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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:47 am
Rain had finally set over Kumogakure more specifically over the mountains where the villages wolf laid his head for the moment. He had spent nearly three weeks up here on the cold and wet peaks, training his body and honing his skills for the next match of the Kumo Chuunin exams. He had heard that Konoha was just starting their international exams, but since he was still in the running for this one he decided to opt out and continue what he had set out for. He should have went to cheer on Hibana, but he decided he would arrive once her match started to see how much his student had learned over the past couple of weeks. Back to him, he would be sitting at the mouth of the cave shirtless, burt still wearing his wolf claw gaunlets and underlaying gloves meditating.

Deep in thought he could hear the small drops of rain fall as he breathed slowly and matched their pattern. It had been only a week since he had learned the calm and tranquil Suiton element and he was still in the process of mastering it, although he did still have a long way to go. His rage had calmed down for the most part but that was only due to him being away from any person for such an extended period of time. Opening his yellow eyes he would look up to the sky and stand up with a semi bored expression on his face," Three weeks of training and i feel like i need more, or maybe i am just getting hungry and my rations are getting low. Nah i will be fine for a little while longe," he said shrugging slightly.

Walking out into the rain he would walk over to the tree that he had previously clawed to show he had been here, taking one of his animal style stances. He would strike the tree in three different places, attempting to test what spots were weak in the tree but he was using the human pressure point system to get the rust off of himself. The rain continued to pour as a small sound of lightning could be heard in the distance," Looks like their is a storm coming... nice theme for a good fight," grinning as he continue to strike the tree, each strike ripping off more and more bark the faster he went. Within the fifth strike the tree would already be buckling until it fell completely to the ground.

Standing over the fallen tree he would smile and stand over it, charging his claws with his raiton chakra. With one fell swipe he would cleave the tree in two and smile as he began to sett the now broken portions of wood into the ground like pikes to stand on. These were used for balance training and another intense way to fight seeing as he had to jump from one to one for each strike. by the time he was through completing his course, there were 100 pike scattered amongst the ground each one being at least a meter apart not only for consistancy but because he could still make a small leap while keeping his balance. Taking his shoes off he would stand on top of the and begin his practice strikes, jumping to another one to comelete the combo.
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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:06 am
The days had passed after the start of the Kumogakure exams they were being underway a true delighted scenary. The fights were amazing by far they seem to show what the shinobi of Kumogakure could do. Deep in the village at the Raikage tower the rain would of begun to fall as it was morning. It was another day as Raikage for Misaki to make her father proud of her so she knew it had to be fate in someway for her to be able to progress, Even as a Kage she needed to improve but having people scared to practice with her cause of who her father was,it was insane. Pushing the covers to the side of her she would of gently rose her body. At this moment sitting upon the bed her hand scratching at her bed hair which made her look like a white haired super saiyain that was awesome right, She rose feom her bed as she walked to get closet opening it. Grabbing her normal attire she would place it on the bed after walking back to it. Taking her towel as she went to the bathroom she will go and bwgun to take her shower.

A hour or two would of passed before she walked out of the bathroom smoke escaping the very doorway,she will dig in her drawer to pull out some of her undergarments before placing them on. After being comfortable in them she would go to put on her own outfit and prepare to depart.Misaki physical appearance is of that of a young teenager of 16 years old. Consisting of silver hair, red eyes, and a glowing tattoo located on her left arm and shoulder blade, they resemble wings and are occasionally called "The Wings of the Devil" by the villagers of Kumogakure. Misaki wears a long leather red coat with fur among the hood as she wears a black tunic with a cross design along the chest area.Along with her short shorts which is held around her waist by a belt. On her hands is black fingerless gloves which is mainly use for hand to hand combat for her. "Mistress your escorts awaits you"said one of the maids that worked in the tower."You know at this point and time your weak we need to push your body to it's limits understand"Maya would say in Misaki head who was just grabbing her Holsters for her Magnums and placing her Suzumebachi on her left side she would smile this will surely be a interesting day for sure.

Leaving her quaters it didn't take her long to reach he entrance of her tower waving her hand in greeting. The rain still pouring down as it slowly begun to stop and the sun begun to emerge from the clouds. As the rain came to a complete stop Misaki would of exit her rower her hand over her eyes as she would glance up. The rainbow will soon be made in all its beautiful colors"That is soooo fucking cute!"she screamed from the top of her lungs as she would cough. As she would be walking two of her anbu would of appeared beside her."We were ordered to guide you to your training ground"one on her left would speak. She would smile at him as they would of been walking through the village at this point heading towards the gates it wasa relaxing day."So Misaki what power are you truly after if i may ask"Maya will ask."A power my father left me to master my element to a divine degree,to be a god of my own being and power to bring forth power unheard of"she will think in a reply.

