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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:33 pm
Day one

It was a quiet morning in the village hidden in the mist. The streets were empty and no birds flitted through the air. In fact it was downright eerie or at least it would have been if it were later in the morning. The clock had only recently struck four and Nietzsche was reluctantly getting out of bed. Pulling on his clothes he made sure to wrap his headband around his head, which was unusual, but today he had to be a good example. One of Nietzsche’s old sensei’s had fallen ill and needed a substitute to teach in the academy. Seeing as Nietzsche had only just recently become a chuunin he got the short end of the stick and was chosen to teach. Nietzsche did not particularly like teaching nor was he very good at it, but he was assured it would be very simple, as the sick teacher had left a very detailed lesson plan for him to follow. Sighing as he entered his kitchen he sat down to eat a quick breakfast of toast-he really needed to clean this place there was spoiled food everywhere and trash littered the floor. After finishing his toast he got up, grabbing his jacket, and left his home waling out into the abandoned streets.

The mist hung low and veiled the ground making it seem as though Nietzsche floated above the ground. He took the familiar path from his house to the academy. He had learned it by heart long ago in his academy days. Finally as he arrived at the academy he swung open the gates making sure to prop them open enough to allow students in. Next he went and prepared the classroom and read over the lesson plan. Opening the folder on the front desk Nietzsche read over what he would be teaching the children. While reading the notes over and over Nietzsche found that though there was two pages worth of instructions they all added up to one thing: He was to allow the Genin to practice their taijutsu on him and basically beat him up over and over.

It all became clear to him then: the teacher was in fact not ill he simply did not really feel like getting punched and kicked all day. Resigning himself to his fate Nietzsche sat down in the teachers chair and put his feet up on the desk. He still had an hour or so before any students got here and he was tired from the night before. Thus he decided to catch up on all the lost sleep he had been having lately.

Nietzsche was rudely awakened from his sleep by the sound of kids in the room. Opening one eye he saw to his surprise that he had slept a little too long. He half considered going back to sleep, but then he slowly got up. The class was in complete disorder. Kids were running this way and that. While others were sitting down and talking. Now standing in front of the class Nietzsche yelled: “Ok! Class is in session everyone take a seat!” Nietzsche waited for about a minute for the class to settle down. After everyone was seated Nietzsche began his spiel: “Class, my name is Nietzsche Mizushima. Please just call me Mizushima. Today I will be your teacher. As many of you probably already know we will be practicing your taijutsu skills. Now I will see all of you out in the courtyard in five minutes” With that the class filed out in a jumbled mess. Luckily most of the kids Nietzsche saw did not look too strong, but there were a thirty of them and taking thirty punches would be no walk in the park. Nietzsche also remembered that they would probably each get to take twenty or so punches at him so today it seemed he would be taking six hundred punches and kicks. Sighing he went out to the courtyard himself.

The class had assembled and had already formed a line. Nietzsche went and stood at the head of the line facing the first genin. So he had to grade this kids taijutsu? “Ok step forth and hit me” Nietzsche commanded to the genin first in line. This genin was only about five feet tall, but she had red blood hair. “Ok first show me your kicks.” The girl came forward and in a swirl of red hair Nietzsche felt a foot connect to his stomach. And then another and then three more. Regaining his breath he continued: “Ok now your punches.” The girl made a rapid movement and Nietzsche felt as each punch landed home on his torso. Her punches were now nearly as strong as her kicks and did not feel like much to Nietzsche. For the final test Nietzsche stated: “Now show off your combo attacks.” The girl kicked Nietzsche in the stomach and as he recoiled a bit a foot came down near his head. Nietzsche had dodged the drop kick, because he was not in the mood for a splitting headache. The red haired girl was rather disappointed, but she tuned and went to the back of the line. “Next!” yelled Nietzsche and another genin stepped up ready to show off his skill and power.

The seemingly endless line finally came to an end after and hour and a half of Nietzsche being kicked and punched around. Near the end it took all his willpower to take the hits and not dodge them or counter attack them. And as the last genin landed his tiger stance combo Nietzsche held up his head and spoke to the genin: “Very good job, to you all. I will grade leave your grade with your real teacher tomorrow. So for now class dismissed.” With that the genin slowly left the academy filing out in groups or by themselves.

With a smile Nietzsche turned walked back into the classroom. He planned to grade all the students and quickly leave so he could catch some more sleep. To his surprise when he opened up the door to the classroom there stood a team of three genin. It was the red haired girl and two other boys who looked rather muscular. These three had been the strongest taijutsu users in the class, in fact he could still feel where they had hit him. All three students bowed and the red haired girl spoke up: “We would like you to train us more in taijutsu. If you don’t mind Mizushima-sensei.” Nietzsche considered turning around then and there-he did not like taijutsu and even these genin had surpassed his skills in taijutsu, but then it occurred to him that he actually might learn something from mere genin. “Ok fine, but give me a chance to enter the grades from earlier today.” Walking to his desk Nietzsche quickly scribbled down the grades and within twenty minutes was back out in the courtyard with the top three taijutsu students of the group.

