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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:16 pm
Tailed beast spec Training

Lately Nietzsche had become more violent. His temper flared at random times and it could be set off by anything or anyone. One day after a particularly bad outbreak of anger in which Nietzsche destroyed a few vendor’s booths at the local market he was brought before the village elders. Walking into a room in the main government building of the Mist he was greeted by the one of the elders who was there to examine Nietzsche, the elder was a top medic nin. The elder man smiled and signaled Nietzsche to lay down on a examining table and he did as he was told. Then all of a sudden the elder man moved with lighting quickness and hit Nietzsche straight on of the forehead with two outstretched fingers, which promptly knocked Nietzsche out cold.

Everything around Nietzsche was black; he was aware that he was still unconscious, but it seemed he was dreaming now or something. Slowly the blackness started to lift to the point where he could barely make out the landscape of a grassy field that seemed to stretch on forever. He noticed that he was now laying in the soft grass-it felt so real. A soft wind blew from the west. Wondering as to the source of the wind in this dream world Nietzsche started walking westward toward the seemingly endless hills of grass with the constant wind gently blowing his hair around his head. His trek westward felt like it was taking forever, because for every hill he summated there was always another larger more imposing one hiding behind it.

Finally after walking over hill after hill a large wooden cage came into view. The wind Nietzsche noticed was coming from the cage itself. Though upon feeling the wind a little longer Nietzsche noticed it was not wind, but pure chakra flowing from the cage. Whatever was in that cage had a ridiculous amount of chakra-it sent shivers down Nietzsche’s spine. Steeling himself Nietzsche continued to get closer to the cage. As he got closer the chakra flow became stronger and stronger; it was getting harder to walk. Each step felt like twenty steps. He finally reached the cage and saw a shadow like form in it. Yelling out he hoped to get the shadow’s attention: “Hey you, where am I?” The form turned around and all Nietzsche saw was two huge red eyes and a devilish grin. The huge shadowy form’s gaze petrified Nietzsche and he passed out.

In reality Nietzsche’s second passing out was him being reawakened by the same medic nin who had knocked him out earlier. Yet again Nietzsche came too. The first thing he saw was the old man’s face, which he promptly threw a dizzy punch at the old man. The man easily dodged it countered it by breaking Nietzsche’s arm with a dull crack. Stunned Nietzsche lay back on the table-that old guy was quick, or was he just slow? The old man was smiling grimly now and then spoke: “Nietzsche Mizushima I apologize for knocking you out and breaking your arm, but you have become a danger o the village in your current state.” Biting back his agony Nietzsche responded: “W-w-what!? Why?” That was all he could muster, because his arm convulsing in pain as he lay still. While waiting for a responds he reached his unbroken left arm and touched his right arm. He allowed green chakra to flow from his hand and begin to mend his broken arm. Upon seeing this the old man smiled and continued talking: “We have been watching you Mizushima. Ever since you returned from that coliseum we noticed your temper flare in more and more destructive ways. That is why today we need to confirm our fears: you are the host of a tailed beast. You must leave the village and train until you have basic control of your demon. Here this book may help or it may not: it is all we have on tailed beast training. Leave now! And do not come back until you are in control.” The old man handed Nietzsche the book titled: The tale of the tailed beasts. Nietzsche could not muster words so he simply took the book and walked out of the room in a stupor.

Before he could leave the building an attendant rushed up to him and handed him a supplies bag and a map. The map led to the most isolated point on the main island of the land of water; a place where he could master the lower levels of the tailed beasts power in peace. Looking down at the map he decided to take the west exit of the village-it would be the fastest. He would have no time to stop by his house as he could already hear the hunter nin jumping from roof to roof making sure he left the village directly. As he left the village he looked back once more, but the walls were obscured by the village’s namesake. Nietzsche did not know how long this training would take, but he figured it would take a while judging from the sheer amount of supplies he was given.

The mist continued to grow thicker as he reached the furthest point on the main island. It took only an hour to reach, but while he walked the trees themselves grew older and less touched by humanity. Finally he arrived at a point that jutted out into the ocean-this was it. The cliff was about a forty-foot drop into the chilling ocean water, the forest itself started about fifty feet back from the cliff. Nietzsche figured this was the best place to train superhuman abilities. It was then that it hit him; he was going to become unsurpassably strong with this training and control of the tailed beast within him.

Though first he set up camp, which consisted of a small tent and a fire pit. He hen decided it would be smart to read over the book the elder had given him before he tried controlling the beast in him. Sitting down in front of the now crackling fire he inhaled the smoky smell of his cooking dinner of hamburger and onions and cracked open the first page of the book. To his surprise the first page simply fell out of the book-it was old. The pages were tinged a light yellow and smelled of mildew, it obviously had not been read in a long time. Throwing the title page aside Nietzsche started reading in earnest.

