as they carved out an existence in the forested land that had become home.

Hara had never been the most creative of people, so he simply named his new companion Bear and called it a day. Hara and Bear spent the better part of the next 6 months simply existing. By His estimation Bear was about 5 years old now, and Hara himself had been on his own in the woods for a whole year, meaning he was now 20 years old. He couldn’t help but think of his time alone after his parents' deaths. He was only 14 years old when it happened, and due to his size he was quickly recruited into one of the low level bandit groups that dotted the areas in between. He labored under those low rate thugs for 5 years, learning about the darker sides of life.

He didn’t necessarily judge them for their evils, Hara didn’t care much about morals. No he despised them for their absolute refusal to aim higher. They labored at the bottom because they were too cowardly to even think they could make it to the top. That was something Hara could never do. But, that was all in the past now, and Hara knew he would have to leave the sanctuary of this forested land sooner rather than later. He had big plans for the villages and he was eager to begin the long journey to achieving those plans.

If Hara only knew how soon that exit would be happening, he might have regretted being eager to leave.

The day started out as a normal one. Hara awoke slowly, keeping his head resting against the belly of Bear who curled around him and acted as a pillow. He scratched the sleeping bear's face and it gave a growl in surprise as it awoke. “Rise and shine grumpy” He said jovially, life had not been easy out here, especially with Bear taking up more food. And yet, Hara found himself to be happy, he was confronting the bare essentials of life out here, and he felt closer to it every day.

Hara quickly ate some fish jerky and wild beets, giving the same to Bear, before completing his morning ritual of scanning their area with his Byakugan. He noticed a trap of his, torn up and destroyed. Those damn wolves he thought to himself as he moved on to the next trap, it too was destroyed. And the next, and the next. Hara cursed out loud “Can you believe this Bear?” He asked, Bear cocked his head to one side out of confusion. Hara checked on his food reserves and cursed again, “I don’t know Bear, those traps were supposed to get us through the week. Looks like we are doing some fishing today.” The bear stood on its hind legs and waved and pawed at the air in front of it, Hara had learned this meant it was happy. Hara hated fishing, although his Byakugan made it trivial, he hated sitting still and felt like his time was better spent training.
Hara's training had become prodigious by this point, his training regiment growing over the months. At his camp sat a pile of logs of varying lengths with the smallest one being 200lbs and the largest being 1000lbs. Hara’s routine was to carry each log up and down a steep hill, and then, still holding the log, do 1000 squats and 1000 jumps as high as he could with the weight on him. By the end of it he was always exhausted and satisfied. He could almost feel his muscles repairing and growing with every day.

However, unfortunately for Hara he would not get to do that, as he needed to focus on gathering supplies for the coming months. Bear tugged at his shirt impatiently and Hara smiled, something he was doing more often lately.

“Alright alright big boy we’re going.” He said to Bear before grabbing a crude fishing pole and making his way to the river nearby. He activated his Byakugan briefly to find the best fishing spot and set up to begin gathering.

Bear had learned long ago that if Hara set up at a spot, there were fish there. They had developed a tactic somewhat, Bear would go a bit further up river and while catching fish, would scare the other fish towards Hara. It was almost too easy, and after a couple hours of fishing Hara had a large pile next to him. He yawned and lazily cast his pole out again, letting his mind wander to other things.

He thought about his plans, would he have the mental fortitude to carry it forth? Hara thought so, in fact he didn’t particularly care for civilization anymore, to them they were like flies caught in honey, giving up so much of their strength for simple comfort. No, there was no doubt in Haras mind, they deserved the storm he would wrought. He thought of his home village and a darkness came over his face as he fantasized about his revenge.

His thoughts were interrupted by a low growl from Bear, Hara had learned how to interpret the various growls that Bear emitted, and this was one warning of danger. On reflex Hara activated his Byakugan and his eyes widened at the sight. Lined, up and down the river, were hundreds of wolves. The pack had grown. At the far end of the river, further down, rested an absolutely massive wolf. It stood 6 ft at the shoulder,its paws were almost the size of Haras own hands. It sat lazily with a large group of wolves surrounding it, further down the river waiting. Hara had only heard about Dire wolves in legend, but he had no doubt what he was looking at was a Dire Wolf. He scanned the formation of the wolves and realized their plan. They were going to try to herd him and Bear towards their leader.

