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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:30 pm
There were thousands of visitors to the training grounds every day. Ari had grown exponentially since she was a Genin, mostly thanks to the help Kurisu provided her through their training. She was content with this lifestyle, even though the duties she'd taken on were tedious. Having two children and being the Hokage's spouse were gruelling roles to fill. The activity presented was favourable to doing nothing, however. With this brief respite from her duties, Ari sat at the training grounds; watching the newer generations sparring and training in various ways. There was so much talent in Konoha, even though one wouldn't normally notice it when focused on personal growth. In her position, Ari's eyes were open; she had to consider many possibilities and outcomes before making decisions. Realizing talent was merely a side-effect which derived from that.

Watching people in the training grounds was quite inspiring, leading Ari to a few technique designs she had yet to fully comprehend. She was here today in order to practice them, hopefully leaving with them as new additions to her retinue of abilities. By her count Ari had four techniques to learn, beside something else she couldn't think of a name to describe. Was it a skill? Perhaps it would be referred to as a skill. To get all of her goals met today was very important, since she had regular duties to attend the day after and they would require her utmost attention for several weeks. As such, Ari made the decision to get started immediately and stood from her seat. Starting with the Ram handseal, she would go for the most difficult technique of those she intended to learn, the Perfect Cell Transformation. This technique required immense amounts of Chakra control, as an S-Rank technique.

Even though Ari knew she didn't quite possess the amount required, she hoped by process of learning this technique she would bridge the gap required to use it. However, it was also a technique which only Medical Ninjutsu users had seemed to learn. If possible, Ari would learn to use this technique, along with improving her Chakra enough to use it, and ultimately gain a better understanding of Medical Ninjutsu. Attempting to run Chakra throughout her entire body for the technique, she was barely capable of changing a single cell. Ari stood there holding the Ram handseal, looking like a fool with a scowl across her face. A few Genin passing by seemed to circle around her, leading her to realize her appearance was very unflattering in this position. However, they likely said nothing due to the clothing she'd been wearing lately combined with the definition of her muscles.

Ari sported an open karategi on her torso with a sports bra, leaving most of her muscles exposed, except for her legs as she also wore long baggy white pants. Today she was wearing normal running shoes; she hated sandals for their inefficiency during taijutsu. The day was quite hot, all things considered. It was nowhere near the temperatures that Sunagakure could manage and would probably even feel chilly for one of their ninja. Still, Ari was bothered by the heat of today. Focusing and learning was always more difficult when you added in the factor of undesirable weather conditions. Shaking herself off, she took the Ram handseal once more and attempted to focus the necessary Chakra. It probably exceeded what she was capable of the moment, but only training could produce better results; this method was a typical form of training she'd been using over the course of four years.

She stood stock still with the handseal in place but was unable to manage any results. There wasn't enough time to waste in an attempt like this, Ari needed something to speed her progress along and looked at her surroundings. Nobody really caught her eye. Perhaps out of frustration the woman suddenly bit her lower lip on the right with her canine teeth. A small trickle of blood seeped from the exterior of her lip before a "tch" escaped Ari's mouth. Preparing to resume her training, someone interesting would soon turn up and change the course of her day.

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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:23 pm

That was the sole word queen could use to describe the sunny day that befell the village. It was hotter than usual, and the blonde haired girl was having a rather tough time deciding whether that was a blessing or a curse. On one hand, hot weather was great for days where Queen just wanted to sun bathe next to her pool in her backyard, but on the other, The scorching weather was brutal for days where one wanted to train. Unfortunately, it was the latter so I guess one would say that she was absolutely hating this weather. On most days, The girl would just go to the Dojo where she normally trains, at least there they had fans. Though, they had been closed for the week due to working on some upgrades for the building, so the Genin was stuck to training at the training field like most ninja which she absolutely dreaded. Being in a place surrounded by ninjutsu users who would mock her for not being able to use it? Just absolutely annoying. Granted, she would just knock them into the dirt, but she would rather go through her training uninterrupted.

The blonde girl, who wore black leggings, white and yellow sneakers, and a black sports bra with a simple design that resembled a crown on the front, found a nice little spot off to the side where she could begin her warmup. There was quite a lot of people on this sunny day, more than usual. The girl performed her stretches, the movements catching the eye of a couple of pervs before she shot them a glare that made their little boys tingle. It was practically a kick in the balls, but without the actual movement. Feeling fairly stretched out, The girl would take a run around the field. A few laps would get the blood pumping and get her ready to learn a new moves for the day. Ever since she became Genin, she had really been stepping up her game. She needed to. She was now now facing those who used all sorts of jutsu, and she had to be ready to face anyone, especially if she wanted to achieve her dream.