The book started out rather slow and boring. It gave a long and drawn out history of the tailed beasts. Generally it was stuff about the origins of the beasts, which Nietzsche already knew. Thought there was an interesting part about each of the beats in order of tails. All seemed very powerful and not to mention downright terrifying. Nietzsche found it rather hard to believe that a beast of such portions could be sealed inside a human-let alone him. The book also explained where Nietzsche had gone when he was unconscious: his inner world and the cage he had seen was the cage of the tailed beast within him.

The book did not have much advice on how to harness the skills and power of the tailed beast. The only advice the book gave was: that somehow the host of the beast had to merge their chakra with that of the tailed beasts. Supposedly as of right now there were two chakra flows in his body: the tailed beasts and his own. To even access the beast’s chakra he had to at the very least resonate with the beast’s chakra. Unfortunately the book did not hint on how to do that. It only said that somehow the host had to bring up his chakra resonance close to that of the beast’s. Nietzsche had an idea of how to do it, but it would be a tiring and long journey.

Placing the book down he sighed and looked into the now darkening sky. He then closed his eyes and allowed all the chakra control he learned to disappear. Instead of allowing his chakra to circulate normally through his body he allowed it to flow off of his body. Nietzsche figured the only way he would be able to get near the tailed beasts chakra he would have to unleash all of his at once. That is exactly what he did. All around him a blue aura of chakra flowed off him and into the air around him. He then reached deep down inside himself searching for the beast’s stream of chakra inside himself.

In his mind he could see his small stream of chakra in himself and then a large red river that floated above his own river of chakra. Slowly his own thin line of chakra started to elevate to the level of that of the beasts. Nietzsche could feel himself being drained of his chakra-his strength was slowly ebbing. He was so close to resonance with the tailed beast, but he could feel himself slowly slipping away. He could feel the dark coldness of unconsciousness clawing at his insides slowly dragging him down. Steeling himself for the final push Nietzsche released the final pulse of chakra, which brought him near to the beast’s chakra. The chakra seemed to pull in Nietzsche’s chakra as if it had a gravitational pull on it. The two streams of chakra ran very close together, but not yet fully in sync; Nietzsche hoped that would come in time.

With the last of his chakra reserves used up Nietzsche slumped over backwards falling on the gravel adorned ground. He lay there in a world between unconsciousness and consciousness. Until all he could hear was a throaty laugh and see the two red eyes seemingly gazing right through his very soul. Then everything went quiet and Nietzsche opened his eyes. It was now pitch black outside save for his smoldering campfire, which sent up a lone column of smoke into the air. Smiling he propped himself up and looked out to the sea from his camp. He was happy that the beast was sealed otherwise he was pretty sure it would be impossible for him to have come anywhere near the beasts chakra resonance.

He could feel the foreign chakra bleeding into his system; it felt warm yet violent in nature. This was the power of the tailed beast now coursing through his veins. Now he just needed to figure out how to harness it. Though that would be for a different day. It would take a while for him to recover from burning out all his chakra. It was then that it hit him he was tired and hungry. Looking down at the fire he saw that his dinner he had been cooking was now quite burnt. Rather discouraged Nietzsche dug around his bag he found that there was a sandwich packed in there. Taking it out he quickly ate it, even though it tasted rather crusty. Sighing a wave of fatigue washed over him.

Throwing the rest of the sandwich into the coals of the fire he lay back in his tent. His head rested lightly on his pillow. It was odd being away from the village. He could not hear the familiar sounds of the town’s hustle and bustle in the night. Instead he heard only the croon of an owl and the crashing of the waves. In a way it was peaceful being far away from civilization, but at the same time very lonely. He knew it was for the good of the village. He would become a jinchuuriki and help to protect the village in the mist, but for now he needed sleep; it would come quickly. The last vision in his awake mind he saw was the two red eyes gaping at him with a toothy grin to match and then with a huge roar Nietzsche drifted into a restless sleep. (Words: 2003, Tailed beast spec gained)
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:22 pm
Word count: 2,018

The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) National-sarcasm-society-approved
Yasahiro Yagami
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:01 pm
Tailed beast cloak V1 first & second tails

Two days after matching the tailed beasts chakra signature Nietzsche felt like he was ready to begin harnessing the beasts power. Though he was having trouble getting up from bed. Over the past two nights two glowing red eyes and deep laughing plagued his dreams. As a result he got very little sleep. After the first night and reading more of the book the elders gave him Nietzsche concluded that the eyes were that of the bijuu. He also read that the bijuu would do anything in its power to take control of its human host. With this in mind Nietzsche figured he had better start learning to control the beats power before it controlled him.

