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Oda Tsumura
Oda Tsumura
Stat Page : Oda's Tale
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Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Out of the Box - Page 2 Empty Re: Out of the Box

Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:59 pm
After finishing speaking, Oda continued seated at his chair, extremely attentive to everything around him and what others in the room were saying. First, it was Travin's turn, as he suggested that a Sea Route would be the best option, something Oda disagreed, perhaps because of his trauma, perhaps because the idea was actually riskier and more costly. And it looked like his Kage agreed with him, as he stated that he would prefer the most innovative and shinobi way of doing stuff, by using Space-Time in the form of Teleportation techniques. But he gave another question to the group, one that Oda feared that he could not answer properly, given he didn't knew much of Space-Time jutsus, being a Bukijutsu specialist. He tried his best to hide his insecurity as he felt like the Kage wasn't only evaluating their ideas, but also their whole attitude, their body language and their mental process as they brainstormed in that small and secluded room in Hyoga's library. "Damn, it looks like the Lord Hyogakage can see right trough my soul..." the young man thought, as the Hyogakage finished writing on the board and was now looking at the trio, waiting for their fresh new ideas.

As he considered Lord Kai's question, the always ready Midori Terumi, with his huge pile of books and scrolls started detailing how he envisioned such operation. He would even stand up, grab a marker and start to draw on the board illustrating and diagramming everything he had said in a matter of a few minutes. Even tough Midori's plan seemed pretty awesome and well detailed, there as an aspect which Oda couldn't agree with.

- Excuse me, Lord Hyogakage... - Oda would shyly say as he raised his hand - I think Midori's plan is pretty awesome, and I agree with the fact that not only a Space-Time unit would be necessary, but also a top-notch Sensory division would be crucial for the success of the operation, as before teleporting anything we would need to have an effective comunication between here and our outpost at the Land of the Rice, for many purposes, but especially to keep all the logistics tight... however, In my humble opinio we should keep both this divisions, Space-Time and Sensory, restricted to only Hyogagakure Shinobi's, without involving manpower from the Land of Rice, as we should use it only for more trivial tasks, such as guarding and patrolling... yes, most man to one thing: Currency. But those man at Rice Country lost their hidden village, their freedom being now under our Daimyo orders and under our village control... some lost their relatives and friend during Satoru's conquest, the village secret techniques were sacked and they've lost their independence... I wouldn't be so sure that there wasn't a single Rice shinobi that would really like to have some vengeance against us, so I think we shouldn't give them any chance of doing it so and maybe screwing such an important operation, and that the most vital parts of it must be kept within Hyoga's inner circle...

Oda would catch his breath after his long speech. Perhaps it was the longest time in a row that the Shinobi had spoken in his life, but he thought he did a pretty good job. Midori did all the thinking, while his observative prowess was able to simply refine and adjust the idea. He was eager to hear from Travin, as the third Genin seemed to operate and think in an absolutely different way than Oda and Midori, which could also be valuable in improving the plan.

WC: 600
TWC: 1730
Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Stat Page : Travin
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Out of the Box - Page 2 Empty Re: Out of the Box

Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:33 pm
Travin accepted that the group was going on the route of teleportation and once again felt out of his element on the topic. He had very little experience with teleportation only having heard stories and seen it once or twice, and with almost no skill in the art of Space Time Ninjutsu Travin felt like the odd man out. He also didn’t know how much the others knew of the art, and that brought him some comfort in the matter. With Midori taking the lead as Travin was already able to tell that the man was full of knowledge about only god knows what. With all the reading and stuff he was doing. Travin enjoyed a good book as much as the next guy, but Midori seemed to live in books. With Midori explaining his idea of setting up two different locations for the teleportation to take place, and a sensory team to communicate between the two. Travin was starting to get a grasp on what they were talking about. Still with no knowledge of the jutsu that would be used to complete the idea, he still had real world knowledge that he could apply to the problem.

Oda agreeing with Midori let Travin know that it was probably a good idea, and since Kai didn’t object to anything so far Travin was leaning that way as well. However, Oda did make a good observation in the plan. The shinobi from the land of rice probably couldn’t be trusted with running the teleportation beacon for obvious reasons. They should be mostly running missions for us and working on guard duty and such. Oda also offered that they would need the sensory group for more than just communication and would also need to make sure that the circle was clear. This was something that Travin was sure they were just over thinking. He knew of a few ways to cut down manpower and still get the same results.

With it finally becoming his turn to talk once more “I agree with everything that has been said so far, and I must say while I understand the concept that is going on, I do not have the skill or knowledge to understand how it works. I shall leave the Teleportation talk to the ones that know about it and the intricacies of it, as I would not want to throw a wrench into something that could send people to their deaths if done incorrectly. I do think that we are overthinking the communications between the two sites slightly. While having a sensory core available at both sites would be beneficial, having them stationed at the beacons could become a problem with future growth.” Travin would take a moment and judge the reactions he was getting from the group before continuing. “I know that fuinjutsu can place seals that interact with each other, as well as create seals for long distance communication that does not require someone to be a fairly strong sensory shinobi, and in fact can be used by almost anyone once placed. I'd say we do that for communication allowing for long distinct communication done via a fuinjutsu seal placed on both locations. I have also seen fuinjutsu seals that prevent something from being activated as well. Once again I am out of my depths here in technical knowledge, so tell me if it's not possible, but can’t we add a seal or something that prevents the teleportation beacon from activating if something is in the way on the other side. This could also act as a safety protocol, and could be a way to shut the system in case one of the two locations is taken over in a worse case scenario. We would not want to give them a way into the heart of the village.” Stopping once more to try and see if this was a good idea or not.