While on her run, Queen decided to do some people watching, keeping her eyes mainly on others who were training on the field. She was partially scouting out any future competition, as well as seeing if there was anyone worth her time i general. There was one boy who was practicing his weaponry, hitting multiple targets with kunai and shuriken. Two others were practicing simple hand to hand combat, nothing too exciting though; Queen probably could have taken them out in mere seconds. There was one blonde ninja in a flamboyant pink jumpsuit trying to perform what seemed like the clone jutsu, except every attempt he made seemed to fail. Finally, Queen’s eyes rested upon a girl who somewhat caught her attention. It was a short haired girl, who like Rei, wore a sport bra that showed off her tones muscles. Considering this other girl also wearing some regular sport shoes hinted to her being a taijutsu user herself. Now it was a far shot, especially considering she was holding a hand sign in a rather unfavourable position, but considering how long it was taking her to form whatever jutsu she was trying to do, maybe the girl had just been trying to pick it up as a secondary thing?

The blonde continued her trial, running several laps around the field before coming to a stop near where she had originally started. Her blood was surely circulating now, and she was ready to get to the base of her training. “Hey, Look! It’s that girl who can’t use chakra!" Rei could hear throughout the basic noises of the training grounds. She turned around and spotted a group of three Genin walking toward her direction, all of them with quite the smug look on their face. “ I heard you became a Genin you psycho freak!” One of them yelled out, practically causing a scene by now. If only they knew what they were getting into. Rei remained without saying a word, only looking at them with dull eyes. “Tsk! How is that even possible, you can’t even use the clone jutsu! You’re weak!” one of the three yelled out follow by laughter from all of them. Still, Queen remained silent, hoping they would just walk off without having to severely injure one of them. “What, got nothing to say Queenie!? Maybe you’re nothing but a sad little princess huh!?” One of the boy’s approached her slowly, and placed one of his hands on her right shoulder before leaning in close. “Just got back to being a rich little bitch.”

Without warning, Queen grabbed the boy’s hand with her left one, and used the palm of her right hand to slam the boy’s elbow upwards, breaking his arm instantly. The bone clearly stuck out from the skin as the boy shrieked in pain. Not missing a beat, the girl’s body moved in complete sync with her first attack to perform a round house kick, the blow making complete contact with the side of the boy’s head. The attacks shut the boy up instantly, as he was knocked unconscious before he even hit the ground. “Giko!” The two other screamed as they came to his aid. “What did you do!?” The looked at the girl in disgust. “Simply what he desired. A beating. Don’t worry though, he’s still alive." Without another word, Queen turned around, and continued to on. A day’s worth of training awaited her.
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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:22 am
As Ari exhausted herself once more trying to focus Chakra throughout her body, she opened both her eyes and observed the surroundings. There was no particular reason for this action other than getting bored of having them closed. Spotting the commotion happening nearby after a few glances, Ari wasn't sure of the reason behind it and dropped both arms from the handseal. A blonde girl was apparently being berated by a group of three boys. Not one for watching an unfair fight, Ari prepared to step in and help with their disposal. However, the blonde handily "disarmed" her first attacker; not that his action could be called an attack, but she'd allow it. Watching someone get their ass handed to them in a split second as payment for stupidity was quite satisfying; it also appeared this girl was somewhat skilled in taijutsu.

Ari observed the boy and realized his arm was broken. As a new practitioner to medical ninjutsu she felt compelled to attend his wound, but stopped where she stood only a few feet from where she started. Considering the benefit of helping him, in that there was none other than possibly giving him more time to annoy the blonde, Ari decided not to help him. Instead, she would help herself to this new arrival. "Aye, my blonde comrade of the martial arts." Ari jested, scratching the back of her burgundy covered skull. "I couldn't help but notice how easily you disposed of that kid, you wouldn't happen to be here for some taijutsu training?" She immediately asked, following the initial greeting. Noting the girl's impressive figure from a closer range and her similar choice of apparel, Ari felt like she could recognize a fellow taijutsu user.

