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Painting Fences {D rank mission} Empty Painting Fences {D rank mission}

Tue May 08, 2012 11:27 pm
Nietzsche walked out of the mission center in Kirigakure with a smug look on his face. He had been given his first mission: help an old lady in town paint her fence, as it seemed there was a abundant supply of old women in distress in Kirigakure. Nietzsche figured it wouldn’t be that hard, but he had to start somewhere. He made his way into town and found the old lady with five buckets of paint around her. The old lady smiled upon seeing Nietzsche

“You must be the Genin who is supposed to paint my fence” said the lady.

“Yes that is me” replied Nietzsche.

“Well then get to work I need this whole fence painted by the end of today” snapped the old lady as she pointed down the vast line of fence.

The old lady promptly left, walking in the general direction of the village center. Nietzsche looked down at the paint, which was a dark maroon color that captivated the eye. He preemptively removed his jacket so as to not get paint on it and began.

Nietzsche figured that he should take his time. If he was going to do a job he was going to do it right no point in botching it. Besides he wouldn’t be able to stand messing up a simple D rank mission. Nietzsche got into the rhythm of painting: making one long stroke down and one up then down and up again for what seemed like forever. It put him into a sort of sleepy trance as he went along.

About halfway through painting the fence Nietzsche caught himself nodding off, but he quickly snapped out of it and pushed on to finish the job only to notice that while nodding off he had somehow managed to paint his feet. By early afternoon he had finished the first two coats of paint he just needed one more and he was running out of time. “So much for taking my time” he muttered to himself. Nietzsche doubled his efforts and was able to get the fence done in the nick of time just as the old woman arrived home with a bag of groceries, which he helped her carry into her house. As he left his first mission he glanced back to see the evening sun glinting pleasantly off the dark red fence filling him with a sense of accomplishment. And so Nietzsche made his way back to the mission center to collect his payment whilst tracking what seemed like bloody footprints behind him. (words: 423 D rank mission done Link to Mission )
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