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Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Mizu Bunshin Training (NK) Empty Mizu Bunshin Training (NK)

Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:20 am
Ayumi got out of the house even earlier than usual today, she was excited to learn her first C-Rank Jutsu. This was a big step for her, Mizu Bunshin, although a C-Rank jutsu, is a formidable jutsu used by many of the greatest Suiton ninjas frequently. It is both a defensive and offensive jutsu and learning it was very important for her. She started walking to the training ground, she didn't want to run and tire herself for no good reason after she fell asleep in the first break last time training. "That is not going to happen again, I will never forgive myself if it does." She promised herself to give it her best and learn this jutsu.

Her face was always looking up as she walked to the training ground, the sun was rising behind the mountains, giving the sky a beautiful color of pink. There were no clouds around which meant it would probably not rain during the training. This was good news not because Ayumi didn't like rain but she thought it would be harder to control water when it is raining.

A couple of minutes later she arrived to the training ground. There was nobody there yet, which wasn't surprising since most of the city was still asleep. Ayumi went near the river and started unpacking her stuff and building her tent below a tree nearby. She was determined to not leave until she mastered this jutsu which meant she would probably have to train for days. She placed the foods prepared by her uncle into her tent and went back near the river. She closed her eyes, blocked all the sound of living and concentrated on the flow of the river. She tried to become one with the flow and understand the nature of the water.

She stood there for 10 minutes, and when she felt like she was ready she opened her eyes formed the tiger seal. "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!". Some water started rising from the river as she stood there shaking and keeping the tiger seal formed with her hands. Ayumi tried to concentrate more on her appearance and to keep the chakra flow in her control but the water fell back after a few seconds. As soon as she stopped shaking, she started again "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!". She kept going like this until the water started to look more and more like a body and she had less trouble performing the jutsu physically. The thing rising was still water, not a clone, its face had no shape and it had weird hands but she managed to at least make the water look like a human body and keep it for upto 20 seconds. After 5 hours of training she felt she had no chakra left, so decided to rest and regenerate. Ayumi was happy with her training so far and had full confidence in herself.

She drank some water, but she wasn't hungry. As a matter of fact, she wasn't even tired, she was just out of chakra. She decided to walk around a little and see whether others are here and what they are doing as she regenerated.

WC:527 / 2400
Samuru Uchiha
Samuru Uchiha
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Mizu Bunshin Training (NK) Empty Re: Mizu Bunshin Training (NK)

Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:23 am
{Is this complete or are you waiting for someone to rp with?}
Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Mizu Bunshin Training (NK) Empty Re: Mizu Bunshin Training (NK)

Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:24 am
{Not complete, I'll wait for someone to rp, if noone comes I will continue myself}

Last edited by Ayumi Uzuki on Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ayumi Uzuki
Ayumi Uzuki
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Mizu Bunshin Training (NK) Empty Re: Mizu Bunshin Training (NK)

Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:18 pm
As she walked around the training ground Ayumi saw a boy training near the river. He looked around her age and he was performing a jutsu with the water. She decided to watch and saw him lifting the water and making it very little and thin. It was so thin that they looked like needles. Suddenly it occured to her.

"Isn't this.. Mizu Hari?"

She knew that Mizu Hari is the only known ninjutsu technique of Byakugan but this was the first time she saw it performed. She hadn't seen the boy's face yet but she was already pretty sure he was a member of the Hyuuga clan. The boy made a total of 10 needles out of water and threw them on a training dummie's head at the other side of the river. He slowly turned back, answered shortly and turned back to training: "Yes"

Ayumi was shocked. She hadn't even realized she said that outloud but it seemed like the boy didn't care. She watched him for a good 15 minutes until the boy stopped training and asked without even turning back. "You've been standing there for a while, if you want something say it, if not go away". She didn't see it a neccesity to answer such rudeness, turned back and started walking to her tent.

When she came back, she decided to eat some food before starting as she still hadn't regenerated fully. She for some reason wasn't hungry enough for a meal so she ate some chocolate. After 5 more minutes she was ready. "Ok, time for some more training.". She went back to the river and performed Mizu Bunshin. The water lifted and this time it seemed like a man with no feet. Next time it had very wavy legs and the one after that was missing a couple of fingers on each hand. She kept going, fixing her mistakes everytime. "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu! Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!"

It had only been one hour into her training when something strange happened. Like everytime, she formed the seal, said the words and concentrated. Suddenly a perfect clone of herself formed in front of her. She was not believing her eyes, Ayumi had mastered the jutsu so easily?! She let go of the seal and started jumping and laughing in happiness but... why was the clone still there? It took a look around to understand that it was the Hyuuga kid mocking her. Ayumi's smile was swept off her face quickly and she was filled with rage. He didn't even laugh or anything, he just put a cocky smile on his face and said one word: "Pathetic" and disappeared.

She was upset of being tricked so easily but even more upset of the comment he made. She tried not to care much about what happened and kept her self-confidence. She couldn't have been doing too bad after just 6 hours of training. She concentrated once more, taking her mind off everything but the river and started training again.

It took her 5 more hours to finally create an actual clone. It didn't look a lot like her but it looked like a human in flesh, not water. She was getting excited, seeing she had made progress but when she tried to create another clone, nothing happened. Her chakra was once again finished. "5 hours is my limit, huh?" she sighed.

"Just when I managed to actually create a clone, my chakra had to be finished.". Even after her second 5 hour training, she still wanted to train much more. She was somewhat tired physically as well now but she loved training. Nevertheless, without chakra, no matter how much she loved it, she couldn't have continued. She decided to rest outside the tent, she was unwilling to sit in a closed tent in such a great weather.