If allowed, she would begin walking towards the girl to close their distance; stopping to leave only two meters between them. Seeing what she did to the last person who touched her, Ari wasn't confident in offering a handshake just yet. "Sorry about those kids, we're still working on some of the attitude problems around Konoha." She peaked around the girl to watch the boys, both of the unharmed ones appeared to be dragging their injured friend by the feet and caused Ari to comment. "Must be ninjutsu users I guess, they look pretty weak." Having forgotten herself for too long, she decided it'd be best to get the ball rolling. "You may have noticed me just over there; I'm a novice to Chakra control myself and have been a practitioner of taijutsu ever since I started. So if training is your angle, how about joining me?"

The possibility this girl could help Ari with her medical ninjutsu was slim; she didn't mind taking a break to train an upcoming taijutsu user however. Perhaps the girl was stronger than her, she wasn't even fully aware yet. "My name is Ari and I've been a Chuunin for a few years now, so I've got a few taijutsu under my belt. I don't exactly have a lot of time for training them unfortunately, since I've got a few responsibilities keeping me from doing so." Shrugging with a disappointed expression, Ari waved her hand in an open fashion, inviting the girl to talk about herself and express any interest she had. Assuming the girl wanted to learn taijutsu there were a few Ari had yet to fully understand herself, not limited to the Iron Chop which was one of her family's own secret techniques.

Before speaking further about what she could offer one of the boys came running back. It appeared to be the one that called her a psycho, proceeding to open his mouth once again. "Is this a friend of yours, who does she think she's looking at? Probably another disabled bit-" The boy suddenly stopped, his eyes widening in expression. He wasn't anywhere near fast enough to realize what happened, but Queen would have noticed some of the movement made by Ari. Before the boy finished his sentence, Ari launched her right foot straight into his crotch; crushing what was likely once his pride and joy. She held back to only a quarter of her strength which was more than enough to ensure he'd never reproduce. "Are you okay?" Ari asked him, pretending not to know what happened.

They could then watch as the boy slowly fell onto his left side like a building with its supports crippled. Feeling like a comment was required about their current situation, Ari looked dead in the eyes of the blonde girl. "It might be best if we don't train next to someone that's urinating in their pants." She suggested before walking further into the training grounds where they wouldn't be bothered by anymore intruders. Conversation could continue during the walk as it would require a minute at her pace.

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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:41 pm
After getting rid of the three stooges, Queen had begun to walk off in order to continue her training. It was only shortly after that she made her way towards a free spot on the field that she heard someone talking towards her direction. Considering the voice mentioned a blonde and marital arts, Queen only assumed the feminine voice was talking to her. Stopping, Rei turned to face the voice and quickly noticed that it had been the girl she noticed from earlier.  Based on her first remarks, It would seem the blonde fighter was right on her also being a hand to hand combatant.

“Yes, I am.” Queen replied to her question. It was shocking, and also slightly insulting that the girl didn’t know who she was considering she seemed to be a martial arts enthusiast as well. Queen was known rather well amongst the Taijutsu world within the confines of Konoha, always showing her extensive skill within the dojo that resided on the western side of the village. The girl would walk a little closer towards the blonde, yet stopped once she was about two meters away, seemingly keeping the distance between them. While Queen wasn’t necessarily hostile, she was glad the girl knew about a little thing called personal space.

"Sorry about those kids, we're still working on some of the attitude problems around Konoha."The girl apologized for the kids. Seeing as Queen didn’t know who Ari was as the first lady equivalent of Konoha, she wasn’t particularly sure why she was practically taking responsibility for their actions. The short haired eyes flicked toward the boy’s behind her before she continued to speak. "Must be ninjutsu users I guess, they look pretty weak. You may have noticed me just over there; I'm a novice to Chakra control myself and have been a practitioner of taijutsu ever since I started. So if training is your angle, how about joining me? She was right, she had noticed her earlier, so hearing that she was training on chakra control made a little bit more sense. Though, the fact that the girl was even trying to forge chakra was slightly disappointing. Queen looked up to those who didn’t rely on jutsu, but at the same time, she didn’t try blame her too much either. If you have the talent, might as well use it.

Queen briefly nodded to the girl’s offer to train together. While Rei was more of a soloist when it came to well, about everything, it was good to learn a few things from others from time to time, especially someone else who seemed to be skilled in Taijutsu. Besides, Queen liked to see who her other competition was when it came to the title of being the best Taijutsu user.

"My name is Ari and I've been a Chuunin for a few years now, so I've got a few taijutsu under my belt. I don't exactly have a lot of time for training them unfortunately, since I've got a few responsibilities keeping me from doing so.” A sudden surge of disappointment came over Rei. The girl was of a higher ranking than Queen was, but maybe she wasn’t as skilled as she would have hoped as she mentioned not having a lot of time to train in taijutsu. Still, at this point, Queen would at lease give her the benefit of the doubt. She also couldn’t help that the girl talked an awful lot. Maybe it just seemed that way since Queen wasn’t usually one for words.