As they reaxhed the gates she would raise her hand"You guys stay here i have to go alone my father dont like me brining people to the training ground. The gates will open as Misaki will walk through them and smile. She had to get to her training field for once in a start of a thing at least. She would use her mastery over lightning to ignite the soles of her feet where sparks will begin to happen as she begun to look as if she was skating now using the concentrated chakra as a way to glide on the surface. She was laughing as she was having fun. As she came to a rock she would jump as she would twirl hitting a three sixty as she land back on the flat ground"Fuck Yeah Thats How Misaki Takami Do Shit!!"she screamed at the tops of her lungs as she gliding along the ground heading towards the mountians. She would be gliding like a pro it was her own personal X games that was for sure. Coming to a halt after reaching her training ground she woul smile"You will always be a child"Maya would say."I rather be a child then a demon who posses people"she says teasingly.

After stopping her chakra from goin about she would strech a bit as she would look at the sunny sky. She would walk to the center of her training field as she would be standing there each hand on the side of her head as she would begun to focus her raiton through the point of extraction. Lightning begun to surge around her hands and bodies as this was what was left by her father and what made him a legendary Raikage she would of closed her eyes. She would point her finger towards a rock as it would release a bolt of lightning as it will hit the ground and striking a rock near by as it was her manifested chakra that had gave her lightning such a boost in power. She would continue to concentrate as she was willing to go through such lengths to get what she wanted. To be just like her father,she had to become a god of lightning a legendary being who mastery over there elements is divine that was her dream.

(1000/3500 for Raiton Mastery Lvl 3 and 4)
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:15 pm
Currently Yaju was still balancing himself onto posts which had stood 4 meters from the ground, mud accumulating until the rain had stopped. Looking up he would move the silver strands of hair from his face and look up for a moment, what seemed like a smile was starting to form on his face. Usually rain meant something good was about to happen to him, but apparently the sun had to show its face and in turn reveal its luck for today. He would flip onto another post before standing on two of his fingers and pushing down like he was beginning to do pushups but instead he would surge some of his chakra into the wood, causing it to spark externally before he jumped off of it and landed on another one.

His ears would pick up on the sounds of someone coming up the mountains and from the sounds of it it was a female, although not many were brave enough to come up here in the first place. He could not hear the name of said person, but the tone and pitch carried all the way up to him and making him look down at the ground for a moment. The way he was currently dressed was just simply his pants and nothing else.. well excluding his gauntlets and claws. For the moment he would sniff the air and wait for this individual to show up.

After a while he would close his eyes and rest in a two finger position, his body being in a perfect L-shaped formation. He would hear the sound of rocks being destroyed, its explosion making him more alert but his position would not change in the slightest. His ears were to the sky and his nose to the air, he was ready for whatever would come his way whether it was good or bad.
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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:11 pm
Time had slowly begun to passed as Misaki the great daughter of Kurisu was under going her training. It was for as a Ametsuchi and the Raikage to become better a master at her works. She was a child but she held more power then most of her age she was truly a built masterpiece you could say. Standing flat on the surface of the rocky training grounds of Ametsuchi. She woud watch as her control over her lightning was increase the increase in her co trol it was truly amazing."So your starting to learn your fathers control"says Maya as Misaki raise her hand with the lightning surrounding it as she would smile."Daddy im getting close just you watch it wont be much longer now i for sure you that"she woukd say to herself. She was picking up a chakra nearby but chose to ignore it for now she had training to do so she could be better. She would focus her body as she was about forty meters from Yaju position a boy she let out of his prison to roam free and have a life as a teue shinobi. She would inch space between her legs as she would raise her hands infront of her this was her power.

