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The Queen and her Dog Empty The Queen and her Dog

Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:53 pm
Mission Deets

The sound of birds sounded muffled inside the Yamano family home where Queen sat at the large Kitchen island enjoying a morning croissant. Through small bites, she read the scroll that arrived moments prior with information on three genin that had fled Konoha after killing a villager. Reading the intel didn’t particularly leave her with disgust, but more so a slight dissatisfaction. It was a shame how foolish the young ninja were to be in such a position. Considering how ruthless Queen was in nature and her new found clan abilities, it was no wonder they had selected her to complete this mission. It would surely be a piece of cake.

Finishing her breakfast, the recent Hyuuga quickly prepared herself to head out, grabbing her ninjato on the way out the door. She wore he casual attire, wearing simple black legging, a white tank top, and some combat boots. Her hair was already in a high ponytail, signalling that she was ready for business. It didn’t take the girl long to reach the gates of Konoha where she paused for a moment to glance around. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be tacking this mission alone as she was paired with another by the name of Salzem. She has only heard briefly of the boy and his questionable allegiance to Konoha. Queen actually found it sort of ironic that Sal was placed on this mission in the first place due to his history with the village. The blonde Chunin wasn’t going to waste her time thinking on the logistics of the mission board. She decided she’d give the boy five minutes before she’d head off to complete the mission on her own.

Last edited by |Queen| on Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:38 pm
It was early in the morning when he got the notification that he had a mission to do. Quite literally rolling out of bed, Salzem got his gear together and headed out the door. Here in Kono, it actually felt nice to wear his heavy black jacket, pants and boots. It was almost never humid here and the heat was never torturous. Still, as he had the inconvenience to find out, he still had to do jobs for the village whenever they called for him. He had been placed on the team with another Chuunin, one by the name of... "Queen" Yamato. Yeah, that wasn't a pretentious name at all. He rolled his eyes as he saw someone waiting for him at the gates whom he presumed to be this "Queen" Character. She seemed impatient, ready to get the show on the road. Her own frustration with him at not being able to face-roll into the day as fast as she spread into him, already not making their first introductions the best.

"I'm Salzem." He introduced himself with his arms crossed. Clearly, he was not impressed with the girl who stood before him and the respect she demanded. He could just tell by that look on her face and the way she held herself that she thought she was the best and wanted all to look upon her as such. Salzem hated those people. Their subtle brags are what irk him the most, especially those that are so subtle, most don't see them. Such as a name.
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The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:34 pm
Queen was just about ready to head off on her own when a pale figure seemed to head in her direction. She eyed the male up and down, his all black attire contrasting his blank white skin. The girl’s emotionless face kept in his direction, her body still besides her ponytail that danced to the slight breeze that passed. “I know who you are.” She responded, her voice as empty as her emotions. “Ironic that they chose you..” Without even introducing herself, Queen turned and made her way towards the village gates. “I’m not one to babysit so try and keep up.” She called out back to Sal, who would probably be somewhere behind.

The girl quickly got into a sprint as she entered the forest and headed off towards Sunagakure where reports had said they were heading. It would probably be a few hours until they caught up to the three Genin but Queen wasn’t planning on making any small talk with her companion.

The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:33 am
This girl was really starting to bug Salzem, especially with the tone she took with him. That dull, stupid, flat tone that said nothing but disdain. He didn't bother to retort, instead grumbling to himself under his breath as they made their way out of the village. Instead of letting anger cloud his thoughts he thought back on the details on his mission, intending to do some more good than the brat-of-a-ninja up ahead. There was apparently 3 genin who murdered a man before fleeing the village and being branded as traitors. Despite never having killed someone in this manner, He knew how flawed the village's logic was when it came to leaving. Chances were the man's death was a complete accident and them fleeing was in fear of the punishment that would surely be placed upon them. These were genin who hardly even knew what jutsu were and they were already branding them as traitors right off the bat. Maybe that made him soft-hearted or even an idiot, especially as a trained assassin and soldier, but death was something perminant. Nothing came back from it and he wasn't about to cut down a gaggle of kids because they made a mistake.

He eyed Queen's back as he followed, sure she didn't feel the same way. From what she displayed, she would probably cut down each and every one, make some snarky comment about it, then proceed to live out her days without a second thought because it was in the "glory of the village" or "in the glory of herself", more like. Whatever kind of person Queen was, Salzem wasn't going to let her end their lives.
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The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:05 pm
Queen and her companion who followed closely behind her swiftly made their way through the village forest. It had been three hours since they had left the gates and yet not a single word has been spoken between the two individuals. The girl’s eyes were dead set on the path in front of her as her feet pushed her off from branch to branch. Her hair swayed in the wind, leaving a path for her mango scented shampoo that she had used earlier.