When the three genin asked if they could continue to use Nietzsche as a punching bag he grudgingly agreed only, because he felt it was his duty to help the younger genin grow stronger. Though this time there would be a twist: Nietzsche would defend against all three of them attacking him. The three attacked in perfect unison. Nietzsche struggled to defend each of their attacks and inevitably they got a kick or a punch in. The night was slowly descending as they continued to train. Finally after two hours of this the three genins thanked Nietzsche and left. At this point Nietzsche was just about ready to collapse in the academy, but he knew that would be a very bad idea. So for the second time that day he limped into the classroom and closed up the room making sure that everything valuable was locked up safe. Then he left the academy in hopes of reaching home before collapsing from all the hits he had taken. His whole body ached as he walked through the streets. At times he had to stop in an alleyway to catch his breath and keep from assign out. He knew he couldn’t make it all the way home with all the bumps and bruises on his body so as he passed by the baths he turned and made his way to the men’s side. He removed his clothes and then soaked in the hot water. Leaning his head back he looked up at the inky black sky.

Nietzsche sat in the hot bath for an hour until he could feel his skin starting to wrinkle at which pint he decided he should really get going. Pulling himself out he felt rejuvenated. Bathing in the hot water had taken the edge off the pain he had felt earlier. Now he could only feel the strongest hits he had taken. Walking into the changing room he found his clothes and then quickly got dressed. He then walked out into the night. The streets mirrored those that he had walked that very morning: empty and mist laden. It seemed Nietzsche had come full circle as he retuned home to his messy kitchen and instead of having dinner went straight to bed. Falling into a world of dreams, or rather nightmares of the line of genin stepping up to beat him up. Each hit in his dreams felt just as real as reality. Finally the dream ceased and he feel into a world devoid of color and sound; this was the land of deep sleep and Nietzsche slipped into it willingly as he awaited tomorrows first light when he would go back to his training.

Day two

Nietzsche awoke to the pleasant sound of birds, which were nesting in his backyard. He almost decided to take the day off and stay in bed all day, because his body still hurt from all the training he had done with the genins the other day. Then h heard a voice echo through his head: “YOU WILL TRAIN!” Shaking his head Nietzsche was not sure what had said that, but it had already disappeared and he dismissed it, but decided to heed the voices command. Nietzsche pulled himself out of bed and quickly got dressed. He then walked out to his kitchen. There he grabbed a quick spot of breakfast and set out to his next training location. He was bound today for the grandest waterfall in all of the land of water. It was by no means close by, in fact it required a ferry to get to that is why Nietzsche was quickly body flickering to the ferry, which would take him to the secluded island where the waterfall lay. Nietzsche arrived at the ferry just in time as it was about to leave. Boarding he found a seat and tried to keep to himself.

Nietzsche had unwisely sat next to a large group of people who seemed to have had a bit too much sake and as such were rather loud and obnoxious. As the Ferry made its way to the half way mark to the mainland Nietzsche prepared himself. The island he was visiting was not exactly a ferry stop. He would have to jump off the ferry and swim to the island. So getting up from his seat he pushed through the crowd of drunks and got up on the railing. He then, after taking a deep breath, dove into the cool water. He could here the drunks yelling that someone was overboard, but Nietzsche hoped that the crew would disregard them. Taking one last look back at the ferry Nietzsche began swimming. It was a fairly easy swim as the currents here were week and Nietzsche was in great shape so he reached the shore in fifteen minutes. Walking up onto the shore Nietzsche took off his jacket and lay it on a large black rock to dry. The beach he now stood on was a sandy one littered with all forms of sea life. About fifteen meters from the water the terrain turned into a dense forest. After glancing back out to the ferry, which was now well on its way to the mainland he reminded himself that he would have to be back in four hours if he wished to “catch” the ferry again that or he would be stranded until the morning.

With that on his mind Nietzsche turned into the dense woods. He made his way through the dense foliage. Each step he felt something stick to his shoes or something grab his hair. Upon looking at what it was he always found it to be a vine or something. Finally after ten minutes of walking the foliage began to become more and more spare. The ground turned from jungle floor to moss. The sound of the ocean had completely disappeared from Nietzsche’s ears it was replaced by a mighty roar of a waterfall. Coming into Nietzsche line of sight was a large pool with a huge waterfall spilling into it. The waterfall itself was about 30 meters tall and the water cascading down it had drilled the basin that now stood at its base. A family for deer quickly sprinted away from the pond as Nietzsche approached like a swamp beast; he was covered in all types of organic matter. This place also happened to be the best place to train ones endurance to pain by allowing the waterfall to beat down on your back for hours on end-one was bound to get a raw back, but the results were undeniable.

So Nietzsche removed his shirt and stepped into the cold waters of the pool surrounding the base of the waterfall. There was a small rock that somehow had withstood the crashing of water upon it. Nietzsche chose to sit on it as it was right underneath the stream of unending water. Upon first putting his back under the water he felt an extreme weight as if the world sat on his shoulders. After ten minutes his back began to sting, but he endured by closing his eyes crossing his legs and mediating. His mind drifted from thought to thought until it rested on his role in the village of the hidden mist.

So far he had only been a genin and only recently just now advanced to chuunin. He needed a way to define himself. He was a nobody with no clear purpose. His mind continued to drift until he decided what his purpose would be in the village. He would become a defender; the mist would not fall on his watch. With this resolve in his mind and taking over his body he could no longer feel the crashing water on his back-he was becoming better.

He sat and sat till he could no longer feel his back. The sun began to fall in the sky and still he sat. He had decided to wait to the morning to get the ferry back. He had been sitting under the mighty falls for four hours now. He could feel each and every cell in his back screaming out in pain. It was like physical torture yet still Nietzsche pushed through it all. The deer family from earlier had retuned. They believed that Nietzsche had become some kind of permanent installment in the environment like a rock anchored to the earth. Nietzsche watched as they daintily sipped up the water from the pond. He felt in tune with nature when the crickets began to sing all throughout the trees. Finally after six full hours of sitting under the constant stream of water Nietzsche got up and walked through the pool of water only to slump face fist into the moss around the pool. He felt like he had been whipped by natures might.

