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Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:53 pm
the cracking sound of his arm would echo for a moment as he grinned for a moment before smiling. His arm sat there limp for a moment although he did not care in the slightest that it was even broken. When she had kicked the pike to make his balance waver, he would shift slightly to focus his center of gravity as he continued to jump back. Looking at his arm for a moment he would bring it through his shirt to make a makeshift sling and chuckle as he looked into her eyes," If only i was an ordinary ninja that would have probably put me into shock, but my body is trained for such things and it will take a lot more to break this vessel," this would be said as he ran at her for his attack, although he would be prepared to take counter measures.

When her body had disappeared from in front of him to above him he would have been caught by the feint, he would catch the real attack coming at him thanks to not only his byakugan, but also his sense of smell. Jumping to the side to dodge the vertical strike. Thanks to his agile skills he would dodge the oncoming attack until he came to one of the broken pikes and jumped over it. Seeing as he had to play defensive, he needed a way to get past all of those attacks of hers.

The moment she jumped back it gave him the time that he needed to gauge his situation, seeing as she just changed again he needed an angle to get this battle on his side. Sighing he would smile as his body became as limber as a snake and his eyes took on the appearance of one as he looked at her coming at him. Yaju's body moved as if it had no force stopping it and as each of Misaki's strikes continue to come he would dodge them without blinking. This was his power of the snake style and after he counted four strikes he would lurch himself backwards and smile, his sharp teeth being seen by all," You have alot of.. interesssting thingss in your arssenal," the way he started to talk was like that of a snake, but even that was starting to piss him off.

Returning to his normal voice he would smile," I am Yaju Hayate, King of wolves and master of animal style Taijutsu," nodding as he waited for another attack by her, although he was getting a bit off guard here and when the time had come he would play offensive.
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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:51 pm
Misaki would of been striking at the boy seeing him not only able to dodge her first attack but her mutiply attacks at a time. She was truly amazed but she had to show Yaju the power of the Raikage as she would be watxhing him dodge her attacks left and right with his broken arm still,this was quite shocking to her!Your very presistant child"Spoke Ricella through Misaki as she would of let him jump away frm her. Before he spoke she spoke up"Your quick on your feet able to dodge me in such a way but dont get a head full yet im not even warmed up yet"spoke Ricella as she whipped her blade as she would smile."Let's see what you got in store Misaki"she would say to herself as she smirked. She listened to the boy speak as she stood where she was her sickle sword beside her pointing down as she was smirking. While her mouth was closed she was gathering her chakra to the point of the center of her throat as she would jump in the air as her body would change once more. She landed on the pike three pikes from Yaju another change has happened a long sword in on hand and a Heater shield in the other as the armour was that of a knight.

Charging forward as she would jump in the air this was the Armour of the sun as her body would be like a blur. This was due as soon as she would of jumped she would of coated her body with chakra using a very special jutsu of her creation her body was like it teleported to the sky five meters in the air and three meters from Yaju she would open her mouth. As soon as she did that a black blast that was six meters wide would be released as it shot down. After the blast left her mouth dashing down landing on the pike next to Yaju side where his arm was broken she would of strike her sword in a sideway slash aimed towards his side. She would of jumped back as the armour would break apart and her back in her normal clothing being five meters away chakra coating over her body still as she stood there. Her hands on her side she will smile this was her way to do things her own personal way.

Unsheathing the blade on her side she would place her hand on it as it begun to glow."Sting All Enemies To Death"Misaki will speak as the short blade would transform into a asian hornet like stinger combined with her hand as she would stand there."He is pretty good Misaki i like this kid,so why use that weapon against him"Maya will question. Misaki would be looking forward as she held her hand out for the sun could refelect off of it. She would smile as she would make a seal as chakra focused to the bottom of her feet as she would vanish from sight. This was a lowly low ranked ninjutsu. Her body will come into view behind Yaju right at the blind spot as her hand was drawn back right when she appeared and thrusting forward there being a distance of one meter between them. Her stinger was aimed for the center of his back as she would smile,with a soft giggle. She would have to take him to the hospital after this so he could be treated itwouldnt be much longer she was hapoy to see how much Yaju had grown as a shinobi she was one to show her joy. She just hope he gets stronger he fought toe to toe with her somewhat and actually accepted her challenge that took balls too do."I wish the best for you Yaju"she will whisper for him to hear.


Long Sword Sharpness when used:240
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:57 pm
Yaju looked at her as she spoke, his mind wandering off some as he tried to fight for control of his mind. It had been a while since he had almost lost his sanity to his feral side although this was not the moment for it to be happening. At this moment he was aware that the attack was coming at him and groggily dodged it, although the blast threw him further back, barely missing the swing of her blade and landing on one of the pikes. If Misaki was paying attention she could see his eyes literally changing colors and his pupils going from a dilated state to a slitted state as he growled before yelling.

At this point he would not have seen nor heard what she had said, only feeling the attack of hers going through and him falling to the ground. Once he fell he would go into a small state of unconsciousness as he growled and began to speak words that were hard to understand before he stopped for a moment. After a while he would cough up some blood and looked back at her," Wish the best for me eh? Well wait until our next bout i am going to come for you full force... those whatever they are really do some," his sentence stopped again as he threw up some more blood. Wiping his mouth he would chuckle," do not worry about happens when i use an ability of mine too much, it pushes my feral or animal side to the surface and causes a fight of consciences to occur and effects my body. There will be a time where i will lose it," his body was limp as he laid there and spoke to her.

Sure he had lost but at the same time he felt like he learned alot from fighting his master. He would flop over onto his back and sigh as he felt his ribs with his working hand," i think...i need to go to a hospital Master Takami.... and it isn't often i go there," although he could not move, his body could feel every inch of pain inflicted on him, although quite the masochistic person this was a pain he could not shake.
Wc. 3212

+16 stats +32 JP
[Learned Art of walking thunder]

Last edited by Zero on Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:22 am
Her first two attacks would of been dodged by luck as she would of sigh as her stinger impact into the back of Yaju. She would pull it out of him as blood dripped from it as suddenly a mark of a Butterfly was suddenly present on the back of the boy. It was the technique that was known for death in two strikes it was a deadly technique used by the Takami family assassins. She would watch the boy begin to fall ashewould grab him by his clothes. She wasn't one to let the people she fight who weren't enemies perish like this she held on tight to the boys clothing. She looked at him for a second as her eyes would turn back to normal as they would return to there red color as she would look at the voy in her hand."Whoa what happened to him!! he good like he got hit truck and roadkill!"she screamed."Hold on you have no idea what just happened?"Maya would ask. Misaki would shake her head as she was very confused looking what she was standing on. Losing her balance she will fall down hitting the ground as the boy will land beside her."Owww how did i get up there!!"she whines.

"You...are truly a idiot"Maya would say as she would go quiet. Misaki would get up rubning the back of her head she didn't remember mich what happened except befire when she slipped and hit her head earlier was that on a banana peel or rug she didn't remember anymore. She would stand up picking up the boy,it wouldnt be long till two anbu would of appeared beside her"You alright Lady Misaki?"they woukd say"What are you guys talking about im awesome!"she will scream noting the boy in her hand."But can you take him to the hospital i found him hurt here i dont know what caused it"she was truly clueless. She will hand them the boy as she would begin to walk back to the village as they woukd dsappear."God..........why didn't i order them to take me back too.....shit now i gotta walk"she will complain.


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A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Strange, Yet Electrifying Meett [IO,PRIVATE]

Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:28 pm
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