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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 70000

Out of the Box Empty Out of the Box

Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:48 am

With Sakaiza now fully returned to the Land of Snow, his status as Hyogakage had become revealed. It first spread as he underwent the necessary proceedings in the Royal Palace, choosing to forgo a formal and grand ceremony and instead being preferential to it being limited to only what was necessary. Subsequently he revealed his status to a certain imprisoned Genin, which he pardoned and words of his fair judgement circulated throughout the prison and the military force. Now with those two events being the source of any gossip circulating throughout the village, Kai made no effort to keep this news under wraps any longer. There was no point. And truthfuly it was better for his shinobi and his villagers to recognize that there was a new commander in place, even if the anonymous influence of the Daimyo still governed a lot of the Snow's decisions. 

Setting out from the Palace, and equipped in his Coldblooded Commander Ghost Set along with his horned mask, Sakaiza's presence drew the eyes of all which he passed by. They were privy to his new influence, and paid their respects to him in silence. Meanwhile others silently resisted acknowledging him, as they felt there was little justification for a C Grade shinobi being promoted to the big hat. Little did Kai know, but these differing mindsets would set up the stage for future conflict within Hyogagakure. But for now, neither praise nor detesting would influece his mentality. He was intent on progressing the status of the village and getting his military in functional form. And to do that, he had a few major agendas in mind.

One of the most pressing items was establishing a gateway between Hyogagakure and its outpost in the Land of Rice. There had been some time since Satoru had taken control of the land formerly known as Tanbogakure, and as a result there hadn't been much development of that outpost. Thus, Kai sought to establish it as a stronghold. And to expand the land around it as a hub of sorts, which would promote commerce in turn. But the geographical distance between Snow and Rice seemed to be a major hurdle to overcome. Thus, he wanted to investigate this a bit more. And though he already had some ideas in mind, he was particularly curious as to what the upcoming class of shinobi could come up with. Therefore he put up a posting, requesting willing Genin to meet him in the village's library to discuss a confidential subject of upmost importance.

And so the library was where his stride would lead him, and once he arrived he'd be escorted to a secluded meeting room at the rear of the building. Those willing genin which would come to the library would also be escorted to the same room, where they'd find Kai clad in all of his armor and equipped with his weapons, standing with his back faced to the door. In his hand he'd be writing upon a whiteboard which occupied the entirety of the wall he faced. The writing itself divided the board into three parts: one for the names of participants which he'd fill in as they introduced themselves, one for the mission descriptions, and finally one for a Job Risk Assessment for both the Commerce Expansion and Establishing a Gateway missions.

WC = 555
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:38 am
It had been maybe 24 hours since his release and he had been staring up at the blank ceiling of his apartment. So much had transpired in such a small amount of time that made him wonder what he would do first. He had contemplated going to see the grave of his father, but knowing who would be there maybe that wasn't...the best right now. His mind turned inward to himself to see what the Terumi wanted to do himself. So much time had passed that reacclimating to the normal day to day was...daunting. He was not so foolish as to think he could not do it, he was far too smart for that. Letting out a small sigh, his right index finger moved to trail along the jagged scar that had been placed upon him during his pardoning and first meeting with Sakaiza, to him known as the Hyogakage. The sting of the steel was still fresh on his face but the green eyed male was unperturbed about it all. He wore it as a symbol of pride and a reminder that he would grow from this. Sitting up inside of his bed, he would slowly shift to where his feet would begin to dangle off of the bed and up he would get. The first thing he would do of course is shower, taking the time to wash the dyes from his hair and tend to his wound making sure he was properly taking care of it. After a while he would slide out of the shower and finally trim his hair. After an hour, he would find himself anew, a new man. It wouldn't take him long to get dressed and ready for the day opting to wear his large white overcoat with the black furred collar and white pants with accompanying black boots. Looking at himself in the mirror he would look over the cut on his face a little more seeing that even without a full healing, it was coming along nicely.