He lay there for a while just breathing in the mossy air that was forced into his body with each breath. It smelled of earth and life. After laying spread eagle for what felt like forever he pushed himself up. He stumbled back to the beach and unpacked the tarp he had brought with him. Pulling out his blanket as well Nietzsche set up a small bed right out of reach of the tides. He then started a fire and cooked his dinner: a couple hot dogs and beans. While eating he searched through the skies looking for familiar constellations and legendary stories that went with them. He recalled a storey his father once told him:

The story of the strongest ninja in the world was one Nietzsche remembered fondly, because his dad would always tell and retell it before he sent Nietzsche off to bed. The story started out when the young ninja was a child who was powerless and wanted power more than anything. He trained and trained and he gained many friends along the way, but soon he found that he could no further as a good law abiding ninja. So the ninja turned bad and deserted his friends. He became more and more powerful, but one day as he lay dying from old age he was haunted by inner sorrow. He had no one to comfort him or console him he was al alone. So he died a lonely forlorn man while his friends, though not as strong as he was were happy and content

Nietzsche always liked that story, but he now took it to heart and decided when he became powerful he would not leave his friends and village. With that resolve in mind he put out the fire and lay down to sleep. He made sure to sleep face down, because his back was still raw and stung at random moments. He fell asleep to the sound of waves in the inky water, but still the waterfalls mighty roar could be heard not too far away. This he thought as he went to bed is how life should be: living under the stars and one with nature. There was no war no conflict, no hate, only peace and nothing else.

Day three

Nietzsche awoke to the cool sea breeze blowing across the water. Over the night the water had crept up the shore and now lay a mere foot away from Nietzsche’s camping spot. He was pleased that he had judged the tide’s reach so well. Sitting up he felt his back convulse in pain. The training he had done last night was taking its toll. Straining his neck he could see that it was still raw and almost bleeding. He reached onto his back, which was quite a feat as when he twisted his body his back erupted in pain. Once he had rested his hands on his own back to the greatest extent he could he allowed chakra to flow from his finger tips and palms. A green glow came off his back and hands as he healed his own back. After ten minutes of healing he stopped he had healed as much as he could though there was still a small patch which he could not reach. Standing up he stretched and went over to his backpack he had brought. He grabbed the sandwich he had brought with him and bit into his breakfast. It was slightly stale, but at least it was food and that was all Nietzsche needed at the moment. While eating he gazed out into the sea.

Birds skipped and dove around the ocean searching for food and a good thermal to ride. The island Nietzsche was on was not like the main one with the village of the mist. This one was devoid of the omnipresent mist and instead had constant sunshine making it almost tropical. The sea was now rolling in large white caps and Nietzsche watched as a private boat sailed by. This island was so peaceful. The water itself was looking quite inviting to Nietzsche; he could never pass up a good swim. Finishing his sandwich he rolled up his tarp and packed up his campsite. He then removed his shirt and walked out to the water. He stopped once he got ankle deep in the water. The water was warm and Nietzsche wriggled his feet into the sand. It felt like small little rocks in between his toes. Small waves sloshed around his ankles as he took a couple steps deeper into the sea. The water then reached his knees. The waves were getting more and more intense as he went deeper. Then a thought occurred to him: he still had four hours till he had to catch his ferry, so why not get in some more endurance training and allow himself to be hit by the mighty surf?

Nietzsche walked in deeper until he was up to his waist and the waves would curl over his head at times. Then he sat ready. Planting his feet firm he waited for the waves to come. And sure enough they came at him with all the force of nature behind them. The first couple waves were a breeze sure they stung a bit, but Nietzsche pushed through. The waves were imbued with the sand they ripped from the bottom of the sea, which was then promptly driven into Nietzsche’s body by the crashing of the waves against his bare chest. The waves kept rolling in like an endless conveyer belt of pain. Each wave that smashed into Nietzsche made him grunt a bit. He was getting slowly pushed back towards shore by the might of the ocean. The waves seemed to come in waves, no pun intended, at first the waves started out smallish, but then grew to a peak point and then shrunk again. He sat in the mighty ocean for hours on end.

Finally after three hours of standing against the ocean Nietzsche dragged himself out of the sea. Some seaweed clung to his leg as he lay out on the warm sandy beach. He lay there on his back, because this time he chest was raw and had scratches all over it from the various rocks and sand hitting his torso. Beads of water and sweat were dripping off his body onto the sand leaving small indentations in perfect façade of the sand. As he lay there his mind wandered down the halls of his past. He recalled the memories of his mother. He remembered her smell, of the sea breeze , and her light blue hair. She had always been so kind and carefree yet serious and loving. He remembered the day before she had left on the fateful mission that took her life. She had brought him to get ice cream, which was a delicacy he rarely ate around his house. She had worn a floral dress while he wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He had been only nine. It had been such a happy day. He was excited for his parents return yet they never retuned and he lost them to the pit of oblivion forever. The call of a seagull far overhead broke him from his reminiscing.