After gazing out into the misty cliff side Nietzsche decided to get up and work on his training despite being tired. Upon standing up he could just barely see over the edge of the cliff to the sea below; judging from the waves increasing violence Nietzsche figured that storm was coming soon. A look to the sky confirmed his fears-he would have to train quickly. Nietzsche then took a few steps away from camp into the woods; he hoped that there would be far enough from his camp to avoid destruction, because he had no idea what power the bijuu’s chakra would grant him. He sat down and closed his eyes blocking out the ambient noise of the wind waves and birds. Searching inside himself he could feel the chakra of the beast.

Nietzsche carefully opened his chakra network to that of the beasts allowing a fraction of its power to slip into his own. All of a sudden he felt a huge rush of energy and pure power flow through his body. Opening his eyes he saw to his surprise that red chakra bubbles were now flowing freely from his skin. The bubbles began to form sort of a cloak around Nietzsche. Looking behind him he saw two tails of orange waving back in forth. There came a large roar that startled Nietzsche, because it came from within his mind like his conscience, but different. The voice roared through his head: “Another puny human, eh? I would destroy you here and now, but it seems these pesky seals are in place again so for now I leave you with this…boy!” The voice then faded, but then a loud roar echoed through his head leaving him with a splitting headache-was this the Bijuu? Trying to put it out of his mind Nietzsche looked down at his hands and noticed that the cloak was still on him. It seemed that once the beast had chakra taken from it could not take it back-interesting.

Still feeling the power surging through him he slashed out at a tree and watched as three trees fell down. He had initially aimed to only knock down one tree, but it seemed that the sheer power of the slash was enough to blow down two other tree. That was the reason why the elders had sent him away: had he let loose his power in the village it would have surely damaged it and probably gotten someone killed. Nietzsche wondered what other tailed beast hosts would use their powers for. No doubt the other were training themselves somehow. He wondered if some would cave to their inner demon and go berserk. Nietzsche resolved then and there that he would never become engulfed by the lust for power and hunger for destruction. To put it simply he would use his power in defense of good. Returning from his inner thoughts Nietzsche dashed from the woods back to the cliff. Showing no signs of stopping he jumped straight off it.

While in the air he shot out his right arm towards the rocky cliff side. Though he noticed that he had jumped a little too far off the cliff and could not reach it. Panicking Nietzsche nearly had a heart attack as the chakra cloak around his hands extended and grabbed the cliff halting his descent suddenly. Quite surprised he hauled himself back up the sheer cliff. So besides giving him more chakra the cloak gave him some special abilities, he would have to remember that in a fight it could prove invaluable. Worried Nietzsche believed that he idea or very thought of fighting or violence would awaken the now dormant bijuu inside him. Almost as if to answer his fears the beast spoke again: “If you fail in battle I will claim your body human!” The way it said human it sounded almost like a swear. The voice then faded again. So the Bujii would continue to harass him until he had control? Nietzsche thought this over and concluded that the more of the Bijuu’s power he could take control of the less power the Bujii had over him, which was all the more reason to train more tails of the cloak.. All this Bujii’s banter and torment did was spur Nietzsche further to understand the power within him. He continued training for another hour until the rain from the imminent storm started to fall.

With the first rain drops Nietzsche dispelled the cloak and headed back to his lonely camp. Exhausted he sat down and made a quick dinner of instant ramen. While eating it he looked out into the endless curtain of rain that had fallen over the land. Sighing he lay back in his bed. The life of a host was not an easy one he was still nagged by the loneliness without anyone near by he might even go mad. Nietzsche broke out into a steady laugh at that thought. He would ever go mad. Hs last thoughts before bed were those of his parents. He never knew what village the ninja who killed his parents. Before he slipped into dream land Nietzsche promised himself that after this training he would find out who killed them. This night his dreams were devoid of the demonic eyes. It seemed that the minor control Nietzsche now had was enough to suppress the dreams the tailed beast manifested in Nietzsche’s mind. (Words: 1020, 1st & 2nd tailed cloaks attained, and 5 JP)
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:09 pm
WC:1,025 - Approved
Yasahiro Yagami
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:37 pm
Tailed beast cloak V1 third & fourth tails

For the first time in months Nietzsche awoke from a restful sleep. Sitting up from his sleeping bag he gazed out into the mist; the only disadvantage of training so close to the sea was the long lasting mist. Mustering his will he got up and dressed. Stooping down he quickly started a fire for breakfast. Today he planned on having a breakfast of bacon and then go off to train his inner beast. His goal this day was to make contact with the monster within him. He did not know what would happen once he made contact with the Bijuu: would it take over his body or just kill him? Regardless he had to try as the Chakra he was getting at this point was being forced from the beast and Nietzsche knew it would not part with any more without some persuasion.