Today he would head to the library to read up on any events that he may have missed in the past three months and reacclimate himself into the village life. Three months was quite a time, but with his resourceful mind he would find a way to do it quickly. The thudding of boots would fill his apartment as he stepped into the cold, snowy environment that was his home. Sliding his hands into his pockets he would walk in silence, feeling the occasional stare of a few of the ongoing people, but none of them bothered to speak on whatever they were thinking. Midori stayed to himself and looked North Bound toward the library still remembering the direct path to take and how many steps it would take him. After a few more moments he would find himself face to face with the door to the library. Both his left and right hand would outstretch and push the door open slowly, and scan the area. From left to right he would scan the area with his green eyes. Someone would catch wind of him and for a moment hold their tongue before walking over to confirm," Follow me if you will..." There was a small look of confusion on his face, but he followed nonetheless. He continued with the guide until they had brought him to a room in the rear where he would see a familiar...well person. He did not expect the Kage to be here but seeing the whiteboard meant he was doing something important. Before walking over, Midori would move to his favorite book area and grab a few before walking over to Sakaiza and giving him a nod," Good morning L- Sakaiza. What brings you here?,' though Midori took a moment to look over the board and when he did the pieces slowly came into place. There were a few nods from him before he had looked back over to Sakaiza and smiled," Today is going to be very fruitful it seems. Pardon me a moment i need to get a few books," and off he would go. This was in the realm of his own specialty after a moment of reading he would come up with a few ideas.

712 WC
Oda Tsumura
Oda Tsumura
Stat Page : Oda's Tale
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Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Wed Sep 25, 2024 10:05 am
The young Oda Tsumura was just about to leave his home at the Yuki district when he got a most curious message from Hyogagakure's High Command: he was commanded to present himself at the village's library to discuss a confidential subject of upmost importance. "Confidential? Upmost importance subject? At a library? This must be a prank... he thought. The young man just garduated from Hyoga's ninja academy recently, he had yet to take on his firts missions, and now he was being requested to discuss "confidential stuff of high importance"...

Nevertheless, a command is a command, so the ever so dedicated and obedient Oda put on his traditional robe and scarf, covering his old and worn out black kimono, grabbed his ninja hadband and his ninja paraphernalia and headed towards the library fos his assignment. As usual, the day was cold and snowy, but Oda wasn't bothered at all by this. Actually, funny enough but the severe cold weather of Hyogagakure didn't bother the young Oda at all, as he actually quite enjoyed it and didn't feel that it was actually that bad. The only reason he wears robes and scarfs is to not stand out as a crazy person walking in a Kimono and wooden sandals in the snow.

Knowing the village he grew up in so well, the young Oda quickly arrived at the desginated location, the library. He opened the doors of the building and entered it. It was more crowded than usual, and immediately after the Genin closed the doors behind him, he was approached by what appeared to be a high ranked shinobi. "Oda Tsumura, you are requested to follow us... come. - one of the ninjas said. The boy nodded with his head, following the shinobi to a secluded meeting room at the rear end of the building. Before he could enter the room, another tall and black haired young shinobi left from it in a rush a passed by Oda before he could even say a word. Oda was a bit confused, but he entered the room regardless.

Upon entering the meeting room, Oda noticed the huge whiteboard which occupied the entirety of the opposing wall, with some writings and divisions on it. Before the young man could read the board, he realized the imposing figure writing on the board, wearing clad in full gear armor and equipped with some cool looking weapons. It can't be... thought the genin. Even though this man was turned on his back, Oda figured out who he was: the newly appointed and now secong Hyogakage, the famous shinobi who just returned home: Sakaiza.

The young Oda quickly bowed down his head out of respect as he reported himself to the Hyogakage. "Lord Hyogakage-sama, I'm Oda Tsumura, at your service" he would keep his head bowed as he awaited for his Kage's response.

WC: 475
Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Stat Page : Travin
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Thu Sep 26, 2024 11:06 am
Travin awoke and with his normal ritual done he would walk back out of the bathroom grab his mask and hook it on the side of his belt before walking out of his room, and walking down into the base room of the Inn. Taking a seat Jhin would call to the back that Travin was at his table, and within a few minutes there would be food sitting in front of him. Finishing up with his food Jhin would walk over and sit down with Travin handing him a letter from Kai. Travin would take the letter from Jhin and open it, Kai is wanting Genin to show up at the library and help out with some kind of mission. Handing the letter back to Jhin and telling him to burn it Travin would get up and tell Jhin that he has some work to do today.