She was amazed how time passed so fast that day, 10 hours of training didn't seem too long for her and the sun was already setting. As she watched the sunset Ayumi remembered about that weird guy with the Byakugan, after a little anger burst, she felt sorry for him because of the way he acts even though she did nothing wrong to him. She couldn't think of a way his acts could be tied to personal reasons, they didn't even know each other. So it had to be his sadness and anger against the world not only her. "Eh, maybe he was just having a bad day. Why do I care?".

As Ayumi kept thinking about the day, her stomach started growling. "That's right, it's been 10 hours and I ate nothing but chocolate.". She took some ramen from the tent, some water from the river and branches from the trees. Although it looks easy, it is hard to start a fire when you don't have a fire shinobi around, luckily Ayumi was prepared and created fire from branches rather quickly. She boiled the ramen and 5 minutes later dinner was ready. "Itadakimasu!". She ate the ramen, the quality of the food was not very high but Ayumi loved the taste of the food. Maybe because she prepared it herself or maybe because it was after a day of long training.

After dinner, she felt ready to do one more 5 hour session before going to sleep. She wouldn't be able to sleep after she succeded making a clone that last time anyways. She didn't spend much time concentrating this time, she was getting used to the jutsu and it would be good to know whether she could perform the jutsu without time to prepare. After all, if she had to prepare 10 seconds each time before using a C-Rank jutsu, it would be unacceptable times with B,A even S or SS rank jutsus.

She focused and made the tiger seal, the water lifted and she created a clone pretty similar to herself. Its face still didn't look exactly like her but she felt like she had cleared the hardest part. The clone, once created was easier to control than actually performing the jutsu. After some training with the one clone, she kept increasing the number of clones, making 2,3, and upto 4 clones. As she increased the numbers, she felt her chakra being drained more, which she knew about but didn't think its affect would be so prominent.

After 3 hours of training she was already exhausted, but she was more than happy with her last attempt where she created 4 clones with which Ayumi herself couldn't find any flaws. She has almost mastered the jutsu today after 13 hours of training but she still had one major thing she had to learn. Creating clones from the air. It is impossible to find water everywhere unless she carried it herself which would be a liability. But Ayumi knew this technique when truly mastered can create water clones from the moisture in the air. She didn't have the strength or the stamina left to celebrate, she slowly found her way to the tent, thinking about how she will do tomorrow she felt asleep in less than a minute.

Ayumi woke up a little late in the morning after all the training the day before. She ran to the river after she woke up to wash her face. She ate some apples she brought from home as breakfast. After her breakfast she finally was awaken completely. She made some clones near the river as practice before starting the last part of her training. It was amazing how much one can do when dedicated. Yesterday at these hours she was barely able to lift the water.

The weather was just like yesterday, there wasn't even one cloud and the weather was warm. This was good in one aspect and bad in another. If it was raining, she would obviously have a really hard job, maybe impossible to focus on the air and extract water from it. On the other hand without any clouds, there is very little moisturize in the air, which means there is little water to extract for her clones.

She focused on the air and tried to find the water and extract it. She concentrated for more than 20 minutes but she wasn't able to make any progress, she wasn't able to extract even a tiny bit of water. "What am I missing?". She tried again, this time longer, but still nothing was happening. She got frustrated and sat near the tree trying to figure out what was wrong.

As she sat there sulking, she saw the Hyuuga kid coming towards her. "He knows the best time to show up doesn't he? Wonder how he will frustrate me this time.". He came and said: "There is just not enough moisture." then he made some seals very fast, fast enough that Ayumi couldn't even follow his hands with her eyes. It suddenly started getting hotter, Ayumi first didn't understand what was happening but then she started to see some clouds. As she was looking up, the boy said "Go ahead and finish your training before it starts raining. If you fail I won't be around to give you the environment again." then the boy vanished before Ayumi could say anything. She was filled with questions but the boy said she should train before it rained, which meant she didn't have that much time. She tried to clear her head, as impossible as it was, and started trying to create the clones.

Since she had concentrated much harder than she ever needed to when there were no moisture, she managed to extract the water fairly simple and created a clone. "Huh, it was that easy? I expected the last part to be the hardest." After that she just kept going, making 2 clones, 3 clones, 4 clones. After 2 hours, there was still no rain, she thought that her jutsus drained enough moisture from the air that it didn't rain. Or maybe the Hyuuga kid was still around stopping it from raining. How would she know, she didn't have the Byakugan.

She kept training until she was able to make 5 perfect clones from the air. It was no easy task though, it seemed like her chakra capacity allowed only 4 clones. She didn't give up for an hour, forcing herself to create that 5th clone. When she finally did it, she looked at the 5 clones, 10 seconds later all of them turned back to water as she fell to the ground exhausted with a smile of achievement in her face.

She woke up 4 hours later, she looked around to remember what happened. That's right, she had finally mastered Mizu Bunshin! She looked around to see if the Hyuuga kid was around, she wanted to thank him and learn his name. Without him she would maybe not master her first C-Rank jutsu in frustration and go back home. She packed her stuff and decided to search for the Hyuuga kid. Just as she was starting to search, she saw him walking slowly from her right. With a face with no emotion, he quickly said "Good job, I didn't expect you to make it, I will see you around, maybe." and vanished. She couldn't believe he vanished so quickly again before she could even thank him but she hoped he would hear him and yelled "Thanks Mysterious-Rude guy!!". Finally, it was finished, Ayumi proudly walked out of the training ground as if she became the Hokage and set her way home.


WC: 2451/2400
+12 Chakra
+24 JP
Mizu Bunshin Mastery(1000 words) completed.
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Mizu Bunshin Training (NK) Empty Re: Mizu Bunshin Training (NK)

Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:38 pm
Well done!
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