Coming back to reality he felt his chest cry out in pain. Some sand had gotten in his wounds and he proceeded to heal them. The green glow was soothing and pleasant. Though all of sudden in the middle of healing himself he heard a roar issue from the jungle. Quickly getting up Nietzsche tuned to look into the forest and saw a large lion leaping out at him. Acting quickly Nietzsche sidestepped the bulk of the lions lunge, but he did not avoid the stray paw which raked across his left arm. Screaming in pain Nietzsche hand went straight to grab his wounded arm. The lion turned to face Nietzsche yet again and he watched as it coiled up for another lunge at him. Nietzsche did not have time to heal himself so he was left with an open wound on his arm while he fought the beast. This time he completely dodged the loins attempted killing lunge. Nietzsche observed that the lion was very skinny and had probably not eaten in days. That explained a lot to him. Making sure to dodge another lunge he sprinted over to his bag and ripped out the last of his dinner from the night before. He threw the hot dog tid bits out back into the woods. The lion smelling the meat darted off into the woods. Nietzsche had little time to think. He grabbed his supplies and ran out towards the sea.

Once there he swung the bag he had brought with him over his shoulder he began to swim. The slash mark on his left arm was stinging as it filled with salt. Luckily he could see a small fishing boat not too far away. Using all his willpower he stayed afloat and swam with all his might out towards the boat. He could see an old man pulling in a net full of fish. Reaching the boat the old sailor threw a line out to him. Nietzsche grabbed it and was slowly hauled up on to the humble fishing boat. Nietzsche passed out from the pain in his arm once he was on deck. The last thing he saw was the bearded man looking down at him asking if he was ok.

Nietzsche’s vision was blurred as he woke up he could only see outlines and bright blobs of colors. Finally his surrounding became sharper and the image of an elderly man came into view. “You took quite a long swim didn’t you mah boy?” The man’s voice was mellow and kind. “Yeah sorry about that…” Nietzsche looked down at his arm it had been bandaged up and Nietzsche felt confident that it would not get infected. The old man asked: “What have you been doing on that island? It is dangerous don’t you know? To go alone.” Nietzsche smiled and responded: “Well I was training on that island and I was attacked by a lion. He gave me this.” Nietzsche held up his arm. “Well you’re lucky I was out here or that wound you have on your arm would have been in a bad way. Where are you bound?” “I would like to go back to the Mist village, but seeing as you helped me out I will go where ever you are bound.” The old man chuckled “Well mah boy you are in luck. My destination is the Mist village port. We should be arriving there quite soon. When you feel up to it come out on deck.” With that the old man walked out into the deck of the small ship singing a sea chantey under his breath. Nietzsche pulled himself out of the small bunk bed he was laid out in and looked around. The cabin he was in was rather small, but homey. There was a wood siding going along the walls and there was a small crystal chandelier hanging precariously from the ceiling. The while cabin smelled of tabbaco smoke, but it was almost too sweet as the sea air mingled with it to make a perfect smell of salt and smoke. Pulling himself out of the bed looked around for his clothes. He found his clothes hanging on the door and quickly put them on noting that the clothes had been cleaned, which struck him as odd yet endearing. He then strode out on deck.

At first it was very bright out on deck causing Nietzsche to squint into the sun. Then he saw the old man sitting at the helm of the ship steering. Nietzsche approached him: “Thank you, may I know your name?” The old man looked at him and seemed to look through him. “My name is Kenzo Hiro. And don’t mention it saving people is what I do. It seems I always bring up more than fish in my nets more than twice a month. We should be reaching port soon. I will let you on your way, but should you ever need a job or something to do come help me out fishing on the high seas.” Nietzsche grinned: “Yes Of course.” He then looked out into the sea. After another ten minutes had passed they arrived in port. Nietzsche thanked Kenzo once again and disembarked the ship.

As Nietzsche strode through the streets he got some weird looks due to his wounded arm. Though Nietzsche could care less he was tired, soaked and beat up. The past three days of training had left him beat up bleeding and down right tired. He limped across his own doorstep and saw the whole place was still a mess, but he had little will or strength to clean up. He walked to his room and slumped over on his bed and fell straight asleep. He slept for thirteen hours straight not waking for anything or anyone. (Words:4822, +24 health +24 JP)
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:10 pm
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:09 am
Speed Training

Nietzsche pushed back the covers that had somehow gotten over his head while he slept. He then noticed that he had flipped around in his bed. For some reason this always happened to him after a bunch of training. Getting himself in order he swiftly got out of bed and made his bed. He then pulled on some running clothes. Before breakfast he planned to work on his agility. Reluctantly he set out into the crisp morning. A cool mist lay over the world and made the few people out on a walk look like gliding ghosts through the bloody mist. Nietzsche smiled as he broke out into a brisk run towards the outskirts of town. Making a quick stop he checked out with the guards and continued on his way.

He started his time trial his goal was to circumnavigate the village at top speed and continue doing so until he was tired out and hungry. Off he went at full tilt. As he ran his mind raced as well. Thinking was his way of zoning out during exercise and it helped to keep him moving. He thought back to when he was only a genin. It had not been that long ago, but he was feeling rather sentimental today. He remembered his pseudo team: Hikou and Sam. Both of whom seemed to have gone missing from the Mist without a trace. Those had been good times. And now Nietzsche was to lead his own team and that was his true reason for training he did not want to get shown up by his own subordinates. So on he ran at this point he was a quarter of the way around the village, but that was the easy quarter. The next quarter was a trek of marshy land.