Sliding his mask on and stepping out of the Inn Travin would make his way to the library. He had been wandering around the village since he had healed Jupiter and Kai indoctrinated him into the village officially. He had gotten pretty used to the layout of the village and had learned where most things were located. He also enjoyed reading books from time to time, and had made a few visits to the library. Walking in, the lady behind the counter would greet him to which Travin would return. Before walking towards the back of the library. Walking in Travin would see another person in the room, and his friend Kai with a white board. “Morning Kai” Travin would say as he walked in and found a seat. Sitting down he remembered that he was now part of a village, and was not a free range mercenary anymore, and that he may have misspoke in public. “Huh Lord Kai” he would say almost as a question to Kai.

Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 70000

Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Fri Sep 27, 2024 6:10 am
One by one as the Genin entered the room, Sakaiza would take a glance at each and scribble their names upon the appropriate section of the board. He had already been familiar with both Midori and Travin, though the third he had only known by name. Since Kai took office he had done a diligent job of studying over Hyogagakure's personnel, primarily by reviewing their shinobi files. But finally he could match a name with a face. And though each shinobi took their time to greet the Second, Sakaiza would refrain from breaking his concentration until his writing on the board was complete. This came at the exact moment which Travin would correct his greeting towards the Wretched. Although he himself wasn't much for formalities, he still expected respect from those which served under his flag. The same respect he would give to them. And so it took all of his might not to correct Midori once again when the boy referred to him by his first name. Instead he would set the record straight with his greeting to them. Placing his marker down upon the sill of the whiteboard, he'd turn in place and rest his hands into the pockets of his pants. Within the room was a table and four chairs. Once the three shinobi were seated, he'd address them.

"Good morning Midori, Oda, Travin." Sakaiza began, with his voice warming the atmosphere but carrying with it a stern tone. "I am Sakaiza, for those of you which have not met me. But Lord Kai, or Lord Hyogakage will suffice," he'd continue, now with his focus directed at Midori, indicating he would not accept being called by his first name. "I have brought you all here today to discuss a matter which I consider confidential, yet pivotal in the development of Hyogagakure. It begins with our First Hyogakage. By a show of hands, how many of you are familiar with him?" Sakaiza would pause, noting just which of the shinobi in the room would raise their hands. He expected both Oda and Midori to know of Lord Satoru, although it was understanding if Travin did not, seeing as he was a new addition. Following this he'd continue, "His efforts in the Land of Rice brought a vast land of resources and strategic location into the grasp of Hyogagakure. But," he'd pause while standing to the side of the white board and simultaneously ushering his hand across it. "What good is it, if we cannot readily access it? That is why I have begun a Job Risk Assessment, for what I theorize to be two separate missions."

Sakaiza, after giving the shinobi an opportunity to observe the minor amount of writing upon the board, would begin to pace as he explained more thoroughly. "My thoughts are that we need some type of way to quickly get to the Land of Rice's Outpost, not only for defense purposes, but also to facilitate a connectedness between our lands. Given the economic history and near central location of that territory, I believe investing in it can facilitate financial growth and recruitment opportunities for us. But before we can get to that point, we need to be able to travel there by the most effective means."

Pausing to place his hands across his chest and stop his stride, he'd stand dead center in front of the board and facing the three shinobi. "And so with that, I am curious just how our up and coming generation of shinobi would approach this challenge." At this point it should have been obvious that he was posing the question to his audience, and he was quite interested to see just what innovative ideas they might have. 

WC = 620. TWC = 1175
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Ryo : 16500

Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:14 pm
As the others came in, Midori was already grabbing scrolls and books enough to confuse a lot of people and when he stepped back in there were now three in the room instead of Sakaiza. Placing the items on a nearby table he would rest his hand on the stack of books and listen to his words, though he felt some small form of confusion as he saw his head turn in his direction. Was it wrong for him to call him by his first name as that is what he had first come to know him as. But then again he was the leader of the village so it made perfect sense. As he went into depth as to why he had called them him here, Midori would sit down and begin to comb through the books, his ears paying attention to each word Sakaiza had uttered. One of his many skills included multitasking when it came to knowledge and even trying to find an abstract idea. His fingers would leaf through each page as he turned them silently as to not ruin the Kage's train of thought or explanation. When asked about knowing the previous Hyogakage, Satoru Jugo, Midori's left hand would raise as his right continued to go through the books until he had finished the first one. The second would be placed in front of him as he went through it, his green eyes would scan each page as he looked up from the book for a moment to look at the board, and then pulled out a pen and paper. Jotting down some notes, he would continue to leaf through the books making some notes of his own as Kai proposed a question to the genin. What would they do to provide a bridge between this land and the land of rice. The pros would be a continual way to obtain resources and materials native to that land without having to go far, but even then.... What would be the safest route.