Hara had had enough. He furrowed his brow, he was done being accosted by these wolves, they had the numbers but Hara didn’t care about that anymore. He was going to kill every last one of these pests. He whistled for Bear to get closer and it hesitated, staring at its pile of fish, before self-preservation took over and it ran over to Haras side, sniffing the air and growling at the tree lines. Any minute now they would be making their assault, trying to drive him and his companion closer to the Dire wolf. Well, if that's what they wanted that's what they were going to get.
Hara sprinted forwards towards the Dire Wolf, water kicking up around him as he pushed himself to go as fast as he could. Bear followed as closely behind as he could, slowly building up speed and beginning to keep pace with Hara. It roared in defiance at the wolves closing in behind them now.

As Hara ran he could feel the honey like energy of nature around him, his determination and single-mindedness had launched him into a near meditative state. He could hear the rustle of leaves on the banks of the river, the crunching of pebbles beneath his feet and the minute heat of each ray of light as it refracted through the water being kicked up by his advance. Hara had never felt this amount of synchronization, even in the cave, and he could feel the natural energy course through him. Perhaps it was because he was ankle deep in water, but he could feel a trace of natural energy that the water exuded seep into him. It drove him and he could feel himself taking on the very aspects of the water element into himself. Even in his heightened and stressful state he could feel his body relax and flow like water, every movement seamlessly folding into the next, every thought moving and adapting at any moment.

All these thoughts flooded into him as he sprinted towards the dire wolf, he was closing in now. The wolf stood up, preparing itself for the fight, an eager young wolf took a few steps forward to begin the attack only to be subdued and driven into the ground by the dire wolf. This would be a one on one fight. As the two got closer the dire wolf gave a subtle nod and the smaller wolves broke away, intercepting Bear and beginning a deadly fight. At this point Bear was a solid 7 ft tall and 700 lbs. Hara trusted him to be able to handle any amount of the small wolves, and true to His expectation, Bear began dispatching them with powerful singular strikes.

Hara kept going, if he could kill the Dire Wolf maybe it would cause the others to back off, he gave one final push as the wolf began to charge forward and they clashed in the air. Hara grabbed the wolf in a bear hug as they met and slammed the wolf to the ground. He struck the wolf in the side with three powerful open palm strikes, and could hear the bones strain and give a slight crunch. The wolf in response, latched onto Hara's shoulder with a powerful jaw and tore at the muscle. Hara gave a yell of pain and threw the wolf over its shoulder and to the ground, his arm lay limp at his side, a tendon must have been cut in the attack.

Hara put his one good arm up and stood facing the wolf as it recovered from its own prone position. It growled and snapped at him as the two circled each other. Suddenly, Hara had the urge to activate his Byakugan to check on Bear. It was a fortuitous choice, after he briefly confirmed Bear was ok, it was only by chance that he caught the visage of 2 more direwolves on either side of the river from Harra. This gave him a split second to avoid their attack as they closed in from the sides. Figured, Wolves never fight fair he thought to himself as he ducked and avoided their leaping attacks. The third one however was smart, and waited for Hara to be in a vulnerable position before attacking and latching onto his legs. Hara, in complete survival mode, scrambled to escape but the jaws of the dire wolf were too strong. He let out a rageful scream before doing what amounted to a sit up and slamming his elbow onto the nose of the attacking wolf. It yelped and let go of his legs.

Blood pumped from various puncture wounds in his shins and calves and it took everything for Hara to stand up, he limped backwards a few feet as the wolves triangulated on him and inched forward. Hara could see Bear continuing to fight the small wolves off, covered in superficial cuts. It was beginning to get dire. As Hara continued to back up he activated his Byakugan again and searched for a way out, only to be dismayed at what he saw. Behind him about 20 feet was a waterfall, and a sheer drop off of at least 100ft. Hara should have felt the stronger pull of the river with how close he was and yet the flow state he found himself in seemed to counteract the effects of the flowing water beneath him. He leaped to the side and the Wolves gave pursuit. As he reached solid ground he rolled backwards and avoided a leaping attack from one of the wolves, followed by another leaping attack by a second dire wolf and another roll backwards by Hara. He was slowly being herded to the edge of the cliff and was beginning to feel the pressure.

He activated his Byakugan briefly to check on Bear and was confused briefly, littering the river were numerous dead wolves, Hara scanned around briefly before finding Bear, prowling in the treelines and secretly making its way towards him and the Dire wolves. Please stay away, big man Hara thought to himself, the last thing he wanted was to lose Bear. And, he could still get himself out of this. His thoughts were interrupted as a Dire wolf snapped at him and herded him closer to the edge. He took a deep breath and rooted himself to the ground, feeling the nature of the stone as it coursed through him and gave him a sense of being anchored. This would be his final stand.

