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Kanya Vi Capulet
Kanya Vi Capulet
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Enter The Vampire Queen(P) Empty Enter The Vampire Queen(P)

Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:12 am
The day was a natural one not many could say what she say about other arrangements the sun. Yes the sun parted the clouds to emerge from its cold slumber it was one sleep one of many status could awaken. Darkness is what this world was in so impure in this world every like have a darkness id it be those pure of heart. Even those you call super hero's every being in this world have a problem when it comes to darkness. Darkness id a blessing in power,power many wish to gain power god himself have denied. But why do "god"try to hold us back from the path of power the path of ever lasting power. But what forsakes the power within what blocks the true meaning of power. It is your own light that tries to prevent the surface of this world to stop the growth within. But why??,why must those dark hearts be shield away when the world is filled with darkness??.  This wasn't just any darkness why will such hatred and regret fill this world to the brick of not existing. Our life is depended on our actions some are worse then others,but it dont stop those from living on at all.

if only it were so simple,to cruise through life smelling roses;but the obstacles blacken the countryside,and we unwittingly crush them beneath our boots.Dreams sustain us through the madness;goals give a finish line to our race.Yet they change with every turn, around every wall,and remain elusive throughout the quest.Mistakes are made, and regrets are our luggage;we will drag them with us to slow us down.he victories are flashes of light, sudden and unlasting, which allow us to glimpse the road ahead before darkness descends. Love is bitter, yet it is the bread that keeps us. Over and over it fills us up, only to starve us. The people whom we love shape our destinies and our strengths, yet leave us cold and alone in the darkness.There are others trying to race to the end; occasionally, we bump into one or two. The bonds we form help us down the path less lonely but eventually, we lose each other in the darkness. Alone is not a bad way to be;it clears your head and focuses you on the journey. Cherish the short intervals during the quest you have with others, but be prepared to walk alone in the darkness. 

Deep in the depths of volcano,the village known to harbor the most wicked criminals of this generation. In the dead center of the village was a special building of the loyal servant of Osore. She been alive for years as ofnher life was nothing but a shift whirlwind that constantly pick up a drift and never ease. This was this great womans life it was one of the few things great about her, She was known as the second immortal other then her lord Osore. Deep in the tower not to far from the Kage tower was the domain of this woman. The heated nature the dark volcanic ash blocking the sun as the villaged rested within darkness. Deep in the tower at the very top,sat this woman who name was Kanya Vi Britannia De Capulet. She was the sole heir of the Capulet household being what she was. This wasn't shocking as she rested in a seat not far off from a nearby window. Her head rested in the palm of her hand as her legs would of been crossed as she glanced towards the window where the Volcanic ash rose from the volcano outside of the village.

Kanya is a tall woman, standing at 5'9". Despite her chronological age, she has the physical appearance of a twenty-one-year-old. Kanya has bronze skin and wavy dark brown hair with a braid behind her left ear. Kanya's eyes are green and there is a beauty mark underneath her right eye. Kanya wears purple claw-shaped earrings. She has scars on her right arm and shoulder, and wears blue clothing resembling the traditional Indian sari adorned with tribal accessories. In addition to the sari, Kanya wears a short black top, black sleeves over her forearms, tan leather open-toed sandals, and two fur pelts hanging from a cord beneath a belt that holds her weapons. "Lord Osore haven't called for me in a long while so i guess it's fine to train just a little bit"she says as she sat there her fangs at one point being seen. She would raise her body fro the chair as she spread her arms as the bones crackle within her body"I been sitting to damn long"she says her accent was truly Austrilian for one as she would yawn softly. Her body was slim like most woman around these parts it was a curse to try and be fat cause you'll lose that weight instantly in this heat.

Walking forward towards her window and then look at the door she would think as her body would jump  forward. As she did that it will crash through the window as the glass would shatter hitting the ground below as she will land promptly from the twent meter drop. Landing with her knees bent and her frame bent also she would smile"Thats how you do things"she will proclaim before her body will stand up as pieces of glass was in her arms, they would of begun to spit up the glass from her body as the few cuts they made begun to heal up as if they were never there. She wouldn't wait for the to completely heal up before walking through the villagers, The villagers,well the few knew who she was and showed that by the fear in there eyes. She loved it,the fear they showed she would even go to bearing her fangs towards them to make them run with there tail between there legs. Reaching the open area of volcano in a short time she will look at the cracks on the ground the ash within the sky still blocking the sun as she stood there. Her hand was promptly on her waist as she would of had one leg bent and the other straight as she glanced at the open landscape this was her home.

Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Enter The Vampire Queen(P) Empty Re: Enter The Vampire Queen(P)

Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:48 am
Blood...blood was everywhere from the walls to the ceiling of the room and a faint body part had swung from the area. Walking into the room was a man, rather a boy with various tools and the like ready for dissection of a human body and this body was alive and fresh. The body was that of a boy barely over the age of sixteen, various cuts riddled the boys body from the surgeons foreplay if you can even call it that. From the darkness came the boy who was going to show this boy how to play doctor. It was such a nice dream until Karasuma was awakened by his stupid alarm clock. Sighing he would grab the infernal device and launched it out of the window, showing the piece of shit who was boss. Now that he was up he fiddled with the idea of actually not getting out of bed and laying there for a while longer or going out to have a little fun around the village, like the other insane people of the village. The dream had given him a massive surprise from underneath the cove... well someone was happy from that and it wasn't just him. Stretching again he would slowly get out of the bed and walk around in an emtpy house that he lived in and walk over to the shower.
It would be at this point that he was in the shower that he would look around to finally see what he wanted to do today and it was simple, fuck going to school he was going out for some fun and of course blood. This young twelve year old was ready to have a very long day of fun and whoever had came across him was going to either love his chaotic side or fall prey to it. Stepping out of the shower, his crimson red hair would fall into his face as he walked out of the bathroom and to his room which compared to most kids his age was incredibly big. To the left and right were mounds of clothes and other things one could almost see the remnants of a freshly preserved left human arm. Shaking his head he would put the arm onto a shelf and continue on his merry way, dropping his towel and moving on to get dressed. It took him mear minutes to finally get dressed, his attire consisting of a sleeveless button up shirt and black pants, his shoes were also black and tied to a near perfected state. Shaking his head, his hair would fall into its normal spiky nature," now that i am good to go how about we go and have that fun," grinning he would walk out of his room and down the stairs, heading out of the door to complete his day.
The slow stepping of his feet would start a beat inisde of his head as he gave a twisted smile to some of the villagers of the village, some looking at him like he was fucking broken and others well...moved to the side and looked away. If this was his reaction from this he could not wait until he actually got some influence in the village. He often wondered if the Kazankage took disciples and allowed them to go around killing people for him, that would be a good idea accept for the fact that most who went to see him never left out, unless they appeased to him. With yet another thought in mind he would laugh a little and continue on his merry way, heading to the one spot where he could relax under the warmth of the village- the great volcano.
Picking up the pace in his step he would find himself getting there a little slower than he expected, but with the small traffic through the village it was kind of expected. Of course he pushed those idiots out of the way so that he could get to his destination. Finally he stood staring at the great volcano and smiled," there it is the volcano that has stood there for however fucking long it has been there...sometimes school sounds like a half baked idea, if i was a fucking drone. No wonder i stopped going there," talking to himself he would walk around in the area for a few before stopping and looking up.

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Kanya Vi Capulet
Kanya Vi Capulet
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Enter The Vampire Queen(P) Empty Re: Enter The Vampire Queen(P)

Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:45 pm
Kanya a women who was known to bear the name of Capulet,who own name gave her the honor and respect she deserved.But they were all weak to her she haven't found one person to quench the thrust she had for combat. Her feet remaining flat on the ground as this undead beauty had her arms over her chest it been awhile since she had the time to just think. The great volcano right infront of her as she stood there looking at the very volcano that drowned the old world in its heated lava leaving the world as it was now. Kanya was the Recon unit leader for her Lord Osore as she specialed in suprise attacks and the works to gather infrmation. Her green eyes never leaving the volcano,but lately the village been a little to quiet she didn't understand it but what coukd she honestly do about it. People who normaly came here were refugees from another nation hoping to make a new life. But the blood that marked the streets and the buildings didn't make this the greatest village to go too. The death count was out of this world she didn't know if it was cause of her lord being a cannibel or just villagers killing one another.

Her arms would of remained crossed as she stood there her eyes never leaving the scenary. The sound of a heartbeat echoing through her head as she would of noticed someone steady approaching the land of the giant Volcano her mouth will form into a smirk. She will giggle as she stood there awaiting the arrival of her soon to be company. Her eyes would take a good look at the plains of Volcano there was no trees in sght just a broken down cracked ground of what they would be stepping on. It was intense to say the least as she would look at her hand which had her finger nails sharped as a blade her mind trailing through the memories she had gathered over the years. She would turn her head towards the new arrival of the young boy she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She could tell he didn't notice her cause he was kinda talking to himself for the moment her fangs showing within her mouth as she just smiled at this chain of events. She remained silent not saying a word to him as she would just watch him for her amusement for now.

