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Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:25 pm
She sat down again and read the next one, another genjustsu, she gave a sideways glance at Shin. This one might be easy for getting a proper picture in interrogation or if someone is unable to speak but has information to tell her, Mind read, the relevant hand sign was tiger again and the chakra had to flow into her hand, into the targets head and back out with the image. She looked at Shin.

"This one we need to practice on eachother again, me first, called it!"

She dashed over to Shin and started gathering chakra in her hand, "Think about our training today." and formed the seal then she ungraciously grabbed his head. This one was pretty easy and it took a few minutes to learn.

[128 WC]
[1887 TWC]

Last edited by Sakuran Hatake on Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:40 pm
Shin already knew Saky was all about speed, but he did not expect her to also call dibs on the second genjutsu aswell. "If you're not careful you'll outpace yourself one day" he grinned. This one should be faster than the previous Genjutsu now that both of them had had some trials and errors with tha first one.

He sat there focussing his thoughts on todays training, so Sakuran could use the Genjutsu to see how he had experienced the training. Quite the jutsu now that he thought about it, could be handy for marriage counselling for couples too. His mind had time to wander a bit, as Saky got rapidly better at reading his memory.

After she was pleased, they swapped places and he performed the jutsu on her, seeing exactly how her training had gone today. Shin got slightly motionsick when he got to her memory of the body flicker training, which is where he ended his practise, he had done enough.

[164 WC]
Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:48 pm
This time she was holding her book and even though this was another space time jutsu she was actually looking forward to this one, it was called Mass Shift and would allow her to move objects from a distance as far as ten whole meters. Super handy if you don't want to get up to get a snack or are on a ladder and dropped a paint brush. It looked like the jutsu was too weak to retrieve her katana but should be more then enough for her kunai. And as an added advantage the description sounded like the Storage Utility jutsu so she had a way of approaching this.

Shin was also practicing but there was not much to be learned like this, it was a simple jutsu, Rat and Monkey seal and focus chakra on a distant object. First target was a small rock that was two meters in front of her, her head turned a little red but it started to move ever so slowly. It seemed like forever until it got to her but she could swear the last meter took half as long as the one before that. Sakuran continued practicing, trying to figure out how to make it work without turning her head red. Slowly she was getting the trick down, the objects started traveling faster, not at lightning speed but good enough to get something that was just out of reach, looking at Shin she saw that he had mastered it as well.
[250 WC]
[2137 TWC]
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:06 pm
Sakuran had somehow managed another Space/Time jutsu into her little paper bundle of fun activities. Something to grab smaller objects from around 10 meters away and "will" it towards yourself. Shin was 100% sure she just wanted to master this one so she could remain seated while grabbing a snack. But he was going to play along, no point getting left behind in the easy snack aquiring fields of jutsu knowledge. Shin was sure somewhere the creator of this jutsu was turning in his grave if he learned how they were planning to utilise this jutsu.

Shin sat down in the grass, and tossed a pebble about 5 meters in front of him. He then focussed his chakra, made the required seals, Rat and Monkey, and held out his hand towards the pebble, which started wiggling a little bit. Wiggling was not enough though, it had to move all the way to him. He imagined it like he did with the pebbles and the storage skill, he had to "move" it from one space to the other, except the other space this time, was in the same place, just 5meters apart. He did the same thing again, focussed, molded his chakra, made the two handsigns and focussed his mind on the pebble. Only this time it actually started moving towards him at a steady slow pace across the floor. It took a bit of time, but eventually it got all the way across the 5 meters distance, and he gently tossed it from one hand to the other.

[259 WC]
Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:09 pm
Next up was another usefull one she read in her little notebook, god they are burning through Jutsus, Sakuran knew a long time ago that Shin was one of the few that could keep up with her even though they appraoched being a shinobi in completly differnt ways. She was happy to see there were no hand seals for this one and grabbed some rop and sidled over to Shin.

"Now, im gonna ask you to tie my hands." She gave him a sideways glance. "No funny bussiness mkay?" She laughed at this, sometimes she could be hilarious. She tied him up as well so they could practice at the same time.