He muttered to himself as he tapped the top of the pen against his lip, looking back to the board and jotting a few more notes down. He had a few ideas in mind just by looking at the board and the first book, but now he had stopped in the middle of his second book and proposed a question," Between the Land of Snow and the Land of Rice, is the Lands of Iron and the Sea itself. One could travel by boat but that risks pirates, other villages and the elements to lay waste to ships. We could build an infrastructure of Rails and make a train, but the same risk applies holds a significantly higher chance of success than the first option," setting the pen into the book and bringing his hands together he would continue," One could also dabble in the ways of Space-Time techniques to create a form of teleportation or transportation that could tether a focal point here and then allow us free passage to and from the Land of Rice without incident. If the theories presented in these books is correct," the last part he would add as he picked up the first book he read, mostly theories and applications of Space-Time techniques. There had been a significant risk to all three options but two of them assured a speedy, and resourceful way to get the job done.

574 WC / 1286 TWC

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Oda Tsumura
Oda Tsumura
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Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:18 am
Oda kept his head down as the Hyogakage, wearing his majestic armor, kept writing on the board. He couldn’t believe what was going on. He just got his ninja headband a few days ago after graduating from the academy, and now he was standing before the second Hyogakage, and he was summoned to deal with confidential matters of the upmost importance. Even in my best dreams I wouldn’t expect that he thought.

His kage kept writing on the board patiently, so out of curiosity, the young shinobi lifted his neck a little bit, just enough so he could sneak peek the board and check out what his Kage was writing on it. He could notice that his name, alongside the names “Midori” and “Travin” were on the board. Before he could see more, a third young shinobi entered the room and greeted Sakaiza, first by his first name, and later he would correct himself and address the Kage with the proper deference. Oda moved his head for a bit in order to check the new person in the room, and he was about the same age as Oda, having a peculiar white hair. I’ve never seen this guy around…

Oda also noticed that the other young shinobi who crossed his path a few minutes ago was back at the room, having brought alongside him an enormous amount of books and scrolls. Soon, the Hyogakage would stop writing, placing the marker down and resting his hands on his pockets. Oda realized the other two genins were already accommodated on their seats, so he swiftly found a seat fom himself too. Their Kage would greet the 3 young ninjas by their names and formally introduce himself to the newly formed group, before he would explain to the 3 rookies the reason why they were summoned to that meeting. Oda listened carefully to the Kage’s as he presented a problem to them: What would be the best way to provide a bridge of supplies between the Land of Snow and the land of rice, which was also owned by Satoru Jugo and belonged to Hyogagakure.

The young Genin knew that, although the solution looked pretty simple, and was first proposed by Midori, to establish this supply route through the Sea and through the Land of Iron, either by ships or by railway (which would need construction). Although logic choices, Oda knew better than anybody the risks of those suggestions, as that route was infested with pirates and criminals, and was during a mission at the Land of Iron that his father was mortally wounded by a Missin-nin. Before Oda could suggest anything, the always quick-thinking Midori suggested what would be the main solution thought of by Oda: to use Space-Time techniques in order safely create a free passage to and from the Land of Rice without risks. Yes, that would took great prowess in the art of Space-Time jutsus, some specialized infrastructure for the continuous flow of such operation and some specific resources, mainly human, in the form of many specialists in Jikutsu.