At this point the boy would of been looking up towards the suppose sky but it showed no light ot sun it was complete darkness."It's not good talking to yourself mate"she says that accent surely showing itself in her speech. She would of been standing there still looking forward as her arms were still crossed being about twentyfive meters from the boy. Her head will turn to her left as her green eyes would look towards the young boy her lips shield shut as she will remain standing there not moving a muscle."Why are you outside the village boundries a weakling like you..should still be at ho,e sucking his thumb"she says despising the weak boy it was one of the things she hated."A boy who can't even seem to get out of the academy shouldn't be walking outside the village"she says blunting noticing the lack of a headband on the boy. Sometimes she wondered what do her lord see in these kids in the village why was they here? she kept asking this in her head her whole body turning walking towards the boy. When she gets within five meters her hand would extend quickly attempting to flick the center of his forehead with her hand.

Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Enter The Vampire Queen(P) Empty Re: Enter The Vampire Queen(P)

Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:15 pm
Karasuma growled softly for a moment as his blood red eyes shifted to look around at his surroundings, trying to figure out just what the fuck that sound was coming from. Whoever it was had a serious voice problem or they were some weird mutation thing that just enjoyed talking like that to piss people off. It would be at this point that his crimson eyes connected with the figure, a look of contemplation turned into a look of alertness as the woman spoke again.

His teeth began to grit as he listened to her speak, was she really calling him weak? Just because he was an academy student did not mean shit to him for he could kill and slaughter any one of those ignorant students in the academy," What the fuck did you just say to me, i can go anywhere i fucking please and last time i checked your just some randome slut that walks around the village. You know nothing of me so hold your fucking tounge," someone was apparently pissed off at this point, calling him a kid was one thing but when you called him weak that was a different story.

She tried to hit that " you can't graduate from the academy bs" and Karasuma laughed as he gripped his sides," oh your a funny one, my intelligence far exceeds what is in those fucking ignorant classrooms, even the teachers do not know shit. I am surprised the Kanzankage allows idiots to live even when they cannot teach sniveling kids, so who the fuck are you," pointing at her with a small smile on his face. He did not care if she was strong or not, no one is going to look down on him and not hear what he has to say. Now he was more curious as to why she was just advancing on him, until she flicked him," what the fuck is your issue woman, the fuck you flick me for," taking a small step back he would rub his forehead and growl at her.

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Kanya Vi Capulet
Kanya Vi Capulet
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Enter The Vampire Queen(P) Empty Re: Enter The Vampire Queen(P)

Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:25 pm
Kanya would remain with her arm crossed as she would of glanced at the boy who at this time was looking at her. This boy was surely something even his heart beat was casual he truly belong in this psychotic village. She would of been thinking she been along a long time and lost many comrades me ories begun to ease there way back. Thinking of her younger sister"Why you do that for?!"screamed a young girl voice as she was holding her forehead."Your a child that's why and nothing more you speak nonsense"spoke Kanya as she was looking at this young girl, This was the Capulets a royal family of the once standing Kirigakure. They were a proud family,Head of the Capulets was Kanya father a man who was a man of war and nothing else."So it was a time where we were seperated sis but i swear i will find you"she thought as she looked at this boy her mind at ease after remember that thought maybe it was what strived her to serve Lord Osore. She would of been standing there her hand on her waist as she sighs this boy was surely a hot head she could tell just by looking at him and how his posture was.

Her hand would remain on her waist as she would of opened her eyes as the boy begun to speak this pieces of sht chose to insult her. He must of not known who she waist as his mouth kept going on and fucking on even going so far to call her a slut. She would be walking as she would of sigh"Your mouth is big talking insulting me as if you were important yoi arrogant pieces of shit"she says her green eyes looking forward him  as she would of been stopping as she would of flicked him a field of thin chakra will be released just thing most likely making him pause in place. That wasn't all the flick had transferred her chakra or pieces of it through him he was her experinment. She would of smiled as he would of asked why she had to flick him"Maybe if YOU watched your tongue you wouldn't be in this situation dont youthink matea?"she asked the raius of the dome around her was within ten meters and him being three meters infront of her would of suprised him by the sudden affect you can say.

