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Training Ninjutsu Empty Training Ninjutsu

Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:48 pm
It was morning in the village of Kirigakure, and the mist danced about inside the walls like tiny demons; sprinkling their dust everywhere. The wisps of mist seeped around the walls and snaked along the roads, bringing a cold breeze with them where ever they decided to go. The alarm clock in Xyxer's room began to buzz with intent, a small hammer striking against the hollow metal bells positioned diagonally on each side of the alarm clock. The bellowing of the alarms intrudes the sleep of Xyxer, disturbing him from his pleasant dream. Xyxer remains lying down on his back on his bed, one arm rolled over his eyes to block out any sunlight that had managed to find it's way inside of Kirigakure. 'If I ignore it, it'll just stop' was the philosophy Xyxer followed. Of course, it had never really worked out well for him; except the days when it woke up his parents and they personally stopped the alarm clock ( Either by hitting the snooze button or by just breaking the damned thing ). However, this time, it seemed his parents were in too deep a sleep to even be phased by the din the alarm clock was creating. Remaining in the same position for a few minutes, quietly wishing for the alarm clock to just give in and stop it's incessant whining. Noting that his quiet prayer was getting him no where, he let out a groan. His arm shifted off his face and from his eyes, resting gently at the side of his body. His eye lids begin to slowly open, moving at the pace of a snail. His eyes flutter open slowly, blinking multiple times so they could adjust to the light. Pushing his eyelids as far apart as they could go, he drags one hand lazily along the bridge of his nose; itching the sleep from the corners of his eyes. Dropping his hand back down at his side, he gazes upwards at the plaster-covered roof of his home. It wasn't much, but it was where he grew up, and it was good enough for Xyxer. A smile formed on his lips as he remembered the previous day at the Academy. He only just became a Genin yesterday, at the tender age of 8. He felt more powerful with the title; it was a sign that he was getting higher in the world. He was one rank closer to ANBU! A determined grin formed on his smile, his hand slowly reaching over to one corner of his blanket. Getting a light grip on it with his forefinger and thumb, he plucks the corner up. Drifting his hand downwards and across from his body, he releases the blanket as it hits the wall at the side of his body and rests against the wall. Dragging his feet along the soft cloth that covered his mattress, he lets them slowly slide from the bed and glide downwards onto the cold wooden floor. Shivering at first as the naturally cold breeze of Kirigakure hit his naked skin, before smiling again; The little things really were the best. Pivoting his body around, he gets up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed, staring down at the ground in front of him. He still couldn't believe he did it; Well, he knew he was going to pass.. but still. It was a big leap for him, he still didn't believe it. Pushing his hands against the edge of his bed slowly, he uses it to support him as he stands up from the bed. Standing in the breeze, he drops one hand lightly to his side, towards his alarm clock. Hitting the alarm clock gently with his curled fingers, they plummet into the snooze button, turning off the monster's deafening screaming. He'd instantly recoil his hand back to his mouth, yawning deeply into his clenched fist. Dropping his hands back either side of his body, he drags his feet along towards his drawer slowly. His hands curl along the handles as he slowly pulls, yanking the top wooden drawer out from it's nest and out into the open. Looking inside with his eyes, he'd carefully pluck out a short sleeved shirt, a jacket, and a pair of pants. Throwing them to his side, they land messily on the bed. He'd curl his hands along the handles of his drawer again, pushing it firmly back into it's nest. He'd slowly approach the apparel he had picked out, gazing downwards at them. He'd slowly pick up his pants, dropping backwards onto his bed in a sitting position. Wrestling the pants around his ankles and up along his legs, he lets go of them when they sit gently on his waist. Stepping back up from his bed, he collects his short sleeved shirt and gently pulls his head through the rim, forcing his arms through the short sleeves that dangled. Looking finally down at the jacket that he almost never wore, Xyxer slowly picks it up and slides one arm through the sleeve; letting the jacket hug against his back as he slid the other arm into the opposite sleeve. Looking downwards at the zip, he presses them together and slides one side into the other, pulling the zipper upwards. Zipping his jacket up slowly, he walks towards the door with a small grin on his face. Reaching out for the doorknob before he realized, a small smile on his face. His forehead protector! Turning on his heels, Xyxer walks over to his drawer, looking down at the forehead protector resting gently on the top of his drawer, the black cloth stretched out either side of the metal. The sign of Kirigakure etched professionally on the center of the forehead protector. A small grin forms on his lips as he gently lifts it up, sliding it on underneath his hair. Tying the two strips of black behind his head and under his hair, he'd grin again. This was what it was like, huh? Walking back over to his door slowly, he lets his hand curl around the door handle, clenching it gently as he twisted it to the side; the familiar click echos from the doorway as he yanks the door open, leaving his room and entering the doorway, closing the door behind his body. Walking down the hallway with a proud swagger, he turns when he reaches the corner and walks towards the doorway. Picking up his sandals, he falls backwards onto the wall as he tries to wrestle them onto his feet. Getting them on after a few minutes, he twists his feet around on the floor to make sure they were on before he walks towards the front door. His hand curls around the handle of the door, twisting it gently as the click resonated from the wooden door, gently pulling it backwards as he invited the breeze of Kirigakure inside. Smiling at the fresh scent of sea salt, he steps outwards into the breeze and closes the door behind himself.

