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Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Jinichi Terumi's Training [P] Empty Jinichi Terumi's Training [P]

Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:50 pm
The sun shone brightly over the Volcano village as the clock ticked over 6AM, or, well, the sun WOULD be shining if it wasn't always blocked by the massive clouds of ash coughed out by the eternally burning inferno that the volcano just on the outskirts of the village itself, it was actually a rather marvellous village, it was interesting to see how the village was basically an emerging powerhouse, with loads of natural resources, crystals, and structures to guide the flow of lava away from the village and into the sea, this village was a marvel for all the wrong reasons, everyone here was absolutely insane, and it wasn't a surprise due to the fact that even the village looked like one massive asylum half of the time, at least Jin was near the market district, which was by far one of the better zones to be in, at least here everyone was mostly cheerful, which was to be expected from people living in such a humble area of the village, over in the markets was usually rather peaceful apart from the occasional thief, but they were swiftly brought to justice by the ninja patrols, which was an absolute godsend, crime was definately a massive issue here, especially grave robberies and pillaging.

Nonetheless, Jin woke up into the hellhole, 6AM, time for his village patrol, he figured it'd go like every other morning, 6AM, markets are setting up for the breakfast rush, it was mostly going to be the ramen stalls and general fruit and veg markets setting up, butcheries too, however there was the occasional jeweler, as precious stones was a viable commodity over in the village, and beautiful examples of jewelery weren't rare, and, of course they were often prime targets for thieves and bandits, and as such, Jin was going to focus his patrolling activity over there.

Jin slid out of bed and made his way towards the shower, undressing and clambering into the cubicle and dousing himself with some scalding hot water, usually this heat would have been unbearable for most people, but he was naturally accustomed to heat, and as such, barely felt anything but an immensely envigorating burn he let out a sigh of satisfaction before gving himself a good dose of soap and stepping out, heading back to his room to get into his uniform, a white shirt with scrunched up sleeves and a loose red tie, with a black trench coat draped over it, slipping a leather fingerless glove over his right hand, putting on a pair of black pants and stepping into a pair of black boots, wrapping his forehead protector around his jacket sleeve before getting onto the task at hand.

He was going to get breakfast at the market anyway with his pay, the dangos served there were exactly what he needed for his dose of sweet energy to get this job done quickly and effectively, so he headed right out of the door and walked his way right to the market, it was only ten past so he had plenty of time before his actual shift started.

Within a short time he had arrived at the market, everyone had only just finished setting up and were making the final touches before getting to business, Jin ordered a Dango from the stall, the chef's face beaming as he served to his first customer of the day, Jin happily devoured the treat before heading down towards the seemingly endless markets, there were small wooden stalls outside, proper shops, proper restaurants, all of these were going to be under Jin's protection for this next amount of time, Jin threw the stick in a nearby dustbin before keeping his eyes peeled for any sort of suspicious activity, there was no way in hell he was letting anyone commit any sort of crime around him, he was going to enforce the law like never before today, and that was a guarantee.

He noticed some form of disturbance near a nearby barbecue stall, Jin made his way over there to see what all the fuss was about, and what happened was unknown to this point but the chef and what appeared to be a customer were arguing over something in particular, it was unclear what about though.

"Alright alright calm down, what's going on here?" He inquired, interrupting the two men who were basically screaming at each other, the chef shouted at Jin what happened first "He ripped me off! He tried to steal from me!" The chef shouted, as the second man retorted with a fierce objection "I didn't do anything you two-faced bastard!" They both bickered at each other and Jin tried to stop the verbal warfare, but the enraged customer pulled out a knife at the last second and attempted to plunge it into the chef's hand, but with the reflexes of a fly Jin grabbed the wrist holding the knife and flipped the man right over Jin's back, making him smash into the floor with a cushioned bang, as Jin kneed his elbow, sending a jolt up his forearm and making him drop the blade with a clatter, Jin then followed up with a punch to his temple, knocking the man out basically instantly, with a gasp and a large amount of rabble in the background Jin pushed a button on the radio earpiece in his ear, reporting back to base "Public disturbance, attempted armed assault, need clearup, will continue patrol." He radioed to the other ninja in the area, and as a couple of Jounin body flickered to his position and swept the man away, the attempted assaulter was definately going to have a great time explaining everything to the police force and spending a good couple of years mining precious rocks.

