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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:01 pm
Jak woke up that day with a smile. There was something he was willing to achieve today that only he could understand. He would finally be able to master his ultimate technique. His ultimate weapon. He would become closer to his family connection's today. He would tame his voice. Jak got up quickly and folded his sheet's and made his bed. He quickly shuffled on his ninja sandal's and quickly pulled his short's over his sandal's. He zipped up his short's and put on his white tee shirt that was close to his bed which had his clan symbol on the back. He than threw on his black jacket vest and ran into the bathroom. He took a shower the night before, so he didn't have to do that. So he quickly brushed his teeth, put on some deo for his b.o. and rushed out the door, locking it as he went. He smiled all the way out of the apartment's he was in. He hopped off rooftop's and landed in the street's, racing off toward's the training ground's.

Jak was suppose to train earlier in the week, but he didn't get a chance until now. He didn't know if he would see anybody today, but he wasn't to worried about that. Jak didn't care much because he just wanted to become stronger but this could be a big break for Jak. A ninja isn't meant to be known but for some reason, deep down he wanted to become well known. He wanted to be known for his battle prowess. Jak smiled wider at that and as he ran he tied his special cloth around his face so that he would destroy all the ear's of the people around him. He didn't want to hurt anyone here.

Jak finally made it to the training grounds. It wasn't much to see. There was flat ground covered with pile's of sand all around it, of course, and the sun beamed down strongly. Jak saw multiple post's that were sticking up through the ground and he even saw some dummies which he could kick around. This might be more fun than he thought. "This must be it... I wonder if it'll be this deserted all day..." He looked around and seen no one. "...Kinda hope it stay's like this... He said with a flat tone and with a hard gaze, taking in the hot sun and the surroundings around him. He liked to train in peace so he could concentrate a little more.

Jak walked up to a post that was sticking up from the ground. It was sturdy and the wood was piecing off from the abuse it has tooken from who knows how long. The post was probaby about 2 meter's from the ground and it was lined up with a bunch of other posts that were spaced about 15 meters apart. There was about 5 of them. The one that was about 70 meter's away was broken clean in half, so he would be able to use that one. Jak thought about what he could do and immediately took his coat off. He threw his jacket vest on the ground and had a pretty good idea what he could do. He slowly took off his cloth that surrounded his face. Now, he could begin.

Jak made sure he had a good 10 meter's between him and the post. He then took in a big gulp of air and ran towards it. He wasn't the fastest guy, but it didn't take long for him to get close to the thing. Jak belched out a loud scream and the post rattled a bit. "About 100 decibel's... Gotta do better..." He quickly changed his direction and zagged right, taking in another big gulp of air. He then closed in on the post that was next in line. He got within 5 meter's of the post and yelled again at high decibel level's. "About 110 that time... Still a little shy of where I should be...! He thought to himself and zipped right past the post. He then zagged left and closed in on another post. This was going to take some time.

Before long, Jak had screamed his heart out. He had zigged and zagged through these post's for about an hour and he was exhausted. He slumped over and leaned up against the post that had moved slightly sinced he screamed at it for so long. His throat hurt at this point. He was breathing heavy and his chakra level's were low. Why didn't he bring any water? He was really thirsty. He looked back towards the main street and saw people were astonished by the sound of his screaming. He attracted a little crowd. They were probably amazed by how loud his voice was. The whole village probably heard him.

"I think I finally made it to 145 decibel's on that last scream... Took alot out of me though...

(Word Count: 848/700)
(4 stat point's)
(Training for Tsukurigoe Level 1)

Last edited by Jakuon on Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:15 pm
Xuro Bakuton, Jounin of Sunagakure decided to spend his day training and this time he wanted to do it solo and not with his team mates. He felt that wanted to focus a solo training session to see if he's still as good as he thinks he is. He wore his lightweight jounin attire with his bakuton back pack. Over that he was coveRed with his brotherhood of light cloak. He carried all his necessary equipment and weapons ready for anything as always. He had his brotherhood of light head band tied tightly across his forehead slanting down, covering his left eye. He walked through the streets of sunagakure with his eartanic blade across his right shoulder firmly grasped in his right hand. He made his way to the training grounds and entered it. He noticed a boy training in the training grounds. Must be a new genin or something since he never saw the boy before. He jumped on a near by tree still a fair distance from the boy & out of site. He watched the boy training for a minute or two. He then lifted his head band revealing his sharingan eye. It monitored the boy's chakra and to Xuro's amazement, the boy was perform some kekkei genkai Xuro has never seen before. Xuro covered his left eye once again and jumped down the tree. He leaned against it and waited a minute watching the boy. He stomped his blade in the ground and leaned on it with his right hand.
After a while, he said in a straight, emotionless voice, "Hey there! That's a very unique trick you busy doing..."
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:53 pm
Jak suddenly sat up a little as he heard someone talking to him. Well, atleast he thought someone was talking to him. He looked around the pole and seen someone leaning against a tree and he raised an eyebrow. He said he had a pretty unique trick. Jak didn't know what to make of the guy, so he stood up and decided he could take a break and talk to him. He didn't seem like he wanted to hurt him. If he would, he probably would have. If it wasn't for his screaming, Jak would have heard him coming. As he got to his feet, he screamed unexpectedly loud. "YEAH, IT'S KIND OF SOMETHING I'M STUCK WITH...!" His voiced echoed quickly and would make any normal person cringe and hold their ear's. He stopped and smiled. "Oop, sorry, didn't mean to shout so loud..." He said loud enough for the guy to here. He made sure that he wouldn't scream like that again. His voice hurt enough.
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:03 pm
(Posting to claim level 1 of Tsukurigoe and gain 4 stat point's.)
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:26 pm
{If you want the reward now then Approved!}

