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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:09 am
Welcome to your Bijuu Battle

Before we start, a few ground rules as always.

+Participants are given 48 hours to respond, Mods and NPCs however are given 72 hours.

+The possibility of death is very real and in fact, expected. You are fighting a bijuu after all.

+Once you post here, your stats and jutsu are locked in place. Anything not on your stat page will not be counted, same as the bijuu. Both parties should ensure all final edits to their stat pages are made before posting in this topic

+There are no get out of death free cards, if you die, you die. However the bijuu may not die. A death blow will result in the bijuu being knocked out and primed for sealing.

+If your NPC permits, you may edit your post once. Editing resets the 72 hour counter from time of edit.

+Regardless of how much coding skill you’d like to apply, each technique used must be listed at the bottom of your post along with appropriate AP deduction. If any party fails to list a tech, it does not go through

+Because this is a semi IC event, you may use the words from your battle towards stats/a technique you used or trained.

+Should a battle mod be required, one will be provided. It will not help your case to argue with the battle mod. You may make your point respectfully and then defer to the mod’s judgment.

+Should the first team/participant fail, the next team/participant will get their turn. A new topic will be made for the next fight. Should all bijuu hopefuls for a certain tailed beast fail, signups for that beast will open once more.

+Participants post first, IC investigating a natural oddity that has been occurring near their village/current IC location. The NPC-ed bijuu posts second with a complete stat page as well as their entrance post.

+Best of luck <3
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:59 pm
In the past week, there had been reports and rumors of strange disturbances happening in a large body of water located nearly 1000m inland from the shore line of the most South Eastern part of the Fire country. This large body of water was approximately 300 meters in diameter and apparently deep. Surrounding the body of water was forest, with approximately 30 meters of flat, grassy land between the tree line and water’s edge.


Nearby there were two shinobi were making their way towards said body of water, both being approximately 50m away from where the tree line met open space. One of the shinobi was a boy standing at 5’8” with jet black hair, and even darker eyes. The boy’s pale complexion was hidden from the Sun’s rays by multiple factors. Upon entering the region where the strange occurrence’s where supposedly happening, Ita would notice the terribly consistent weather. It not once rained, but the presence of gray clouds made for what started out to be a sunny day, grimmer. It was also a bit chilly out as well. However, Ita was well prepared for their investigation, wearing a gray cloak around his Chuunin jacket and black shinobi pants. Attached to Ita’s belt were two ninja weapon pouches containing various tools as well. The final piece to Ita’s wardrobe was his Konohagakure head band which he wore tightly strapped to his forehead.


The two continued their stroll towards the opening in the tree line not in a rush. This was the first time that Queen and Ita had gone on a mission alone and due to the severity of the reports, it was rather strange to only have two chuunin investigating the issue. Regardless of that fact, Ita felt that he was in good hands with Queen accompanying him. The boy remembered the last spar vividly and got to experience firsthand how strong Queen truly was. With Jace absent, this would be the first time the two of them could truly bond, forming whatever relationship would result. Maybe the two of them shared similar thoughts or interests. Ita sure hoped so because he was beginning to feel increasingly awkward as a third-wheel. As the two grew closer, Ita could sense a faint chakra presence growing stronger as they neared.


Ita activated his sharingan, allowing his deep dark eyes to swirl into a crimson red. “Queen, Do you feel that?” Ita inquired in reference to the chakra that he was picking up. Ita wasn’t able to pin point exactly where it was coming from, but whatever it was, it was beyond the tree-line and the two shinobi were heading right towards it. With his own dojutsu activated, Ita would ask Queen, “Are you able to see anything beyond the tree line that is out of the ordinary with your Byakugan?”


Ita couldn’t help but feel a bit off edge. What was truly waiting for them beyond the foliage? Our heros would soon find out.

-1 Sharingan
AP: 699 - 1 = 698
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Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:47 pm
Rei walked with the dark haired boy through Konoha’s forests. She had never been so far down south, hell she barely explored outside the village period. It felt liberating to be out in open nature. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she inhaled the clean pure air tainted by nothing manmade. It was quite lovely and something the girl could get used. The girl was travelling wearing her typical attire which consisted of a white tank top and black legging. Her hair was left loose to fall down onto her lower back. 

The reports they had received had been rather strange. Some in the area say they saw some kind of monsters around here. While it was a rather strange accusation, there had been so many reports that they actually bothered to send the two Chunin to check it out. Queen personally found it to be a waste of time. Probably some idiot experimenting with summons or another. The blonde felt there was something better that she could be doing with her time. 

The girl activated her byakugan as the boy asked her if she could see anything going on in front of him. She scanned the area in front of them up to 100 meters out to begin with. She didn’t see anything at first but then... 