Jin continued walking, he had to continue patrolling, his job wasn't finished just yet, he still had a good hour of his shift to do, Jin melded into the crowd as he continued to scout for any public disturbances, but everything seemed to be in order so far, there wasn't that much to report, business was working as per usual, until Jin heard a cry from a nearby market: "Stop! Thief!" The man yelled, as the young orange haired boy saw a man run towards him holding a golden sword of sorts, Jin intercepted the running criminal by jumping into the air and spinning his leg around, bringing it straight into the side of his head and knocking him straight into the floor, but the man had other plans, he rolled backwards and sprang back to his feet, launching a powerful punch with his free hand to Jin's stomach, knocking all the wind out of him with a life-draining wheeze, as he attempted to bring the sword down on him, Jin retaliated by dishing out two palms to his diaphragm, knocking him back as Jin attempted to follow up with a right hook, but it was caught and the thief threw him right over his back, sending Jin crashing straight into a stall of glass wares, shattering basically everything INCLUDING the wooden stall, Jin groaned a bit and got up as he saw the thief trying to run away, Jin leapt onto the top of a stall and ran across, seeing that the thief had trouble navigating around the crowd of people walking down the market at this time, Jin quickly caught up to the wrongdoer and leapt towards him, performing a majestic spear tackle, getting him right in the jugular and sending him crashing into the floor, they both flipped back onto their feet as the thief attempted a tornado kick to Jin's head, but he ducked it and retaliated with a strong kick to the stomach, sending him flying straight into a tea shop, breaking the counter and making all the urns of tea fall to the floor, the thief let out a roar of anger as he got up and charged towards Jin, by now everyone was spectating the fight from the distance, there were screams and cheers resonating through the air, some ran away and some laughed, the thief launched a punch towards Jin, he countered by grabbing his hand, but Jin didn't see the other fist arrive towards his face, knocking him to the floor, the Thief kicked him as he flew, sending him even further, sliding across the floor, Jin gritted his teeth and wiped the blood trailing down the corner of his lips as the Thief ran towards him, Jin wrapped his arms around his waist and ducked the stab, performing a belly to belly suplex on the thief, sending him crashing right through a news stand with an awful crunch, that must have gotten to his ribs, that was alright, that was vengeance because Jin's jaw felt pretty cracked right now, the thief, obviously being a ninja fended off the pain from his injuries and got back to his feet, Jin got into a fighting stance and prepared for him to strike, the man blew out what looked like wind chakra onto the sword and swung it, by now the blade was much, much longer, Jin fell to his stomach to avoid the slash, the immensely long blade slicing right through a sign of a stall right on the other side of the street, before Jin hit the floor entirely he performed a series of hand seals before exclaiming "Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique!" before blowing out a volley of fireballs towards him, he body flickered away from most of them, but came into contact with about three, setting his clothes alight, the man threw his smouldering jacket off in mid air and dropped it to the floor, as Jin leapt up to try and attack him, but the man punched him right back down into the floor with a whump, Jin groaned and rolled back before the man tried to bring his foot down on him, it probably would have killed him as well, as it had made cracks in the ground, Jin pushed his hands off the floor and springboarded back to his feet the thief wasn't letting up though and attempted to dice Jin up with a flurry of sword slashes, he quickly substituted himself with a nearby pie, luckily avoiding the flurry of swipes from his golden blade, Jin didn't hesitate to throw the bottle of propane at the thief, who cut that up like butter using the wind blade, Jin seemed rather distressed, yet determined at the same time, there was no way he was going to die to this asshole, he knew the world would be better off if he was jailed, and the people were on his side.

Jin saw the thief rushing towards him and prepared for the assault, the thief attempted a stab, Jin twisted his body to the side and grabbed his wrist, twisting it down and around, breaking it and releasing the sword, and in a series of fluid motions, grabbed the sword and flipped it around, plunging it right into his heart as the thief's face turned into an expression of pain blended with horror and sprinkled with torment, a solid squish was heard as it plunged into his heart, blood spraying out, the blade emerging out of his back covered in blood as Jin pushed his body away, making him fall backwards, pushing the blade back out again, Jin panted, he felt his hands tremble, he had just killed a man for the first time, he fell to his knees looking at his hands, and almost instantly vomited straight onto his lap.

