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Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Xuro's Training Empty Xuro's Training

Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:36 pm
Xuro got up early in the morning just during sun rise. He stared out the window looking at the sun as it rose shining its bright glares in to Xuro's room right at Xuro on his bed. He got up and walked lazily to giant window. He stretched out his arms trying to get rid of his sleepiness. He then opened the window and put his head outside. He smelt the great fresh morning air from his appartment on the 3 rd floor. He stood by his window for about 5 minutes looking at everyone down on the ground busy getting ready for their daily duties. Some villagers were opening their shops, others were already in their shops or workplaces. Some women were walking around the shops buying groceries or food or any items they needed. A small boy, who Xuro recognized as the boy he met at the academy once, about 10 years old, was running around practicing his taijutsu, punching and kicking the air. That gave Xuro a veru good idea. Since being a huyuuga and already having his byakugan at the second highest level already, he could learn the hyuuga's specialty. The taijutsu technique known as the Gentle Fist. It is a very powerful taijutsu that can render enemies immobile as well as injure them very badly if done correctly. Xuro thought about learn the gentle fist techniques. He then realized he had to be very good at taijutsu. He waas more a fan of ninjutsu. He loved it a lot and always trasins it and learns new powerful and strong jutsus. Xuro now decided he will train himself in taijutsu as welll. He will have to train a lot in taijutsu. And improve his taijutsu skills to the a very high level then he qill learn the gentle fist hyuuga taijutsu techniques. Xuro left the window and went to go have a hot shower. After that he changed into his normal fighting jounin attire and then went to peep in to his brother's room he saw his brother still sleeping. "Ha ha Yoru is always late guy. I'm an early bird and always up before him." Xuro then went down stairs and then in to the kitchen to preapre a nice good tasy break fast for him self. Since being an orphan and living in the orphanage meant he had to look after him self t so he has ro make his own break fast himself everyday as usual. He made some coffee and cereal and some sand wiches. Today he had a hectic train schedule ready for himself so he had to eat up good and be full energuised and prepared. After that he ate his big brewakfast and then went to go make more sandwiches for himself. Foer his training he will have to take a break some time and re energuised and eat up. He then made about 10 sandwiches and took a bottle of water and also a bottle of energy drink. He then put it in a ack pack and then headed out of the house. He left the house and made his way to training grounds. "Today I will do some very hectic intense training. I will train in more specifically taijutsu and try to do my best and become an excellent taijutsu user. I will have to train intensely until I'm very good in taijutsu then I can learn the gentle fist techniques of the hyuuga clan now to find a nice perfect spot to train" Xuro entered the training grounds. He lopoked around to find a nice spot to train alone and un disturbed. He found a nice spot that had open grassy land for about 50 x 50 meters as well as about 10 training dummies and also a big shady treew on the one side. Het hne walked up to the tree. And put down all his weapons and equipment as well as the back paxk with his sanwiches and lunch inside. He then put his two bottles leaning against his back pack. He then took off his top and undershirt and hung them on a branch. He then walked to the centre of the spot to get started.