“My name Is Queen, a pleasure.” The blonde fighter forced a natural looking smile. She was usually quite monotone in anything that required social interaction, but she figured she would try to be friendly. “I’m a Genin, recently promoted actually. If you heard the boys, you would know that I can’t use chakra, so Taijutsu is my main and only focus.” The girl responded, giving some information of herself to Ari.

At this time, one of the boy coming running over, approaching Ari more than he approached Queen. The girl just observed the idiotic boy. I guess he didn’t learn from the treatment his friend got because as soon as he opened his mouth, he was practically asking for pain to be inflicted on his body. Before he could finish fid foolish sentence, Queen witnessed the girl move her body so quickly, that she was almost not even able to catch the movement.  The flick of her foot crushed the boy’s manhood and before he knew it, he tumbled over, holding his pride and joy as he mourned for his little men. Queen eyed the boy on the floor before her gaze fell back on Ari. “Agreed.” Queen responded promptly. Straight to the point, the blonde liked that. Following right next to the girl, the two headed off to find a new spot. Hopefully the last of the three boys wouldn’t be so dumb to provoke the females.

“Your speed… It’s impressive.” The blonde mentioned near the start of their walk. Queen knew where to give credit where credit is due, and that sort of speed definitely deserved credit. Queen had been working on improving her own lately, but she was no were near moving as fast as Ari had; even though she had made a lot of progress in the last few weeks. “Tell me, Ari was it? What led you to pursue Taijutsu. It doesn’t seem to be much of a first choice among ninja.” The girl’s voice was of a melancholy manner. She wasn’t sorrowful per say, but sometimes, her lack of chakra did get the best of her. She was but just a girl after all. “ I think we can learn a lot from each other.”
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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Sat Feb 27, 2016 7:58 pm
"Good... good!" Ari acknowledged the positive answer; she couldn't help but feel like she'd offended the blonde girl in some way. Eventually the blonde introduced herself, "Queen? That's a prestigious name, no doubt for a prestigious lady." Honest in her words, Ari smiled and listened to her following statements. "Can't use Chakra huh? Well I can't say I've ever known someone that can't, you're a very unique person indeed." Events continued, the boy's interference, and the compliment she was given. Upon the blonde's question of what lead Ari to pursue taijutsu; she had a fairly simple answer. "My clan has always focused on taijutsu, although ninjutsu is as much a part of our bloodline as taijutsu. I guess I specifically chose taijutsu to preserve the life of my opponents; it's a lot easier to hold back when you're fighting by hand." Ari thought of the bloodshed behind Kurisu, her attempts to diverge him from that path and lead him to a future with no killing.

It was by all accounts unrealistic and more of a fantasy than a possibility, but she had to do her part by minimizing the killing. Locking onto Queen with both her eyes again, they'd come to reach a more secluded zone of the training grounds. The quiet whimpers of a boy urinating himself were no longer in earshot. "I also think we can learn much together; tell me, if you haven't the ability to control Chakra, do you have anything else besides taijutsu?" Ari looked expectantly at Queen, waiting for her answer. If she were told of the spiritual energy the blonde had, she could suggest a few things; of course this depended on the detail her blonde friend was willing to share. Otherwise, Ari would continue on with territory she was more comfortable with. "I can show you how to perform the Evening Elephant, unless you know it already. You look strong enough to pull it off." Eyeing the blonde's figure, Ari assessed her physical abilities momentarily.

"Definitely." She muttered, giving a thumb up. Although Ari hadn't taken notice of the environment they'd moved to, a tree line blocked the view of her and the blonde from the rest of the training grounds. It also worked wonders for cutting down on noise, allowing her to speak quietly and still be heard, if she wanted to. If Queen agreed to learn the Evening Elephant, Ari would take a stance with both her feet spread to shoulder width. Focusing on her muscles, while attempting to realize her full physical potential. She turned to face Queen directly with a space of one meter between them, leaving plenty of room between her and the force Ari prepared to release.

