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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:51 pm
Azha was walking through the village. A slight ind blew causing some of the sand to swirl up in some areas. Azha thought it was a pretty sight. She walked through an alley way and noticed a dead end. She sighed deeply. It seems as though she didn't know the city as well as she thought that she did. She decided to attempt to scale the wall. she walked closer to it to see if there was a way around it or not. Shrugging her shoulders she walked away.

As she continued walking, she approached an area that seemed to be a more quiet part of the village, not much activity going on. It was here that Azha sat on a bench outside of a building that was no longer being used. She saw some kids playing in the road and chasing each other. She saw a lady planting flowers in a flower pot and a gentleman making repairs on a table. She smiled as she noticed all the signs of life in what seemed to be a desolate part of the village. She missed her parents, but at least she had the memories.

As she sat alone on the bench she went into deep thought, she knew she had a lot she should be doing, but she was slacking off for the day. Most of the friends she had in the village had either moved ofr were to busy to talk to her anymore.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:57 pm
Azaiyo's clone would appear in the village as told by its original owner. The village was indeed wonderful in its eyes. He would wander around the village as he would think to himself. "Deputy Kazekage? Second Sage?" This clone was yet to develop its own role in the dimension, the same as all other clones to be released into the real world. Luckily, this clone had been formed with the same insight on the village as the real Sannin of the Sand. As it was formed from the greatest points in the past, back when Azaiyo had his sacred attire, the clone would be wearing it, only to give memories to its creator as the true attire was currently in the hands of another. The 'Hidden Sand Cloak of Legends' and the 'Eternal Kyukei o Seigen would be equipped to Azaiyo, along with all of his other fearsome weapons. As the clone was created not to battle, the only thing he could do at maximum level was scare the ones before him, or 'run into them' with his nearly teleporting speed. It would take several minutes before Azaiyo could find a very scarce area in this village. "It seems everyone has compiled into their respective areas." Azaiyo's clone thought in its head. Within mere moments, Azaiyo's clone would find the one spot that seemed scarce in this nation. A sandy park would be the setting as Azaiyo's clone could see children playing, only a dozen walking by, and a few people sitting on benches. As Azaiyo's clone's mission was to generally continue to make his village happy, Azaiyo's clone would walk to the children. "Seems like you guys are having fun." Azaiyo's clone would smile, "My name is Azaiyo, the Deputy Kazekage of this village and Sannin." The children would smile back as they would begin running back to their parents, the area narrowed down to nearly nothing...or so the clone thought.
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:15 pm
Azha had seen the man appear. She smiled at his interaction with the people of the village. She began to approach him and she had heard him introduce himself. Azha was suprised to see someone of his status among the people. SHe approached him softly and as the kids ran away, she introduced herself as she spoke to him.

"Hello Deputy Kazekage Azaiyo, I am Azha Senju, it is a pleasure to meet you." She said bowing towards him with respect. Someone like him out in the village was a very rare sight, it showed that he cared about the people in his village. Azha felt this was avery important quality in people who lead their villages.

"I am glad to see you interacting with the people in the village." She said as she smiled up at him. She herself was honored to finally meet him. She had heard about him, she had just never seen him. She felt a little shy in his presence, but she did not fear him or feel she was in any danger either.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:31 pm
The clone would find himself restricted to one soul as whilst trying to depart, a sudden little girl would find him. She would begin speaking as the clone would start developing more thoughts in its head, the new findings to be added to the dimension. As the girl would introduce herself as a Senju, three names would come into mind; Taro, Takisho, and Sachiko. "Lost...Deceased...Reborn..." These words would strike the clone's mind as all three were Senju as well. Things were getting interesting already. The clone would bring itself back to the present as it would reply only to the things the lady called out to it. "Hello Azha, it's very nice seeing more and more shinobi come. It only makes my life happier. As making my life happier is a gift, I like to reward those responsible. Once everyone's happy much farther can you go from there?"
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:14 pm
"You have a point, so what exactly is your job as deputy kazekage?" Azha asked him as she watched the wind blow the sand making more swirls around them. She knew what the Kazekage did but not what exactly the deputy kazekages job was. Although she knew he had to be pretty high ranked in the village. In school she had learned their village was one of the only villages to have such a position.

