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Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro the Toad Sage! [P, NK] Empty Xuro the Toad Sage! [P, NK]

Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:29 pm
Xuro woke up early in the morning. He had a big smile on his face sa he was very excited for the start of his new day. He had just had the best experience of his life yesterday. It was suppose to be an ordinary day for him he wanted to go out to the training grounds. He wanted to some taijutsu training. Improve his taijutsu skills and learn some gentle fist techniques. He got up early and then left for the training grounds. When he was half way he came back and realized that his contract scroll had disappeared. He was really worried and nervous as he didn't know what had happened to his scroll. So xuro just decided to leave and headed off back to the training grounds. When he was about to start his training, he was teleported to another place and secret and legendary ancient mount tain know n as Mount Myoboku. Xuro met 2 toads threr, Gamatsuki, red toad about his height and very big which used fire style jutsus and a anothEr toad anmed gamasatu, a yellow looking one which was Gamasuki's brother. The scroll he found was and signed withh is blood was a contract and not just any contract, a toad summong contract. That means now since he had signed the contract with them he could get toads to summon and Gamasuki and Gamasuta was his 2 summons for him to summon. And also Mount Myoboku was a mountain knwon as the land of the taods where the toads lived and training. Xuro was even more in awe when he knew that the toads could talk and they were really cool pair aof (other brothers. Xuro then went back to the training grounds after they taught himm the hand sings to summon them . Then tried and after a few attemps he was able to summon them and train with them. He wanted to practice his taijutsu. Xuro then pracatised with Gamasuki first then Gamasuta after he beat Gamasuki. He then leanrt the eight trigrams sixty four palm gentle fist taijutsu technqiue unique to the hyuuga clan and only once you have mastered the byukugan level 2 but xuro didn't have to worry he had mastered the byakugan till the second last level. He hand mastered his byakugan till level 3 which means he almost had the perfect byakugan vision and could alreayd do or learn the gentle fist technqiues from before long tim before. Xuro then trained with his 2 new summons but also his two new friends that we toads. He leanrt the eight trigrams sixty four palm on gamasuki and cripple dhim down in one attack. He then did the eight trigrams revolving heaven on gamasuta that knocked him flying 10 meter s back and then used the eight trigrams vacuum lam palms on him that injuried him and kocked him out. He made sure he never use all his force and power so that if he really did he would have killed them but he just hit them down to knock them out that's all. Xuro got out off bed very excited still couldn't he get over what happened yesterday. Xuro got up from his bed and then made way to the shower. He took a hot showre and then got dressed, "ah what a day yesterday! I wonder what if it I was just a dream?!" Looks likes I'll find out if it really happened or was it just a crazy dream. Xuro then headed down stairs and went to the kitchen. He wqas up very early just as the sun rose above th horizon.. He was always up so early way before all the other poeple and orphans in the flat wake up. He hummed a melodious tune sa he made his own break fast. He so much wished he had a mom to make his break fast and look after him and also a dad to play with him and buy things for him. But he was just a lonely hyuuga boy that doesn't know what happened to his family. He hadn't met any othr hyuuga as he never left the village except for a mission and also he didn't really think there was any hyuuga in the village hidden in the sand. But if there wass, he hadn't met them but he wished he could find one and meet them and find out more about hi s family maybe that person coudl be xuro's close family. Anayways all that he had as family was his Uchiha step brother Yoru, he doesn't really remembered about his family and how he and his step brother are connected and how and why did they adopt them. Xuro wished he could remember about his family how they looked past memories and family thingsm Xuro was too small when he had lost his parents or if he was abandoned or if they were killed. Xuro made for himself some nice tasty big break fast meal consisting of some cereal, toast, coffee and ramen leftovers his brother brought home yesterday. He then digged in and after 10 minutes he was finished and stuffed down all the food, then as normal he made for himself snacks for his training today. The snacks consisted of 2 sanwiches, 2 chocolates and packet of sweetsa. He then filled up two bottles for drinks. 1 bottle was eenergy drink to keep him going and the other was normalw water. Xuro then put it neatly in a his back pack and then also put in a small towel to wipe his face and that when he gets sweats and it gets hot very hot. Xuro thne took his scroll and carried it acrossa his shoulder. He then went and took all his equipment and weaposn and his kunai and shuriken as well as senobn and his smoke bombs and same like yesterday he carrie dhis two katanas .t he gold balded one and the normal one. He pu them both on his back in a X cross shape so that the handles stick out over his shoulders so that he could easily access them. Xuro them wore over that his back pack. And then got ready to leave the house.

