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Reginald Merrywether
Reginald Merrywether
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Reginalds Private Training Thread V2 Empty Reginalds Private Training Thread V2

Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:23 pm
It all started with the need for Paper Towels...

" Well Reginald...we need paper towels to clean up the mess YOU MADE YESTERDAY! SHUT UP, ITS NOT MY FAULT SHE SET HERSELF ON FIRE! Your set her on fire, you imbecile! THE DOG MADE ME DO IT! WE HATE DOGS! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - Oh! A ROCK! "
Reginald treks down the road he had jogged several days earlier, a yawn escaping his mouth as he passes by the house belonging to family he had "interacted" with. He sighs happily only to see a cat, that primordial rage building within him again. Cats.... CATS....All they did was sit around and lick their own genitalia...JUST LIKE DOGS. He wouldn't have this.

I do hope the children take the dogs passing well....Thought the mother of the household as she cleans. Her husband had decided the night before to bring home a cat in the hopes of lessening the shock they had received. The screeching of a cat is heard along with the yelling of a man and the mother instinctively gets up, looking toward the kitchen window nearby, her heart pounding as she then approaches it. Upon getting there, she pushes the curtains aside only to see a grey flash racing right at her. That is simply the last thing she remembers about this incident in particular. Walking up to the fence, Reginald watches as the cat leaps down and into the yard. the Doctors stare now meeting the wooden contraption he had faced before.


Exclaims Reginald as he strikes a pose, straightening his body as his left leg steps back and his right arm shoots forward, his fingers all pointed toward the fence. He holds this in several seconds of awkward silence as he seemingly awaits the fence to actually pose back. His grin sours into a scowl as he drops the pose and kicks the ground right before the fence.

" Fuck you, fence... "

Climbing over the fence yet again, Reginald gets to the top only to have the cat leap back up and meow at him, the event apparently scaring the Doctor as he falls into the families yard....yet again. Though he made no noise nor said anything, Reginald's mind was ablaze with hate. CATS! I HOPE THEY ALL DIE A FIRERY PAINFUL DEATH THAT INVOLVES HAMMERS! LOTS AND LOTS OF FLAMING HAMMERS!

Pushing himself up, The cat drops down and walks toward Reginald, purring as it rubs up against his leg. Reginald kneels down and begins petting the cat.

" Aww...your just like me! some sort of lost soul in a sea of pain and anguish.....FUCK YOU GODDAMMIT "

Upon finishing that last bit, the cat begins to attempt fleeing as if instinctually only for Reginald to seize it by the tail. Rising, Reginald holds his prey into the air, the cat screeching as Reginald runs toward the house, intent on kicking the cat against the outside wall or something. It was at this juncture that Reginald trips. Oh yes, The Doctor flies through the air a good three or four feet, slamming face first into the ground right in front of the wall. The cat suffers a semi similar fate, the feline being flung toward the window nearby. At this time, some women pushes the curtain aside only for the cat to slam right through the glass and into the face of the woman.

The cat screeches and clings to the womans face, causing her to scream loudly whilst running about in panic. The woman runs toward what she believes to be the other room, only to find out promptly that she's running right into a wall, the cat leaping off of her head at the exact last moment. The Mother of the household then slams face first into a wall, losing all consciousness while Reginald recovers at the exact same moment, groggily stumbling about.

The Doctor makes his way toward the fence, still staggering as he attempts climbing the wooden structure. Bizarrely, Reginald makes it over the fence much easier this time, wasting no time as he apparently heads toward his original destination. As he goes about his merry business, the villagers give him disgusted and questioned looks. Reginald simply grins, their feelings of negativity incapable of destroying his mood.

" That's right! hate the doctor...When your all dying, I'm going to sit there and laugh! "

" Yeah right, freak! Your no doc - " the villager is interrupted as Reginald speaks over him, the doctor using belligerent volume.


" HEY - "


" BASTAR - "


Reginald skips into the store, intent on finding some paper towels. He takes a look around at the people within this store, each and everyone of them not dead or dying enough. Reginald quickly starts walking down the first isle, stopping when coming across some light fluid. He grabs the bottle and looks it over, the phrase burns all night long causing Reginald to let out an " Ooooooh " followed quickly by an " Ahhhhhh ". The Doctor opens the bottle and sniffs around in hopes of catching a wiff of the liquid, his standards apparently high. Sliding the bottle into his right pants pocket, Reginald continues on with his "shopping", completely unaware the contents are spilling everywhere. Reginald walks into a back room only to be accosted by an employee.