She had her left hand above her right as she would jump from the ground twirl her body as she would of brought her right leg down her foot leaving a trial of lightning behind her foot as the Foot would collie with the ground with a sudden electrifying side kick. This kick alone stood to have force to shatter the ground below her this was truly remarkable for a child of her age. She would jump back to her feet and rub the back of her head"Oops maybe i overdid it"she will say with a smile as a sweat drop appeared behind her head she felt strange at the moment."Your control got so well you can do it without the use of handseals maybe you are a prodigy of the Ametsuchi after all"Maya would compliment Misaki."Oh My God...."Misaki would pause."What is it?"Maya would respond."You just Complimented me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats so fucking awesome!!". Maya would simply sigh"What a idiot". Misaki would benjumping around as she was very much hyper about everything as it was in her nature as a child she was young and energetic. She was a hyper little Ametsuchi and one of the few young ones with a Dual KEkkai Genki.

The lightning would still be over her as she would be looking at her hand as it was sparking like a lightning rod. She will smile as she thought when her father sat down and gave her the title of Raikage."I want to make this clear, I'm not permanently stepping down. I plan on returning and being Raikage later on. If you impress me enough, we might end up working something out so you can still have power, but for a while you'll have sole leadership power over Kumogakure no Sato. I simply require that I have your word that some where down the road if I decide to return to power you'll hand over the hat, but I'll still let you have basically the same power." Those were the words from her daddy that she held onto till this day she fights to get better to impress him to make him proud. She had no other means of motivation but him he was her fire,he was her father the one she looked up too and no one else this was her power to impress her father with.

She would look up from her hand as that same chakra was around here just lingering around as if it had no care in the world. She would walk forward to the ledge as she would look down as twenty five meters away was a boy she couldn't make out. She closed her eyes as she pulled out her magnum or one of them aimed downwards,her eyes would open in a different pattern then her normal red eyes.Her iris turned yellow with white markings against the iris that resembles that of striking lightning. She would pull the trigger as from the barrel was a black electrifying bullet it was her Black lightning concentrated to such a degree. These action would of took place right when the boy would of closed his eyes her bullet going half her speed. Oh but that wasn't all she pulledout her other just for preparatin for a counter attack she was still surrounded by lightning being twenty meters away and twenty meters up from Yaju. This was a rough reunion if anything else"You know ill laugh if thats one of your shinobi"mocked Maya. Misaki would suddenly think about that"Umm......Oops"she would be now in panic mode"Please Be Alive Down There!"she screamed down towards Yaju.

(1809/3500 Raiton Mastery Lvl 3 Learned,Training Level 4)
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:55 pm
Another explosion went off as the area shook a little but it did not bother him to much, only made his body move slightly. The rumble stopped momentarily as he shook his head and kept his eyes closed," what the fuck is that making all of this racket, thought mountains were supposed to be peaceful," grumbling to himself, having no idea that the Raikage herself was here on the mountains. His body would remain in perfect harmony... well until he heard something. It wasn't a sound he was familiar with but at the same time it wasn't something he wanted to get familiar with. Acting quickly he would spring upwards at the last minute as the bullet wizzed through his hair and hit one of the pikes, causing him to jump backwards and off.

After hearing the voice, his byakugan would activate as he growled for a moment," Grrrr son of a bitch who the fuck shoots at people... more importantly who the fuck are you," he would dash up the side of the mountain, and wait until he was meters away from her and land to her right. His original plan was to attack her, but his unique hyuuga eyes had caught wind of who she was. Sitting on his butt he would scratch his head for a moment," Oh its you... So you are trying to kill me right after you let me out of prison Master Takami, or do you enjoy shooting animals," chuckling he would stand back up and look down from where she was.

He had not actually gotten the chance to sit and talk with her or even thank her for releasing him, although his murder count was somewhere between eight and nine. Without a second glance he would look her over and smile," I didn't notice the last time, but you look awfully sexy up close... got a special someone or are men too scared to come near you," he wasn't one to hold his tounge and especially around his superior but he did mean it in a good way. The wind would blow through his hair revealing the long scar going across the bridge of his nose, his yellow slitted hyuuga eyes were staring off into the distance before snapping back to her," So where did you get the guns, did the lightning god give them to you or did you make them yourself," tilting his head to observe the ones in her hand.

They made his claws feel inferior, although he loved his weapons for they were like an extension of himself. Other than that he would stand there and await her responses before sitting back down like a wolf would.
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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:43 am
The bullet had shot passed the boy as it seem he dodge it,which was actually quite shocking to Misaki. As the bullet hit one of the pikes it would shatter it to pieces in one single go this was the power of the unique weapon in her hands. She would put them back into the holster at least the other one,the one she shot with remained in her hand as she stood there atop her very mountian as she sighs. Now the thing what ever it was,was coming towards her which she didn't like for one what ever it was so she would prepare to shoot again. As the boy was running up the side of the mountian she would have her finger on the trigger but will loosen it as she finally saw it was Yaju a boy she let out of prison not to long ago. Her mind would go back to when she built her prison a single boy murdered nine people leaving there bodies scattered as if a wild animal had got to the victims, This showed the boy had talent which impressed Misaki for one when she first became the Raikage. Her eyes would shoft to look at the boy as a childish smile spread on her face.

