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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:41 am
Kojin was limping as he made his way into Hisashi's apartment.  His knee still hurt from when Hisashi stabbed him, and he had a major headache from getting hit with a beer bottle. Right now he was waiting for Hisashi to come as well. 'Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to come with him. Still... he did threaten to kill me...' Kojin thought. Oh well, it was too late now. He was sure Kuname would be disappointed in him... oh no! 'Gah! I forgot about Kuname! He'll be so mad at me! ... I guess I'll just have to confront him next time I go home.' He thought. The young boy walked into the Hisashi's living room and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. Remembering about his wounds, he reminded himself to get some bandages later...

{WC: 138}
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:58 am
Hisashi arrived to his apartment, looking at kojin," Yo, How stuff been for ya Kojin? since our last visit? oh wait we just met hours back hahahaha!" Hisashi would open his apartment door, " Make yourself at home! imma go fix you a drink, and get ya some pain killers." hisashi would make his way to the kitchen, looking around for his special 'pills', but it seems he couldn't find them. "DAMN!" Were the hell is my pills?" hisashi would start looking for the pain killers, but soon he'll give up. Walking back from the kitchen he would look over to kojin, "alright dude you gotta put up with the pain! so make yourself at home dude sit down relax, before you get sick.
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:23 pm
Kojin looked up at Hisashi. "It's alright I can handle the pain. Still, just relaxing sounds very tempting." He said. Slowly he rose from his spot on the ground, walked over to a chair and sat down in it. The young boy started to feel very hungry all of a sudden. 'Oh man' he thought, 'I haven't eaten since breakfast'. "Hey, do you have anything I could eat? I'm getting real hungry." Kojin asked. If this guy had any rice balls he would be loyal to him for a very VERY long time...

{WC: 98}
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:35 pm
"Well, let's see what I got." hisashi would make his way over to the kitchen again looking around he would walk over to the fridge, opening it hisashi pulled out some rice balls." aye kid I got steak, pork chops, rice balls. What ya want?" hisashi asked as he waited for the boy reply. But knowing the rice balls was the best hisashi would cook the rice ball up for the boy," Okay damn I might have burnt them!" hisashi would quickly remove the rice balls from the oven looking t them how they smelled good." Oh! this is wonderful!" walking over to kojin hisashi would reach him the rice balls, "they hot so be careful!!" placing the pans next to the boy and hisashi so happen to hold a soda inside his hand that wasn't open. Handing it over to kojin hisashi would watch him eat." Alright eat up dude, so tell me what ya willing to do for me? kill? rob? put in work for me? protect me?"
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:55 am
Gilgamesh had been taking a leisurely stroll through the slums of Sunagakure until he had noticed something; one of the unfortunate lot in the area had begun limping into a house followed by a boy that did not seem that old.. that was quite strange. They did not look like each other and they did not appear to be old enough to own a house.. was that some sort of drug den? When the door was closed, Gilgamesh simply closed the distance between the door and himself and opened it gently, entering the room and closing the door behind himself. Of course, if an attempt was made on him, his free hand was ready to unsheathe his katana. If he was allowed to enter, he'd simply look around and upon noticing the two, his head tilted upwards in a display of superiority, "And what are you two doing together? Has the snake coiled around the venison, has the world came aloof and switched courses sending the world into anarchy?"
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:58 pm
blaze was holding his katan and  he was  wearing his normal cloths he heared about where one of jis teamates lived and decided to go to there house and meat them he ran up to there door after walking throgh the city noticing a varitey of things like a weapon shop some guy who he boght food from last week he finnaly got there and knockked on the door very loudly
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:29 pm
Kojin eyed the rice balls Hisashi set down. 'It's as if he read my mind!' he thought. He grabbed two of the rice balls and shoved the into his mouth. The young boy didn't care if they were hot, it still was delicious! "Oh I'll just put in a little work and probably protect you, I'm definitely not robbing or killing." He said. The thought of killing another person almost made him shudder. Even though he knew in the ninja world they kill others, Kojin despised the act. He didn't like robbing either.

Then he heard the sound of the door opening and closing. He turned his head to see who entered the apartment and saw a person around Hisashi's age. "Who are you?" He asked, not understanding anything the stranger said. There was yet another sound at the door, a person knocking. "Hey Hisashi, I think you better get that." Kojin said.