After finishing his breakfast Nietzsche made his way to the edge of the cliff yet again. He felt like it was the best place for mediation and in turn he hoped he would be able to talk to the Bijuu within him. Sitting down he took a deep breath of the damp sea air and closed his eyes. For a while all he could hear was the unrelenting waves crashing into the cliff below him. Finally after waiting for what felt like forever he opened his eyes and he was back in his inner world that he had been in when the elder had knocked him out only days before.

The cool breeze of chakra flow could be felt on his skin and the soft green grass became intertwined in his toes; it felt like he belonged here. Making his way over to the cage he had seen before Nietzsche saw the shadowy beast yet again. This time he called out with more confidence: “Are you a Bijuu?” The shadowy form let out a throaty laugh and turned to face him. The gaze of the red eyes seemed to drill into him and hold him in place. Then the beast began to speak: “Foolish mortal! I am Gyuki the eight-tailed Bijuu. You are the one who I have been sealed in yet again, no?” Nietzsche stood in awe: it was the eight tails that dwelled within him. It was one of the strongest and most well known Bijuu. Mustering his courage Nietzsche responded in the calmest way he could: “Yes, My name is Nietzsche Mizushima and I am here to request more chakra—“ The beast interjected yet again: “You fool! Why should I give more power to you?” Nietzsche couldn’t help laughing a bit the Bijuu seemed to overuse the word: fool. “Well see without more power from you it is very likely I will fall in battle, which if I recall correctly will also kill you.” The beast chuckled once more: “You are correct Mizushima; I will grant you more chakra, but to get anymore after this you must prove yourself to me.” With that the beast let out a huge roar that sent Nietzsche back into reality.

Opening his eyes he looked out into the sea yet again. At this point the mist had dissipated and was replaced by a shining sun. Smiling a bit he felt as his body was flooded with a new strong sense of power. Small bubbles of chakra rose off his body while he stood up. By the time he was standing four tails swayed behind him. With a toothy grin Nietzsche turned from the cliff and strode toward a large boulder that stood not too far from the edge of the cliff. Thrusting his arms out he watched in amazement as they grabbed a hold of the rock and threw it with little effort at all. All in all he was surprised; the rock felt like nothing to him with this new power. Inside his head the beast was laughing: “You think that is power? That is nothing. Give me control and I will show you true power.” Nietzsche could feel the Bijuu’s huge being putting its weight into his mind. He knew he could not allow the beast to take over so he pushed back with all his will: “Sorry to disappoint you, but this is my body.” With that the force from the Bijuu disappeared. Sighing a bit Nietzsche proceeded to go on a mini rampage ripping up trees and throwing rocks. He was becoming more animalistic as his training went on. As darkness descended Nietzsche calmed himself and went back to his camp.

It seemed that when Nietzsche did not fully take the Bijuu’s chakra its rage came with it, which could be problematic. If he were to go berserk again like that in battle he could probably kill his opponent, but also kill his allies. That was a problem for a different day though for now he needed rest, because going into the tailed beast cloak took a lot out of him. As his head lay on his pillow his last thoughts were of the Mist village and how he swore to protect it. As the curtain of twilight came down mist curled around the camp, but inside Nietzsche could feel the beast warming him with the heat of its anger and resentment. It whispered in his dreams and made him toss and turn. The beast seemed to take more control as he slept. As a roar issued through his head Nietzsche was awoken in a cold sweat. Looking around he saw that he was in his inner world again. The beast was looking at him. "Do not trifle with me boy. My power will not be used a play tool. heed my warning and go back to sleep. You have a long way to go." The bijuu was taking hold of his dreams again and it was scaring Nietzsche. Instead of going back to sleep he stayed up and watched the mist drift across the moon. The moon itself was redish and seemed to be bleeding. This was the burden and curse of the host of a tailed beast. They had t live with a demon within them.