“We should be approximately twenty minutes out from where they were last spotted.” Queen said briefly to her companion, her voice still not very full of life. “We will finish off two and leave the last for questioning.” The girl commanded, not leaving much room for negotiation. The blonde chunin looked over her shoulder towards Sal in order to catch any facial reaction he might have in case he didn’t verbally object. Facing forwards once more, the girl took a quick breath to calm herself. She recalled her uncle’s teaching on how to use the byakugan, taking a moment to control her chakra in order to activate it. Her skill in chakra control was still rather limited but she had a good enough understanding to at least use her bloodline.

Upon activating it, she was able to scout further up ahead. She looked around the area before locating the cave in which the three Genin were located. It was a group of three boys, one of them had a fatal leg injury while the other two didn’t seem to have suffered no more than some scratches and bruises. It didn’t seem like they were planning on sticking around for much longer as they were already starting to pack up there things. “Let us hurry.” Queen said, deactivating her Byakugan.

The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:40 am
Salzem knew exactly where the little idiots were. Even without going into his full wolven state, he could smell the positions of each one only about 20-30 minutes ahead and among their various scents, he smelled blood. One of them was hurt. Not badly enough to make Salzem speed up his trip there nor was it insignificant enough that he wouldn't stall they wouldn't stall the whole group. They all had come to a halt, presumably to help their friend. If each one hadn't committed a felony against the village, he might have actually felt touched. But all that came to an end when Queen gave him instructions: Kill 2 and bring one back for questioning. Her tone made it sound like there was no room for discussion, but as the senior ninja and her superior in every way, he wasn't going to let her do this or make him do this either.

"You won't kill a single one." Salzem retorted, his face an voice sharing the expression of defiance. He gave her a look that dared her to try and stop him from saving those fools. "Each one is a valuable source of information and if you end one, you'll lose that resource." Of course, this was just a justification for what he was trying to do. In all honesty, why would someone like her listen to 'they made a mistake'? His frustration with her seemed to never end... She was unreasonable, self-important, and completely short sighted. When he looked back on himself, he was embarrassed that he shared 2/3 of those attributes.

"We. Are not. Going. to kill them." Salzem said for emphasis. They were only a little ways away now. Perhaps 10 minutes if the target didn't start moving again. The smell of blood was even stronger than before... Perhaps that one was more wounded that he first thought....
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The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:07 am
A smirk crossed the young beauty’s lips as she listened to Sal’s retort. This would have been when the girl would have turned back towards the male, eyeing every muscle in his face that formed the expression he made. The look on his face was one of a challenge; It was only a shame that Salzem didn’t know the girl any better. “What intel could they possibly provide us that’s considered valuable? They kill an innocent man, that’s all there is to it. They committed a crime, and for that they deserve the same fate.” There was no changing the girl’s mind on the matter. It was just a dispute that would have to be settled once they arrived to the destination. Though, Queen was just concerned about completing the mission, and those who assigned them only needed for one to be alive.

“Of course, being a former criminal yourself, I could see why you pity them.” Queen said coldly, being aware of the boy’s past. “I’m surprised they even let you back in. If I had been assigned to retrieve you, I would have killed you myself.” Her words slid smoothly through her mouth in confident strides. She wasn’t afraid to state the way she felt towards people and surely with Sal it would be no different.

A feint smile formed on Queen’s lips when Sal gave an order to her, saying she won’t kill a single one. She found it quite funny to think that this newly reinstated leaf ninja who not even a year ago was a criminal thought he could give orders to her. “I don’t take orders from scum.” She spit back, her tone only slightly more offensive than her usual monotone remarks. With that, Queen took a deep breath, filling her lungs with oxygen before breathing the air back out. She was performing the seven heavens breathing method. With the first breath completed, she could feel her physical abilities being enhanced. Her picked up her speed and began to take off to reach the Genin before they decided to take off.

seven heavens used
byakugan used last post
will calculate ap later if needed.

The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:43 pm
"I guess we'll never know if you decide to be stupid." Salzem growled, actively restraining himself from wringing Queen's neck with that chip on her shoulder. "Justice will be meted out by the hokage, not you or me." However, Salzem paused as the girl struck him low, accusing him of having feelings for the criminals because of his own history. She assured him that if she were sent to retrieve him, she would have killed him herself. He smirked at that and, unexpectedly, he started to laugh. In fact, he laughed all the way through her insult of calling him scum, stopping only the moment he ran out of breath, with a sigh and with some perverse butterflies in his belly, he fired his retort, his voice as casual as it was mocking.