- I agree with my fellow Genin and what his big book is saying… the route to the Land of Rice is dangerous and full of perils, and the effort to avoid or mitigate such risks could make the whole operation too expensive and not worth at all even if we succeed. We should invest in creating a focal point in both countries, or a gateway, where we could easily and constantly transport supplies, products and perhaps even manpower when needed. Obviously, we must make this focal point a very safe place, especially in the Land of rice, and this would obviously also have a cost and would require the allocation of shinobis to secure the location and guard it, but it would be infinitely less costly and dangerous to protect a single location than a whole route that is many, many kilometers long…

WC: 655
TWC: 1130

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Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Mon Sep 30, 2024 4:50 pm
Travin simply stayed sitting back in his chair waiting for Kai to let them know what he had called them for. He had no idea who the other two people in the room were, but he assumed they were strong, and had some experience to offer to the group about something. Travin trusted Kai to lead the village in the right direction and make them a strong united force against all that would oppose them or try to hurt the village and its people. With another guy sitting across the table from him trying to take a peak at whatever Kai was writing on the bord, and another sitting beside him with his nose buried deep into a book or scroll. Travin was starting to wonder just what the hell he was doing here. He was a fighter and a killer, and this was shaping up to be some kind of board meeting. He was about to ask if he was in the wrong room when Kai turned around and started to address the three of them by name. Not in the wrong room he thought to himself as he prepared to listen to why he was called here today. 

Kai would ask if they were all familiar with Satoru, the first Hyogakage. Travin had heard of him and had talked to a few people in the Inn about the guy, but he had never met him. Making him think that maybe he was in the wrong room once more, but for a different reason. Maybe this was not a board meeting and was a gathering of the most powerful shinobi in the village and he was at the table with a group of S rank assassins. He had heard that most of them were weird in some way or another through the tales of the road. However, this was all flipped back upside down once more when Kai stepped to the side of the white board showing that this was a meeting about how to get access to their lands across the sea. Apparently they also owned the land of rice, something that was news to him, as no one had told him that the village also ruled over the land of rice. Although he didn’t really ever go there in his travels, and he never really asked and he had only really been a part of the village for about a week now. He still felt like he was missing the critical need to know information. 

With Kai stepping to the side and opening the room for the three of them to put their input into the conversation. Travin wasn’t sure why this was all too important really. He understood that they needed to have access to their other lands not connected to the land of snow, and that they needed to be able to safely get people there and back as fast as possible in case of attacks or what not, but to him this seemed like an easy enough problem to solve. By the time he decided to speak, the guy sitting next to him would start to talk. He was assuming that he was the one called Midori as they had not introduced themselves yet, and he kind of looked like someone named Midori not that Travin had ever really met anyone named Midori before, but he was pretty sure that he was not an Oda. 

With one eye on the books and the other on the room Midori would speak about the possibilities of a shipping lane, as well as a train track, and finally some kind of teleportation seal transfer jutsu. The shipping lane made the most sense to Travin; he had grown up on the shipping lanes traveling all across the seas that they were talking about, and with that thought he understood why he was included in this meeting now. A train track across the ocean though sounded impossible and would either shut down part of the ocean yelling at people to come attack us, or would still require the shipping lane to get to the land of iron to then get on a train to travel. It seemed rather wasteful of time and resources. The teleportation thing that Midori mentioned seemed like it would probably be the best solution however, Travin didn’t really know anything about teleportation except that a guy offered to teleport him for about a year's worth of his salary and he decided to walk instead. 

The one that Travin assumed was named Oda didn't really look like an Oda, but he had never met anyone named Oda before either, but this guy just looked too cool to have a name like Oda. He spoke on the dangerous of the ocean and not just the pirates but also the natural dangerous as well, and it was true the ocean did not take fools but the people that was sailing the ocean now had done it long enough to know what to take and when, and when to stay the hell on land if you wanted to make it back. Travin did agree with him about making a secure location in the land of rice as well. 

I somewhat agree with these guys” Travin would speak up once the others had fallen quiet. Sitting up in his chair for the first time since he entered the room. “The idea for a train doesn't really make any sense since the only safe way to do it without angering someone with a metal track across the ocean would be to involve the shipping lanes, and if we are going that route might as well just keep it all on the ships.” Taking a second to look around the room as he removed his mask for the first time revealing his angled features and high cheekbones. Sitting the mask down on the table in front of him while he grabbed the picture of water in the middle of the table and a glass and started to pour some water for himself. “To the danger of the ocean it is true that there are many, but I grew up on the ocean bringing cargo from the land of snow to the lands of Earth, Waterfall, Iron, Rice, Frost and lightning. If we hire the people that are already running the shipping lanes they know what to look out for, and how to defend themselves from the pirates, and if we keep a couple chunin or high shinobi on each ship on a rotation than their shouldn’t be nothing to worry about other than an natural phenomenon that would give us more important things to worry about.” Stopping to take a sip of the water that he had poured before continuing. 