" Sir! You simply cannot be back here! "

" SIR!?!? GIVE ME YOUR BRAI - " before he can finish his sentence, Reginald is pushed out of the backroom, a look of disbelief affixed to his face.

" Jeez...that guy got piss or something everywhere!!! "  Says the Employee who grabs a mop and looks for a bucket, his search quickly yielding no results. Shrugging, he simply mops the liquid about, hoping it'd dry and someone else would deal with it.

Walking down a new Isle, Reginald continues his search while a new customer enters the store. He is an older man, probably 40 or 50, a cigarette in his mouth. He lets out a puff of smoke, ignoring the nagging of an Employee to put said cigarette out. Reginald yawns and approaches a female employee flirting with some buff guy, the Doctor actually planning on leaving them alone...until he hears the female mention something about a dog. Reginald's eyes bulge then the right contracts, nearly shutting as he gives them this proverbial stink eye. Grabbing a plunger, Reginald walks toward her, stink eye still glaring.

" SACRIFICE! RAAAR - " As he attempts harming the female, the Male slams Reginald into the a shelf, causing it to start toppling over and upon doing so, topple yet another. As this domino effect goes on, the Male drops Reginald as he looks on at the damage he had caused, making the mistake of taking his eyes off of Reginald. Slamming the wooden part of the plunger up and into the mans crotch, Reginald stands, watching the male fall to the floor in pain. Both Reginald and the Female lock eyes, Hers registering a small level of growing fear whilst his radiate with this deviance. She starts shaking her head as Reginald points to the plunger then at her, his grin widening.

It was going to happen.

Across the store, the falling shelves fail to harm anyone save for a can that is launched from the top of the last shelf, said can smashing through a window. A pigeon flies through and into the store, an elderly woman seeing the winged beast as the personification of pure evil. To clarify, she is on some crude medication and the whitish grey pigeon appears to her as a demonic phoenix. Said demon bird flaps its wings in slow motion and fires beams of chakra from its eyes. She starts freaking out only to fall and break her hip, the area this occurs at also being the place lined with copious amounts of lighter fluid...

The man with the Cigarette turns toward the commotion, intent on helping the old woman. As he takes his first step, he slips on the lighter fluid, landing on the ground hard enough to knock the cigarette from his mouth and have it hit the ground....

The inferno begins, engulfing the elderly woman, the smoker, and several other shoppers whilst spreading down the trail made by Reginald inadvertently. The fire goes into the backroom, igniting several of the stores back there, including more flammable material, resulting in a further eruption of fire.  Their screams form a metaphorical chorus of the damned, their very lives snuffing out in a violent fashion. Soon, The fire has encircled the old store, the burning victims seeking only to spread the fire further. The entrance becomes inaccessible as fire engulfs the only way out.
Reginald howls with insidious laughter as he looks at the female, her eyes wide with terror now. Reginald roars and charges after her, plunger raised over his head. She takes off toward a staff room toward the back, Reginald keeping pace as he calms his breathing and opens his strides. The smoke however causes a problem and soon both Reginald and the female begin to wheeze and cough their way onward. Some debris from the ceiling falls, landing on a nearby tray meant for food samples, this launches a series of forks across the flaming store, one of which impales the pigeon mid flight.

The Woman bursts out of the store, Reginald right behind her. A crowd has since formed and they eagerly try to ascertain if anyone has survived the fire, only realizing Reginald and the Woman a minute or so after their exit.

" Help me! He's a monster! " the woman cries as she approaches the crowd, entering the safety of their proximity as the crowd then looks at a bewildered Reginald. Reginald surveys the situation and does the only thing he can think of: He snarls like an animal, tosses the plunger at them, then proceeds to quickly strip out of his trousers. He takes his pants and waves them around while staring wide eyed at the villagers, his mouth still creating animalistic noises and effects. Once they are vividly exposed to this....phenomenon, Reginald sprints the hell away, shouting one final thing as he goes.


