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Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Family {P,NK}

Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:20 pm
Vergil walked through the boarders his hands at his sides and his shoulders slouched over. He was beginning to become bored with the boarders, though he did not want to return back to Suna, just yet. He still wanted to do a little more exploring and searching around the area. This was after all, his first time leaving the village. So he wanted to make the best of his leave.

After walking around for several more hours, vergil decided to take a break. He saw a grassy plain that looked relaxing. The area only consisted of a single oak tree, standing in the center of the field. The rest was just average grass, ankle height. Vergil walked towards the oak tree and when he made it there, he slouched up against it with his back. Resting as he waited for something excited to happen...
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:45 pm
Xuro Hyuuga was on his journey out of Sunagakure. It has been a whole day now since he left the village of him home Sunagakure and left his stepped brother Yoru, crying as he left. He didn't really care about his brother since he always had that boiling rage of hatred for them. He has now become a missing ninja and can be free to do whatever he wants. He didn't really care about anything or anyone now since he has broken the last bond he had to a human which was the bond between his brother. He was orphaned most of his life and only had Yoru with him by his side. But now he didn't need Yoru because he has other "friends" from the most beautiful place on earth plus he has also became a lot more stronger therefore not in need of anyone even. He hadn't met much people and got to know them so he didn't have friends of any sort.
Xuro was now walking out of the dusty sand and hot desert and now came to the beautiful serene grass lands. He didn't know where he was but he didn't really even care. He just continued walking till he caught sight of a nice oak tree. Xuro was tired and needed to rest so he made his way to the oak tree but to his amazement, he seen someone already occupying a spot by the tree. Xuro would smile and say, "Hello there?"
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:31 pm
Vergil was just beginning to close his eyes when he heard a voice near him.
"Hello there?"

Vergil opened his eyes fully and sudied the person in front of him. Normally he would immediately judge someone that he came across, but there was something familiar about this person. He knew he had never met him before, he was certain of that. Still, he felt as though he knew him. Vergil straightened his posture and said,


He could have just ended it with that, but his curiosity was beginning to get the best of him. He had to know who the person was.

"My name is Vergil Hyuuga, what is your name?"
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:57 am
Xuro would be waiting for the boy to reply. He was interested in who the boy was as this was one of the few people Xuro has met in his life as a ninja. The boy said his name is "Vergil Hyuuga." Xuro would be really intrigued. This was the first Hyuuga he had met. He hadn't known any other Hyuuga except himself. Xuro then thought of the possibility that his boy could be some family of his. Maybe the boy knew what happened to his parents or why did a Hyuuga family ended up in Sunagakure. Immediately thousands of question filled Xuro's head. After a few seconds, he managed to exit this "thoughts" and reply to the Hyuuga, Vergil's question. Xuro would say, "I am ummmm.... Xuro ummm.... Xuro... Hyuuga, formally of the hidden Sand Village." Xuro waited for the boy's next reaction. He was quite curious all of a sudden as he didn't think leaving Sunagakure and getting out of the pit of Hell, the desert would make him be able to meet another Hyuuga.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:55 pm
"I am ummmm.... Xuro ummm.... Xuro... Hyuuga, formally of the hidden Sand Village."

Vergil's pulse would race a bit, once he heard that the person was related to him. This was too his first time meeting another hyuuga besides the ones in his family. He wondered if Xuro had similar hopes and dreams as he did. Maybe his dream was not something as risky as eliminationg the Uchiha clan from the face of the earth, but maybe there was a chance that their dreams were close.

"Well then...I guess we can consider each other distant cousins."

Vergil would chuckle a little after saying this. He would then stare at Xuro his face going blank. He would then activate the famous Byakugan of their clan. Small veins bulging from the corners of both of his eyes. His pupils now a pale white color. He would begin to now study the chakra signature of Xuro. His chakra signature was incredible. He would truly be a formidable opponent on the battle field. Vergil would step backwards two meters from Xuro. His byakugan still activated he would say,

"Since we are here, would you care for a friendly spar, I mean we are family after all.."

