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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:07 pm
Xuro would hear Kiyamo say, "What do we do with that thing?" Nero then said, "That, is indeed the right question to ask. Xuro, if you're able to
create any type of clones that are solid, you can use it to get the
animals back without us going back with them, as we'll head for another
mission I had in mind next. It will be a harder and more challenging one
than the one we just did. We have to find and retrieve some files, or
documents, i honestly don't remember completely. But I do remember
what's important : we have to find them and retrieve the thing at all cost. That is a very important...thing... So, are you guys in ?" Xuro would say to Nero, "Ok you got it!" and with that he did the clone hand sign and made 3 shadow clones. The shadow clones immediately ran to the animals and then took them and then were off. Xuro then replied to Nero's question, "of course I'm in.. I'll never say no" Nero then said to Xuro using his telepathy, "Can this boy be worthy of joining us ? Puppeteers are extremely rare too, at this time...." Xuro would respond the same way, "Yes he can. I had the same thing in mind. He will be a very valuable asset to our organization. We shall bring him in"

[WC: 3241]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:36 pm
"That," Nero said, "is indeed the right question to ask. Xuro, if you're able to create any type of clones that are solid, you can use it to get the animals back without us going back with them, as we'll head for another mission I had in mind next. It will be a harder and more challenging one than the one we just did. We have to find and retrieve some files, or documents, i honestly don't remember completely. But I do remember what's important : we have to find them and retrieve the thing at all cost. That is a very important...thing... So, are you guys in ?". Kiyamo thought about this for a moment as he watched the shadow clones carry off the animals. Listening to Xuro say that he was up for it, it took him a few seconds before he nodded, "Sure. The more ryo the better, I could always do with getting 25,000 ryo as soon as possible." He dragged one hand across the face, smearing it in the blood that had collected on his knuckles. This was perhaps the gateway to a very bad event.

[WC 3432]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:00 pm
"Sure. The more ryo the better, I could always do with getting 25,000 ryo as soon as possible.". Nero was suprised at what the shinobi said, though he later understood it. "25000 ryo ? What can somebody need 25k for anyway ? Oh... You said you were a puppeteer, right ? Well... Puppeteers are the ones who need the most money. Anyway, then let's do this really quickly for you, and for us too...". Nero would then once again lead the way to the destination he had in mind, which might have been the place the thieves would be hiding in. "Whatever this thing was..." said Nero, "Nobody who can actually use it will take the risk of entering the territorry of Suna... So they must've hired some thieves to steal it... And what better places is there in the desert better than the caves to hide ?".

[WC : 3580]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:31 am
The new boy Kiyamo would say, "Sure. The more ryo the better, I could always do with getting 25,000 ryo as soon as possible." Xuro would start to feel a little sick looking at Kiyamo with all that blood smothered over him. HE sure knows how to fight dramatically. nero would then say, "25000 ryo ? What can somebody need 25k for anyway ? Oh... You said you were a puppeteer, right ? Well... Puppeteers are the ones who need the most money. Anyway, then let's do this really quickly for you, and for us too..." Xuro would then respond calmly, "Yeah makes sense... But 25000 is a lot!" Nero would then take the lead as Xuro would follow him to wherever he thought they could find this group of thieves. Nero would say, "obody who can actually use it will take the risk of entering the territorry of Suna... So they must've hired some thieves to steal it... And what better places is there in the desert better than the caves to hide ?" "But they had to know they way around in the desert then so they probably have some good scouts or a guide." Xuro would say as he followed Nero anxiously wanting to complete the mission.