In a lower tone of voice, more focused on her target than the surroundings, she would attempt to alleviate any concerns Queen might have. "I'm going to show you the essence of this technique's purpose, so I want you to try moving when the force hits." Using the strength of Evening Elephant, she shouted "Huh!" Throwing a punch at the air in front of Queen, a wind tunnel formed with seventy-five power from her punch which in itself bore strength of one-hundred and fifty. The wind tunnel would rush into the blonde, while Ari's punch barely stopped before colliding with her abdomen. Following the initial strike she threw four more in succession. Each punch would cause a wind tunnel with seventy-five power, preventing the blonde from moving her body as long as she was caught in it.

Upon the final punch Ari stopped and caught her breath. "Evening Elephant creates wind tunnels with pure physical force, there's no need for Chakra to create it. If you imagine what could have happened if any of my punches struck you; well, then you'll know the reason why out of all the taijutsu available I chose this as my first A-Rank." She'd wait for a response, if one hadn't already been given at this point

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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:47 am
"Queen? That's a prestigious name, no doubt for a prestigious lady.” Oh? Queen was starting to like this woman already. Something told the blonde that they were going to get along just fine. Queen listened to the girl’s words carefully. It was quite a change of pace to hear someone take her disability without any spite. It seemed that her clan was one based on taijutsu as well, but also incorporated ninjutsu. While the girl knew it was possible to combine the to, she had never really seen it before. Queen had a sense of disrespect for any sort of jutsu that a ninja used, as she believed it to be cowardice, but that was just mainly do to her lack of being able to use it for herself. Though, if Taijutsu was incorporated into it, it couldn’t be the ultimate worse.

“That’s true. Most ninja don’t seem to favour Taijutsu.” Queen responded to the remark on holding back. “It’d be too easy to kill one of them with a clear strike.” The girl clenched her first for a slight moment before letting it go limp once more. The two matched their gazes to one another as the girl asked her if she knew anything besides taijutsu. Her faced remained motionless, but her inner being felt a sense of shame. “No.” She responded bluntly. “Taijutsu is all I know.” Sure, she did know her way around a sword, but nothing too fancy to call herself skilled in weaponry. Of course, there was also the variable of her bloodline, but that was sort of Queen’s hidden ace. Due to her bloodline’s nature, it was invisible to the naked eye and even most doujutsu. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to share her trump card with someone she still hardly knew.

“Evening Elephant?” The girl said softly, letting the name just come off the tongue. She felt like she had heard the name of the technique before, but couldn’t put her finger on it. She had learned two other techniques of a similar name, but nothing about an elephant; just a tiger and a peacock. Now that she thought about it, who came up with the name of these techniques anyways? “Thanks?” the girls muttered as Ari eyed her up and down, trying to figure out whether or not she would be able to pull the technique off or not. “Alright, let’s try it.” Queen replied, ready to learn a new technique. She had originally come to just do a little light training, but learning new taijutsu was always welcomed.

The girl spoke about showing the techniques before she suddenly threw a fist at her. It came quickly, and startled the girl. It didn’t make contact, but merely just punched the air in front of her The punch caused a wind tunnel that prevented the girl from moving. She tried, she even activated her bloodline to try and improve her strength to get out of the wind tunnel but nothing worked. punch after punch, another wind tunnel would form preventing the girl from moving each time, Ari’s fist stopping right at Rei’s exposed belly button. A millimetre closer and she would have made contact. The girl furrowed her brow as she tried to move her body with no avail. Finally, the last punch came and she was able to move agin. It was here where the girl had a realization. There was still much that she needed to learn, much that she needed to overcome. Here she was against someone who didn’t solely focus on Taijutsu, yet she showed such skill in it. Surely, this would only motivate the girl in the long run, but right now she felt so small, so fragile, and so weak.

"Evening Elephant creates wind tunnels with pure physical force, there's no need for Chakra to create it. If you imagine what could have happened if any of my punches struck you; well, then you'll know the reason why out of all the taijutsu available I chose this as my first A-Rank.” The blonde girl took the Ari’s words, and slowly processed them as she dealt with her inner struggle. “ I see.” Were the only words she can muster at first. “It’s quite the technique. I’ll give it a try.” Rei began to picture the exact movements that Ari had done earlier. It was now that the girl began to recall where she had heard about this tech last. She had heard about it twice before. Once when she was learning the Morning Peacock technique and another time when she learned Daytime Tiger. The techniques had one thing in common. Their names. They were all named with a specific part of the day, and then an animal. She had learned the other two, but had never gotten around to learning the last of the three, which was the Evening Elephant. Quite proper considering its the last part of the day. Now remembering the how the technique functions from when she originally learned about it, and seeing the technique in action via Ari, she felt quite comfortable to use the technique.