The most logical solution would be to start a port town in the land of Rice. There are shinobi all over the place with nothing to do, and don’t want to leave their homeland. We could offer a solution by having them agree to sign up and pledge their loyalty to Hyogagakure, and place someone in charge of the port town for them to answer, and outside of war they could stay in the land of rice with their families. In exchange for protecting the newly created port town and seeing after Hyogagakure’s interests within the land of rice.” Rubbing his chin for a few seconds before continuing on his tangent. “This would solve two problems: we would have men that we do not have to send from here to man the ships in the shipping lanes, as we can use the shinobi from the land of rice that is not doing anything and probably running out of money at this point. They can work a rotating schedule granting us the protection needed for the shipping lane, and they would protect the port town while making us money by running the missions in the land of rice. Allowing us to put those resources into the port town to increase the rate at which it grows. I think the up front cost of starting this could be greater than expected, but after a year or two it would start to pay for itself quickly with the increase ryo brought in from the new port town. Plus we can send men to train them in the ways of Hyogagakure.” Travin would be finished after this last bit, not really having much more to say on the matter. He didn’t really see a better option, but he also was not a businessman or really understood just what kind of effort what he proposed would take, he knew that it would not be easy but he also didn’t know just how hard it would be either.

WC-1,460 TWC-1,777

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Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 70000

Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:03 pm
Sakaiza stood still and silent as he listened to the ideas of each shinobi. First of which was Midori, who was as deep in reflection as he had been when Sakaiza previously met him. His thought process seemed to begin with the books he had acquired from the library's reserves and other information he had at learned presumably over the years. What was notable about his ideas was that they came in three forms: a seat route, a railway, or a teleportation device. And from his analysis he seemed to land at the latter, as it upheld the important factors of speed and efficiency. The Wretched also appreciated the risks which Midori highlighted, as that was the whole intention of the meeting today. At the conclusion of his turn, Sakaiza would take to the board and begin to jot down a few of the major concepts and some of the pros and cons which Midori brought up.

Subsequently there was Oda, a shinobi who had recently graduated the academy and was now in the presence of the Second Hyogakage. Kai was particularly curious in this individual, as he had not met him before and had no firsthand experience of how he operated. What he first noticed though was that Oda seemed particularly respectful of Midori's turn, seemingly listening with his full attention. When it came time for him to speak, he seemed to cast his vote towards the concept of a teleportation method. To him, it seemed like the safest route as the dangers of external forces would evidently be present via the sea or rail. Oda also offered a suggestion to heavily guard the secured locations of the teleportation zones, which Kai could not agree more with. He'd continue to document Oda's highlights on the board, as it now was rapidly filling with ideas.

Finally, was his friend, Travin's turn. Sakaiza was fully aware that the man was not typically one to plan and theorize on concepts, instead he was one to act. However the Second needed to test his mind, as he was curious in what level of strategy the Phalanax had. And predictably, his approach was more pragmatic. Though he was dismissive of the rail concept, he seemed relatively keen on the concept of seal travel and  offered ways to mitigate its risks. With sea travel, there could be opportunity to hire those familiar with the waters to guide the village through the channels. His own experience played a large role in his considerations, which Sakaiza valued immensely as experience often trumped theory. As he spoke more, Kai noticed that his figurative wheels were spinning faster. Now he dove into an idea of establishing a port town in the Land of Rice, where locals could be enlisted to serve it. And ultimately this could promote military and economic development. Of course, Sakaiza would take to the board and conclude his writing after documenting Travin's thoughts.

While Sakaiza listened, he evaluated not just what the genin proposed, but each one as a shinobi. Midori exhibited proficiencies in analysis and multitasking. Potentially this meant he was able to process information he absorbed, whether from literature or other sources, as quickly as he was able to utilize that information. He had an intellect which many shinobi only dreamed of. And Sakaiza appreciated that, even if their first impression was rough. A sharp mind was valuable for solving complex problems. 

Oda seemed relatively cautious, yet insightful. Of the three, he seemed to be the most observant, which was fair given his recent rising to genin status. Perhaps if he took the opportunity to speak first, he would have arrived at the suggestion of teleportation first. Kai wondered if this was a product of his confidence needing to be bolstered before he felt comfortable leading. Nevertheless he demonstrated that he was willing to offer his own perspective in a meeting with high stakes associated with it.

