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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:40 am

Xuro got up early in the morning just during sun rise as normal. He wore his fighting attire, grabbed his sword and left the house. He walked through the village and went to the meeting spot he had scheduled to meet Nero at. he was going to tell Nero of the new mission he is going to go on and if Nero was interested, Nero could join him. It could be a mission for the Brotherhood of The Sand. Their first mission together as leaders of their new organization. He reached the meeting spot and seemed to be early. he looked around and saw no Nero in site. "Guess I arrived first". Xuro would hold his sword in both his hands and practice wielding his new sword as he swung at the air.

[WC: 133]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:46 am
"I'm on my way." said Nero, using the curse marks as tools to contact Habee. He would run and run, and eventually spot Habee, standing, and waiting for him. "So sorry I'm late." said Nero, as he ran towards Habee. This time he was really speaking though, he would only use the telepathy if it was necessary. He looked at Xuro, who was now also wearing leader cloak of the Brotherhood of the Sand, their organization. He continued speaking. "Anyway..." he said, "What information can you give me about the mission we're going to head to do now ?". Nero would keep eye contact with Xuro, waiting to hear some info about the mission.

[WC : 246]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:22 pm
Xuro was busy practicing with his sword, swinging the heavy chunk of metal back and forth, when he heard Nero communicating with him using their Telepathic link, a key feature of their Brotherhood of the Sand. Only members of it will be sealed with a curse mark of Nero's allowing them to speak to one another telepathically. Nero would say, "I'm on my way." Xuro would wait for Nero and then a minute later he would see Nero approaching him. Nero would say, "So sorry I'm late." Xuro smile and say, "Don't worry I'm just early" Nero would then say,
"Anyway... What information can you give me about the mission
we're going to head to do now ?"
Xuro would pause for a second and say, "Ok... our mission is as follows: Some poachers have been capturing endangered. We have to go and find these poachers and free harms before they are harmed. Also we have to try not to use any violence unless we have to take the animals by force."

[WC: 419]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:54 pm
Kiyamo had been out kicking dogs when he saw two ninja standing close to each other. His eyebrow perked upwards as one of his hands drew along his forehead, sweeping his green-haired fringe to the left so his eyes could keep trained on the two. He waited a few seconds before he walked over to them and soon overheard one of them explaining to the other about a mission. It seemed he would have to try and join this group, after all, Puppet's do not grow on trees. His lips perked upwards into a grin before he began to speak, "Hello, fellow shinobis of Suna. I would be very interested in joining you on your endeavors of this mission.. to.. save endangered animals?" Kiyamo looked from one to the other, his eyes somewhat scrutinizing them.

[WC 554]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:09 pm
Nero realised the boy when he first spoke, "Hello," said the boy, "fellow shinobis of Suna. I would be very
interested in joining you on your endeavors of this mission.. to.. save
endangered animals?". Nero smiled. He liked it when people talked straight to the point. "Yes..." Nero answered, "It's Nero... And this is my friend Xuro... And who are you ?". Nero would really be wondering who this person was, due to his unusual look. "He sure looks special..." Nero thought "But I wonder if it is really something he can get use of... Or we...".

[WC : 650]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:15 pm
Xuro was jus busy explaining the mission to Nero when a boy approached them. he must have over heard their conversation, the boy said, "Hello, fellow shinobis of Suna. I would be very interested in joining you on your endeavors of this mission.. to.. save endangered animals?". Nero smiled at the boy and said, ""Yes... It's Nero... And this is my friend Xuro... And who are you ?"
Xuro wanted to know a little more about this boy. Maybe if he had anything unique he could join their brotherhood. Xuro would say to Nero via their telepathic connection, "Nero let's find out more about the boy... if hes a good Sand Shinobi with something special, we can take him in."

[WC: 771]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:26 pm
"Yes..." the boy replied, "It's Nero... And this is my friend Xuro... And who are you ?" Kiyamo took a few seconds to look at the two of them, registering the faces to the names before he licked his dry lips. He chuckled after that as his lips perked upwards into a smirk; running one hand through his green hair as he began to speak, "I'm Kiyamo of the Yuudoku clan. Believed Puppeteer prodigy. My clan works with toxins so it's an even more deadly combo!" His eyes were closed as he spoke, but they flickered back open as he finished to look between the two of them again.

[WC 879]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:33 pm
Nero would listen carefully to what the boy said. "I'm Kiyamo of the Yuudoku clan. Believed Puppeteer prodigy. My clan works with toxins so it's an even more deadly combo!". Nero smiled. "O.K.," he said "we could use a puppeteer in our mission. Are you interested ?". Nero would, at the same time speak to Xuro telepathicly, showing no sign of what he did to anyone other than Xuro, "Sorry for inviting him without asking you, my friend.".

[WC : 957]

Last edited by Nero Gōka on Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:23 am
The boy who joined into their conversation had introduced himself, "I'm Kiyamo of the Yuudoku clan. Believed Puppeteer prodigy. My clan works with toxins so it's an even more deadly combo!" When Xuro heard this, he was intrigued as he had never met a puppeteer before plus the puppeteer had used toxin. Xuro thought to himself, "This boy is very interesting indeed... hmmm better get on this boys good side instead of bad as he looks dangerous." Nero would then say to the boy, "O.K., we could use a puppeteer in our mission. Are you interested ?" Nero would then say to Xuro telepathically, "Sorry for inviting him without asking you, my friend." Xuro would reply also using telepathy, "No its no problem I don't mind... the more the merrier. The mission will be more successful with 3 people instead of 2. this boy could be very helpful to us." Xuro would then clap his hands and say top the both of them, "Ok then let us head off and start the mission then..."

[WC: 1131]
[Lol Nero, you mentioned 'Habee' twice in the last post >.>]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:40 am
Kiyamo's hand drifted along his hair as he awaited a response, smiling a little at what Nero had "O.K., we could use a puppeteer in our mission. Are you interested ?" He nodded his head once before he spoke again, "I haven't got any puppets on me at the moment, however. But I should be useful if you require speed." Kiyamo then nodded as well at what Xuro had said before he gestured with his hand in a majestic fashion, "Lead the way then, folks."

[WC 1216]
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