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Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Travin
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

First Mission for Hyogagakure Empty First Mission for Hyogagakure

Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:23 pm

Travin awoke to the sound of his alarm going off, as he reached over and slammed down on the button on the top of the machine to silence it. Sitting up and stretching out while his toes dug into the rug by his bed. He always hated waking up to cold floors, and anyone that has lived in the cold knows that the floors are always cold it seems like. Standing up and sliding his slippers on before heading to the bathroom. He thought about his mission for the day. He was going to be teamed up for the first time since coming to the village. He had gotten a meeting with some of the officials of the village and he had been given permission to run missions for the village as long as there was another shinobi of the village with him. It was a common practice among shinobi villages that as long as you didn’t start any problems, they would let you work in the village. It also probably didn’t hurt that he was planning on joining the village as well, as soon as he was able to get in front of the Hyogakage.

In the few days that he had been staying at the inn that the village had provided for him. While Travin waited for his meeting with the Hyogakage, to officially join the village. Travin had managed to check in and see if he could find out any information about his friend that had invited him here. Of course he was unable to simply walk in and check village records on shinobi within the village, since that would be an obvious security breach. However, after a few nights of drinking with a few of the shinobi of the village he was able to find out that his friend Kai was only a chunin within the village. Granted someone with great potential, and probably far stronger than the rank required, but he was unable to get any specific information out of them. However, that information was enough to settle his curiosity.

Walking out of the Inn Travin was assaulted by the cold wind and snow that was blowing, making him glad that he had his thermal long johns on under his standard black and white outfit and his white mask that always kept the hair from getting into his face with the horns. Making his way downtown walking fast with everyone else, their faces bond and probably home bond. Travin needed to get to the market where he was supposed to be meeting up with the team, as well as people from the village hospital. They were going to be guarded by the hospital staff and caravan as they made their way to a nearby village carrying medicine. The wagon carrying the medicine was oftentimes attacked on the road to the village, but everyone knew that on the return trip the wagon would be empty and they never got attacked. Making this a one way trip for the team, meaning that they could possibly get some more work done while in the small village.

Arriving at the Market Travin couldn’t see the Hospital wagon yet, so he had arrived a little early and found himself a place by one of the many fires that dotted the village to help fight off the cold. With his back to the wall of a building Travin watched as people came and went, keeping a lookout for any other shinobi that might be also joining the team.


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Hwan Sinns
Hwan Sinns
Academy Student
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

First Mission for Hyogagakure Empty Re: First Mission for Hyogagakure

Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:50 pm
Hwan had woken up early in the morning, the sky was... Still blue. It is too cold for birds to be chirping, and the sounds of the snow being pushed by the winds were plentiful. Yup, today is gonna be a great day! Well, every day was a great day for Hwan but today seemed like a super epic extra special day! Hwan would push himself off of his bed leaving his bed covers strewn about his floor, as he sprints to the bathroom to clean his body and brush his teeth. Hwan would then leave the bathroom and exclaim out into the world (and more specifically his house), "DAD! TIME TO START THE DAY BRIGHT AND EARLY!" Hwan would pause... There was no response. "DAD! I'M ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS TO MY HEALTH!" Hwan would wait... Usually, that gets him. Hwan would walk over to the house kitchen and noticed a note from his dad, which says that he went out to watch the gate early. Hwan sighed and decided to eat a breakfast alone, which was just two sandwiches not because there weren't other options, Hwan was just too lazy to use the oven.


Hwan was bored already, he needed to spice up his life RIGHT NOW and decided to do what he always does whenever he is bored and doesn't have anything to do. Go outside of his home without parental supervision and wander around a fairly large village alone! I mean how else is he going to have adventure! Hwan was already at a disadvantage, all the cool shinobi had cool backstories like having dead parents or being homeless! Hwan had a cool dad and had a home! He doesn't have a mom though so maybe he is like... 50% cool. That still is a disadvantage! If Hwan is lucky, he might secretly have a super rare nature release or something that he gets hunted down for and then he needs to make friends and stuff and other things. Hwan would leave his house with shorts, those cool sandals that leave your toes poking out that every cool ninja wears, and simply t-shirt that stops midway up his upper arm. He liked feeling the refreshing cold winds of Hyoga against his skin

Hwan would skip around the town as he wanders around, he would haphazardly wave and say hi at anyone which passes by. Hwan's smile would slowly stretch ear to ear, his teeth wide and visible as he wanders around eventually finding himself in the Market. He would look around and spot a weird looking man. White hair, monochrome clothes. This is perfect! He is the classic cool shinobi archetype! Hwan could bet his parents are dead and/or abandoned him, actually why speculate? Hwan would skip over to the white-haired man which was leaning against a wall and ask, "Hey! Are your parents dead?" Hwan realized that question was off... "Sorry, are your parents dead or did they just abandon you?" That is way better!