Rubbing the back of her head lightning still surging over her body" bad you see i was here training and sensed you couldn't tell it was you all i could think of was kill but its all good now...."she will say with a guilty chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head feeling guilty for shooting at him. Her special eyes would be looking at him as she would walk back to the center where a crater she created will be. Raising her hand to look at it she would sigh as she didn't expect to run into Yaju in person until later but it xouldn't be helped,her back would be turned to him as she was focusing her Raiton to be around her hand training to focus it into one spot for absolute control"Dont you know shooting animals is a sport nowadays they got duck season,wabbit season,and wolfy season...alot of seasons i say!"she said as she chuckled. She would be playing with liggtning in her free hand watching it shift between her fingers like a dance,this was her power as she was learning it step by step to master it.

She laughed at his question"Didn't you know the last guy to call me sexy and my father found out guy disappeared the next day.....i dont know what happened to him,this happened alot i tell daddy about these guys with him being my daddy and all and it seem they always end up disappearing the next day am i that unattractive?"she would explain. She shrugged her shoulders she didn't understand man at all she just was stupid when it came to relationship things. She would of just put her gun into her holster as she was asked the next question. "They was made for me as a gift from my daddy there not many in the world and they react only to my see if you tried shooting them without my chakra nature they will not shoot at all leaving you to look stupid is all"she explained pulling her guns out of its holster the design matched the tattoo on her shoulder and arm as she smiled"Anyway since your here mind sparring with me ,lets see how much you grown since prisons days shall we.."she says walking forward till they both was on opposite ends of the fifty meter training ground of Ametsuchi"Come at me Bro!!!!'she screamed

(2,421/3500 Raiton Mastery lvl 4, Yaju Chakra Memorized)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:32 am
Yaju tilted his head again as she explained why she had shot at him, which in general made him kind of confused but made sense. The one he called "master" was one who he could not honestly understand but she was a good leader and above all a great fighter. He chuckled for a moment as he scratched his head and nodded," Think nothing of it Master Takami, i see it as a way of training which is all i have been doing since your tournament started which by the way gave me a good chance to test out my abilities. Although one of your ninja...Tee i think his name was needs to undergo some tactical training because all he relies on is speed," not much for a person to gossip he just gave facts as is and took it from there.

A faint chuckle escaped his lips as he fully stood back up and looked around," Wolfy season huh? Well that is a new one especially from you however, you would not want to lose one of your loyal ninja.. erm would i be considered a ninja or killer?," laughing he would return to his normal position and continue to look at her for a moment. His eyes could see the chakra that she was emitting but holy shit she was strong. To have that much control at such a long age she had to train non stop, but this was to be expected of the Raikage's daughter.

Her next statement made him smile before he laughed at the thought," it is not because you are unattractive it is because they were not worthy of your... whats the word i am looking for here. Oh yea they are not worthy of someone as special as you, although i do not mind your father since he gave me my sentence and that made me happy after a while. Working for you however beats my time in the way i never got to ask you if you had sat in on those fights," smiling as he looked the guns some more. They were nice and unique, but his claws ohhhh man he knew he would get a rush as he plunged them into someone.

Yaju's head officially twisted as he smiled a somewhat pleased smile, the kage herself wanted to spar with him and that was like being given the ultimate slab of meat to eat. He agreed without a second thought however when she had jumped back he would poke to the pikes," We should train down there, i had made the pikes just for an occasion like this so i think it will be fun, so tell me does the princess of lightning have balance," he chuckled as he ran down the mountain and jumped onto one of the larger pikes and waited for her.