With her hands tied up she tried to put chakra into the rope but nothing happened, sitting down and glaring at the rope she was thinking very hard on how to appraoch this. If she just poured in chakra then nothing would happen ... maybe it was one of those visualisation things again, envision the rope coming lose and command the chakra to do that. She tried and felt the ropes loosening, she kept it up until the rope fell off her hands. She rushed back to Shin to get tied up again, this exercise turned out to be a lot of fun.

Sakuran and shin kept practicing for a while, making variations to the exercise like tying the feet. even tying the arms and upper legs but the result was ultimately the same and they acquired the jutsu together.
[251 WC]
[2388 TWC]
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:28 pm
This next technique was... odd. He wasn't fully sure why Saky wanted to learn this one, surely she could just break the rope apart with her power alone, or make sure she wasn't captured to begin with. But he was not one to ask questions when maybe sometime perhaps in some weird scenario he would end up tied up in some basement for reasons unknown, and he would curse himself if he then did not have this skill because of stubborness on his end. A ninja had to be prepared for unforseen circumstances, and so training began.

Both of them bound eachothers hands with rope tightly, and then they just sat there trying to make the rope stop being so tight with their chakra and willpower. This was going to be another easy one to add to the list. Shin focussed his chakra into the ropes, and made the chakra find its way through the entire length of the rope. As soon as he had done so, he simply made his chakra move in reversed movement to the knots, taking the rope along for the ride, and voila the rope came loose just like that.

He tried different ways aswel which also worked for him, by only putting chakra in the knots and undoing those, or by simple putting his chakra in the tips of the rope and making the chakra untie the knot. Pleased with the results he had produced, Shin was ready for their next "challenge" of the day.

[251 WC]
Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:29 pm
Next up was one that Shin was going to teach her called bodily restoration, Shin went on long rant about the jutsus, showing all sorts of stuff relevant about it. Sakuran was bored to tears about the whole thing and just wanted to know how to patch holes up when she would get stabbed, because it would happen. But Shin was in such a motivated and inspired mood that Sakuran, as she often does, totally got swept up by it.

She started asking questions and they practiced together, this level of control was not easy for Sakuran but having Shin around to guide her through the details was its weight worth in gold, She was able, under his guidance, to acquire the jutsu for herself.

[125 WC]
[2513 TWC]
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:01 pm
Finally they had gone through most of the jutsu that Sakuran had jotted down in her little booklet, but she suprised him by mentioning Bodily Restoration. "I can already perform that jutsu", Shin told her, "but that just means you'll go through the process all the faster!". He was now in the opportune position to teach her one of his medical jutsu, one that was going to come in handy for her for sure having witnessed her fighting style.

Shin stretched his arms and legs, and beckoned Saky to sit down on a big stone, while he went on a journey of explanations why she made the right call to want to have this jutsu. He then proceeded to tell her exactly how he had handled the training for this technique. He carefully detailed the spreading of the chakra from the heart to the limbs, using the bodies natural restorative powers and amplifying them through clever chakra manipulation. He went over the required hand seals, the stipulations regarding the limitations to what couldn't be healed with it, and what it could.

He then showed the actual jutsu, pointing with his finger at the locations of certain organs and which ones to be careful to avoid injury with. He did everything he could to make sure he did not miss out on a single bit of information about this jutsu, also answering any question she had after he was done with the exlanations.

After that they moved on to the actual practical application of the technique, spending far less time then he had done in the past to obtain it. "Having a good teacher sure helps a lot", he thought to himself, as he continued to overlook Sakuran's training. She was doing pretty good at learning how to do the jutsu, but it looked like she had a bit of trouble with her chakra control sometimes. He then asked for her permission to make the training easier for her, and she eagerly accepted.

Shin poked Sakuran with a senbon needle in the shoulder, and told her to focus on the part of her body where it hurt, and where she could feel the blood touch the air through the small wound. This would make it easier for her to guide her chakra to the bodyparts where it was most needed. She got the hang of it pretty fast after that and continued to train diligently.