Queen got herself into a fight stance, and threw a punch towards Ari, the punch stopping a few inches from the girl. The first wind tunnel was clearly much weaker due to the girl’s inexperience in the technique, but the fact that she was still able to form it on the first try showed her skill in Taijutsu. Punch after punch, her wind tunnels only got stronger. Granted, they weren’t as strong as Ari’s, but their levels of power were getting higher and higher. Finally, the last punch came, and the technique came to a close. Queen resumed to a normal stance before she said anything. “Not as good as yours, but with some practice I’ll get there. Thank you Ari.” She started off, her voice rather monotone with a hint of gratefulness. “It is only proper that I return the favour. The technique is called Morning Peacock.” She began. If it seemed like Ari didn’t know the technique she would continue. “This technique similar to Evening Elephant, is a flurry of punches. Though, rather than making wind tunnels, your fist will engulf in flames with not chakra needed.” With that said, Queen walked a meter or two from Ari since this technique would best e used not facing the girl in a close distance. Facing in an opposite direction, the girl would enter a typical boxing stance before throwing a series of fists at empty space. Her fists were covered in flames as she continued her the motions of the technique at a speed of 130. She would do this for around 10 seconds before she would come to a complete stop, and face the girl. “It’s rather simple, but has devastating effects. Give it a try."
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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:44 pm
(OOC: Sorry, not really feeling the whole training aspect in this situation. We should make a new topic at some point for sparring and stuff that's actually fun. xD)

Following Ari's barrage of strikes using the Evening Elephant, Queen exemplified a typical Taijutsu specialist, pulling off the technique with little effort purely based on example. After enduring the wind tunnels created by Queen's punches, Ari could only give an impressed whistle. "Amazing really, you pulled it off with no effort." Following her impressed comment, Queen offered to teach something similar to Ari. As she watched on at the blond's technique, she realized it was the Morning Peacock. "Possessing a book with knowledge on all sorts of Jutsu sure is helpful..." Ari thought. Presumably out of precaution, Queen faced away from Ari while performing the technique. However, the angle was quite helpful to observe it. "I guess I'll give that a go too..." Ari stated before also taking a side facing stance from Queen, with a great deal of focus and precision ensuring she didn't have any wasted movements, Ari threw a flurry of blows at the air.

Like a magic trick, her fists caught on fire as she punched at a speed of 195, with a strength of 145. Ari also tried to maintain the technique for ten seconds, although hers wasn't quite as perfect and fell three seconds short. "Simple, but no doubt effective... Say, I have a few duties to attend, suppose we can meet up another time for some more training?" Whether Queen responded positively or negatively, Ari would acknowledge her decision before leaving. The day was quite productive after all, and in such a short span of time. Although Ari regretted having to leave so soon, she remembered Kasuga had wanted to see her today for something important. Before ultimately departing from Queen, Ari would say her goodbye. "It was a pleasure to meet you, I'm sure we'll meet again soon. Ah... I almost forgot; I didn't fully introduce myself, sorry. I'm the partner of Kurisu so you can find me at the Hokage's office should you require anything." A brief wave later and Ari would depart from the training grounds.

Total WC: 2497
Claiming: 12 Stats, Morning Peacock (Reduced to 2k Wordcount due to learning from Queen.)
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:51 pm
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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:17 pm
Queen watched the girl as she followed suit, performing the technique for herself. At a first attempt, the girl’s fists sparked into a flame, punching at a tremendous speed that Queen could almost not even register if it weren’t for activating her bloodline once the girl had begun her punches. Ari was no doubt skilled in Taijutsu, and would prove to be an excellent rival to Queen, though she wasn’t much for liking competition. “Impressive.” the girl let out in a hushed tone, but surely her fellow taijutsu enthusiast would hear.

Ari seemed to have other things to do, as she quickly changed the subject to meeting up another time for training. Queen simply nodded in agreement. Then came about something about being the partner of someone else. The name certainly ran a bell, and as soon as she mentioned the Hokage’s office, Rei could only assume she meant of the new Hokage. This came off to a slight surprise to the blonde fighter, but certainly something she would take note of for the future. Having connections with people of power could be of use in the future.


twc: 3238

Claiming 16 stats, Evening Elephant (half wc due to being taught) and 1,113 words towards Seven Heavens Breathing Method B rank ((dis)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK] Empty Re: Queen's Equivalent [Queen&Ari, P, NK]

Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:01 pm
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