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Sadao's Genin exam Empty Sadao's Genin exam

Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:41 pm
Sadao yawned right before he entered the room. It was loud, and all he could hear was the kids talking. He slowly walked to the stairs, and went up them to get to his seat. He sat down, with no emotion. He was trying to hide that he was nervous, so no one would think he's going to completely fail at the exams. 5 minutes had passed, and everyone was still talking, until the proctor of the Genin exams walked in. The class suddenly became a wasteland. Sadao waited there like everyone else for the exams to start.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Sadao's Genin exam Empty Re: Sadao's Genin exam

Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:43 pm
The proctor walked in with a cold emotionless look on his face. He had just had the worst night of his life. He had been beat up, mocked and dumped by his girlfriend. Quite honestly he was not ready to give these brats a genin exam, but he needed to keep the ryo flowing. Taking a seat in his desk the proctor glanced down at the list and chose a name that seemed interesting. In a monotone voice he spoke up so the whole class could hear: "First up will be Sadao. Please step up to the front of the class and perform the three basic academy jutsu for the class." The proctor then lay back in his seat with a grim look on his face. Hopefully he would get to fail some kids today, so they could feel his pain of rejection.

{Make a 800 word post performing the three academy jutsu and you will be promoted to genin. Don't and well you will not be promoted..}
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Sadao's Genin exam Empty Re: Sadao's Genin exam

Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:36 pm
Sadao's heart skipped a beat, and he froze for a second. Everyone in the class was looking at him like it's his funeral. Sadao bit his lip, and got up from his seat, and walked towards the area where the proctor was sitting. He was nervous, and was in fear of failing. He stood right infront of the proctor trying not to look into his eyes. "Ok, here we go" Sadao said in his head. He took a deep breath, then started to preform the correct hand seals. He concentrated on making an exact copy of himself. He was successful, Sadao then turned his head to the right, and saw an exact copy of himself. "Yes, 1 down 2 to go" Sadao said in his mind. Now it was time to preform the second jutsu, transformation technique. Sadao hadn't been latly practicing this jutsu so he was afraid of not being able to do it. The proctor was looking at Sadao like he wanted Sadao to fail, this made him even more nervous. All the kids in the class were staring at him with open eyes, and that didn't help Sadao either." Dog, boar, ram" Sadao kept on repeating in his mind. He took a good look at the proctor to make sure the image in his mind was right. Sadao quickly did the specific hand seals, boar, dog, ram. Then a puff of smoke engulfed his body making him not visible. The smoke slowly dissipated into the air. Sadao looked down to his clothes, and was wearing what the proctor was. Standing in front of the procter was an identical copy of him. It was impossible to tell the difference with the naked eye. The proctor looked at Sadao with one eyebrow up like he wasn't impressed. "What did I get the face wrong or something?" Sadao said to himself starting to panic. " Kid your fine, you passed the second part of the test, and damn I look sexy." The proctor replied. A puff of smoke went up, and Sadao looked like himself again. " Douche bag," Sadao said in his head. "People who compliment themselves, are so insecure." He said once more in his mind. Now it was time to do the final jutsu, Substitution. This justsu was easily one of the hardest for everyone in the class. Sadao yesterday was sitting on his bed practicing the hand seals, over, and over again. The hand seal combination was stuck in his head like a catchy song that doesn't get out of your head for a week. "Ram, boar, ox, dog, snake" kept on repeating in his head, and it got annoying very quickly. Sadao scratched
his forehead, he always is itching his head when he's nervous. If he fails one he doesn't get to have the chance to become a genin. In his mid he imagined that head band, blue, with fabric as soft as silk, and a shiny metal plate with the sign of the in-graved on it. Sadao was day dreaming, and this boosted his mood up. Sadao shook his head, and the image of the beautiful head band left his mind. Sadao was ready to become a genin, and then he preformed the correct hand seals. Ram, boar, ox, dog, snake, then a puff of smoke appeared next to him. There was a clone of him. Sadao made a fist with his hand, and then tightened it. He turned to the side, and threw a punch at the clone. A puff of smoke appeared, then a school book fell onto the floor making a thud!. Sadao had a smile come to his face. " Yes!" Sadao said under his breath. He bent down, and grabbed the school book. He then turned around, and walked towards the shelf where all the school books were. He slid the book into the shelf, and then looked around the class room to see there faces. The kids who bullied him were mad that he did all the jutsus correctly, and the rest didn't look like they really cared. Sadao walked back to the proctor with a grin on his face. He then stopped, and looked the proctor strait in the eyes, like Sadao was a lion looking into a humans eyes. Sadao then raised an eyebrow, " So,. did I pass?" Sadao asked the proctor. His fate depended on the proctors response, this made Sadao nervous once again. After all the hard work have the proctor just say no, because he felt like it. If the proctor says no Sadao promised himself to make sure he passed the next genin exam. Sadao stood there looking directly into the proctors eyes, fearless, waiting for a response to come out of the proctors mouth. If he says you passed Sadao would be relieved, and if he said sorry, kid tough luck you didn't pass, he would go ape shit.

[TWC: 815, I know I did god mod the proctor, I did it for a reason]
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Ryo : 27500

Sadao's Genin exam Empty Re: Sadao's Genin exam

Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:43 pm
The proctor raised an eyebrow and cracked a smile. He then wordlessly handed the boy a headband. The boy had passed-unfortunately maybe the next kid would fail? He hoped so....He dismissed the boy in front of him and moved down the list to the next person in line.

{Good job. You pass. Approved for +15 stats, +20 JP and genin rank}
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