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Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Stat Page : Travin
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

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Thu Oct 03, 2024 2:35 pm


Travin had been given the job of running the practice drill at the academy incase of a fire. It was one of those jobs that the genin and chunin of the village was given most of the time, as it was one of the most important things that someone needed to know. The downside was that it was boring and could take forever to get it done. Even in the land of the snow where it was cold and wet most of the time, a fire could still happen since most of the place was heated through wood or coal burning. The possibilities were higher than in most parts of the world who only had to heat through a few months of the year. Making this mission one of the most popular missions that got run almost monthly if not every other month. 

Travin walked out into the snow noticing that it was a light snowfall today, and would probably be fine for the most part for them to run the drill. He had heard stories of last month's fire drill at the academy. When there was almost no visibility due to the snow. He was happy that he was not in the village at that point. Having arrived only a week or so after. Travin made his way over to the academy through the snow. It always surprised him how well the village did at keeping the snow out of it as much as possible, and the streets clear for everyone to walk on. He had no idea how many people worked to do it, but he was glad that he was not one of them, as it seemed to be a very hard job to get done. 

Arriving at the academy Travin stood by the gate. It was the meeting place for all the shinobi that would be participating in the drill this month. He had known the normal routine as he had heard the stories about what everyone normally did, as the children in the village complained about having to do it, finding it boring as well. Normally the student would be in class when the alarm would go off for a fire. The shinobi would simulate what would be done clearing the academy of everyone and moving them outside, while trying to put the fire out, splitting into two groups one clearing the building and they other fighting the imaginary fire. 

Yume Shibai
Yume Shibai
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Today at 6:31 pm
Shibai strolled up to the academy with his hands resting firmly in the pockets of his bright purple jacket. He hadn't expected to come back here so soon after graduating from the academy. It was only a short time ago that he became a genin, but with all that's happened since it felt more like an eternity! His fast track to becoming a shinobi caused him to miss a lot of the more basic lessons that came over the entire course of the average academy career.  Perhaps, him missing these lessons was precisely why Hyoga wanted him to attend now. It honestly felt like a waste of his precious time but he was not in a position to complain or resist. All he could do was bow his head and get through it.

When he made it to the gate he was surprised by how many people there were. Shibai was still unfamiliar with most of the village outside those members of his own clan, which he was pleasantly surprised to see so many of them now taking root within the academy! It was easy to spot which kids were Yume members because they all had bright purple hair and eyes.  It was nice to see them smiling and integrating nicely with the other students. It gave him hope that the hate that had grown over the years between his clan and the village really could be left in the past. Shibai melded seamlessly right into the group as they started practicing their fire drill. His core instinct to lead kicked in and Shibai took charge of the group in charge of the evacuation. His tall and bulky frame, along with his purple hair and deep voice, made it easy for him to grab the attention of those around him who needed extra guidance!

Single file people! Make way for those trying to put the fire out! Let's do this peacefully and organized! Don't push! Help those around you and everyone will be fine! C’mon people you can do this!

Shibai helped herd those through the drills for longer than he felt necessary.  He tried to remain patient when those without commonsense struggled and slowed the process down but it was getting hard. As a leader he needed to be patient and set a good example for his clan and the villagers in general. So once he felt like his input was no longer required he returned to standing by the gates behind the main crowd .Hopefully these drills wouldn’t need to go on much longer and he could get on with his day!

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