This was going to be fun, sparring with her and not only seeing what made her so powerful, but also showing her what he could do since his incarceration days. When she had came down and positioned herself he would allow her the first move and wait until the right moment to attack. for the moment he would keep his claws retracted seeing as at the moment he would not need them.
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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:43 pm
She would listen in on the boy as she would of been still playing with lightning between her fingers. This was her fun she listened to her words about her tournament which was quite shocking to her nontheless it was really somethng to hear him speak of Tee and his combat skills. She would turn to him as she would of spoke"I made that tournament to test each and everyone of you...and i saw i was watching the tournament from m office to keep a eye on it,Each battlefield was a projection to still which everyone of you could do on these battlefields,it was my way to test each and every one of you"she explain the lightning still dancing between her fingers as she would look at it with a smile."You fought pretty well for a prisoner i must say,your animal insitncts are a true treasure nonetheless."she would say as she stood there making the lightning disapate finally as she would look at her hand"Not everyone grew up to be strong they have to train where they are at,its something were not blessed with"she would explain. She would of kneeled down picking up a rock as she would toss towards the temple nearby making a crater at its steps."Nothing is born perfect in this world"she finished.

She would giggle softly as she heard his response about her saying Wolfy season which was at him mainly."Well it all depends if they remain loyal is all i can say if you can remain loyal then i will not want to lose you,but if you plan to betray me i'll kill you myself if ot comes down to it"she says with a smile in all serious she loved her villagers she defend them from intruders and even will risk her life for them,just cause unlike her sister or like her sister she cared for her comrades in arms. "You know the reason they made me part of you is cause our attitudes cover one another Misaki,no matter how much of a brat you are and how much i just want to take over your body your quite amusing"chuckles Maya. Misaki would smirk as she would close her eyes one thing was right Maya was one hell of a partner ti tell you the truth she wouldn't replace her for another. She stood there looking at the clouds floating low in the sky she was quite amused to say the least she wondered what her father was doing at this very moment.

Misaki would of snapped back into reality as the next reply came in looking at him she smiled."Well special you say...or my father just scared them all away or had there balls cut of then daddy is sometimes overprotective but im his youngest daughter to its the same too me,He always been protective of me since my older sister was never around for other means,she always left....but one day she left and never returned"she would sigh as she though of this, Looking at Yaju for the moment she would cross her arms as she would of sighed deeply this really frustratated her."Yes i use to sit in on your fights with my daddy he found it amusing was our way of hsving a ather and daughter time when he wasnt crashing through walls in the office"she says. She really enjoyed her time with her daddy she thought when they use to throw rocks at innocent birds then fry them over a open fire. That was fun it truly amused her to be with her daddy,maybe reason he was her burning fire to impress him.

At this time she had just moved to postion as she wanted to spar this wolf for hee amusement she wanted to test him. She thought about this clearly she wanted to she what lies within his fighting was it the desire to protect or was it the desire to destroy. She would hear him as he had turned to her pointing down towards the pikes that was in the geound over the ledge. She would nod slightly as she walked to the edge and begun to focus light ing to the bottom of her feet and begun to walk down on air as if there were invisible stairs under her feet. She would jump to one of the pikes as there was a distance of fifteen meters between them.She would stand there as she would smirk"Your about to see the sole prodigy in action ope your ready for this,i am the Angel Of Death after all"she smirked with her childish grin,who would ever think she will kill a soul. She would of took off her jacket tossing it to the side as she would be in her sleeveless black shirt with the cross image on the front.

As soon as the jacket left her hands she was going forward moving from pike to pike in a blurry motion. Her knee would bend as she pushed off one of the pikes as she would now be airborned her body being blinded by the sunlight. If he would look up the very light of the sun will be blinding her body. With a swift turn of her body  and the focus of her lightning to her feet a trial of ot follows as she was coming down with a terrifying axe kick to Yaju shoulder. This kick was powerful for a start even if it look as it wasn't it was more powerful then you could imagine. She would of been fifteen meters airborned coming down and ten meters aways the distance between them decrease every second. That wasnt all as she was coming down her body would of begun to change as it would of been in a chinese battle robe now with a sword at her side. This happened as soon as she was coming down she had instantly switched her into her armour. As her kick would of been coming down her right hand gripped the hilt of her blade as she quickly unsheathe it swiping in a vertical motion coming down with her terrifying axe kick this was dint in a five second interval meaning Yaju had to keep on his feet or he will not aurvive this fight long.