Xuro then left the house fully ready and determin to go out to the training ground and do some intense ful day training. Xuro left the house and walked down the stree of the suna gakrue village making his way to the training grounds. The sun burnt brightly couple of meters above the horizon. Xuro looked around as he walked. He saw all the people not so much just a few peopel going to work some opening their shopps and other small genin training and going out on mission4. "Ah those were the day when I use to go and do missions hhwoel daye very day nons top but all that payed of now I'm a strong jounin of my sand village." Xuro was thinking back on the dayas when he was still a genin doing missiosn. By the tim he had realized it he was already at the training ground. He then entered the training ground. Today there wasn't so much peopel compared to yesterd day there was only 5 people 2 people grouping to gther a doing training or sparring and th etoher 3 were spreaded out trhoughout the training ground doing their own solo training minign their own businessds. Xuro didn't recognize any one the people that were up early like himso he never greet them but when some one managed to look at Xuro would Xuro would do the right thing as he was very respectufl and he would greet the person even though he didn't know them. Xuro then went o to his usual spot like he traine yesterday it wa away from the 5 peoepl on the other end of th train ing grounds so they couldn't see Xuro train and couldn't interfer with his training. Xuro then put down his bag, his giant toad summon contract scroll and his weapoms and equipment down by the tree. He then wqalked to the middle of the sopot area where he tarians. He thne maed the hand signs then slamed his hand on the ground saying, "SUMMonING JUTSU!!!" He then summoned the yellow taod Gamasuta appearing in a puff of smoke. "Hey howz it doing suta?! Let's do some training" xuro saida nxiously with a big smile on his face.m xuro Gamasuta then said, "oh hello Xuro. Whyy did you call me Suta? Anyways we not gonna train here Gamasuki has a surprise for you back at Mount mMyoboku and we must go there so I'll leave me now den he"ll summon you there." Xuro was about to respond but Gamasuta teleportted back to mt Moyoboku in a puff of smoke. Xuro was about quickly ran to get his things from the tree. He had just managed to grap everything in his hands when he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Xuro quickly droPped all the stuff on the ground. He was nowa t Mount myoboku and was right infront of Gamasuki and Gamasuta. He said, "oh hey Suta and suki! So what's this surpirse Suki??" Xuro smiled and couldn't wait for a reply, "... And I call you suki and you suta as a nickname so I don't have to Gama the whole tim when you both have gama in your anames. Gamasuki, then said, l"ok xuro I'm gonna go straight to the chase. I brought you here coz we gonna training ain a secret skill. Its called Sage art. Its a senjutsu skill, its called absorbtion of nature energy. You will meditate and absorb nature energy from around you and fuse it with your chakr to make senjutsu and ninjutsu mixed togther. Senjutsu give you the ability to increase your strnegth so much that you can lift things that you previously couldn't. Senjutsu is nature energy and you use that to help you. You will absorb senjutsu into your chakra and once you fully mastered it you will aquire sage mode. It is a short period of time when you use your senjutus to increase your skills like strngth an dspee dand makes youa a lot stronger than before. It Is a very difficult task to accomplish. You will become a Toad sage. Only 3 peopel so far. Histroy have mastered it. I say 3 coz I'm hoping you will be the tird person, xuro so let's begin...." Xuro was paying attention the whole time and was understanding every word. He then said, "ok let's begin!!!" Xuro then heard exactly how Gamsauki said he must do it. First he had to sit and meditate and try and absorb nature energy while was toad oil from themoun myoboku that helps him. He then after 3 hours he managed toto feel the nature energy he's eyes becam yellow and red and also a yellow outline around his eye lid. Xurot hen had to practice sitting still and meditating without using toad oil. He had to sit on a plank of wood on a think long rokcy spike on a mountain. The spike raised 100 meters high and Is. Very long way down. Lucky Gamasuki and Gamasuta was there whenever he managdd to fall down. After about 5 hours of intense trying and attempts and concentration,n he had managed to abosorb nature energy and then master sage mode by become a fully sage entering sage mode without the use of the toad oil. Xuro's eyes became yellow and his pupils became a horizontal bar and an orange redish pigment srurounding his eyes. He had finally done it. "Yes I am A Sage!" Xuro scram out after he accomplished it. He jumped back down and then could feel the extra power and strngth as well as other peaks. The nature energy was flowing naturally with xuro's chakra. Gamasuki coand Gama suta congradulated him and he then "well done xuro you became the 3d person to learn he sage mode. Well done.b" xuro then said, +k I think that's enough for one day I have to go now its getting late. I will be back tomorrow and learn more and train with my sage mode to get. Better and tronger with it." Xuro then made the hand sign and said, "bye see you guyz tomorrow thanks for the surpirse I loved it!" He then teleported back home to rest as he was exreemely fatigue due to the sage mode putting a lot of stress on him but he willg et the hang of it!

[WC: 2113: 21JP, 10 stat, 2000 words- Sage Mode learnt]
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Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:35 pm
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