Returning home after a series of unneeded evasions, Reginald creeps up the stairs, arriving upon the second floor of his humble abode. Trash littered the short hallway connecting three large rooms, one of which is nearly vacant. The third is barricaded shut for some reason and it appears to have been forgotten entirely. The second is a room much like the basement save for the fact it consists solely of an operating table, a cadaver, and the express tools needed to dissect said cadaver. The Good Doctor whistles as he strides into the operating room, his eyes arriving upon the cadaver laying atop the table. It was a male in his late thirties, brown hair, green eyes, and a carrier of a specific heart condition. Reginald grins as he grabs a scalpel off of a small metallic tray nearby, his eyes already analyzing the paths he would cut.


Reginald starts by creating the "Y" like incision he always does, starting from the shoulders then ending at the chest, making sure to cut through the skin and soft tissues. A feeling of near ecstasy begins creeping upon Reginald whom continues with his work, now cutting downward toward the pelvis. Reginald stops right after the navel, Quickly putting his scalpel down as he then peels back the skin of the upper chest, resting the flap of skin upon the bodies face whilst doing a similar action for the other two flaps. Once done with that, Reginald grabs his scalpel once again and begins to cut and scrape off any remaining tissue from the breastplate.

Reginald takes a moment to stop and intake the smell, the scent of raw muscle tissue and human flesh intoxicating. This is exactly what he lives for! Cutting, dissecting, altering! All of it. With a malicious cackling laughter, Reginald takes up a bone cutter and begins breaking bone. Once both cuts are made on the sides of the front, Reginald is able to peel the breastplate back, using his scalpel to sever some of the soft tissue holding the plate to the body still. Once that is done, Reginald tosses it aside and proceeds to prune a few of the ribs, giving him unparalleled access at the bodies organs. Wasting no time, Reginald starts with the throat, elegantly butchering the flesh and tissue until the trachea and esophagus come clear at which they are promptly removed.  The lungs, heart, and arteries are next, with the former two being fully removed while the latter are simply snipped then tied off.

Time goes by as this occurs as Reginald does not wish to butcher the more important organs being harvested, his coat having been removed at this point. He stops for a moment, ringing his scalpel hand up toward his head as he uses his semi clean forearm to wipe the sweat off of his forehead.

" HEY REGGIE! Yes Reginald? WHEN DO WE SKIP ROPE WITH THE INTESTINES? ...when we're done? Done with what? Come again? YOU SAID COME! MUAHAHAHA - " Not paying attention, Reginald slides off of his stool and onto the floor, his form getting up slowly. As he stands, he takes his free left hand and places it upon his lower left back, applying some pressure.


Reginald shakes his head and gets on the stool.


Reginald now begins his machinations concerning the intestines and other "lesser" organs. All of it comes out, Reginald cutting a swath across the body at this point, liberating it of everything that once caused this pinnacle of bio engineering and evolution to work. Roping out the intestines, Reginald pretends they are one massive snake attacking him, letting them wrap around him as he makes a mockery of the situation.


Upon finishing with his immaturity, Reginald throws them into the corner far right corner of the room, the doctor now covered in bodily fluid and the like. Delving back into the cavity, Reginald begins the process of severing the spine from the body, making all the necessary cuts and incisions until the spine itself comes free. A byproduct of this is the head coming off along with the spine, this hideous combination being set down next to the organs on a nearby tray. Sighing, Reginald grabs a large bone saw and proceeds to sever the arms, Exerting all of the physical strength he can whilst aiming for the jointed areas. As the nightmarish operation comes to a close, Reginald observes the room and sighs upon seeing the mess.

It was a good thing he had gotten paper towels...

Reginald exits the room, sighing in relief only to realize he never actually brought home the paper towels....

Settling for his sole unsullied doctors coat, Reginald grabs the coat and uses it to essentially wipe himself clean somewhat. He cannot believe he had forgotten the paper towels! It was that woman and those villagers! they conspire against him...make him forget things.....They'll see....THEY WOULD ALL SEE...once he could actually think of something to do to them all. Scratching his hind quarters, Reginald tugs on his briefs, adjusting them as he then

 walks downstairs. Reginald looks around, surveying the area for something before running toward a wall seemingly at random. Taking care, Reginald slams into the wall...making sure to not break his neck in the process.


deeming the wall sturdy enough, Reginald falls backward and onto the floor, drifting off to sleep the moment he hits the ground.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:32 pm
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