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Reginald Merrywether
Reginald Merrywether
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Reginalds Private Training Thread Empty Reginalds Private Training Thread

Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:27 pm

Reginald says as he walks out from an abandoned building located upon the villages outskirts, its decrepit and gnarled visage the site of several grizzly murders in the past. Donning a set of dirty blue shorts and a ragged white undershirt, Reginald laces up his running shoes and heads for the "road" he would be running down. As he does so, he continues to speak, this time his pleading is replaced with inane and senseless vulgarity.

" I wonder if theres going to be any tree's....TREES ARE MADE OF WOOD and wood gives me splinters and splinters hurt and they can getinfectedandpossiblymakegostrikechildrenOHGOD "

this goes on for several minutes before any attempt at a run is physically made.

Alright, Reggie! The goal...the goal is to psyche the road out...once you prove your more of a road than the road then the road will be like a road and not an obstacle!

After the madman is seemingly done with his mental pep talk, He actually starts to run at a brisk pace. The madman begins flailing his left arm while he runs, creating an unneeded drag effect whilst breathing heavily, clearly blowing the whole five or seven second jog out of proportion.

Soon, his right arm joins in, grasping the left side of his chest tightly as he continues his run.


As he trudges past one village families humble abode, Reginald hears the barking of a dog emanating from the backyard, an act that stops him dead in his tracks. He walks belligerently toward the back, his arms swinging to and fro like some sort of tough guy imitation. The area is fenced off. This does not deter the disturbed individual however and soon he finds a small hole just perfect enough to see through, it situated on a rather weak plank of wood. As he peers through, he catches glimpse of a young dog, rage transfixing itself upon Reginald's normally gleeful face.

Meanwhile, The family enjoys an early afternoon meal of ramen and tea. The dog barks everynow and then but they largely ignore it as its fairly common for dogs to bark! It's when the barks turn into whimpers and groans do they actually go to check up on the dog. 

Damn that dog..its ruining my only day this week with my family! The father thinks to himself as he sets down his drink, stands up, and starts for the backyard...

Rubbing his hands together, Reginald prepares himself for infiltration. Reginald backs up about fifteen feet and stares at the fence in front of him, gauging the enemy he is about to overcome. He could climb over it....but that's boring. HE'S GONNA JUMP IT. Running into a dead sprint, Reginald guns it toward the fence only to run face first into it, nearly knocking himself out. It was ok! His head took most of the blow. Groaning, Good ole Reginald stands somewhat fast, groggily grabbing ahold of then climbing over the top of the fence. Once his form is straddling the top, Reginald fails to once again, coordinate himself, his form crashing into the backyard. Slowly pushing himself out of the dirt face first, Reginald is greeted by frantic and gleeful licks from said dog, it barking after several licks. 


It was then that a shovel caught Reginald's ever observant eyes, a malevolent grin appearing upon the deranged mans face.

Upon opening the door, The father was greeted with a terrible sight to behold, truly. Both he and his family were now observing their dog, forcefully impaled to the ground by a shovel. Movement catches their eyes as they see Reginald trying to climb back over the fence, the families and Reginalds eyes all locking once he gets halfway over. A belligerent and untruthful look of dumbfounded-ness takes root on Reginalds face as this stare off occurs. Speaking finally, Reginald adopts a more....Insane facial expression.

" I FUCKED YOUR DOG WITH A SHOVEL, BITCHES - " is all the sociopath manages to say before he once again falls off the fence, landing outside the yard this time. Wasting no time, Reginald jogs off, snickering while the devastated family tries piecing together what just happened. Running past the house that neighbors the previous house, Reginald waves to the elderly couple sitting outside, his clothing and upper body stained with blood.

The deranged individual continues his run, his lust for depraved violence beginning to surface for the day. Altering his course, Reginald makes his way back home in a more convoluted manner so as not to be followed by the family he had defeated. Kicking open the door, Reginald gallivants into his secluded little abode, quickly finding and grasping a crude cup filled with water. He drinks it down quickly and heads for the basement door, humming a tune to himself before finally singing:

Welcome to the torture chamber! the mad doctor exclaims as he slams open the door to his basement, a whimper heard escaping the bowels of said place. Reginald grabs a doctors coat off of a hangar at this time and dons it.

Said the sign above the entrance Reginald says, immediately following the first line. Stepping down the stairs, Reginald proceeds to methodically speak the other words, his body motion fluid and oddly graceful compared to his previous coordination problems. 

Stopping at the end of the stairs, Reginald flips on a nearby lightswitch, illuminating a rather grizzly sight. Blood, body parts, and other bits of the human body were scattered about this makeshift laboratory. The space right near the stairs was mostly littered with boxes and cold food, the spaces beyond much more insidious. Taking up the left side of the room was a series of cabinets and storage containers, each of these containing something ranging from basic medical supplies to body parts such as the brain or heart. The right side of the square like room is where the instruments are stored, these ranging from rusty or dirty scalpels all the way to crude bone saws whilst including a door leading to an adjacent room.  

The far side of the room is blocked by a curtain that covers the entire wall along with a crudely made stage.

Gracefully maneuvering past the body parts and puddles of fluid adorning the ground, Reginald makes his way toward a gruesome sight fixed in the rooms center. Sitting on a chair was what appears to be a child, female judging by the overall form of the body and the clothes she wears.