(Words: 1029, 3rd and 4th V1 cloaks attained and +5 JP)

Last edited by Nietzsche Mizushima on Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:43 pm
WC:882 3rd Tail approved 4th tail Denied.
+ 4 Jp
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:52 pm
(Derp my word counter must be off I added in those words needed for the 4th tail unless you would like me to just make a new post for the 4th tail training)
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:55 pm
[Nah 1,028 We got approval now 5Jp the other tail whole Shebang XD]

The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Chuck-norris-approved
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:43 pm
Tailed beast cloak V1 fifth & sixth tails

The dreams the retched dreams had come back. For one day Nietzsche had been free of the dreams, but now they were back-it was madness. The last night Nietzsche had stayed up to avoid the dreams. Each dream was different every scene more horrible then the last. At one point he saw the Mist burning to the ground. In another he saw his genin team being slaughtered it was too much for even a hardened Jounin. The only way he knew to quell the dreams was to take the Beast's chakra forcibly and make it his owns. Somehow it cleansed his mind from the beats presence. He was not exactly sure how it worked, but he knew that it worked and that was good enough for him.

Having no need to get dressed, as he never took them off to sleep. Skipping breakfast he went straight to training. He had found that mediating before these training sessions helped to keep his grip on the beats almost overwhelming power. While mediating he thought of all those he would disappoint if he did not come back: his team and his village. He could not allow it. He knew that war would inevitably come to the Mist at one point. That was why he was training this power: to defend, not to wreak havoc across the land. When that thought crossed his mind his eyes shot open. He opened his chakra channel to the beats power and allowed it to mingle with his own blue chakra. He could feel his whole body becoming flushed and slowly bubbles of orange chakra rose from his skin. Once the cloak was fully formed he felt the Bujii’s influence start to creep into him, but he held strong and pushed back keeping it at bay.

At this point he still only had four tails he needed more; more power and more control. He opened up his chakra channels and started to forcibly take the chakra from the eight-tailed beast. Very slowly the chakra started to flow and the intensity of the orange around Nietzsche started to go up. He could feel as slowly one more tail formed. The power it was giving him was immense. After another fifteen minutes of pulling chakra from the beast one new tail swung back in forth in the mid morning air. He now had five tails, but he wasn’t done; he was going to push himself and the beats within him to the limit. As he started draw more chakra for another tail the Bijuu’s voice boomed through his head: “Mizushima! Who are you to steal power from me? I will destroy you puny mortal!” Nietzsche felt a surge of chakra as the Bujii talked: it seemed that when they were in contact the Bijuu could not keep as good control of its chakra as it could when not talking. So all he had to do was keep the Bijuu talking.

“Who am I? I am your master and controller. And you will be giving me more power whether you want to or not! I need it.” He chose his words wisely hoping to piss off the Bijuu and it did exactly that: “You are a complete and utter fool aren’t you? I am a beast that could crush you with my pinky toe. And you think you can master me?” Nietzsche did not think Bijuu’s had pinky toes, but he guessed he learned something new everyday. The Chakra was flowing more readily as the Bijuu became more enraged. “You? Crush me? You can’t do a thing with that seal keeping you in.” He felt as the beast’s rage reached a breaking point. “Why you! You!…You! I will kill you the first chance you get don’t ever forget that. When you are at your weakest look for me and I will take you.” The Bijuu’s voice faded away. Glancing behind himself Nietzsche saw six tails floating lightly in the mist. It had worked and he had not lost control of his emotions. Though he could feel fatigue coming in quickly. The cloak disappeared and Nietzsche fell to the ground laying there looking at the sky. He had done it: he was getting more and more control and not to mention power.

He lay there just looking up the sky. At this point the sun was high in the sky and beating down its heat on to Nietzsche’s pale skin. Transforming took a lot out of him; almost too much. He wondered if it would really be wise, in battle, to reveal all of his cloaks. He decided that he would gauge his opponent and from that he would base his tails needed for the battle. Gathering his strength Nietzsche stood himself up and then limped his way back to his camp. He could not use the cloaks too liberally he knew that or it would surely be the death of him. As he neared his camp he saw a family of squirrels playing in a tree above his tent. He could not get over how simple nature was: he had just transformed into a beats of nature and over here nature went about its business like nothing happened: life was truly a funny thing.

The squirrels scampered away quickly as he made a fire and cooked an instant ramen pack for lunch. He decided for the rest of the day he would take a break. Maybe go for a swim. Lately he did not have enough time to do any of the simple things he enjoyed. It would be nice to take an afternoon off from all that and just relax. He made sure to shut his mind completely so the Bijuu could not intrude that afternoon. This was going to be his mini vacation from the ninja world; one, which he believed he deserved. Especially considering he had done so much work over the past couple of weeks. Ripping off his shirt Nietzsche ran towards the cliff and jumped the cliff into the cool water; he could worry about training the last two tails of his beast later-for now the rest of the day was his not the Bijuu’s. (Words: 1041, this time its right! lol, 5th & 6th V1 cloaks trained and +5 JP)
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training) Empty Re: The Eightfold tale of Nietzsche (Bijuu training)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:46 pm
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