Travin of course was confident, speaking from experience. His battle tested mind as a former vagabond allowed him to learn much from the world. And this was exactly what Sakaiza hoped he would display. He already knew that Travin was physically capable, but he needed to ensure all of his shinobi were quick thinkers and could act with foresight. 

All in all, Sakaiza was impressed with the deliberation of the group. He'd pause for a moment, look over the board, and then return his gaze to the group.

"Hm, you're a sharp bunch huh?" he began, rather bluntly. "Of the solutions we've come up with it seems like there's potential for teleportation, and for sea travel. However," Sakaiza would pause as he'd turn his attention to Travin. "The concern with sea travel and establishing a port town is that we'd need to pay for the manpower, as they are the experts of navigating the water. I am partial to keeping our solutions predominantly internalized. And when it comes to establish a port town, that is a sound idea though he already have our Outpost in the Land of Rice. I believe it would serve the same purpose and potentially may be a redundancy, though the concept of recruiting the locals is a good sentiment, given there may be some hostile feelings towards Hyogagakure."

He'd offer a glance to both Oda and Midori, before turning to look at the board again. "From what we've highlighted, my preference is teleportation. The potential of instanteous travel is innovative, and would allow our shinobi to go on deployments to the Land of Rice with capabilities of returning home quickly to their families. It would also allow our military swift movement should we even need to occupy that land. This is the solution I'd like to explore more, but we must also include Travin's concept of employing the locals as a potential means of manpower at a cheaper rate.

Now, does anyone have suggestions for how we might develop this mode of teleportation?" At this point, Sakaiza already had his mind made up. And as a Space Time practitioner, he also had a plan in mind for just how he envisioned this solution being explored. However he refrained from sharing, as a small test to see just which shinobi's theory might come closest to his own.

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Out of the Box Empty Re: Out of the Box

Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:30 am

There was a small exhale from Midori as he looked toward Sakaiza for a moment and then pulled out another book as he responded to his Kage," Observant if you want honesty. Sharpness is for those who have a disbalance in knowledge and application. No offense to you or anyone here Lord Kai. To piggy back off of your question though this could be done in a multitude of ways, each with their own degree of intricacy," the book would be turned allowing those that could see it to see an illustration of a few people casting a technique for example," As this book states a technique could be devised that takes four people to cast, 2 in.. lets call the sender zone, and 2 in the recipient zone. By maintaining the Jutsu in question one could "theoretically" send things to and fro without wasting time nor having to worry about people stealing. This could also, as a side note, be a means of escape for our citizens should our humble home ever come under attack. The caveat to this however is whether this technique needs to be employed around the clock or whenever we need it and if its the former, how do we notify those at the sender side to perform it?," the book would be sat down as he twirled the pen he had around his fingers and stood up, walking over to the board and looking at it for a moment. He wouldn't stand in Saikaza's space, but instead 2 meters to his right to look at the board. For a moment he would contemplate something before looking to Sakaiza, or rather his mask.

"Do you mind if I wrote something up here Lord Kai?," if he was given the go ahead he would take the marker into his hand and find an empty area on the board, drawing an illustration upon it. For how quick he drew it, it had some substance to it an when he had finished he would point his left index at it to further show his point," Here's what I have possibly come up with. We can set up a station here within the village for a sensory or "messenger" corps of some kind, this will be our relay to those in the Land of Rice that will facilitate the other side of this transaction. Here we will have Side A , as seen here, who upon confirmation of the message being received open up our side of things. Taking Travin's suggestion into account, there should be a plethora of shinobi or otherwise unhoused or unaffiliated shinobi that can still be employed within the Land of Rice that we can call upon. It may be a bit of risk, but every person...or most answer to one thing. Currency. By employing these means we have the infrastructure and manpower to complete step one. Step two would simply be testing followed by applied applications.... of course this is not taking certain factors into account. Overall if i ran the numbers, hypothetically our margin for error would be.....15% percent at worst, 9 or 10% at best."

He'd sit the marker down and look to the others to see if he needed to re-explain it or even simplify it so that it was easier to digest. His green eyes would remain neutral as he looked back to the board and pondered on if he could make this better or more condensed...perhaps.

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