Laughing as he takes you by the hand
Looking like a manic savage
Inside you can sense the anguish
Theatre of pain has just begun!

Reginald screams as he rips a black bag from her head, allowing her little eyes to squint in pain at the sudden gust of light cascading onto her.

Things were different....

There was some sort of table off to her right...A table with straps. Furthermore, her two brothers were no longer there! Where could he have taken the -

Before another thought could formulate itself within her mind, She had her answer. Reginald withdraws the severed heads of two young boys, holding them with one in each hand.


Taking the heads, Reginald skips toward the stage upon the far end of the room, leaping upon it as he then spins in order to face the girl again.


Reginald drops the two heads bluntly and hops off the stage, walking toward the girl and chair she is strapped into. Grabbing hold of said chair, Reginald gives it a whirl, spinning it whilst upsetting his unfortunate victim. Sensing the momentum of the spinning chair beginning to die, Reginald stops it so that the girl is facing the stage. Once again taking his position upon said stage, Reginald picks up the heads and begins his rather gruesome performance.

" Well...ITs been quite a day! How was it inside the box, Kenichi? "

Reginald looks at the oldest of the two heads, the expression of fear etched onto its face. In many ways, It represented Reginald's feelings toward everything. The pain. The suffering. THE LOSS OF HOPE. Reginald quickly shakes the head in a crude manner, imitating a crude attempt at speech.


Reginald stops, turning his head toward the girl as he awaits an anticipated laugh only to see her eyes swelling with tears. Something inside of Reginald actually feels....HE FEELS A PRIMORDIAL BURNING RAGE.

the madman promptly drops the eldest boys head and proceeds to punt the other toward the sister, the kick sending it wide and right over her.

" I hope you fall down a well AND CATCH ON FIRE! DIE! DIE! DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE - Sorry, A doctor should never lose his cool like that. Excuse me! "

Reginald heads toward the only actual door in the basement, disappearing into a room for minutes on end before returning...returning with a body. The body was still somewhat dressed, it to was female. Reginald heaves one final time and plops the womans body onto the operating table beside the little girl, letting out a sigh of relief as he grins and flexes.

After some self admiring, Reginald once again turns the girls chair around, this time forcing her to face perhaps the most devastating event of the day. The body...It belongs to her mother. The girl can only look into the lifeless eyes of her mother and cry. Was it because mother wanted to take us away from here? Why did she and her family have to suffer through this!?!

The youth can only ponder and silently demand why life was so unfair as Reginald gets ready to operate, the clanking and slamming of tools down upon a metallic surface being the only noise at the current moment. Beginning the first incision just above the right breast, nearer to the shouldr slightly, Reginald cuts down toward the middle of the chest, stopping about mid sternum as he then does the same for the opposite side. As he does this, The doctor takes his time, knowing full well that rushing can lead to complications! Once the secondary incision was complete, a rough " V " was made upon the upper section of the torso. A third incision is then started, going from the bottom point of the " V " all the way down to about the naval.

Looking at the girl, Reginald smiles genuinely, this being perhaps the most unnerving expression the little girls seen from this psycho.

" Ya know, My parents are real proud of me! " Reginald looks as if he is about to continue but does not, instead, he bursts out laughing, a tear streaming down from his right eye.

" Oh...Oh man...I couldn't keep a straight face for that! They hated me and I hated them. That's probably while I butchered them - SHUT UP DISEMBODIED VOICE THAT IS MY INNER CONSCIOUS! NO ONE ASKED YOU! "

Reginald pulls forth a clamp like device to help pry open the chest cavity after peeling back the skin and some flesh, the cracking and moist noise of the cavity being opened sends a desirable chill down Reginald's spine. The Doctor reaches in and eventually pries forth the woman's lungs. Reginald, being the greatest wth children, tosses both lungs onto the little girls lap.

" Hold those for a second! "

Moments later, Reginald pulls forth the Heart, the organ he had wanted from the start. He stops for a moment, looking at It with an invigorated and almost romanticized look. He promptly walks over to the girl, looking at her before sliding the mothers body off of the table which he then sits upon. He rolls the heart around in his hands, surveying the little details such as the delicate but undeniably strong muscular texture of the heart. Furthermore, he could point out the valves, an Atrium, the Aorta, and even the distinct connections for veins and arteries. He takes one additional gander at it then at the girl...before pegging her in the face with the heart of her mother.


Reginald laughs hysterically as he leaves the room again, this time carrying a crudely made but sufficient enough bucket, the occasional black droplet of some liquid escaping the bottom. Reginald looks at he girl for a solid minute or so before dumping the bucket of oil all over her, his laughter resuming and even growing in volume as he looks for a match or something. Finally finding a match, Reginald stops laughing as he looks at the girl, his eyes growing wide.


Reginald lights the match, tossing it toward the girl whom tries desperately to break free..

Her and chair go up in flames, her pained screeches escaping the building flawlessly. Reginald didn't care, he never cared! What's happening now, this very instant...That is what Reginald truly cares about. Pulling a marshmallow free from his coats pocket with his left hand, Reginald picks up a piece of rotten wood that had fallen from the ceiling with his right, attaching the marshmallow to the end of it. Sticking it toward the fire, Reginald begins roasting a marshmallow, intent on having a snack before putting out the fire.

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Samuru Uchiha
Samuru Uchiha
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Reginalds Private Training Thread Empty Re: Reginalds Private Training Thread

Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:30 pm
Approved ._.
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