Most of the crowd that stayed now looked absolutely horrified, Jin knew he had to stop criminals, but he didn't think he'd kill anyone in any matchup, all of this came as a massive surprise to him, he had no clue how he was going to fare after this, there was most definately going to be massive flashbacks after this, but everything went from bad to worse as even more green trench coat wearing bandits came "Whoa...Shit! That's the boss!" One of them lazily pointed out, shouting out the obvous "Kill him boys!" He ordered as they all rushed towards him, Jin took one of their punches right to the face, before he came back to his senses, by now Jin's jaw was almost completely wrecked, definately broken, Jin got right back to his feet as one of the five bandits attempted to plunge a kunai into his stomach, Jin sidestepped and wrapped his arm around his armpit and levered him right off his feet and into the ground with a thud, but before Jin could turn he felt a sharp pain in his arm, the man had lunged the kunai into him before hitting the ground, Jin yelped as he pulled it out as the other four rushed towards him, he brandished the kunai into his right hand, as it was the arm which didn't get stabbed, he had to avoid using his injured arm, he felt the blood trickle down and soak into his white shirt, Jin intercepted the katana of a man trying to slice him clean in half, the kunai clashing with the sword before Jin kicked him straight in the gut, sending him rolling back, Jin spun around on his foot to kick another one of the bandits in the face, sending him somersaulting away to the side, Jin then felt his arms get restrained by the man he had thrown over his back earlier on another one of the bandits dished out a violent punch to his stomach, making him throw up yet again, as Jin kicked the man who punched him away before bringing his leg back and crushing the man's testicles with the back of his boot, making him wheeze and hit the ground, Jin turned around and kicked him in the face, breaking his nose as the sole of his feet just shattered the bone inside, before he curb stomped him, a crunch heard as he basically cracked his skull under his boot, blood gurgling out of his mouth before he turned around and intercepted another one of them charging towards him, Jin didn't have time to be disgusted by what he did to the other bandit as he was far too focused on keeping his ass alive.

Jin pushed the man over and turned to the side, sidestepping the katana stab from one of them before he dealt a furious punch to his temple, sending the man into a daze before he delivered a high kick to his chin, sending him spearing upwards and landing with his back to the floor, Jin was tired as hell right now, but he was running on pure adrenaline right now, and he was definately going to feel the damage of literally running on hormones, but there was no way he was going to let up now, not right in the middle of combat, he still had a mission he needed to accomplish, and by god was he going to do it, he had eliminated one of the five, he had four more to go then he was either going to hobble to the hospital or just collapse.

Jin took yet another punch to the jaw, his jaw was basically shattered right about now, it should be healed in about a week due to a ninja's lightning fast healing rate, he shouldn't have an issue, but it hurt like hell and almost knocked his lights out right now, but, if Jin's determination was a fire before, it was a fucking inferno right now, he grabbed the bandit's arm as he tried to throw him a punch, yanking it up and basically breaking his arm at the elbow point, before planting the kunai in his right hand into his neck and quickly removing it, kicking him over nearly instantly afterwards, he was no doubt going to die, but Jin was still fuelled on adrenaline to care, he still had three other bandits to deal with, Jin kept up the pace, avoiding all the slashes from the katana wielding bandit, he avoided one of his slashes and kicked him in the ribs, he could basically hear them crack afterwards, he quickly stepped back to avoid a punch coming in from the left side, dealing a kick to the stomach and then lifting his leg even higher to kick him right in the cheek, he did this quickly, he wouldn't have had the time to strike if he had to use the kunai in his right hand to attack, wasting valuable time wasn't an option, he had to stay in the game, he couldn't risk any more injuries, besides his left arm was almost unusable due to the deep stab wound, so he was running 3 limbs while fuelled on hormones and endorphines, so right now, he was at full pelt, he was literally just functioning on reflexes right now.

He saw the third man rush towards him, Jin swiftly impaled his stomach with the kunai, making sure to sink it all the way in, he might survive, but it'd definately stop him from fighting, meaning there was now only two left, and Jin swiftly dealt with the katana wielder by spinning around his diagonal slash and slicing his neck with his kunai, before spinning around and planting the kunai right into the forehead of the last man standing, as they both fell, the adrenaline died down, and Jin saw the horror which he had caused, six deaths, he had killed them all, it was in self-defense, yes and he did this because he had to, and because it was part of his job, but Jin couldn't stop himself from throwing up yet again as he saw the stream of blood flow from the dead bodies, there was nobody in the market.