Nietzsche made one misstep and he fell down into a small marshy hole up to his left knee. With a grunt Nietzsche’s run ground to a halt. He felt as the marshy water filled his shoes-this was going to be uncomfortable. Laying himself out he spread out his weight and grabbing a stick that jutted out of the mud pulled himself out slowly, but surely. Finally he got out and found firm footing on a small rock. Getting his bearings he turned to the left and ran along the city wall.

This time he watched each step and almost fell in a couple times again, but did not. He was going full speed now and was three quarters around the village. He watched as a group of immigrants filed out of town after a successful trading mission. The immigrants seemed to be from a far off village Nietzsche had never been to-that was one of his goals as a chuunin: to travel more. After another five minutes he reached his starting point. He wasn’t very tired, but he did not really feel like continuing to run around in circles.

So he made his way back to the marshy part of the path he had just run. He had done a type of training like this as a genin and he figured why not try it again? He set in front of him various traps and obstacles that he would have to avoid. He deiced to take a short break so as to forget where the various traps he had placed. While waiting he brewed a quick cup of tea in the marsh. Making a fire he waited for the water to boil. Inhaling his nostrils were filled with the death like smell of the swamps. And after a minute or two his nose was filled with the smell of orange tea. Pouring out the tea into a small cup he gulped it down and retuned to his obstacle course.

The course in front of him was an interesting one. So he began. Running forward Nietzsche jumped over a log and then slid under a root that had grown up in an odd arch shape. Then as he was sliding two logs came down toward him with the intent to crush him in between. Thinking fast Nietzsche body flickered forward and ducked as another log came at his head. It seemed that he had rigged these traps well as the second he ducked five kunai darted at him. Nietzsche quickly drew his tanto and deflected the kunai knives before they could hit him. He then grabbed the three kunai of the ground and threw them at three targets that lay before him.

With that he did a somersault through the mud and moved onward. Now he was moving over the marshy ground at top speed. He seemed to skip over rock and sticks. He then weaved through various spikes that popped up as he went; traps he had set earlier. One spike came dangerously close to his inner thigh, but luckily Nietzsche reacted quickly and moved forward faster and faster. The final trap was yet to come Nietzsche knew it was somewhere, but did not know when it would appear. Finally as he neared the end of the course three crow clones appeared. Earlier Nietzsche had made three clones and gave them a lot of chakra so as to increase their speed.

The clones descended in a blur and were very fast Nietzsche could just barely keep up with the clones lighting quick strikes. It took all his wits to dodge the six hands of the clones that attacked him at once all aiming at Nietzsche’s head. Then all at once Nietzsche used a quick sleight of hand and stuck his tanto into all three as quickly as possible. The clones dispersed and Nietzsche ran to the end of the obstacle course. He rested for a second and then did it again and again. Nietzsche redid the cycle five times. Each time he ran the course got faster and faster. Until finally on the fifth try he couldn’t take it any more-he was starving. He chose to body flicker back as fast as possible back to his home. Once there he whipped up a batch of pancakes and eggs. While he wolfed it down he felt both full physically and mentally. (Words: 1255, +6 speed, +6 JP)
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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:28 am
Word count is only 1,033, words were counted on

Word count was double checked on Microsoft Word 2010 and was calculated to be 1,029.

+5 speed/JP
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:20 pm
[Whoops thanks Viper, I forgot to copy in the last paragraph so this should be tacked onto the end of the last one]

While he ate he heard a rustling sound coming from his backyard. Looking back he saw that there was a man back there in black clothing hiding in the bushes. He also seemed to be carrying something shiny. Curious and rather angry that someone was on his property he went to investigate. Nietzsche using his newly found speed appeared at his back door and flung it open. The man in the yard was startled and began running. Though he was not fast enough and did not get far. Nietzsche swiftly body flickered in front of the man. As the man turned from Nietzsche to run Nietzsche body flickered in front of him again and each time he turned he would see Nietzsche right in front of him. Finally the man stopped turning and gave up holding up the shiny object he had been holding. Nietzsche found that it was an artifact from the museum, which was adjacent to Nietzsche’s property, and was probably worth quite a bit considering the gold plating. Nietzsche quickly knocked the man out and brought him back to the museum along with the artifact. Nietzsche learned that the man had just recently pulled a large heist and must have been trying to get away. Nietzsche could not help smiling as he left: his speed training had paid off. With that he retuned to his house and got back to eating breakfast. (Words: 234, +1 speed, +1 Jp)
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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:29 pm
Approved, +1 Speed, +1 JP.

No Prob, what I'm here for, lol.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:25 am
Earth element training

The mist still clung to the houses around the village hidden in the mist. Nietzsche awakened to the sound of a distant roster crowing to the sky. He smiled when he remembered that he was now a chuunin. What more could he have asked for? He wanted to do everything at once: lead a team, go on high-ranking missions, and master a new element. Nietzsche figured that above all else he should learn a new element first. It would allow him to be stronger for missions and more knowledgeable for his students. Breaking himself from that train of thought Nietzsche got out of bed and slipped into his clothes.

He then made his way into the kitchen and brewed a cup of orange tea. Sitting down Nietzsche sipped a bit of his tea. The first part of this new element training would be by far the hardest: picking a new element to learn in the first place. He pondered this for a while. wind, lighting, earth or fire? Each had their merits: earth was the unmoving yet strong element, fire was the destructive yet beautiful element, lighting was the erratic yet powerful element and wind the inconstant yet flowing element. Nietzsche wanted to be absolutely sure about which one he chose to learn. After much deliberation and two pots of tea Nietzsche decided to learn the earth release, because he felt it would prove useful.