However prepared Hara was, he was still unprepared for the wolves coordination. As one lept to attack his upper body the other two, flanking on either side, dove for his legs. He dodged the first lower attack, but couldn't avoid the next as it latched onto his leg and bit down. Hara cried out as the third wolf, attacking the upper body, slammed into him. He grabbed the wolf by the neck in an incredible feat of strength and halted its progress, coldly closing in until the tell-tale sound of snapping bone confirmed it was dead. By then it was too late, and the Wolf that had missed its lower attack reared up again, slamming into Hara's chest. They both went tumbling backwards and Hara could feel the lack of any solid ground beneath him as he yelled out and grabbed any handhold he could. The dead wolf in his hands went flying to the ground below, and the one that crashed into him bit onto his shoulder to prevent following.

Hara screamed out in pain as the wolf dug its teeth into his already torn shoulder, He held on by one hand to the cliff face and slammed his shoulder into the stone wall, causing the dire wolf to lose grip and go falling the 100ft down.

As Hara tried to take stock of his situation his face paled as he heard the last and final Dire Wolf get back up from the ground, it began to snap at his fingers as he tried to hold on, was this it? Was this how Hara was going to go out? He had so many plans for the future, only to have them be foiled by a dumb pack of wolves. His only hope was that Bear got out alive-

He screamed out as Bear lept from the tree line, it was all happening in slow motion for Hara as he watched Bear charge into the Dire Wolf from the side and go tumbling over the cliff face, the two animals clawing and biting at each other all the way down. The thud of the two animals and their cries snapped Hara out of his stupor. He looked down and could see the bodies of the three wolves and his companion sprawled out over the rocks.

Overcome by grief, he angrily dropped down, slamming his hand into the dirt and stone of the cliffside to slow himself down enough before landing at the ground and running over to Bear. He grabbed the large head in his hands and sat there, drenched by the spray of the waterfall next to him. The bear stirred slightly and Hara gently stroked its face, his Byakugan showed him the quickly diminishing chakra, he was dying.

“You did a good job, big man.” He lowered his head and continued to pet the bear's snout, it gave a slight grumble, too weak to do anything but lay there. Hara sobbed as the bear drew its final breaths. He looked up the cliffside, the wolves having finally recovered and dotting the horizon as they looked down at him. He gave a weak and feeble roar at them before collapsing to the ground. They continued to stare at him, unafraid of him at this point. As his vocal chords tore from the labored roaring of Hara, the wolves began to turn away, leaving him at the bottom of the cliffside. By the time he was done his voice was shot, barely able to reach above a whisper, and Hara felt dry from the continual tears that streamed down his face. He picked himself up slowly and deliberately before beginning to dig a hole for his friend.

Bear's grave was marked by a small and unassuming Cairn, and a crudely made fishing pole rested on the rocks. Hara stared at the grave for a long time, pondering all that Bear had taught him. Thought about the long days out in the wild with him, about how it gave him purpose to care for this bear and made him feel not so lonely. Hara knew once he turned away from this grave he would be leaving it all behind, any emotion, any attachment. What he had to undertake was going to require a cold brutality that would not allow for such weakness. He lingered at the grave for hours, unwilling to turn his back on his companion even in death.

Finally, and with reluctance, Hara trudged back up to his camp. He destroyed any belongings with any sentimental value and proceeded to dismantle the camp site. A coldness had returned to Hara, one he had hoped to escape. Bear passing was the final straw, and he felt deep inside of him that he was never going to allow for anything or anyone to get that close.

As he walked away from the woods and towards a nearby village Hara thought on what was needed. He was going to need to make a name for himself for one, and he was going to need Ryo. He had heard of an organization that handed out missions to do, perhaps he could take advantage of that. Hara would never admit it but he felt fear as he got closer to the village, civilization had been unkind to him when he was in it, and he had spent enough time away that it felt foreign to him. People walked with their kids, and ate ramen from vendors, he despised them. Despised their peace. As he walked around the small village looking to find a mission he crudely grabbed onto the nearest person, shocking them.

“Missions, where?”

The civilian sputtered in fear and pointed down the road “Th-there, there down there.” Hara let go of the man and made his way to the mission board.


Last edited by Hara on Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changed Claims)
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