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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:00 pm
OOC: last topic got voided, so imma remake and try again!

Hisashi arrived to the kazekage chambers, with a smirk on his face he would wait for the kage to arrive also, he was wearing a blue suit with a white tie and his black pants with his Stacy Adams which was the color red. Waiting for the kage to show up hisashi would start to mess with thing's, with a knife inside his right hand he would throw it at the wall, seeing how it stuck to the wall, hisashi would walk over to it and he pulled it out, but pulling it out to fast, the handle came off the knife." DAMN! broke my knife! great now what I got to use in a battle or what ever!" hisashi would throw the piece of the knife down to the ground and he kick the sand over! he was clearly mad," okay I cna easily get me another one, but knowing that thing costed me ryo! and now I'm stuck with stupid chakra chains until I get an freaking weapon! DAMN IT! WHERE IS THE KAGE! been waiting for like a year now!" hisashi said as he got started to walk around int eh chambers, trying to stay calm and not be impatient.....

(best I CAN do, so enjoy your post koroshi!)
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty Re: What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:30 pm
As soon as the foolish boy attempts to enter the chamber he is confronted by Koroshi who stands in front of the door to get in as he was about to leave, as soon as Koroshi see's the boy he recognizes him from the ANBU reports where they have witnessed him forcing a person into a sexual act through his mouth, Koroshi finding this not only disgusting but unforgivable. Without a word Koroshi thrust his right arm forward as fast as his body will allow, attempting to hit the boy in his chest. If the blow were to hit as planed it crushes in the boy's chest cavity, pressing hard against the boys lungs, stopping him from being able to breath normally, as well as sending him flying backwards at Koroshi's strength stat directly into the wall behind him.

"You have committed crimes against the people of Suna, and used someone as your own sexual play thing. This is unforgivable and you will be punished" Koroshi says in a dark serious voice while walking toward this boy, his blood red eternal mangekyo sharingan glowing bright to reflect his anger. This is truly the most anger and hatred Koroshi has ever felt in his life, and toward this "boy".

"What kind of world are we living in if someone this young would even think of doing something like this?" Koroshi thinks to himself as he approaches upon the boys position.
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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty Re: What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:17 pm
hisashi landed to the ground barely breathing, looking up to the kage, hisashi would laugh at koroshi. Knowing hisashi was going to die he just had only a few final words." THIS VILLAGE SUCKS!"
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty Re: What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:41 am
Although this blow would cause him intense physical pain, it is not enough to actually kill him, but it does keep him from speaking clearly, so anything that he might try to say only comes out in gurgles. Feeling as speaking with this trash has no point Koroshi simply moves his right arm upwards while clinching his hand into a fist, these movements make the rock wall that Hisashi is leaning against seemly come to life, as 4 arms begin to stretch out of the wall, each one being roughly the size of a coke can, but a foot in length. The arms then attempt to wrap around both of Hisashi's arms and legs. If they are able to do so then the rock hands squeeze the limbs until they shatter every bone in the young boys arms and legs, crippling him completely. Koroshi accomplishing this by using his God of Earth skill.

"Time to take out the trash" Koroshi says still in his dark voice as he begins to walk out of the Kazekage building, and toward the holding chambers in Suna, which is located under ground. When Koroshi begins to walk however he controls the wall to break apart from the rest of the building with his God of Earth skill. The wall then grows 2 pairs of legs, each being the size and length of an average male adult. The wall then follows Koroshi to the holding chambers, while Hisashi is trapped and forced to come along.
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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty Re: What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:03 pm
Hisashi was walking along with the kage, he really didn't knew what was going on, all hisashi was expecting was a visit with the kage, then it turned to this! with the pain on hisashichest he would wait to see what the kage was going to do with him." okay! since my life is clearly over for a bit, I'm a little sorry for saying this village sucks, hahahaha, but then again never mind. Actually dude I'm really sorry, and I know the crime I did was kinda stupid and sick, but I really enjoy myself doing it. Now where are we going?" hisashi would ask as he walked with the kage.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty Re: What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:43 pm
Koroshi simply ignores the gurgles from Hisashi for they are most likely nothing but him begging for his own life, so he continues to walk, arriving at the Suna under ground holding chambers in a matter of minutes. Once there Koroshi moves his right arm forward, controlling the earth "table" to walk forward into one of the cells, after this Koroshi shuts the door giving the boy one last glare, his eternal mangekyo sharingan glowing really bright for they are the only light in this dark place "Don't worry, I won't kill you. Your not worthy of death." Koroshi says in his cold voice as he commands a medical ninja to attach him to a breathing machine, to keep him alive.

After doing this Koroshi and the medical ninja leave the boy there, to live out his days in nothing but darkness, for that is the path he has chosen. When they leave however something goes wrong with the machine, and it stops giving him air to breathe. The boy if nothing is done will die in a few minutes.

(Koroshi exits. ending word count 669 words, 3 stats and 6 jp.)
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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty Re: What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:56 pm
Looking around in the darkness, clearly hisashi couldn't see nothing, breathing threw the machine. But although something went wrong fast, the machine was kinda turning on and off, giving hisashi the higher chance of dying." w....wa...wait... ma..,machine is...breaking..." after a while hsiashi would die from the machine being broke, and not fixed. Knowing hisashi lived a fast life and didn't really give a damn, and had no hold backs in all the stuff he did. Knowing he would die young, but he was able to accomplish somethings in his ninja life, but it was his time to go, but why would the machine stop working? it had to be a reason behind that..... But hisashi would die with his eyes open, and a smile on his face... 

hisashi is dead!!!!!!!!!!
Samuru Uchiha
Samuru Uchiha
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What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi Empty Re: What a nice day to be with the kage (p;nk) koroshi

Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:17 pm
Approved of the death and rewards and anything else that qualifies for a reward, Topic closed.
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