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Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:49 am
When the puppeteer said "I haven't got any puppets on me at the moment, however. But I should be useful if you require speed.". The image that shaped in Nero's head was him sitting on Kiyamo's top, being moved by him. Nero smiled as he thought of that. "O.K." he said, as then Kiyamo spoke again, "Lead the way then, folks.". Nero contniued smiling, as he said "O.K., let's head to the desert then...". Nero would lead the way, as he would sign the two to follow him.

[WC : 1306]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:32 am
Xuro would hear the boy puppeteer, Kiyamo say, "I haven't got any puppets on me at the moment, however. But I should be useful if you require speed. Lead the way then, folks" Xuro would think about what the boy said, "He doesn't have any puppets?!... Well that's a bummer. I wanted to see some puppet action." Xuro would then stop thinking and looked at Nero as Nero said, "O.K., let's head to the desert then..." Nero would then walk forward and signal them to follow. Xuro would put his hand forward as a gesture for the boy Kiyamo to follow Nero first and then he would walk just a little behind Kiyamo. He did that to make sure that Kiyamo doesn't try any funny tricks on them or try to attack them.

[WC: 1439]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:44 am
Kiyamo nodded at the boy called Nero, understanding him and he was just about to follow behind him when he noticed something odd. The other boy, Xuro, had gestured for Kiyamo to go ahead of him. He was unsure on whether the boy didn't trust him, or whether he was trying to betray him when he didn't expect it. He silently glared at him for a few seconds with a look that almost said that he would kill the boy, but then his face lifted back up into a smile as he followed behind Nero. Walking behind him, turning his head around every now and again to look at Xuro

[WC 1549]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:13 pm
They would walk some more meters, and the sight will finally be clear, revealing three men, and a lond line of animals bound to each other one behind another, being carried by the one who had the most built body. Nero said to the others, "Here we go.", as he dashed towards the less built one with the katana in his hand. Nero drew his katana and sent a slash towards the guy. "Xuro," he would say telepathicly, "Blow up the one with the giant body, and show off to the puppeteer.". Nero would be taking care of the one with the katana, leaving an empty-handed skinny one to the puppeteer, since he meantioned he was fast.

[WC : 1666]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:40 pm
Xuro would be walking behind the new boy, Kiyamo and Nero leading the two. After some time they spotted three men and along line of animals. "That must be the kidnapped animals!" Xuro thought, "How could they do that." Nero would say, ""Here we go." as Nero dashed at the one of the man and slashed him with his katana. nero would then tell Xuro through their telepathic connection, ""Blow up the one with the giant body, and show off to the puppeteer." A huge smirk slowly grew on Xuro's face as he replied to Nero also Telepathically, "He he, you got it!" Xuro had his brotherhood of the sand's cloak on over his normal attire but under his cloak he still had his back pack filled full with clay ready to be used. Xuro allowed the tubes of the back pack under his cloak to slip into his two palm mouths and let them sip some clay. After the mouths had chewed the clay and was ready. Xuro lifted his arms out of his cloak's big sleeves and then crack his fingers. HE then formed two centipedes in each hand. The centipedes then crawled into the ground. Meters forward where the big built man was walking, the centipedes came out of the ground and crawled up the man strangling him so that he was stuck in his place and couldn't walk or move forward. Xuro would then slowly slyly raise his hand near his face and made the hand signs while saying to Kiyamo with a big smirk on his face,"How you like this?" He then detonated the centipedes causing a small explosion that only blew up the thief. Xuro would then look at Kiyamo and make a hand gesture pointing to the one man left behind, "The honor is yours!"