[WC: 3790]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:41 am
"25000 ryo ? What can somebody need 25k for anyway ? Oh... You said you were a puppeteer, right ? Well... Puppeteers are the ones who need the most money. Anyway, then let's do this really quickly for you, and for us too..." Kiyamo just chuckled at what Nero had said, listening to what Xuro said next, "Yeah makes sense... But 25000 is a lot!". He paused for a moment with a sly grin as he began to respond, "Well, I don't make those shitty mannequins that can hardly do anything. I make monsters. Puppets capable of mass murder if they had a mind of their own. But no, they have mine." Kiyamo then pressed his index finger against his temple and twisted it, further strengthening what he said. He followed behind the two like a lap dog and looked at the back of their heads for a few moments. It seemed like Xuro had begun to trust him now, as he did not walked behind him. Nodding to what was said next by the two, "Nobody who can actually use it will take the risk of entering the territorry of Suna... So they must've hired some thieves to steal it... And what better places is there in the desert better than the caves to hide ?" "But they had to know they way around in the desert then so they probably have some good scouts or a guide." He licked his lips for a moment before he began to speak again, "There are a few caves a way off, but they're far too small to house more than say.. two or three people. If we're looking for more than that we're better off going west. There's a cave there that's well known for it's.. how should I phrase it.. 'Surprises'" After he had said that, he pointed one hand towards the west as if he was giving information to tourists, waiting to see what the two of them would decide to do.

[WC 4119]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:22 pm
Nero smiled after Kiyamo answered him "Yeah makes sense... But 25000 is a lot!". Then he realised the boy was speaking again, "Well, I don't make those shitty mannequins that
can hardly do anything. I make monsters. Puppets capable of mass murder
if they had a mind of their own. But no, they have mine.". Nero found it fairly right. The boy then spoke once again "There are a few caves a way off, but they're far
too small to house more than say.. two or three people. If we're looking
for more than that we're better off going west. There's a cave there
that's well known for it's.. how should I phrase it.. 'Surprises'". Nero smiled as the cave he was headed to, dragging the others with him, was just a little away from them. "Well," said Nero, "if it isn't this one, then we'll go check the one you talked about...". Nero then stepped inside the cave, signing the other two to stay back for the time being.

Nero would see a cave which appeared to be empty of people, but there were in fact many crates. Nero watched the place carefully, as then someone hidden in black clothes jumped towards Nero out of nowhere, passing him, heading out. Nero realised that he had a kind of a scroll in his hand. Nero shouted as soon as he could to alarm the two outside. "Stop him !!!" he shouted.

[WC : 4359]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:47 pm
Kiyamo would say, " "Well, I don't make those shitty mannequins that
can hardly do anything. I make monsters. Puppets capable of mass murder
if they had a mind of their own. But no, they have mine." Xuro couldn't help but laugh at the way he said that. Kiyamo then added, '
There are a few caves a way off, but they're far too
small to house more than say.. two or three people. If we're looking
for more than that we're better off going west. There's a cave there
that's well known for it's.. how should I phrase it.. 'Surprises'
He would point in the direction he was talking about. NEro then walked over in that direction and Xuro followed him in that direction till they acme by the cave. Nero told them to wait outside while he went inside. After a few seconds, Xuro would see a man in back run out with a scroll in his hand. HE then heard Nero shout, "STOP HIM!" Xuro quickly pulled out two kunais and then threw it at the man, hitting him on both his legs. Te man fell to his knees in pain. Xuro would then run to the man and strike him with his sword, the blunt side,, against his back so that he would fall unconscious on the floor.

[WC: 4580]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:13 pm
Kiyamo stood outside and whistled as Nero headed into the cave. He personally thought that was a rather foolish command, but none the less he obeyed it. "STOP HIM!" Nero shouted. As soon as he heard what he said he immediately looked towards the man that was escaping. He put little effort in but he took a step forwards, however, he noticed that Xuro had already attacked the man. Stopping immediately, he stared at the back of Xuro with a glare of utter hatred. He had took his rightful kill. 'Kill him, Kiyamo. They won't be able to stop you.' He grit his teeth as his hands began to flex a little, forcing himself to not launch an attack on the boy. All of his self control was put into this, and he knew that next time that something like this happened he would be unable to control himself. Instead, he just waited for the two to pick up whatever was needed and he headed with them so he could collect his share of the missions.


[WC 4751]

+47 JP to all
+6000 ryo to each
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:22 pm
Um, no. Each of you post your individual ryo and JP gains for the topic then I will approve of it.
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 3 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:25 pm
[We each get 6k ryo and 22 JP (for 1b and 1 s-ranked mission)]
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