Standing outside of his house, his hands resting on the hips of his body. Turning his head either side of him to look at the people that were continuing with their usual life in the village of Kirigakure, a small sense of pride beams inside of him. He now had a duty to these people. He was a soldier for them! Grinning, he begins to walk down the entwining roads of the village, moving calmly towards the training grounds where he usually went. Running there, his pace slower than usual as he was in an elated mood. Skidding to a halt when he reached the dirt of the training grounds, a small dust cloud collecting behind his heels. Xyxer walked inside of the training grounds slowly, looking around himself to see that they were abandoned once more. Pretty strange for a village that prided itself on fighting, he thought. Shrugging his shoulders either way, well, they did say they had shed the name; but Xyxer hoped that another age was coming, where they brought back the honorable name of Kirigakure, and made it once again feared by many. Shaking the thoughts out from his head; this was no time for them, this was time to train! To get back on track to earning the name Genin, and then advancing to ANBU! Nodding his head to his own thoughts, he walked around the training grounds with an appraising look, wondering on what he wanted to do. He'd learned a lot of new things recently, but he was unsure on what he wanted to practice first. Staring down at the ground for a few moments before he looked back up, nodding his head for a few seconds. His hands begin to form rapid hand seals, moving quickly; They'd form the seal for a Ram, and then quickly change into the seal for a snake, ending finally with the seal of a tiger. In a puff of smoke beside him, a copy of himself would appear. Looking at the copy for a few minutes, he nods his head, to which the clone nods back. Excellent! Having the clone spar with him, he'd keep dodging the attacks that the clone was using. Knowing that if he got hit, the clone was going to disappear into a column of smoke again. He'd keep doing back flips and twisting his body around with practiced ease, narrowly avoiding many blows. However, eventually, the clone would manage to land a kick on the body of Xyxer, which he would not feel, but the disappearance of the clone would hint that he got hit. Grinning at how long he managed to remain dodging the hits, confident that he would be able to avoid most blows by other shinobis at his level. Knowing that he would be unable to do the henge jutsu at this point in time, he just shrugged to himself; He would have to practice it at another time. Not really feeling in the mood to practice Kawarimi No Jutsu either, he just shrugged and began to do what he usually did when stumped. Train! He'd begin to kick the training dummy, doing a few combinations of kicks before he switched to purely hands. Doing another combination that only involved his hands, he'd begin to mix the two together slowly. Sometimes doing a right jab, then a lower body jab, and then a roundhouse to try and finish off his imaginary opponent. His hands and feet would impact brutally off from the wooden dummy. Stopping after the head of the dummy flew off and rolled away, never to be seen again. Staring at the ground as he tried to think of something else to do, rubbing his forehead slowly. A wide smile formed on his lips, he had it! He'd just do his Suiton jutsus! After all, he was in the village that was favored for it's exceptional skills with the element; he may as well live up to the expectation! Grinning to himself, before he began to start walking towards the sea of Kirigakure. Noticing that he would be walking quite a bit away, he stops at the exit of the training grounds; he had a better idea.. He was going to use one of his newer jutsus to get there! His hands would begin to slowly form into a hand seal, his hands uncertain on the sign it was. However, his hand sign would be a ram as he shouted loudly, "Shunshin No Jutsu!" Disappearing, Xyxer is hidden by a puff of smoke that consumes his body, leaving emptiness where Xyxer had previously been standing.

A column of smoke arises at the entrance to the sea, the body of the newest Genin emerging from it. Xyxer walks towards the sea slowly, jumping down some wooden steps and walking along the pier as he neared the bottom of the bridges. Finally, he'd jump down once more and walk to the end of the lowest pier, looking downwards at the sea that licked at the wood of the bridge. Smiling a little as he focused chakra to his feet, he began to step uncertainly onto the water. Falling straight in the first time, he would keep trying until he finally got it on his fifth try. Walking along the water until he was a fair bit away from the bridge, he smiled. It's time to try it!
His hands would begin to move with practiced ease, forming a few certain hand seals, "Kirigakure No Jutsu!" He yelled, as his water-based chakra would begin to slowly form into mist. The mist being stronger than the natural mist of Kirigakure, it began to envelop the body of Xyxer and surround the small area around him. His body hidden within the mist, wanting to make the next jutsu seem ultra-special! His hands would begin to quickly form different hand seals from within the mist; His hands would quickly turn into the seal of the Snake, before rapidly changing into the sign of the Ram, his hands would continue to form into the sign of the Horse, shifting into the seal of the Hare, moving back into the sign of the Ram, his hands would form into the seal of the Hare again, before finally moving one of his hands outwards, allowing the palm to be open facing in front of him. "Water Prison Jutsu!" he screamed. The mist would begin to fade away, to expose a large sphere of water floating in front of the palm of Xyxer. He did it! He succeeded in making the Jutsu that his idols used! This.. this was groundbreaking for him! Grinning as he kept the jutsu held, the water would just swirl about, creating a dazzling effect on the eyes of Xyxer. The swirls inside the water would mesmerize Xyxer as he began to daydream about finally using it in a battle; watching the hopeless look of his opponent as they acknowledged they were doomed.. Watching a fellow shinobi finally give in, and accept that they were going to die. a pleasant shiver shook his skin and his hairs stood on end. It would be great! Finally letting go of his hand, the sphere of water would splash back down into the ground, mixing in with the sea and continuing on it's journey. Xyxer would shift his body out from the water whilst still maintaining his chakra control on his feet. Reaching the safety of the wooden bridge, Xyxer began his journey back home.

[2426 words]

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Training Ninjutsu Empty Re: Training Ninjutsu

Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:52 pm
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