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Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Travin
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

First Mission for Hyogagakure Empty Re: First Mission for Hyogagakure

Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:24 pm
Travin was standing with his hands out in front of himself by the fire with the wall of the building to his back. This did a few things with the first allowing him to see anyone coming up to his general direction at ground level, and allowed him to stay warm. He was waiting for his mission to start and was thinking about adding someone to help ease the load. After all, it was a decent trip to the small town where the medical supplies were going, and it would give him someone to talk to on the way. It was about that time that he noticed another person. It wasn’t because they appeared dangerous or suspicious, it was simply because they were wearing shorts, and a t-shirt with sandals while walking around in the snow. Even the Yuki clan didn’t do that, or at least not all the time. If it wasn’t for the blonde hair Travin would have thought he was a member of the Yuki clan. It was still possible clan bloodlines were strong in deciding what the person looked like as far as hair color and such, but it wasn’t impossible to have different aspects from your clan.

About the time Travin finished his thought the boy turned and started to skip his way over to him. Wondering what the hell the guy was going to want from him, he debated on asking the guy if he wanted to tag along, but was still unsure for now. Once the guy had gotten over to him and stopped looking up at Travin he asked if Travins parents were dead, then corrected himself and asked if they were dead or just abandoned him. Travin was shocked by the outright question that he didn’t know what to say at first. A low Aaaa escaped the dropped jaw that was hidden by his mask. “I am not sure how to answer that question or if I really want to answer that question” he would reply with buying time to think for a few seconds as he slowly talked. “Ok, no one has ever just come up and asked me about it, in fact now that I am thinking about it no one has ever asked me about my family. I guess if I had to say, my parents abandoned me when my Kekkei Genkai manifested, and a ship captain took me in and taught me how to live on my own.” Travin would tell the guy before continuing. “My name is Travin, what is yours and I guess is your parents dead” the awkwardness of the last part of his sentence was not only audible but could be felt.

WC-449 TWC-1,036
Hwan Sinns
Hwan Sinns
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

First Mission for Hyogagakure Empty Re: First Mission for Hyogagakure

Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:16 pm
Hwan would wiggle his toes as the snow got in-between the spaces of them and held a dumb doe-eyed smile on his face. He rocked back and forth and let his arms swing freely, he seemed to be bundling with energy and wasn't even shivering as if the cold didn't affect him. Hwan anticipated a super cool backstory as the white-haired man in front of him released a low 'Aaaa" sound. Socially awkward! The sign of every cool Shinobi with a sad gloomy backstory! Everything is pointing to a super cool backstory, I bet that there was an even cooler plot where he had to leave and go train with his powers because it was just... THAT DANGEROUS! Hwan's internal rambling would end as soon as the White-Shinobi started speaking. His face would physically fall to sadness as the first sentence was spoken, it looks like the Shinobi was simply too socially inept to tell his backstory, just like a person without a supportive figure to look up to would act... Then the Shinobi continued speaking, his birth parents abandoned him when his super special ninja powers manifested! JUST LIKE A REAL COOL SHINOBI! Then he was raised by PIRATES! Being raised by criminals is like the top ten of cool childhoods!

Hwan would sigh like an angsty teenager.

"No... Sadly, only my mother mysteriously disappeared when I was born. My dad loved me, and I was raised in a loving home." Hwan's face would be sad, "I'll never be a real ninja without a sad backstory that involves the deaths of everyone in my childhood." Hwan would slowly change his sad facial expression to a fierce ambitious one, "But! A REAL NINJA NEVER GIVES UP HOPE!" He says this very loudly while looking at the sky, as if announcing this to some unknown god. "I AM STILL A CHILD YET! MY LIFE CAN STILL TURN FOR THE WORSE!" Hwan would raise a fisted hand to the sky, "TRUST ME!" Hwan's face would have a wide ear-to-ear smile again until He looked back at the white-ninja. "My name is Hwan Sinns! But enough about me, I wanna know more about your story! Like, was your Kek... Keek... Kiekkee Ge..." Hwan seems to struggle with the pronunciation of Kekkei Genkai, "The Bloodline Chakra Power Stuff! Did you have to train on top of mountains and find your inner peace? Or like kill your Ship Captain Adoptive Dad and afterwards made a vow to never cause unneeded harm ever again! But then you got a girlfriend and your love for her caused to you kill her with your Bloodline Powers so you now shut off your emotions to never harm innocent people again!"