Xuro laughed when the boy was shouting very loud. He grabbed his sword holding it in his right hand and then calmly walked up to the boy. He came up to 5 meters of the boy and said, "Oh I see... Well I'm Xuro Bakuton. Who are you and what was that you were busy doing?" He was very intrigued at the boy and that technique seemed very strong and also something Xuro had never seen before. Could the boy he using some voice jutsu or something? Xuro definitely wanted to find out more about it...
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:18 pm
He smirked a little. He seen the interest in what Jak was doing so he figured he would tell him. "...Well, I was just training my voice. It was something I was born with. From what my parent's had told me when I was young it's called Tsukurigoe. I guess you could tell that it's kind of loud..." Jak said looking at the man with the cover over his eye. He wondered if this man had something special about him too. "Oh..." Jak said quickly before he forgot to introduce himself. "My name's Jakuon Nakigoe. You can just call me Jak." Jak said looking at the older guy. He could tell the man was battle ready, he had his sword and everything. "It's nice to meet you." Jak said warmly with a small smile, trying to be friendly. "You came out here to train?"
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:12 pm
Xuro would smile at the boy's response.
"Oh so you have this loud voice... Very interesting... Well what can you do with it? How powerful is it or how powerful can it get??... Nice to meet you Jak. You can just call me Xuro. Yes I came out here to a some training, hoping to improve my abilities and such..." Xuro was very interested, this boy had some gift, he wondered what the boy could do with it. If it was a good technique the boy had then it would be just what Xuro's organisation, the Brotherhood of Light, was looking for. A boy like this, young eager to train and become stronger would be very helpful to them. Not like the others that abandoned them and got themselves killed. No this boy looked like he had potential to be a strong shinobi using his voice as his specialty. Xuro wanted to know a lot more about this before asking him if he wanted to join their organisation. He would have to first test the boy's skills to see if he can fight well.
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:16 pm
Jak looked away from him for a moment to think. His parent's had drilled in his head over and over again the specifics of his ability. He knew every nook and cranny of his voice. For some reason, his parent's wanted to let him know that, even in leaving him in the village, they wanted him to know his root's. Jak looked back thoughtfully and smiled at the guy. Talking about himself was something he didn't do normally. "It can get pretty strong. From the legends and bed time stories my parent's told me, a voice can become so powerful it can topple forests and destroy building's. It can bring a group of people to their knee's and have them cringed over in pain. I've heard there were people that could summon demon's and could become invincible. Even break the rule's of the world and go to heaven or hell. But they were just legend's I was told..." Jak thought for a second. "I truly don't know how powerful a voice can become but i'm just a rookie. All I have is stories..."
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:17 pm
Xuro became more informed about the boy's skills but he wasn't too certain since the boy stated that they were just legends. "Oh I see... Well... Let's see how well you can use your voice... How about a spar? Let's see if we train you up" Xuro would jump three meters back and get into a firm stance holding and would get ready if the boy agreed for a spar. He wanted to see just what the boy can do with his voice and how good of a shinobi he is.
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Training All Day, Meeting New People[P] Empty Re: Training All Day, Meeting New People[P]

Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:31 pm
Jak watched him jump back. "This guy is obviously stronger than me... But I'll have to try and pull out all the stop's..." He didn't have any kunai or shuriken, so it would have to be taijutsu. He wasn't exactly proficient in that either, but he had a little bit to back him up. All he had was his voice. He assumed that the man wanted nothing more but to see the full extent of his voice, he asked many questions about it. He would just have to show him first hand. He didn't have many screams left in him, his voice already hurt, but he would give it his all.

"Alright. I'll spar. The guy was ready to spar, so the boy thought for a split second and acted. Jak took in a big breath of air and ran towards the man. He ran a short 3 meter's and hopped into the air. He then let out a full powered scream for a split second and soared through the air. To follow through with his action, he extended his leg and tried to kick the man square in the chest.
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