He would smile a little and then his face would become serious. A quick spar would be all he needed to learn more about Xuro. Though he would still hope to chat with him a little longer afterwards.
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:35 pm
Xuro would want to laugh at the boys joke but he wasn't still back to his normal self. He simply smiled lightly. When the boy, Vergil suggested a spar, Xuro would nod his head and then jump back 5 meters. The boy had his byakugan active so Xuro would also activate his own. "'Family'" was the word the boy used which ringed through xuro's head the whole time afterwards. He never have any sort of family except a step brother. He would feel a warm feeling deep down inside him. The hate and loneliness burning deep inside him seemed to simmered down by hearing the word "family". For a minute, he would stand there and just stare straight at the sky still thinking of that word the hyuuga mentioned. He then realised where he was and what he's doing. Suddenly that fire inside him kindled again burning more furious as ever. He then looked straight at the hyuuga boy and his expression changed. He became more serious and determine to be victorious. He would then say, "Ok ready or not here I come!" He then dashed at vergil with his byakugan still active. When he was 2 meters close to Vergil, he would use his left hand do perform the Eight Trigrams Vaccuum Palms at Vergil's chest area.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:52 pm
Vergil would be waiting for the battle to begin. He watched as Xuro seemingly had a moment of peace. Something Vergil was having too. All his life he had been a little tense to everyone. Now that he finally met someone he could relate too, someone that shared the same blood as him. Still in his fighting stance he waited for Xuro to show a sign of battle. Xuro then "Okay ready or not here I come." Vergil would immediately after hearing this he would perform a single handsign and body flicker behind the back of Xuro. Xuro now in arms reach Vergil would slightly bend his knees and thrust both of his hands forwards at Xuro's backside, using the Chest Impact technique. If the attack should hit the damage would be minimal. Vergil's weak strength would only cause a slight bruising to the body of Xuro and only push him forwards slightly, one meter from Vergil.

[Speed: Increased to 86

Strength: Increase to 20]

Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:28 am
Xuro would get ready to attack Vergil but the Hyuuga was one step ahead and used a body flicker technique to get behind Xuro and attack with his some sort of taijutsu technique. Xuro would be pushed a few meters forward. He would then grab hold of his chest trying to get rid of the pain from that technique. Xuro would then do a front flip and get now 7 meters away from Vergil. Xuro wouldn't comment on the boys moves but just smile a little to acknowledge that the Hyuuga boy, Vergil was a strong Shinobi that will fair up to Xuro in his fight.
He would then get into a firm stance and decide on his next plan of attack. Fighting taijutsu with taijutsu won't work for Xuro as his boy, Vergil seemed also a taijutsu specialist. "I think a little ninjutsu could do me good." Xuro thought to himself as he pulled out 3 kunai in each hand and threw them at Vergil. Using that as a distraction, he would hold out his left hand and summon a large amount of chakra to it. "Beast Tearing Palm!" Xuro would say as he then would swing his hand in a horizontal motion 3 times firing 3 deadly chakra waves at Vergil.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:54 am
Vergil would feel his hands smash into the back of Xuro pushing him away from him. Vergil would then watch as Xuro easily recovered from the attack. He then launched three kunai at Vergil. 'He's not holding back at all.' Vergil said as he waited for the kunai to approached him. Once they were a meter away from him he began to dash sideways, the kunais still heading towards Vergil's original position. After Vergil had succesfully dodged the kunai he noticed that Xuro was focusing on something else. 'Dammit it was a distraction.' Vergil thought to himself as Xuro launched three waves of wind at Vergil. This was Vergil's first time seeing ninjutsu in use. It was truly something magnificent.

Vergil would begin to sprint off in the direction of the large oak tree. using the tree walking jutsu he would run up the tree, just in time as the waves of wind slammed into the tree ripping it from it's roots. Vergil flipped from the tree just before it fell. He now stood five meters away from Xuro. His fatigue becoming evident as the battle proceeded.

"Your not.... holding back... a bit."

Vergil said to Xuro between breaths. He then looked back at the tree and the damage that the jutsu used had done to the tree. The was now split into many pieces. Vergil could have counted them all, but now was not the time.

"So we're from the same village. Do you have any siblings or family? Besides me of course.."

Vergil would say again to Xuro. His heart still racing in his chest as he thought of what the jutsu could have done to him had it hit him.
Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Family {P,NK} Empty Re: Family {P,NK}

Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:56 pm
Xuro would watch how the boy would begin to start dodging the kunais and then managed to run up a tree to evade his wind chakra waves. Xuro began to enjoy this and was having a fun time, something he never done for a very long time. Afterwards the boy asked xuro a question which made Xuro's smile turned into an emotionless look on his face.
He would reply after a 1 minute pause. "Listen here, even if you are family somehow to me I will never hold back and you should do the same! Family is not going to help you in this ninja world. I left that pile of Sandy rubbish called Sunagakure. I had no family there no friends except a step brother which I have no more. I left him behind crying and begging me to stay. That's what family does to you! It makes you weak! I was weak remaining in Sunagakure. Now I'm Free and can do what I want without any liabilities on my shoulders. No family no friends! That's what you need to become a powerful shinobi. My step brother was weak! That's why he remained behind! The only time you can ever have family or friends is when they as strong as you! Keep up with you so that you have nothing holding you back! Or if they are stronger than you! And that's what I'll do! I only have space for friends and family that are as strong as me or even stronger so if you want me to consider you family, then you got to try a lot harder than that. And if you think I'm not holding back, I'm just getting warmed up!"
Xuro would look closely at Vergil with his byakugan, keeping an eye on his every move while waiting for a reply.
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