More time passed with Sakuran getting the hang of the jutsu, and Shinryuu giving her pointers and advice with an enthusiastic vigor. He had never considered that teaching someone one of the skills he had already learned could actually be this fun and fulfilling. He saw Saky was pretty much done with training the skill, and he ended with another reminder that she couldnt come back from the dead with this technique, nor regrow limbs and organs, for this seemed like the most important information for her to remember.

Then he told her she had passed her medical exam and he stuck two bandaids on her armor in the shape of a little medic's cross.

[519 WC]
Sakuran Hatake
Sakuran Hatake
Stat Page : Sakuran Hatake
Mission Record : Mission Records
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : Kumajanai Hatake
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : White Fang
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:03 pm
Sakuran looked intensely at her dear friend, she knew he had gone through something horrible, people gossip alot but she had never appraoched him directly on it before, he had a mother and father that were upset by taijutsu and as far as she knew he did not like that even then, and one day he was out and after he returned he had found both of them dead in their house which was on fire. Sakuran fought back her emotions, the idea that could happen to her family send her stomach into freefall, she steeled herself for what she had to do next.

"Thank you for that, Shin... I have to repay you, and i will insist you accept." She looked at him with steel in her eyes, if he said no ... well ... friends can hit friends when its needed, and this technique would save his life. "I am going to teach you a usefull Taijutsu technique and i will have no argument about this, you are important to me and knowing you have this move in my arsenal is important to me, it is called Feint and will teach you to utilize it." She motioned for Shin to get closer to her, this he had to see up close.

"First we will start with some theory, I am going to outline each muscle group and you will try to feel the muscle move in your own body, you cannot hope to learn this technique without basic knowledge about your bodies capibiliy" She had an idea "Its how you send chakra to those parts in your body but instead of chakra its the physical movement" She looked very proud of her own analogy. And continued to show him how to flex and feel through a muscle to help him achieve a mind muscle connection that would help him learn this technique.

Next up was to lead by example, Sakuran had a truck full of moves that benefitted with being stopped in an instant, sometimes and enemy could drastically alter the conditions on the battle field and if you are in a forward charge you could get caught up in something nasty. She showed him a whirlwind kicked while standing right next to him, she stopped the kick a mere centimeter from his chest and pointed at her own muscles and show they expanded to stop her in her tracks, a feat not possible if you did not know what muscle groups were active.

She showed him a few more times and it was time for him to give it a try, they went over his current moveset to find one that could benefit from the ability to stop it, it was called Blazing Venom Current and Sakuran went over the jutsu with him and let him find the correct muscles used and together they practiced and Shin after a few minutes Shin was already getting the hang of it but Sakuran would not be Sakuran if she didnt have a nasty little suprise. "OK now i want you to do it with your eyes closed and only when you are ready to fire open your eyes, i will throw something in your path and it is your job to stop it."
Shin focused up and started performing his jutsu, Sakuran saw him starting to move to execute the jutsu and with an insane smile threw herself in front of his jutsus path, Shin opened his eyes as the jutsu was gathering force in his throat and mouth. Their eyes locked and as Sakuran saw his mouth discolor with the jutsu effect he stopped it dead in his tracks, she landed and raised her hands "LOOK You did not blast me with poison, YAY"

Shin glared at her and said "Only a psycho taijutsi maniac would even think of teaching in this manner" he said sharply to Sakuran "If you even thought at all." he said still glaring at her. "I did not think much at all to be honest but we can say with absolute certainty that you have made this technique your own." She said with a slightly apologetic smile on her face.
[695 WC]
[3208 TWC]
Stat Page : Shinryuu Yuki
Mission Record : Missions!
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ice Release
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6050

Training as one - Page 2 Empty Re: Training as one

Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:14 pm
Sakuran then insisted on teaching him a Taijutsu move, to "repay" him for teaching the Bodily Restoration tecnique to her, but he could easily tell that was just an excuse to have some extra pressure for him to accept the lesson. She also tried bringing up his parents, but he thought that to be an even more futile attempt, for the had been Taijutsu freaks, and surely they wouldve known the technique she wanted him to learn next.

But then she still had a way with words and not just her fists, as she explained the jutsu and its use, and the benefit to have it in his arsenal. He decided it was best to just go along with it and let her teach him.

[125 WC]

Last edited by Shinryuu on Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to add WC)
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