"Now who are you child...and why are you truly in these parts"she would say but these words would echo from within his head. This was one of her clan abilities Telepathy it was a special ability allowing for a Capulet or Montague to communicate with others."You have a smart ass mouth for a child of your seem more worthless then the shit Lord Osore have for breakfast....maybe i'll even treat him to supper i mean i just ran into someone with a perfect fit of meat"she said as the words didn't come from her muth but echoed through the boys head. She was the Vampire that served Lord Osore till death if that even happened, She would of crossed her arms over her chest as she stood on the very ground below them as she would grin as the fangs would of been seen as she thought maybe she would have a little fun with this boy."I make a deal with you...child if you a single hit on me ill leave here and let you be"the voice would of echoed through his head. She haven't seen how the young ninja of the village were or fought maybe they could take over if she ever chose to travel with her Lord.

WC:2319 (Arcana Force Zero The Fool Learned~)
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

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Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:30 pm
Karasuma would soon laugh as she spoke again, man he was starting to like her if she wasn't such a stuck up woman he could say he was developing a crush on her," my my what language one is spitting out in front of a child, what kind of fucking influence are you and your one to talk about arrogance like you own the fucking place i do what i want as long as it doesn't mess with Osore-sama i do not care what others have to say," his crimson eyes stayed on her up until she had flicked him, boy she was lucky he didnt have any weapons on him for he would have definitely stabbed her or something.

After she spoke again he would make a sarcastic laugh and grin," maybe if you would stop being a condescending bitch, then i wouldn't need to be smart now would i?," raising a brow he would wonder what the fuck this woman did to him. When asked who he was he shrugged and chuckled," Call me the God of Paper, Karasuma and future aid to Osore-sama. More importantly who the fuck are you," raising a brow to try and figure out how she was talking to him without her moving her mouth. Was it some form of ninjutsu or maybe something different. He could not put his finger on it, but he would find out at some point. Physically Karasuma was just laughing but since they were talking mentally he gripped his head and smiled," you talk alot you know that, you have no right to judge who or what the fuck i do or my worth. You know nothing of me and i prefer it kept that way, i don't give two fucks about you or your little deal," shrugging he would begin to turn around and walk towards a small soot covered rock where he would sit and smile.
Kanya Vi Capulet
Kanya Vi Capulet
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Enter The Vampire Queen(P) Empty Re: Enter The Vampire Queen(P)

Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:54 pm
Kanya being who she was and what she was kept her eyes on this boy as she would sigh. He was becoming more and more a pain in the ass by the second. So far all he did was use profanity to justify his actions which was patheic. It was quite fucking amusing she just listened to his replies kinda wanting to rip the boys heart out and feed it to her fucking ceberus. She would of had her green eyes looking at the boy as she still had that dome activated as her arms would of been crossed. She was learning alot about interesting characters of this village and why they were like such it was beyond interesting that was for sure."Listen here you little think it matters to me if your dead or alive,you think cause you can use big words your suddenly bad?...your not as bad as the dragon i took down and drained of his life force last week and he actually tried posing a threat mate". She would say as she would keep her arms cross as her dome ability will activate keeping the boy in place as of she was pausing him from moving she smirked.

She would laugh as the boy had the nerve to speech again"Your in no condition to talk young one..."she would say raising a finger as her nail would attempt to move along the boys neck as she would smile. As the neckit moved the boy skin will slowly begun to open as if he was being clawed blood would flow from his neck. He wouldn't be killed but it was a simple mark you could say. She would move her finger from his neck as she would put it in her mouth"Delicious.."she says cleaning her finger of the blood on it.She would smirk as he begun to introduce himself,she coukdn't help and laugh at the "God" part is this what kids do nowadays?, it was surely amazing that was for sure."I am the aid of Lord Osore...Kanya Vi Britannia De Capulet"she says with a slight bow to the boy. She would of begun to walk around the frozen boy looking at him her finger on her chin as she glanced at him as she would of been smirking the whole time. Resting her finger on her chin she would smile showing the fangs within her mouth. Stopping infront of the boy to lean forward she would just smile.