It was 7AM, and the market was already empty, void of all life, just six corpses bleeding away, the blood sliding into the drains, a sight which made Jin throw up yet again, his heart was going at a million miles a minute, he could see the face of those he had killed still, and he tried to hobble himself towards the hospital, shivering and mumbling.

Upon his arrival at the hospital he was immediately checked by a doctor after he threw up yet again from the flashbacks, the images still flickering in his mind, a psychological horror stirring through his consciousness.

Everything faded to a bright light as Jin collapsed onto the floor, there was light, seemingly endless light, Jin could still see the faces of those he killed, all the actions repeated themselves in slow motion, Jin's heart began to race, but it seemed to never stop, they were saying things "Why?...", "How could you do this?...", accompanied by the sound of loud beeping, the series of beeping noises became faster and faster as the white faded to gray and-boom.

Jin shot up from his unconsciousness, laying in a green hospital gown and in one of the beds, tied to a drip, he couldn't help but groan loudly at the searing pain when he tried to gasp, his jaw had had surgery, but it was still very fragile and should be taken care of, Jin also had the most unbearable stinging feeling in the stab wound on his arm, but the doctor came to reassure him as much as possible.

"Calm down, son." Said the elderly doctor, with a green mask on "You're alright, you're in a state of recovery, just try not to talk and get some rest." He recommended, Jin's heart rate slowed back to an average pace as Jin laid there, eyes awake, before he turned his head to look at the clock, 7AM? He was out cold for an entire day, Jin seemed kind of shocked at first, but, then again, after what had happened he wasn't surprised, Jin clutched his jaw, stitches, to be expected, and it probably had a metal brace inserted to keep the bones together, so they could mesh back together easier.

"Ugh..." Jin grunted, as he wiped the sweat off his forehead and laid on his bed, wide awake, he was probably never going to get any sleep tonight, it seemed sort of impossible.

He couldn't help but reminesce over what he had just done, it was definately not a pretty sight, and he felt horrible after what he had done, he had taken a life, and not just A life, multiple lives, Jin knew that he did it because he had to and that he didn't risk anything, but they could've had friends, family, relatives, and Jin just slayed them in cold blood, he felt absolutely disgusting, his skin crawled and his mind just stirred negative thoughts and trauma, Jin knew he would recover, he almost always does from these kinds of things, but it definately wouldn't be easy, if he wanted to recover from this, he'd just have to block whatever he just did out of his mind entirely, something much easier said than done, and that was going to be obvious later on, Jin was going to get out later on and hopefully some training would do him some good, he'd need to go easy on his arms though, maybe some chakra training would do him some good, no speaking or arm movement neccessary, that sounded like the proper thing to do.

It was 12 AM and Jin was given the all-clear to leave the hospital, he headed straight for the training zone, he knew that chakra training required a certain mindset to be able to acheive and that it'd be the perfect type of training to forget the happenings of yesterday morning, however the Kazankage is probably having one of the greatest laughs of all time, he's probably eating their corpses at this very moment, but, that thought wasn't exactly a welcome one for Jin, and he was definately going to try and forget it as quickly as possible, as that was an experience he definately didn't want to relive, well, he thought that now, maybe after this he'll get used to killing, because he'll most likely have to do it again in later life, Jin never really had a history of being around killing, that was probably why most of it came as such a shock to him, he hadn't had to endure that kind of experience, nor did he ever witness it, so it was definately something new to him, and that made a massive difference to his mentality, if he didn't experience it then he wouldn't be able to react to it later on, but right now, Jin was seriously trying his best to just forget what he had done to those bandits earlier on , he felt, well, actually sort of barbaric, he knew that what he had done wasn't exactly the most dignified of actions, but at the same time he did what was neccessary, but that still made his morals do somersaults basically, he couldn't help but feel horrible after what he had just done.

He made his way towards the training grounds, the corpses were gone and sand was thrown on the blood stains to hide them, Jin quickly turned his head and continued to advance towards the academy, the journey he used to make every day a couple of years ago, he was now a fully fledged Genin, time seemed to go so fast in his eyes, he remembered how much of a slacker he was during his years in the academy, to some extent he regrets not taking it more seriously, but he was young and only wanted to have fun, he was quite the little delinquent during his academy years, especially when he was 14, Jin liked to slack off back in the day, that was basically what he was known for, that kid who slept in class, who didn't listen to the teacher and who messed about with all the kids who were absolutely terrible influences on each other, he was never really the type of kid who took anything seriously, and he kind of wishes that he did, he didn't really like the way he acted like a total airhead back in the day, he was also rather embarassed for having slept through the Genin exam the last time he did it, missing it and having to take it the next year, it was actually a pretty demoralizing thing, and it did make him quite the laughing stock for a couple of weeks.