"Wow... I am truly surprised at the shame you make me feel. I mean... I thought I was going on a mission with a ninja, not some... lack-luster kid killer... The mere fact they would assign you to track down children speaks highly of you, especially since you show such a dazzling personality to your superiors. I wonder if the Hokage stays up at night, thinking of how much of a mistake he made assigning you to field missions at all given your objective here. I think he knows you won't be tossing and turning in your sleep because you can justify 3 deaths with one. Me, I may be scum, I'll grant you that, perhaps worse than the dirt and grime I see all tangled up in that blonde hair of yours but try to understand... When I left the village, I went to kill a killer. When you left the village, you did it to kill a trio of children. If it weren't for your earlier... display, I'd ask if your pride was wounded. Sad thing is, you already answered that question. I don't take orders from trash." Salzem smiled at her back, a sort of malevolent twist to his grin. He wanted to know how much that hurt, how much anger swelled in her chest. He figured it wouldn't be obvious. Queen didn't seem like the kind of person to openly express her rage in a fiery fashion. Salzem was actually quite proud of his insult, but also of his quick wit and observance skills during construction. He sized her up that she cared decently enough about her appearance, her brash nature was obvious...

He watched her take a deep breath, watching the muscles on her back and arms swell, then recede. She was getting ready for combat where none was necessary. These were genin, kids who somehow stumbled and stabbed someone in a vital area. There was hardly a need to pump one's self up to engage 2 inexperienced (barely) ninja and one currently incapacitated. He was able to keep up with her speed easily with no need to enhance his own body. He could only predict her next rash course of action.
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The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:54 pm
“Our mission objective says otherwise.” The girl said briefly to his retort on who would be serving the justice. The Hokage only needed one of them alive, so there was no point in bringing back all three. Besides, just because these were young kids didn’t pardon there actions. If this had been Jonin level ninja, hell if Queen had been the one to murder an innocent man, she would probably be sent to death too. If these kids were smart and what they did was truly and accident, they would have turned themselves in. There’s nothing else to it. Them running away was only making their situation much worse. Besides, showing mercy on these criminals only portrayed Konoha as a weak and pitiful nation. Hearing Salzem talked only reminded her of Ayame, the girl she had done a mission with months ago. Why did Queen always have to get stuck with the weak minded.

The boy’s sudden laughter raised no emotion from the girl, only stopping her from making her last remark of taking orders from scrum. She didn’t even bother to look back. It was common for those to hide behind a façade of laughter. Just look at kids who typically get bullied. They join in on the laughter when people make fun of them in order to soften the blow. This was obviously no different. Queen remained silent to let the boy get whatever it was he had to say out of his system. This wouldn’t be the first time someone had gone off on her. The girl’s mind quickly begun to wander off, thinking of the things she would have to do once she got back to the village. She knew the Jonin exams would be kicking back up soon so she should probably try to fit in some more of her Hyuuga training. That is, if she could finish off her duties for Yamano Industries. Her father had her quite busy these days with the family business.

Every once in a while, she caught a glimpse of what he had to say. three deaths with one. scum. blond hair. kill a trio of children. It was a mystery what he was going on and on about but surely it had something to do with her. “Are you done?” She asked once he had finally stopped talking in her usual monotone fashion. She still faced completely forward, not even turning to him while she talked. “Great, then let us continue.” She said right after, not even giving him the chance to reply. They were quickly approaching the cave that the boys were in. Queen quickly activated her Byakugan once more. The first thing she noticed was the cave was now empty. About a kilometre away from the cave, she spotted the Genin continuing their pursuit out of the Fire country. “They’re on the move.” She said briefly. Comparing the two Chunin’s current speed in comparison to the Genin’s, they would still catch up to them at their hasty pace.

The Queen and her Dog Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:00 pm
"Our mission says at least one. As far as you are concerned, it says all three. Do not test me with this or You will fail" Salzem's words were as harsh and as flat as anything he had ever said, discarding his disdain and frustration in favor of the straight path of bluntness. He had to get it through her thick skull that no matter what she might want or what her morals were, she wasn't going to kill those children. He didn't need Queen's little updates to know what was going on with their prey. They were on the move, but slowly, dragging their friend along behind them. Indeed, his wound was far worse than his scent initially let on. A deep gash on the back of his right leg, as if someone had slashed him with a katana there. Probably sustained in their attempt at escape. About a kilometer away, the genin made their pitiful attempts at fleeing the country and, although they would still intercept them before they reached their destination, Salzem wanted to get this mission done quickly, efficiently, and not giving Queen any chance to act on her own goals. As they hopped from branch to branch, the sanguine-eyed ninja's form contorted and grew, muscles growing larger, arms and legs extending, jaw protruding outwards until he had taken the shape of a 9-foot white werewolf, eyes glowing a haunting red (speed 100) He said not a word to the girl who was acting as their leader. There was nothing to be said really. All she would do is attempt to undermine his decision for her plans of ending 2 lives. He slipped ahead at a speed of 145, closing the kilometer between them far faster than Queen herself.

In a minute or two, Salzem had pulled ahead of the genin, surprisingly not rustling any of the leaves or creaking the branches with his sheer size. Just as before, he remained undetected, at least, until he made his move. With a speed of 145, The white wolf would spring from the trees, barreling into the trio before they even knew what was coming. He scattered them on contact, each one being flung into their respective direction (strength 39).

AP: 770
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