Xuro then got ready. He first began as usual as and as he normally alwasy s does when he spars or trains or fights or anythings. He strecthces and does his warm up activities. He first stretched and loosned his arms and did windmislls and arm stretches as well as arm strtching exercises. Hje then did touch his toes exercises and aknee lifts and other aleg eexercises and stretches. He then jogged at a slow pace on the spot for about 10 minutes and then kicked it up a notch and then did medium paxed aand then do some medium paced exercises anfor about 10 minutes. He then after that did a went to a higher level and did fast joggin on the spot for about 10 minutes. After that he did breating exercises for 10 minutes to slow his heart rate and calm his body down. After that he did some push ups. He did 50 push up s and then took a 2 muntue break. Eht hen dod 50 sit ups and then took a break. He then carried on with some pmore push ups. *nother 50 push ups and then took another 2 mminute break. After that he did 50 press ups and then took a break of 2 mintues long. After that he did some more sit ups another set of 50. Once that was doen he did some more arobic and dstrtching exercises for about half an hour. This consited of some splits and hand stands and some head stance. Body bending as well and also some cart wheels and front flips and back flips. After that Xuro felt ready to start his traii. He was fully warmed up and ready and fit to go and get some taijutsu training down. Xuro then got ready. First of all, he started with some normal taijutsu in the air. He kicked and punched practising all his different taijutsu and kicks and punches. After that he then moved over to the training dummies where he would work his taijutsu skills more. "Ok here I go..." He then walked up to the first training dummy and then punched it in the head. The then decided to rather spearate it and woke on his taijutsu sepearately, "ok I'll first practise my punches then afterwards my kicks... Sounds lik e a good enough plan" Xuro got started on the poor defenseless training dummy. He punched in it in the face about 20 times aiming at all diferent spots like the nose, left ajaqw and right jaw and then also its temple and forehead. Athen he walked over to its back and punched it 20 times on its back part of its head. Then he sat down and got his breathe, "Guess that sums it up for punching...." He then got up after 10 minutes and went to the training dummy again. "Ok now its time for some kicking practise!" He then got ready and got in to a firm stance, "ok training dummy here I go!!" He ran at the training dummy and then pracitsed his kicks he gave it all out. He kicked it 10 times in the stomac and gut area without lifting his foot (using his left foot) he then used his right foot and the did 20 kicks by its side. 10 times then putting his foot down and then after 10 seconds another 10 times. After that he used his left foot to do 10 kicks on e its other side and then putt itd down and then used his right foot to kick it 10 times in its stomach and gutt area without putting his foot down. After that he then kicked it again for another 10 tiems on its left side using his left leg without putting it down. The then he then dropped down on the floor resting down breathing heavily so he calmed his bretaheing down and rested his sore legs. They werr aching a lot. Xuro looked up at the sky and saw a bunch of birds fly by. Now ayt this time it was very hot an dthe sun shun it in the middle of the sky in to his eyes. He was sweating a lot and then pulled out a small towel from his pouch and wiped his forwe head. He then walked up to the tree and took out his bottle of water and drank some water. He then went back to the training dummy and got ready to carry on he. He then took his left foot and did kicks against its side of its head and temple area for 20 times each time breaking away and putting his foot down every 5 kciks. He then used his right foot and kicked the traing dummy 20 times against its temple and head area the side of it. Also taking a 2 second break every 5 kicks. He then took a 2 minute break and then got back up and did some kicks with his left and right feet about 20 times 10 each on his round house kcicks and then he walked over th to the tree. He layed down and rested against the tree and then took out his sandwiches and ate 2 of them and drank half of his energy drink up. Xuro then r an to the the training dummy once more nad decided he would give it all out. He did a few combination of moves consisting of different types of kicks and punches as well as head butts, nknee strikesn elbow strikes and that the like. He then decided to practise with all th ree training dummies. He then attacked all fo them. He punched one in the face and then kicked the other in the gut. He then round housed kicked the last one across its side of its head. He then went back to the tree that he put all his stuff. He then took out his water bottle and drank it all up and wiped his fore head with his towel. He noticed a small boy hiding behind a tree near him watching him. He walked over to the boy and asked, "hey you there have you been watching me?" The boy came out from behind the tree and said, "y ye yyyeeesss sir. Sorry for spying on you just don't hurt me." The boy said with a scared look on his face. Xuro laugh. He then smiled at the boy and said, "don't worry little guy I'm not gonna hurt your. You must also train hard and one day becoem strong like me he eh." Xuro then winced at the boy and then grabbed his head gentle and rubbed his hair. The byo smiled and laugh, "yes sir he he I will!" Xuro. Then walked away and sad, "ok then lil fellow I'll be going now..." He then walked back to the reee that had his things. He took his shirts and put that them back on and then took his equipment and all his weapons and then took his back pack and asipped his energy drink. He then pulled out a sand wich and gave it to the boy, "here's a present for you! I made it my self but I'm not a good cook!" He smiled at the boy, the boy took it and said, "thank you.m... Good bye sir." Xuro then walked off to the exit of the training grounds. Just before he left he said, "its not sair... Its XURO HYUUGA." Xuro then walked off out of the training grounda and eent back home very happy of his training today. He was very tired and thehoped he did sufficient taijutsu training. Tomorrow he decided he will go back and do some training and learn the gentle fist techniques.
[2008: 20JP, 10 Stat, taijutsu spec]
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Xuro's Training Empty Re: Xuro's Training

Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:40 pm
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