First Nietzsche made a trip to the library fro tips and advice from the archives on how to go about learning a new element. Walking into the Library he could smell the mildew. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light that pervaded the room Nietzsche spotted an elderly librarian walking towards him. “How may I help you young man?” croaked the grey haired lady. “I was wondering if there are any books regarding the earth release.” Nietzsche asked with a bow of his head out of respect for his elder. "I am not sure. I will have a look around. Be back in a bit dear. Feel free to make yourself at home.” The librarian indicated a large desk sitting in the center of the library. While waiting Nietzsche looked around and took in the architecture of the old library. This was the only library in the entire mist village; it held all the knowledge of the mist ninja yet it looked like a crypt.

A shrill cry was heard in the back of he library and in a cloud of dust the elderly librarian appeared holding three very large books. “This is all I could find, but it should be enough to get you started. I will check them all out for you.” The librarian said over her shoulder as she made her way to the front desk. “Thank you” replied Nietzsche. The books looked ancient: the first one had a heavy leather cover with and was titled: The old arts of ninja, the second was loosely bound together and was titled; Earth release for dummies the third and last book was a book named: The muddy pit, an odd name Nietzsche thought, but it seemed to be the best out of the three, even though it lacked a author. Nietzsche chose to only take the book: The Muddy pit and strode out the two large oaken doors, making sure to thank the librarian again, into the misty atmosphere.

Nietzsche made his way out to his normal training grounds bringing with him the needed supplies specified in the book he just picked up. The book detailed some very odd materials. It specified various types of sand and dirt. He picked up some peat gravel and sea sand. And that was what the book said that he would need to learn to harness the power of the earth. With these supplies he walked out to his training grounds. He chose to take the long way so he could reflect on how he could use his newly found power once he obtained it.

As he walked over the slightly moist ground Nietzsche’s mind danced as he planned to use these earth jutsu he would learn only use defense and evasion. He preferred not to fight, but if he did he liked to not get hit. The power of the earth element was one that was truly unknown to Nietzsche, but he intended to figure out the true might of it. His mind was quickly stirred from thought as he arrived at a small pond.

The ground here was covered by a small bit of moss, but it would be easy enough to clear it away. The book instructed him to have a direct connection to the earth when training. So Nietzsche cleared away a small circle of moss and stood in it barefoot. He then removed the gravel, sand and peat rock he had and poured them onto his feet. The earth felt cool and smooth on his feet. Glancing over the book he read that he had to extend his chakra through the earth and feel everything in it. In coinciding with the book Nietzsche spread out the chakra in his feet and felt the earth. He felt as a worm crawled up through the ground and as a mole ran from a snake-the earth was alive and well.

The book then instructed him to try and separate the various mixes of dirt around his feet without touching them. This was going to be hard he knew it, but if he could achieve this small feat he would be one step closer to the earth release. He allowed the chakra around his feet to flow like water and attempt to move the sediment around his feet. For half an hour nothing happened, but wasted effort. Finally after forty minutes Nietzsche could feel a slight tickle on his feet-the movement of the small grains of sand and dirt clumps. Looking down Nietzsche was astounded at what he was doing. The earth was slowly, but surely arranging itself in neat piles.

After an hour of standing in the small pile Nietzsche stood with three piles around his feet. One pile of sand, one pile of rocks and one pile of regular dirt; Nietzsche would have believed it was a miracle if he had not known it was chakra. Now a slight breeze blew over him coming off the water and promptly messed up Nietzsche’s perfectly placed piles. Sighing he stepped out of his circle and picked up the book yet again. The book explained that his next task was to learn to levitate earth with chakra in his hands.

Nietzsche stooped over and picked up the gravel. There was ten pieces of gravel in his hand now and he began to concentrate. He allowed the chakra to flow from his hands in a whirlpoolish fashion and slowly make the rocks move around on his hand. Though it seemed that was all he could do: move the rocks around in his hand-not levitate them. Stopping he dropped the rocks and thought, because he found that when learning something new thinking it over was always the best option.

Closing his eyes Nietzsche thought about what he knew about the earth. He knew that with his preexisting water element that he had to be in a certain state of mind for the best results-so maybe the earth element was the same way? He thought of what came to mind when he thought of earth. His mind flowed with ideas: sturdy, constant, and strong. With these guiding principles in mind Nietzsche tried the manipulation of the ten rocks again. He picked them up and opened his eyes putting all his will and chakra into it.

Slowly the rocks began to turn clockwise and gained speed. Still the rocks did not rise, but Nietzsche had not yet applied his new knowledge. He hardened his will and took on a sturdy stance. Then very slowly the rocks began to rise slowly at first only a mere half a centimeter, but then they rose higher and higher until at last they came to rest about a foot above his hand. Nietzsche allowed himself a small moment of joy at which point the rocks instantly fell down into his palm. This control would not help him in battle at all, because the control took too much concentration, but he was proud of himself nonetheless.

He still had one more challenge to surmount though. The book detailed the final task in learning the earth release. The final task was mold the earth into a crater around his hand by merely touching the ground. The crater would be small, but it would help in the mastering of the earth release. Nietzsche placed his hand on the ground and allowed his palm to touch the cool earth. He then released a quick burst of chakra out of his hand and there appeared a small crater around his hand. With a smile he moved his hand onto fresh earth and repeated the process. Each time he did it a small crater appeared under his outstretched hand. Standing up Nietzsche chose to continue this training regime till nightfall.