Nonetheless, the time for being a laughing stock was now long time and now time to become respected, Jin was sick of being left in the sidelines, and he was going to prove his worth as one of the most versatile ninja that Funkagakure, or even any village has to offer, it was now time to stop the child's play and start playing in the big boy's league, and he was going to prove that he was one of the best that the village could offer, he was going to beast the shit out of the Chuunin Exams to prove your worth, it didn't matter if he didn't win, even if he came third or fourth, he wanted to show the world that he had talent, and that he should be respected, and that was hs goal, his goal was to become a ninja who was worldwidely respected and feared by bandits and evildoers, Jin knew he had the talent and the motivation to become a great ninja, and he was going to electrify the Chuunin exams when they came around, he was also going to show the world that Funkagakure was the best village for young talent, and that they were not to be messed with in any way whatsoever, Jin believed in his village, and while, yes Funkagakure was basically Hell on Earth, Jin was proud to show the world that this village where living isn't peaceful where life is difficult, and that under these difficult conditions they could easily spawn some of the most talented ninja anyone has ever seen, and, ultimately that was his goal.

Upon his arrival at the training grounds, Jin was going to learn a technique used by the feared Akatsuki member, the one and only Kakuzu, a feared ninja from the Waterfall Village who was well known for having fought the first Hokage and being one of his main rivals, and also for his Earth Grudge Fear, a technique basically making its' user a massive ragdoll, using all sorts of black fibers as weapons, and also being capable of using the hearts of their enemies to form massive fiber woven behemoths capable of using the element of the heart's owner in combat, using bizarre masks, it as all a very strange jutsu, but then again all of Akatsuki's users had some form of bizarre talent, and this jutsu was only one of them, it skyrocketed the strength and the resistance of attacks and attacks taken, turning the user's skin into a substance almost as hard as steel, it was a jutsu which could do some serious facial rearranging when used properly, it was even capable of destroying walls and other solid structures of the same caliber, it was definately not a jutsu to be underestimated by any means, and Jin was going to learn it for its amazing offensive capabilities, and to seriously bolster his hand to hand combat usage.

Well, in fairness, Jin had multiple choices, but learning a jutsu took a serious amount of physical activity and dedication, so he'd need to wait quite a while before learning another one after this, he'd need to train his chakra even more to learn another jutsu so it wouldn't be as physically straining, Jin could also try and learn a jutsu used by Jirobo, a member of the Sound Five before his death, it was one of the more unique jutsus, it was a jutsu which erected a dome around a group of people and sucked in their chakra, while it did have weaknesses it had a lot of potential to be linked with his Kekkei Genkai, especially with Lava and Boil, they all had possibilities to be used in this jutsu.

That or the Skilled Mist Technique could be a possibility also, a very versatile technique in which the user blows out a massive cloud of Boil Release mist, which easily corrodes or melts anything in its radius, it could also be very useful for support and warding off attacks, or simply as a last resort, blowing out a massive stream of mist at your enemy's face if you're bound up or something could be rather useful, either way he'd most likely end up getting all these jutsus in the long run, so it was just a question of which jutsu he wanted to obtain first.

He thought long and hard, in any case most of these jutsus were Terumi jutsu in the first place, especially the Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique, a technique which made some form of blanket which when shot up took a "Top attack" trajectory towards the enemy, which meant that they could not avoid the jutsu by jumping, which limited them to lateral movement, which made it a great support move as well, nonetheless, all of these jutsus were incredibly versatile and Jin didn't know which one he wanted to learn at first, but beforehand, he was going to try and boost his chakra, he put his palms together, placing two fingers of each hand on each side and releasing his chakra, feeling the flow of chakra channel through him, manifesting it into some fire chakra, before he performed a bunch of hand seals and performed the Pheonix Sage Fire technique and hitting a dummy with it, barraging it with a volley of fireballs, scalding the fabric and setting it ablaze with a crackle and pop occasionally.

5010 words.

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Jinichi Terumi's Training [P] Empty Re: Jinichi Terumi's Training [P]

Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:56 pm
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