Like I said I don’t possess the same level of knowledge on the subject as Midori here, but from a common sense perspective this is what I am thinking, and it's up to you if we can use it or not” He would finish with.

WC-698 TWC-2,475
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
Genjutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 70000

Out of the Box - Page 2 Empty Re: Out of the Box

Today at 7:31 am
As Midori began to speak, Sakaiza would start to take a different approach. Walking over to the table, he'd grab ahold of the only unattended seat and pick it up with one hand. He'd carry it over towards the corner of the room, opposite of the door, and set it down. He'd sit in it, lean back slightly, and fold his arms across his chest while listening. And at the same time he'd occasionally glance over at the board which he refrained from documenting any new ideas. So when Midori sought to write upon the board, Sakaiza would silently wave his hand in a motion towards the board, ushering the genin to write out whatever thoughts he had. Admittedly Sakaiza was surprised that Midori did not use the opportunity to write out some formulas or calculations to go with his thoughts, but instead he blueprinted a design. Though it was a rough sketch, it was still conceptually clear and aided Midori's idea for a teleportation system. In summary it seemed to require two sets of two to man both the sending and receiving points. Kai appreciated this proposal, as only requiring four shinobi total to operate it seemed efficient. However underneath the concealment of his mask, his face would express disapproval when the genin suggests having unaffiliated shinobi operate the receiving point in the Land of Rice. 

Kai was impressed at the reserved Oda speaking up, seemingly concerned with the exact same point which he himself had been. Oda's way of approaching it was diplomatic, highlighting the benefits of Midori's plan but simultaneously expressing the disapproval in having unaffiliated shinobi operate something as sensitive as a teleportation machine. And Sakaiza could not agree more. Any residual feelings of resentment or animosity which those shinobi may have buried within them could materialize, and easily create a breach of security for Hyogagakure should those teleportation zones fall into the wrong hands. So when Oda suggested that only Hyogagakure shinobi should handle the teleportation and sensory divisions while the hired hands simply guarded it, Kai would nod in turn. 

Then came his friend Travin, who again utilized his in the field experience to center the group once more. This came with a subsequent proposal of relying on Fuinjutsu to serve as the medium which would allow for the connection between the sending and receiving teleportation portals. It reduced the staffing requirements, as a sensory team would not be necessary. Kai agreed with this point as well, as he figured the sensory aspect would predominantly be used for determining the locations to send individuals. However with fuinjutsu seals programmed with predetermined locations, such as Hyogagakure and the Land of Rice outpost, the functionality would be rather simplified. And along with this suggestion, the Phalanx's defensive mindset concocted further ideas regarding the safety measures, failsafe protocol, and other considerations.

Truly the three genin were working as a cohesive team, where one's idea strengthened the next. If this were the village he grew up in, he could see these genin functioning as a well oiled three man cell. If, however, their physical abilities complimented one another. But alas things were a bit different in Hyogagakure. 

With his mind returning to the subject at hand, the Wretched was pleased that the group was able to come to a solution which aligned quite well with his own predetermined one. 

"Midori's proposal is well thought out and the accompanying design helps visualize it. But Oda's concerns regarding the Land of Rice's history with Hyogagakure cannot be disregarded, and so our own shinobi should be the only ones with authority of manning the the teleportation networks. However, we can certainly hire those unaffiliated mercenaries as guards, and potentially assimilate them into our own forces as well. And finally, Travin's suggestion of simplifying the process into sophisticated Fuinjutsu seals could allow for a smoother process all together."

Pausing momentarily he would arise from his chair and walk towards the board. Looking upon it, he'd take a mental photograph of it, before grabbing ahold of the eraser on its sill and clearing the board of its confidential content. Then he would head towards the exit of the room. Before departing, he'd offer his closing remarks.

"All of your ideas were very thorough today. I will need to discuss this with our advisors. How I see this functioning is that our teleportation zones will be seen as beacons, branded with a specific Fuinjutsu and emb embedded with Jikujutsu to link our lands. These beacons will be stored within secret and secure locations, guarded by various tiers of shinobi. Creating something like this can be as much of a strategical vulnerability as it is a benefit, so we will need to be meticulous about its designs. After I meet with my team, I will send for each of you so that you can be further included in the planning and execution stages. From this point on, all information discussed in confidential. 

Trust that each of you have impressed me today."

With that Kai would depart from the room without a further word. He'd immediately head to the Royal Palace and look to schedule a meeting with his Archbishop to discuss the next steps. For these genin, the future was bright, so long as they continued to display high levels of ambition and ingenuity as they did today.

WC = 893. TWC = 3,113 x 1.5 Event Multiplier = 4,670 TWC

WC Claims:
- 2000 WC Memorizing Oda's signature
- 1379 WC to Whispers of Dark Twilight (2062/2062) rest trained here
- 2062 WC to Kaminari no Zeus (2062/2062)
- 1229 WC to Ironclad Grip (1229/1875)

Mission Claims:
- 4,600 Ryo
- 48 AP x 50 to covert it to ryo = 2,400 Ryo
- Kage Pay x 3 = 45,000 Ryo
- 52,000 Ryo Total
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