{WC: 154}
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:42 pm
Turning his head to the door area after he heard an unknown voice behind him, some dude was asking what was they doing together?" oh who the hell is you?!?!?! coming inside my home? without my permission! man..... wait, what ya want here? and also we're not doing anything but hanging, so if ya care to join feel free!" hisashi would freeze for a moment as he heard a knock.... was somebody lost again" alright guy's excuse me but I got to answer this!" walking over to the door hisashi would open it, looking around he would see a young boy holding a katana? " wow! put that away dude! now what ya want ? hisashi would ask as he smiled waiting for a reply, but hearing kojin reply to his questions that he asked before all these other people arrived."hahahahahaha, you funny kid! I don't want ya to do anything for me! we had our fun together already! you seem like a good dude, but to good for me hahahahahaha!" so you free I don't want anything to do with ya, you can be somebody else security guard!" hisashi said to kojin, as he turned back to the kid at the door," alright you come on in and hang! but close the door please!" walking over to the couch, hisashi would take a seat, he was facing all three of the known, and the unknwon dudes.
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:15 am
Kojin looked around the room, but mostly stared at the new guests. He hasn't really been around much people older than him, besides Kuname of course. He found eyes just wondering around the place and stumbled upon the window. Looking outside, he felt that he the need to leave soon. Kojin didn't even get to explore the desert like he originally planned! 'I'm getting a bit bored anyway and I still need to treat my knee.' He thought. The dark haired boy rose from his seat.

"Hey, I'm gonna have to leave. I feel like I stayed long enough." He announced. Then he walked towards the door, opened it, and left the apartment.

{Exit, WC: 114. Totall WC: 504= 2 stat points and 5 JP}
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK] Empty Re: Staying at Hisashi's [P, NK]

Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:16 am
Xuro Bakuton had jus received very interesting news about his team, Suna Team 1. He was in his house still chilling, when he received a letter. It contained details about another genin that will join his team. "Hisashi Uzumaki. Hmm... Yet another Uzumaki... Well they definitely spreading their population far out. Konoha had no space, so they sending all their spoiled trash over here..." Xuro wasn't in the mood to leave his house but he thought he should go out on a friendly visit. He realised he still needed to figure out the mechanics that were required to control his clone. He hadn't even summoned it since the day he made it.

"Best be taking him for a walk, and I'll go pay a visit to my new team member..." He got up and slipped on his Brotherhood of Light Cloak upon his lightweight jounin attire which had already worn. He then stocked up all his equipment and weapons just for emergency's sake if anything should happen. He had his eskrima sticks strapped to his waist and though he should leave his eartanic blade at home. He wasn't in the mood to carry that heavy thing around today. He slipped on his Brotherhood of Light head band and like always, ensured it was slanted across his left eye.

Once he was ready, he left the house, with the letter in hand. He memorised the kid's house address before slipping it into his pocket. On his way, Xuro placed his left hand forward. His palm mouth now open and somewhat seemed to be choking. Well in true fact, Xuro was bringing up the stored clone to summon it in front of him. After a second, the palm mouth spat out a huge chunk of clay. The clay piled up a 1 meter high pile, which all the nearby villagers couldn't help but stare at it in wonder. The clay then took form and risen up to Xuro's height. It took shape and slowly the appearance of Xuro formed and now "clone version" of Xuro stood in front of the original Xuro. Xuro scrutinised it thoroughly for a few seconds. He then tried to make it speak. The clone spoke brief words still not perfect speech, "Hi there!" Were the first two words uttered. Xuro then began walking while at the same time, motioned for the clone to lead the way. It took some practise before Xuro had learned how to control its movements. After walking down a few streets, he now had full control of the clone's movements. He then practised his sight and fast paced movements. The clone, obviously under Xuro's command, jumped up onto a roof top and then ran down the street, making its way to the boy, Hisashi's house at top speed. While Xuro himself, merrily strolled at his own pace to the boy's house.

Xuro's clone, which he is yet to name, had been watching all what transpired before Xuro would arrive. He was on the roof top of the house, monitoring all what went on. He noticed the limping boy and another boy entering the house. Soon, to what Xuro could identify with his telepathic sight link with his clone, Gilgamesh Uzumaki was there & entered the house as well. Not a second later, Blaze Hyuga the first team member of Xuro's team knocked on the door and was allowed in. By the look of it, that big mouth kid who opened the door and welcomed them in was Hisashi Uzumaki the resident of the house. Xuro fancied the sudden congregation that was summoned before him. "Guess Blaze got the news of our new team mate as well..." Xuro said to himself while still walking on his way. Xuro clone then watched the limping boy leave the house and headed off somewhere. Xuro didn't bother for his clone to follow, he just allowed it to wait for Xuro's arrival.

A few minutes after the limping boy left, Xuro had arrived by the house. His clone would jump down next to him, while Xuro raised his right hand out to touch the clone. As soon as contact was made, a whooshing sound was heard as the Clone got sucked into Xuro's body through his hand, like a vacuum machine. "That'll be all for today pal."
Xuro then knocked on the door as he then forcefully opened the door & made his way in. He walked 3 meters into the house and looked around at everyone before smiling and greeting them all with a simple "Sup?!"
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