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Finding 2 small thiefs. Empty Finding 2 small thiefs.

Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:37 am
Evens began the mission to find the 2 small thieves by rushing up to the highest spot in the village. Evens tried to scout out to see if he could find the thieves that stole fruit from LostLegend.

Evens looked around in an hour or something about that. Evens scouted for a half hour more and saw 2 kids running away from LostLegend's shop with a bag of fruits.

Evens jumped down and followed the kids. Evens sprinted as fast he could.
Evens turned sharp to find a shortcut. Evens ran up on a roof and looked down at the narrow street. Evens spotted the small brats and jumped down right behind them and grabbed them by the neck. The brats fell and dropped the bag of fruits, the fruit wasn't harmed, but the 2 kids was. Their neck was harmed a bit and the small kids (approximate 8-9 years old) fell some tears and looked madly up at Evens.

''Stupid idiot!. HELP! Somebody!'' One of the brats yelled but there wasn't anybody near.

Evens took his head down to their ears and said calmly to them.
''I'm not going to harm you'' Evens said with a happy voice while he smiled.
''Why did you steal the fruits?'' Evens then asked them.

The same little brat like before (apparently the leader) said to Evens with a frustrated voice ''We didn't steal anything. We bought it''

Evens then asked them ''Then why did you run away from LostLegend?''

''We need to get home fast, our parents are going to kill us if were late'' The brat then said.

Evens then looked at the other brat. Not a talkative one. Evens then looked back on the leader brat and said to them calmly ''Then.. let me escort you home with the bag of fruits''

The brats made a face that was so scared that Even thought they just saw a ghost.

Evens then took the bag of fruits up and chained the kids together with his arm. Evens walked through the small path between the small houses. Evens walked pass many people, asking where the brats lived and where their parents where.

Evens got enough information to find where the brats lived. Evens then began to sprint for 5 minutes and then he arrived at the brats house.

Evens looked at the door and then on the leader brat and asked ''Is it here you live?''.
''No. We don't live here'' The little brat said with a little scared voice.

''Your bad at lying'' Evens said to the brat while he was smiling. Even walked slowly towards the door and was ready to open it.

But suddenly the door opened by itself. The door opened inwards. Then Evens saw a big tall man inside the house. The man was about 10 feet tall. The man had many big muscles and 2 BIG hands. Maybe he was a smith Evens thought inside his head.
The man yelled at Evens ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SONS!?'' The man grabbed the kids and Evens armchain was broken.

Evens then said calmly ''I caught them stealing from Lostlegend inside the town. I had to grab them hard before i could begin to talk with them''.

The man looked at Evens, then at his sons and pulled them inside. The door was closed with a big SMACK and the air from the door pushed Evens a meter back. Evens heard some smacks from inside the house and some kids crying.
Evens grabbed his butt while he said to himself ''Damn that fathers hand must hurt a bloody lot''.

The father then walked outside alone and began to make a small conversation with Evens.
''Thanks for getting my sons. I'll promise they will never steal goods again'' The man said to Evens.
''That's good. Well then i have to go back. Farewell''
Evens waved to the kids at the window and smiled but the kids hated him for telling their dad. The kids butts where as red as a monkey..

Evens was now walking slowly and steady back to Lostlegend with the fruit from all the other times. There wasn't much back after the kids have eaten some of it.

After the big labyrinth of walls and houses Evens finally arrived to LostLegend.

''Here you go Lost. Great to have a good deal with you'' Evens said to LostLegend and smiled at him.
Evens gave LostLegend the bag of fruits and Evens smiled at him.

Evens walked away slowly, very slowly. Evens heard LostLegends voice from behind and Evens looked. The brats was back but with money this time. Evens smiled at them and they noticed Evens and they just spat a very annoying face at him. Evens laughed and walked slowly away.
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Finding 2 small thiefs. Empty Re: Finding 2 small thiefs.

Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:32 am
Finding 2 small thiefs. Chuck-norris-approved-png

Well done ^.^
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