She would smile as her hand would be drawn back as if she was preparing to drive her hand into the boy like a screw. The bloodlust surely was strong in this one the blood moving around in this boy body was making her hungry she had too get it. She couldn't resist it she was going to kill this boy like there was no tomorrow. Her hand moving towards the boy face as it was aiming to drive all of her hand into him. But she stopped inches away from him she remmbered his words before then."Yes i do not know you but your in a tough situation trying to talk...when i could kill you here and now and not give a fuck about the remains, your blood sound delicious tho maybe i should have a taste"she giggled moving forward as she would open her mouth as her fangs would of extended as she would of been at his neck attempting to bite into the skin,and have her a quick snack,sometimes the best blood is from the young...she knew this. She slaughtered kids before with there parents,so killing was already in her blood....but for Lord Osore she wouldn't kill him for now....

Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

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Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:10 am
Peh Karasuma wasn't to impressed and the thought of her taking down a dragon was at minimal illogical but he kept the thought to himself for a moment's time before smirking. Her words were that of his family, always looking down on him because he wasn't like his brother and didn't get the great genes of their family. The words made the boy remember all of those times he was called these similar things to his face, his father not even drunk... no he was angry with him that he couldn't be better or be a prodigy. Maybe that's why Karasuma is the way he is, to be the exact opposite of what they want. As she stopped speaking for a moment his crimson eyes laid upon her," Your words...carry no meaning to me, i have heard them far too many times to care what anyone thinks of me, you think because your powerful and have everything you want you can tell me what i am worth, well listen here my own worth is what i give it and i don't give a damn what you say," he would blink once before feeling something sharp go against his neck and the warm feeling of his blood coming down it.

Watching her as she licked her finger and basically ingest his blood, he wanted to laugh but what would be considered a new experience for him would certainly not be funny for her. Listening to her name he would chuckle," Quite a long name there, sure that is all necessary and again what is up with your accent... a better question would be why the hell did you just do that for?," staring at her a bit awkwardly he would have to take back his earlier statement... for a condescending bitch she knew how to push his buttons, which for him was pretty damn sexy. He could only stand there and watch as she walked around him, like a lion stalking their prey.

When her hand had drew back he had smiled for a moment, although the smile was a bit crazy and manaical. Was he going to die on this day...his life coming to an end like this seemed pathetic but he wasnt going to cry like some little bitch, no if this was his end then he would take it like a man. However when she spoke he would blink and stare at her with a look that could best be described as what the fuck. After she spoke he would blink," the fuck do you mean i am in no position to spea-," his words fell short as he felt the sharp teeth of her sink into his warm flesh. His face would turn a bright red as he wanted to move, but the feeling...made him hot. He had not known a feeling like this before not even when he killed homeless people. This strange new feeling made his body hot as he tried to fight making any noises that would make him seem weak.
Kanya Vi Capulet
Kanya Vi Capulet
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Enter The Vampire Queen(P) Empty Re: Enter The Vampire Queen(P)

Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:38 pm
Kanya's fangs would of buried into the neck of the child blood slowly trailing down from where they had enters. Through the fangs she would begun to drink the red liquid going through her mouth as she was having her feast. The blood continued to be drain from the boy as she smiled within this drinking, Ignoring what the boy said earlier obviously and doing mainly only what interested her at that moment. She was like her Lord she didn't eat her targets like he did,she just drained them dry and left there corpse to rot. Her fangs would leave the boys neck as trickle of blood ease from the corner of her mouth she just smiled. Walking back a few more steps before she would turn her back towards him as she crossed her arms,she was feeling generous so she wasn't going to kill him not yet anyway he was her toy for the time being. He would of still been frozen in place as she begun to think what to do with him now. Her arms would of been over her chest as she begun to ponder this being ten meters from the boy now. She couldn't leave to much of a mess maybe she coukd give him to the others they enjoyed the whole dissecting gag thing,especially Shouten and his bondage fetish.

Turning her head almost forgetting the boy was still stuck she would snap her fingers as the jutsu will end most likely making him fall forwad. She would walk towards a nearby rock resting her back against it."So tell me child,why do you live for?"she spoke within his head as she looked forward not moving her mouth or seem to even be paying attention. She was curious why this child was in a village ran by a cannibel there were honestly not many shinobi here."Between your blood is delicious they always did say young lood is the best,now i see why"she says again to him without moving her mouth. She begun to ponder her Lord havent summoned her yet so this was shocking to her he normally have a order or a mission for her. But this time she was stuck baby sitting a child for her amusement i mean thats pretty much all he was worth at this moment.  She would look towards him as bats begun to go outwards towards the boy as if they were trying to attack him,even tho they were made of her chakra she honestly wanted to see this wannabe tough boy actions to such a act.

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