[WC: 1966]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:52 pm
Kiyamo stopped behind Nero and diverted his attention to three men that were just ahead of them. They appeared to be the poachers which also let him know why they had stopped in the first place. It took him a few seconds to appraise all of the people there who seemed to be looking rather confused at the trio, but it seemed like a fair fight. Three on three, well, technically four on three, but two in the same body. He just chuckled dryly as Nero dived headfirst towards one of the men, but he heard Xuro say something behind him, he turned his head around a little and diverted his attention from the men, watching as the boy seemed to chew with his hands. It took him a few seconds to notice that he had mouths on his hands and they were in fact eating clay. Rubbing his eyebrows a little bit as he was confused by this, he was on the verge of spurting out an insult until he saw two centipedes form in each of his hands. He just turned around immediately to see what was going to happen because he knew it would be good. It took only a few seconds until he saw the centipedes wrap around the biggest guy there and strangled him before finally exploding. He chuckled more lively and clapped his hands like a little boy. He then grinned further at what the boy had said, "The honor is yours!". And boy, did Kiyamo hate to keep people waiting. He just dashed straight towards the male that was left and span around, lifting his leg up as if he was going for a roundhouse kick; however, as soon as he did that, he made a single hand seal and his body seemed to teleport to the other side of the man and he followed through with the kick, his foot harshly hitting the nose of the man. Blood flew everywhere from the single attack but he kept on his series of brutal maneuvers. He seemed to direct his attention to each area of the man's body, unleashing a devastating amount of alternating strikes to each area. He seemed to be enjoying this far too much compared to when he was polite. It was almost as if he was somebody else as he did all of this. A wide grin was on the features of Kiyamo after he had finished beating the man into death; blood spattered all over his face and he almost resembled a maniacal serial killer.

[WC 2392]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:24 pm
The guy would block Nero's katana with his own. Nero would but realise that he had a speed advantage over the enemy. He would use that to stab the man after having him block other slashes made by him, for the katana of him to be held the way Nero wanted to, in order to be strike and stab him easily. Nero then heard an explosion. "Xuro..." he would think as he would smile. He would turn around, and see the remains of the body, which once belonged to the man. Nero would then realise he was even more eager to learn Shakuton now. He would turn around to see how the puppeteer shinobi was doing, but he was too late. When he turned around, all he saw was a soulless body and the boy. "O.K." Nero said, "This ended sooner than expected... So do you guys want to do another mission , so we earn some more money, and of course, more respect ?".

[WC : 2556]
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:37 pm

Xuro would see Nero had defeated the first man and then looked at the gruesome way the boy, Kiyamo would finish of the last man. SO they all quite easily defeat the three men and completed the mission. Xuro would smile at Nero and Kiyamo as the mission was very successful and they done a good job. "Kiyamo looks like a reliable and trustworthy comrade. hmmm..." Xuro would think to himself. After Nero had finished off his man, he would say, " "O.K. This ended sooner than expected... So do you guys
want to do another mission , so we earn some more money, and of course,
more respect ?"
Xuro liked that idea as he loved going on missions. he would say, "Yes that would be nice come, I have one in mind... and Kiyamo if want, you can join us"

[WC: 2698]
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:43 pm
Kiyamo leaned back on the heels of his feet and cracked his fingers simply, although he felt weird vibes now that he was covered in blood. He smiled as he noticed that the others had been killed as well and he nodded at what the other two had said. He then gestured towards the animal they were supposed to be saving,"What do we do with that thing?" He said, his eyebrow perking upwards a little as he was quizzical of the situation. However, by now, he could hear another voice in his head that seemed like a distant buzzing, but he knew it was a voice. A familiar one at that.

[WC 2810]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Glorious Evolution
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 24500

Endangered Species [P, NK, mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Endangered Species [P, NK, mission]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:51 pm
"What do we do with that thing?" asked Kiyamo. Nero smiled. "That," he answered, "is indeed the right question to ask. Xuro, if you're able to create any type of clones that are solid, you can use it to get the animals back without us going back with them, as we'll head for another mission I had in mind next. It will be a harder and more challenging one than the one we just did. We have to find and retrieve some files, or documents, i honestly don't remember completely. But I do remember what's important : we have to find them and retrieve the thing at all cost. That is a very important...thing... So, are you guys in ?". Nero's question was actually more to Kiyamo, than both, since Xuro and he were co-workers and friends at the same time, and there would be no way for one of them to let the other one down... Nero then remembered about the organization. "The Brotherhood of the sand..." he thought, but he would also be saying this to Xuro through their unusual way of communication. "Can this boy be worthy of joining us ? Puppeteers are extremely rare too, at this time....".

[WC : 3010]
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