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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:49 pm
Ah, the best part of the day at the academy; recess out on the yard. Perfect time for some of the soon-to-be shinobi to get out and get to know each other some more before setting out for good. Kaito would make his way to the usual spot, a small bench near the swings. For every child around they knew exactly what he was doing. The boy reached into his satchel and pulled out different sets of his mechanoid toys. A few students gathered around him, anxious to see what they'd get from him. "Alright, time to get your gunpla! Everyone will get one so don't worry about missing out!" He smiled as he handed each child a toy. Oh the excitement he felt from seeing smiles on his face. It was a feeling like no other! Perhaps this was how his father felt.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:07 pm
Jason had been seeing a lot of new faces at the training grounds lately. It seemed like more of Konoha's ninja were working on graduating the academy. One of these young ninja was a seemingly cheerful boy that liked to hand out strange mechanical toys to the other kids. That was exactly what was happening as Jason made his rounds at the training grounds today. He had seen the boy in his straw hat with his fox like smile often giving out toys but had never approached him. He wasn't sure why but he felt like today he would go talk to the young boy. Using his Body Flicker to move at 135 speed, Jason appeared behind the boy, his hand on the boy's left shoulder. "Hey kid. Do you always give out free toys?"
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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:22 pm
Kaito sat there watching his peers run off with their new toys. Most of them didn't even thank him for the gift, but it didn't matter. What truly mattered was that they were happy and enjoying themselves. While watching a hand rested upon his shoulder. It didn't really startled the boy, nor did it affect that same old fox smile. Kaito simply turned his head so that he can see who it was that somehow managed to get behind him so quickly. It was another young boy; and he had a question for Kaito. "Hehe. Yes, I do. You worded it as if you've always seen giving out toys." He grinned and reached out towards the boy with a gunpla in hand, "The name's Kaito."
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:54 pm
Adam had been off doing his own business most likely getting in trouble as was his normal thing, he gave no regard to rules and regulations and did has he pleased, He felt he was a man not to be trifled with, probably because he never went to academy, and most of their fresh recruits and most of the genin around he could beat in fights very easily, it had been eight years since his arrival here, and still no lead yet as to where he was from, he just knew he was rather decent at fighting and he liked to use that to his advantage, if he wanted something he would take it, if he did not like someone he let them know, Adam was just a dick like that, and to every one too, see Adam was the type if you could not beat him you were not strong, and if you were not strong, you did not deserve whatever it was that you had, but if you did beat him, he would follow you around like a loyal puppy, until his brain would get to big for his head and he would try for the spot of Alpha, and it is not like he does not know defeat, cause he does, its just hard for him to come by defeat, and even then to lose the rematch, he was strolling along, probably after losing the shopkeeper that was chasing him cause he stole a roll to munch on, eventually he came across two boys, they seemed to be getting along, his pouches on his legs where they were easy to access, filled with all the goodies he 'Borrowed' from the store, he planned on paying them, eventually, once that shop keeper could catch him and beat him down for stealing the goods till then he would keep doing it, he would give a short sharp whistle through his teeth, trying to get the boy's attentions, while he got within a good short five meters, he would stop look to see what the kids had and then he would speak out to them "Well well look at what we have here, so what you got kid, Candy, money, some sort of charity" Adam would laugh at the kid, then looked behind him and saw the other and would shrug, not really caring about either of them, he just wanted things to keep it away from others, so he planned on doing something rather dickish
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:40 pm
Jason was about to respond to Kaito's question when suddenly someone whistled. Taking his attention off of Kaito, Jason noticed a boy about the same age as him strolling in their direction.