Night was descending and Nietzsche was tired. He had been training all day and had progressed greatly with the earth release. He could now effortless move earth and sand with a small degree. He knew this small degree of ability would allow him to open the gateway to use earth techniques. As an owl flew overhead in pursuit of a poor larch he figured it was about time to wrap up his training and head home. He quickly packed up his things and departed for the village. He took a path that he knew by heart and could walk even in the absence of the silvery moonlight.

Arriving at the gates he strode in feeling like a god on earth, even though he knew that there were many shinobi that far surpassed his skill; he could not help feeling accomplished-he was on the path to controlling the earth release. Before him stood the grand city of the mist; it was truly a wonderful city. After stopping to admire the entrance to the city he waltzed straight into the village of the mist. Holding his head high he waved to the gate guards and smiled. Who looked at him suspiciously—he looked far too happy, but they allowed him through anyway.

Nietzsche made his way home choosing to take the scenic route through the restaurant district. His original plan was to take a nice long walk, but the good smells drifting from a barbeque place was too much to pass up. He walked to the small barbeque shop and ordered some barbeque chicken. While waiting Nietzsche pulled out two of the rocks he had used during training and played around with them. Holding one in each hand Nietzsche made them float and charge at each other. He was concentrating so hard that he did not notice the expressions on the faces of some of the patrons of the ramen bar until the waiter came over and asked him to stop, because he was scaring the other customers. Looking around Nietzsche saw a group of three old men watching him with apprehensive looks and speaking under their breath. Nietzsche immediately stopped, not because he cared about scaring the other customers, but because his dinner had come.

Nietzsche quickly wolfed down his dinner and tipping the waiter went on his way. He turned to home, for what he hoped was the last time that night. His lone footsteps echoed down the mist-laden streets as he made his way home. He passed by a small black cat that was eating a fresh mouse. All seemed well in the village of mist. Nietzsche hoped it would stay that way for a while. At long last Nietzsche opened his door and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He had recently noticed that he smelled earthy and he liked it, but he could also feel the dirt under his nails so he went and got in the shower. After his shower he went straight to bed. He felt stronger than he was when he had left that morning and it was a good feeling. (Words: 2045, Earth element learned)
Yasahiro Yagami
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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:18 am
(bump can someone approve this above training please?)
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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:15 am
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private] Empty Re: Nietzsche Mizushima's Training [Private]

Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:15 am
It was a dreary day in the village hidden in the mist. There was a constant drizzle of rain coming down, which was augmented by a cool breeze that blew the rain into the library windowpanes making quiet plinking sounds. Nietzsche had gone to the library for some information on a subject that had become an interest of his: fuinjutsu. Generally Nietzsche avoided libraries like the plague, but there was nothing else to do that day and no one in the Mist was very skilled in the use of fuinjutsu so it was not viable to be taught by someone in the villiage. As such he was forced to go to the library in search of a book that could reveal the secrets of the art of fuinjutsu.

Nietzsche had spent the last hour filing through the dusty corridors of bookshelves and found nothing of use. He was now sorting through the last bookshelf in the whole library and was starting to lose hope as he came to the end of the shelf. As he flipped through the last book he found nothing. He almost gave up for the day until a book that was being used to hold up the bookshelf caught his eye. The book was jammed underneath the bookshelf in such a way that it held up the broken foot of the bookshelf. Intrigued Nietzsche pulled on the book. It came out with relative ease, but the bookshelf it had been supporting wobbled a bit and Nietzsche feared it would fall. So he quickly grabbed a book from the shelf and shoved it under the shelf, thus stabilizing it again. Letting out a sigh of reilf Nietzsche looked down at the book. The title was interesting to say the least: Hey your not a Genius! Who Cares? Read this and you won't suck at Fuinjutsu!. Looking for an author Nietzsche flipped the book over and read that the legendary sannin: Jiraiya had written the book. Despite being in the Mist village his entire life Nietzsche was a bit of a history maniac and could never forget Jiraiya. The book seemed promising so he read the small blurb in the front cover, which read like a bad advertisement: “Have you ever wanted to learn how to seal things? Well now is your chance. This book depicts the proper method to seal anything to your hearts content. If you want to use fuinjutsu to seal weapons or seal the deal then this book is for you!” Nietzsche was instantly sold on the book. He walked to the front desk of the library and asked the librarian if he could take the book out. The librarian seemed eager to not only part with it, but sell it, which was a deal Nietzsche could not pass up. Once he left the library he had in his possession a few blank scroll and his new book.

The rain continued to fall on Nietzsche as he made his way home. It was getting dark. Though it was the middle pf the afternoon, which meant only one thing: there was a storm coming. As Nietzsche came within sight of his home the sky truly opened up and started to cry down large drops. The drops of rain splashed on Nietzsche’s jacket as he started to run towards his door; he did not particularly want to get soaked that day. Finally he got to his door and hurriedly pushed it open. The familiar surroundings of his house felt cozy and homey. Closing the door firmly behind him Nietzsche walked over to the kitchen table and put down all the supplies the book said would be needed to start learning fuinjutsu.