Hwan smiled and nodded, "Yeah... That would be cool. I need to have an origin story like that! But then I would have to talk to women, and I don't know any..." Hwan would stroke his chin before saying, "Anyways, why are you leaning against this wall? Waiting for something or someone? Like are you in a blood cult? You look like a blood cult type of guy."

WC-519 TWC-1022

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Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Travin
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

First Mission for Hyogagakure Empty Re: First Mission for Hyogagakure

Yesterday at 7:42 pm
Travin stood against the wall not really knowing what to think. This guy had taken him by surprise, something that hadn’t happened since his father left him on that ship where he met John. He stood there in silence listening to the guy introduce himself and question Travin even more. Apparently believing that you couldn’t be a real shinobi without a sad backstory evolving everyone dying. Before introducing himself as Hwan Sinns. The last name sounded familiar but he was still new to the village and couldn’t place. Before Travin was able to ask, Hwan went on asking about how Travins Kekkei Genkai happened and how apparently awesome it was by his standards. Even going so far as to come up with examples of things that could have happened like falling in love and killing that person with it. 

Once Hwan had slowed down and stopped, Travin had a list of questions that he was going to try and answer. “First you don’t need a sad backstory to be a real shinobi, just hard work and training will get it done. Second my Kekkei Genkai or bloodline power as you put it. Was discovered when I was attacked by a neighbor's dog and I killed it.” Travin would hold his hand out and a bone would slide out of the palm of his hand into a sharp spike. “I have the ability to control the bones within my body. You see the human body has 206 bones within it, however, in my case it's more questionable” Travin would have a few more bones move around under his skin showing Hwan as an example. 

To answer your last question I am standing here by the fire to stay warm, while I wait on that wagon right there full of medical supplies” he would say as he pointed to the wagon approaching. “Tell you what you chip in and help me with this mission and I’ll give you half the money, and you can count it as an adventure. After all when you walk out the gates no one knows what will happen” Travin would offer Hwan the chance to join him on a mission.

WC-363 TWC-1,399
Hwan Sinns
Hwan Sinns
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

First Mission for Hyogagakure Empty Re: First Mission for Hyogagakure

Yesterday at 10:27 pm
Hwan eventually got tired of standing and moving and decided to sit down within the snow, letting the cold snow cool his warm body. He sat crisscross applesauce and rested his arms by placing it between his legs. Hwan listened to Travin yip-yap about lies... Except that cool part about killing his neighbor's dog would have been cooler if he killed his neighbor though. Murder is like one of the coolest parts about origin stories. Hwan would respond to Travin's claim about being a real shinobi by responding with, "Oh really, you don't need a sad backstory. Name the top five Shinobi in history and something sad happened in their childhood!"

Hwan would look at Travin's cool bone manipulation power and think... That this guy is definitely in a blood cult. The only way it would be more obvious this guy was in a blood cult was if he started controlling people's blood. But he can only control bones. Hwan would ask, "Can you control other people's bones? I wanna be six feet tall!" Hwan would flex his arm muscles, "If I was six foot, I look awesome!" Hwan would then pause, "Wait, it is questionable if you have 206 bones? Have you just been adding more bones to your body? Do you like take the bones of people you defeat?"

Hwan would hear an offer, leaving the village as a E-Rank, not even ninja because he is still in the Academy and going on unnecessary and very dangerous adventures for a minor his age. "ABSOLUTELY I'LL GO WITH YOU!" Hwan may not know a single jutsu! Hwan may not know any organized fighting styles! Hell, he might not even fully know what Chakra does and what powers he is even born with! But he is going to go on this sweat ninja mission! It is a no brainer! This could literally NOT GO WRONG! "I can even get super cool jutsus! Hopefully..."

WC- 323 TWC-1345

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