"Well well look at what we have here, so what you got kid, candy, money, some sort of charity"

The kid obviously thought he was high and mighty or something. He laughed and shrugged at Jason and Kaito. This didn't bother Jason but if he thought he could just take Kaito's toys he was in for a surprise. Jason smirked, looking at the new cocky boy that had just strolled up to them. He looked straight at the boy, trying to determine how strong he might be. "Hello. I was just introducing myself to this young Academy Student. He likes to hand out toys to the other kids." was all he would say to the newcomer, as if challenging him to try something. Jason was itching for a reason to fight this guy. He didn't know why but something about him made Jason want to put the kid in his place but part of him also wanted to befriend the guy. It was a weird feeling for Jason. He moved forward to stand 1 meter in front of Kaito and wait to see if the other boy made a move.
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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:40 pm
The boy was about to reply, but was so rudely interrupted by another who looked to be the same age. As he spoke Kaito fixed his attention on him instead, despite being disrespectful. By the way he spoke it was obvious that this boy was some sort of bully looking for something to take. His target? Kaito. The one who stood behind Kaito moved in front to face the other boy directly. Looks like he was going to confront the kid if he tried to pull something off. "Hm? Oh, hello there! I'm Kaito! Unfortunately, I have none of the things you listed. I do have some pretty neat toys. Here, I'll give you one." Kaito digged into his satchel and grabbed another one of the gunpla, holding the one intended for the first boy in the other hand. He stood from the bench and walked over to the other boy, offering him a nicely painted gunpla. "It's one of my best models."
Yukimura Uchiha
Yukimura Uchiha
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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:49 pm
Yukimura sighed as he walked across the village.  He couldn't wait to be done in the village and leave town for a bit to find his favorite spot in the forest.  Suddenly, his eyes came across what looked like a scene.  Three ninja by the shiney headbands they have seem to be lost in conversation.  
Yuki wanted nothing to do with such a noisey crowd, but he WAS interested in the things that one kid was advertising.  
He decided to ignore the other two kids who seemed like they belonged in a gang of some sort.  He walked past them and bent down, examining the trinkets and toys before him.  He had heard nothing until this point,
"How much you selling those things for?" Yuki inquired with a nervous smile, hoping not to be a part of whatever was about to happen.
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:01 pm
(Posting order, Me,Jason,Kaito,Shinta)

Adam Would sneer at the boy who stepped forward, who the hell did this kid think he was, well Adam was going to teach him a lesson, this kid can not be stepping up without a show of power, so Adam would begin to form his hand seal for Shunshin and at a speed of Sixty would charge straight for Jason and would aim a right hook once he got within range of the boy, if he hit the kid he would knock him on his ass most likely, and Adam would look down at the kid and give him some sort of Speech about how the weak should keep their mouths shut, and as Adam did not expect anything other then a hit, he would not prepare or try anything else
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:41 pm
A young boy had walked up to Kaito and started asking questions about his toys, completely ignoring what was about to be a quick show of force by Jason. Suddenly the cocky kid that was trying to take Kaito's toy had charged at Jason aiming a punch to his face. Of course Jason followed his every movement easily and knew from that moment this kid was no threat to him. Immediately thinking through his viable options, Jason settled on just putting the kid on his ass and threatening him with his wood style. He waited until the boy's fist was 10 inches from his face and then turned slightly so that he was facing the boy's arm while simultaneously grabbing his wrist and flipping him over his shoulder on to his back. Immediately after flipping the boy on to his back, Jason made the ram seal at 80 speed and standing over the boy held out his right palm growing a sharp pointed branch to stop 1 inch from the boy's throat. If all goes as planned, neither of the two kids should have seen what happened, only the end situation. Provided the boy doesn't counter Jason's movements, he would say "Know your place boy. We have done nothing to instigate such an attack. Kaito just offered you a toy for free did he not? I'll let you up now but I advise you not to try something like that again if you value your health." and then slowly retracted the branch, allowing the boy to get up.
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Nothing better than meeting new people! [P] Empty Re: Nothing better than meeting new people! [P]

Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:52 am
Kaito's offer was ignored, as the 'bully' charged in. Such speed allowed the young man to attack with untraceable speed; at least to Kaito. Despite the current situation, however, Kaito did not pay the attempt at an attack any mind. Instead, he turned his attention to the newcomer. It appeared that he was interested in the small mechanical-like toys. "How much am I selling these for?" The boy giggled, "These are not for sell. I give them out free of cost! You want one? Here, take it." Kaito handed the boy the same gunpla intended for the attacker. Hopefully, he'd accept it because there was only one left in the satchel, but it wasn't completed. Meanwhile, there were swift movements about. Leaves on the ground were lifted up; signs of high speed movement. Were those two really going to go at it? If so, Kaito would have to observe. For he was in no position to join in.
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