"Would you like to walk with me?" She asked him. It was a nice day out and if they were going to have a conversation, they may as well take a walk as well,. Azha enjoyed walking around the village, for some reason she was always able to admire the beauty of such a place. There was always something new to see and someone had always adding a new store or restaraunt in town.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:06 pm
Azaiyo's clone would look at the girl for a quick moment, thoughts that even the original Azaiyo would not think of coming to mind as the clone had discovered its own path, at least until it were to be called back to the dimension, only to give out the news. The clone would stay concentrated on the girl, but also its surroundings as its recognized mission would still be to overlook the village. Staring off into the sky, the clone would give a response to this lady's question. "The Deputy Kazekage has many tasks, whether it'd be for the people or for the village entirely. As I mentioned before, my job is to ensure the village is happy and balanced. It is sad to say, but in order to do this, I have to go to any degree, even killing my own people." With this being said, a frown would cross the clone's face, but soon after change into a smile. "However, just because I get a role, doesn't mean I have to do it. For example, if your Kage told you to kill your best friend, would you do it?" Azaiyo's clone would intentionally make this conversation interesting as he would follow on to the next topic.

As it was now clear that Azha now wanted to spend more time with him, Azaiyo's clone would become concerned. The clone had not originally been assigned to another person, so where would he take her? This would become troublesome as now the clone would have to be the one asking questions. "Walk where?" The clone would say in response to Azha's offer, "I cannot travel too far, but I would be honored to travel around the village at least." The clone would stop here, thinking any more detail would make things inappropriate, for him at least. As he felt highly respected, the clone would now be worrisome as well, wondering how long it would be before he would vanish back into the dimension. The clone would need more time to think about where he was, as for the other clones to be released in the nearby future. This would be an additional task for the Second Sage.
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:03 am
Myou sound like a very important person, and I am honored to be in your presence, Azaiyo." She said with a slight bow, then they continued walking again. "I would do anything my kage asked for the good of my people, after all that is my job as a shinobi, but if the task included harming or bringing danger to those I loved, I couldn't do it. My job is to love and respect, my first loyalties lie with family, then my village." Azha said honestly hoping Azaiyo understood her and what she meant. She was hoping she had not disrespected th deupyt kage, it was not her intention to do so.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:41 pm
"Just as I had hoped." The Second Sage would say in response to his own question, that question being answered in a way Sunagakure no Sato would want from a fellow shinobi. The two would continue walking together as the Second Sage would continue to develop on its own creation, realizing its purpose and what it truly lived for. "You know, the question I gave you was just an example. Do not think the Kazekage would actually wish to have your friends killed. Only if your friends are not friend-worthy would the Kazekage have them killed." The Second Sage would smile once more as the had all of the village memories in his head, at least the ones that Azaiyo had seen. "Have you met any of your relatives yet?" The Second Sage had asked, a name appearing in its mind as ironically, the two would be passing by the hospital.
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:49 pm
"No, I am an only child, and my parents are dead. I have some close friends I considered relatives, but actual Senjus I have never met. I would like to someday. I know of some in the leaf village and a couple in Kirigakure. I would like to someday travel to meet them, but traveling alone these days is no longer safe." She stated as she looked up at him then back at the road ahead of them. The swirling sand was beautiful. "I have wondered if the other villages were as beautiful as our village. I have always loved the beauty of the sand village. I would do whatever possible to keep this place safe." She mentioned as they continued their stroll.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK) Empty Re: meeting new people (Azaiyo & Azha P/NK)

Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:13 pm
Hearing the young lady speak gave the clone a great smile, a reason to satisfy life. As the two strolled, the clone was learning more and more about the world and what it had to offer. "I'll be okay." The clone said to itself before acknowledging the point Azha had just previously given out. "I will tell you a story about a Senju then..." The clone would begin to comment on the lady's speech, "...His name is Taro. When I first met him, he was homeless, a guy who could not see the image of potential, something you can definitely see as of now. He would just rest underneath the sandy trees of the long desert, and think about the possibilities of his own future, at least that is what he had told me. Anyway, I had told him how beneficial this village can be, and how helpful it can be when it comes to your growth, both as a shinobi and a person. It took him a while to understand these things, the poor little wanderer he used to be, but after a while, he managed to see the light in the hellish path he was taking, managing to escape from his own disorder. Later, when I had barely saved the life of another shinobi, a 'semi-Senju', he was there, in the hospital, ready to operate. This is just a mere example of a road to a true ninja. Not only did this man manage to come out of hell, but he managed to reach the peak of his own mountain. God bless where that guy is today." The clone could feel joy shrouding its body as it was ready for its departure. "This is only the beginning for you, Azha Senju. Cherish it, and take advantage of it. The next time I see you, I want to see you at your best." With this, the clone would vanish, leaving behind particles of dust, a sign that it had returned to its own world. It would only hope that it had inspired the girl whom it had just seen today.

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