As the dull thuds of rain drops sounded on the roof and the wind blew at a steady clip Nietzsche took a seat and cracked open the book. The first chapter was titled: “What is sealing?” The first couple pages of the book actually described sealing and what it did, though after the first couple pages the content degraded into observations of various hot springs. The hot springs part graded each hot spring based on the amount of girls they attracted. That part was interesting, but besides that the information on sealing was, to say the least, interesting. He learned that he could seal just about anything into a scroll just as long as he knew the right seals, which supposedly the next chapter talked about. Though the idea of sealing various weapons in a scroll for easy transport of a large numbers of weapons was quite intriguing indeed, especially with the strategy he was thinking of, but for now his plans would have to wait, because he still had a book to finish. The next couple chapters flashed by in an instant in order they were named: “Types of Fuinjutsu” “Why use Fuinjutsu?” “A History of Fuinjutsu” “Tips and tricks”. Generally the chapters followed the pattern of: give some advice and teaching then breakdown into perverted comments, which he enjoyed more than the actual fuinjutsu advice.

Night had fallen and Nietzsche had yet to even try to perform fuinjutsu. He had the whole theory down after reading for three hours straight. Though he was getting antsy and couldn’t sit down any longer so he got up and put some tea on to brew. While the tea was brewing he glanced outside. The storm had not let up, if anything it had grown in ferocity as the chorus of rain was now accompanied by lighting and thunder. The bijuu within his mind invaded his mind while he waited for his tea to boil. The bijuu was in a jovial mood, which was odd; Nietzsche had never felt the bijuu n such a mood-why was that? The bijuu just sat in his mind for a while until it finally spoke up: “So you are learning the art of fuinjutsu are you?” Nietzsche wasn’t in a mood to humor the bijuu so he replied sternly: “Yes, now leave me be.” He could almost see the bijuu give a slight nod and the presence in his mind disappeared. Nietzsche wondered why the bijuu was so interested in what he was learning, but he did not have time to really figure out why; he still had stuff to do.

Returning to his seat Nietzsche unrolled the first scroll. He then grabbed a butter knife and placed it on the scroll. Now he just needed to draw on the proper seal onto the scroll around the knife. Picking up a calligraphy brush he started to copy the seal shown in the book. First came the containing circle, which was drawn around the knife. Then came the specifications, which radiated from the circle. Finally came the release lines, which would allow the scroll to release whatever was sealed in it. Once the seal was drawn Nietzsche looked over it again to find any flaws. Luckily there were none. All that remained now was to input some chakra to activate the seal. Holding his breath he placed both hands on the seal and released a bit of his chakra. There was puff of smoke and the knife was gone. Presumably it was now sealed in the scroll. Looking around Nietzsche could not find the knife anywhere so he assumed it was now sealed. Now he just had to release it. Yet again he placed both hands on the scroll and released chakra again and in a puff of smoke the knife reappeared in the center of the seal.

Nietzsche was overjoyed; his first sealing had been a complete success granted it was only a butter knife, but it was a start. He hoped to be able to soon seal many objects in one scroll, which would lead up to the ultimate technique. While reading the history of fuinjustu he had come across that of something called the flying thunder god technique. Supposedly it was a series of seals, which allowed a person to transport themselves like a summon to any place they wanted to go. That was something that interested Nietzsche greatly, though he was not too sure on the details. He figured the best place to look would be in the leaf itself. Though that was for another time; he still needed to get good at this whole sealing thing. Looking back to the seal he had just made with a smile he put it aside. Now he needed to figure out how to seal elements. Jiriaya’s book said that it was harder than sealing weapons and such. Nietzsche wasn’t really sure of the difference though the seals looked a lot more complicated.

He then remembered that his tea was still on to boil. Worried he got up and saw that it had boiled over onto the stove. Though what remained in the kettle could be used as his first sealing of an element. Granted the water was a bit diluted, but Nietzsche believed it should work. He quickly poured the remaining liquid into a mug. The sealing of elements required the seal to be drawn first. So Nietzsche retuned to the table and placed the tea next to a blank scroll. The seals needed for this seal were quite a bit more complicated now that Nietzsche took a closer look. It involved first drawing a containment seal and then another one, which was drawn in the opposite direction of the first seal. Then came the rejection seal. This part of the seal would make the water or element come out with a blast as opposed to just spilling out. Finally came the elemental seal, which made it so the element inside did not corrode the seal itself. After drawing all the seals he took the tea and poured it in the containment ring. He then placed his hands on the seal and sealed the tea. This time instead of a puff of smoke the tea was drawn into the center of the seal. It seemed almost like magic; all the tea was sucked into the scroll. Content Nietzsche did not really want to release the tea, because he would invariably have to clean it up so he placed the scroll aside and rocked back in his chair so it stood on two feet. Having been at the whole fuinjutsu thing for seven hour straight he was growing bored and wanted to go to bed at a semi-reasonable time.

Righting his chair he rolled up all the scrolls and grabbed the book he had been using. He put the scrolls away in a cupboard and took the book to his room. He then went to the bathroom for a nice long shower. He turned on the water extra hot and then stepped into the water. It burned a bit, but at the same time it felt good on his shoulders, which had become cramped up after hunched over his table for hours on end. After standing in the shower for ten minutes he got out and dried off and pulled on some sleeping clothes. He then made his way to bed a place where he could a restful nights sleep. His last thoughts were of Jiraiya’s perverted anecdotes and how they somehow related to fuinjutsu, which still seemed far fetched not that it really matter to him-the book had been invaluable in learning fuinjutsu. He then drifted off to a land of dreams where he became lost in a fantasy world. (1916/1900, Fuinjutsu spec. gained +9 JP, Note that I purchased and used: "Hey your not a Genius! Who Cares? Read this and you won't suck at Fuinjutsu!", which reduces the Fuinjutsu specialty training by 100 words)
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