(3,468/3500 Raiton Mastery Lvl 4)
Hoshi Battle Robe

 Katana Sharpness With bonus when used:230
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:22 am
Yaju had smiled almost on the verge of blushing if he ever could, her compliment being the first he had heard in a long time. He would nod and smile before scratching his chin," i am a one of a kind and an asset only to you Master Takami... you gave me my freedom and like a wolf i am loyal to my leader no matter what," he gave a small bow as he looked at her for a moment. It was odd having a female alpha and even weirder to develop a small crush on her. At any point he would smile and take in her compliments as he looked down. Seeing that she sat in on his fights made him curious as to how much of his fighting style she knew.

Seeing that the conversation was getting a bit awkward he would wait for their fight to start, in which they were already getting close. Her first move was fast as lightning it would seem, working his eyes to make him keep track of her by Byakugan instead of normal eyesight. As her first move came down he would shift to the right and block it with his right arm, but the pressure from the kick made him buckle a little which was no problem. As he pushed the foot back up he would quickly strike it twice with his left, trying to make it useless for a short period of time but now he would see the blade and act quickly as he extended the metal claws and parried the attack. Jumping back four pikes he would shake his hand and smile with such enthusiasm," holy fuck that was a good move.. your strength is by far the best i have seen since her... you are becoming more and more dangerous," noticing a small cut on his face he would wipe the blood away with his thumb and lick it.

Tasting his own blood had set him off in a way that had brought out the feralness in him, so much as to where he was going to go all out on her. Smiling he would dash in on her and throw a low sweep kick before bringing his left fist up towards her stomach. If dodged he would jump back and form a single seal," you are definitely the one i serve under, now lets see how your eyes are," after he spoke a dense mist would begin to form around the both of them and his body soon disappeared from sight.

In this fight he was going to use every sense possible and thanks to this mist he would have the upper hand, although he would never rule out one as powerful as her. His nose and ears knew her position, but could she do the same as him was the question. A small crackle of lightning could be heard from his claws as he made a vertical motion, sending a blast of lightning towards her at 40 speed. He would begin this fog of war fight and see who would come out as the victor.
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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:40 am
Misaki kick would collide with the arm of Yaju as it was impacted with so much force that it would snap the bone breaking the arm of Yaju. She would of looked down at him as he wouldn't be able to push her leg up as he attempted to strike her leg there was something else happening. Misaki free leg would strike the pike under Yaju free making his strikes hit nothing but air. Her sword colliding with te boys claws as she would use her enhanced strength to push him back. She would of let him jump back at this time as she held her sword in her hand as she would of been standing on a single pike her legs close together as she glanced towards him, She would listen to him as she would smile he haven't seen anything yet as she would look at the oy broken arm he was merely useless at the moment. If he planned to use ninjutsu they will fail due to him unable to use handseals she will whip her blade" haven't seen nothing yet trust let me show you the power of a Ametsuchi"she would say as she looked towards him.

She would stay where she was as she would smile while Yaju would of started to approach her. He would be doing his thing as she would do hers as she would giggle as she watched him. As he would sweep at her legs she will step back making Yaju strike the air with both strikes he would be trying to strike her with. She would watch as he jumped back but her body would move right when he would of jumped back she would of been jumping forward as he would be in the air about five meters as her hand was on her sword. Focusing chakra into her blade she would release the overload as she would create a body feint that seem it was attacking Yaju from above. This image was so realistic it was a perfect illusinary image. As the image was projected to attack Yaju the real Misaki would of be swinging her sword vertically aiming for the boy chest. This was her Robe ability a ability known as a Feint Attack used to fool enemies and attack from a different pattern. She was known as the armour master for a reason she wasn't giving Yaju the time of day to do as he wish,Her sword striked from side to side slashing toward the boy chest each slash she stepped forward onto pike.

But this was just the beginning she had focused her body again with chakra jumping back to give him space. As she landed she would had transformed into the next armour this one her eyes turned blue as the crest of the moon drew itself on her forehead. In her hand now was her Sickle sword as she would watch the blast come her way using her burst of speed to just herself right over the blast rotsting her body as she would land ten meters feom the boy. As soon as she landed she was running straight forward her sickle sword drawn back when she reach the five meter mark she begun to strike at the boy with constant thrust of the sword she held in her hand"You shall perish by the moon goddess hands"she would say it was Ricella personality fusing with Misaki's the strikes were going as each strike was aimed at Yaju chest this was the spirit of the Moon Goddess armour. She would jump back and land at her point as she would ready her weapon"I Am Ricella Goddess Of The Moon..."

(4,085 Raiton Mastery Training Complete)
Sickle Sword Sharpness when used:215

Goddess Of The Heaven Star
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