-Ring of Hercules in use for this fight
-Armour in active form

-1 byakugan 

1 ap used
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:38 pm
In the center of the lake was a large turtle... armadillo... thing. With three tails. As one might expect of a giant, spiky monster, it was... splashing around playfully? Yep, that's right. At the center of the lake was a massive monster made of pure chakra. They were casually pushing the water towards shore, making waves, and splashing the trees. Maybe if the trees could think and feel, they would complain, but Isobu was avoiding the deer and such that came by the lake. Not that he really had to try, the deer were all scared off.

Isobu had considered heading to the ocean, but he did not want to run into people. He had already run into several, and his attempts at speaking to them had gone... poorly. Maybe if he could make them realize he was a friend, they would not try to seal him again. Try. He did not want to go to the dark place again. He liked being free. Isobu splashed his tail into the water, creating a giant wave. It would crash into the trees even with how far from the shore they were. It even accidentally went towards the approaching two individuals, though Isobu did not recognize their presence yet. If the two were to continue straight along their current trajectory, their positioning and timing would place them a few meters from the edge of the wave. At worst, they may get splashed by some mist, but that would not even be enough to inconvenience them.
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:14 pm
Just as the two continued along their path, a rush of water entered the tree line and stopped just a few meters before reaching Queen and Ita. This action caused Ita to stop his forward progress. Ita looked at Queen concerned waiting to see if she had any explanation as to what could have caused such a phenomenon. To Ita’s surprise, the reports and rumors circling the fire country of such phenomena was turning out to be factual. This meant one thing, the reports of a monster must be true as well. Without taking any more steps Ita had an idea. Ita would perform the clone seal producing two clones both a meter in front of Queen and Ita. Without any explanation, the clone to the left would perform three hand seals: Dog – Boar – Ram. Upon finishing the last seal, the clones body would morph taking on the appearance of a common crow. The crow would then take flight, flying into the foliage of a nearby tree joining a flock of other common crows. Regardless of Ita’s clone’s authenticity, the crows could not tell if he was real or not and did not pay any attention. Ita’s clone would now at a vantage point and would be overlooking the lake before them. In the middle of the lake was a massive turtle…or was it a tortoise? Whatever it was, it was big and it seemed to be enjoying itself while frolicking in the water. Now that Ita’s clone had received the info the group so desired, Ita’s clone would depart from its band of feathered brothers and return to the group down below. The crow would land and begin to speak, “There is a large turtle monster in the middle of the lake and it seems to be enjoying itself.” Ita’s clone would say, informing the group of what was beyond the tree line.


Ita would respond, “Thank you, please fly into the sky and watch from above until I need you, you know what to do.” Upon the command, Ita’s clone would soar back into the sky at the speed of 67 (110 speed + 25 strength = 135/2 = 67 fly speed). Once the crow was 50 meters high, it would begin to change direction flying in circles over the lake and Isobu. Because Ita’s clone would appear to be just a common crow, Isobu would most likely not pay it any attention, especially because of how far away it was. There were also other birds flying above the lake as well, some in flocks’ others flying solo.


Ita then turned to Queen once more and began to speak, “Whatever is out there it’s big so it won’t hurt to be careful. I have positioned my clone over it to keep a watchful eye and to wait for an opening. I will send my other clone along as well to get a feel for things. Do you have any ideas?”


Ita’s clone would suppress his chakra and walk towards the tree line while using the surface walking tech to anchor him in case anymore waves were to come his way. If Ita’s clone was going to try to contact the beast, it would most likely be a good idea to not make it feel threatened. Ita’s clone would clear the tree line and the gap of land and walk right onto the water towards the beast. If the beast would not notice him, Ita’s clone would continue walking towards the beast until he was about 20 meters away. If the beast had noticed him and had not taken any hostile actions towards him, Ita’s clone would continue to walk towards the beast until he was 20 meters away as well. If the beast did act, then well Ita’s clone would deal with that later. Assuming the playful beast did not want any trouble and actually wanted to befriend the boy and if the beast allowed him the chance, Ita’s clone would speak, “Excuse me, Mr. Turtle Sir, some of the people around this area seem to be pretty scared of you. Is there a reason you have come here?” Ita’s clone would ask in the most non-threatening, innocent way possible. The clone’s eyes would study the beast intensely looking for any signs of change in behavior.


AP: 698

-1 Sharingan (ITA)

-30 Shadow Clone (2 Clones)

AP: 698 – 31 = 667

ITA: 223

Clone 1: 222 – 1 – 5 = 216

-1 Sharingan

-5 Transformation

Clone 2: 222 – 2 = 220

-1 Sharingan

-1 Surface Walking
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Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:54 pm
But then she saw it. The large turtle like thing looking as if it was playing within the large body of water. Well I’ll be damned. It had looked like the reports were correct and this wasn’t just summon gone wrong, but if the Blonde wasn’t mistaken, it was one of the tailed beast. If the girl wasn’t so certain in her ability, she’d probably think this was above the two Chunin, but she was confident that she could take it. “Doesn’t look it notices us yet.” The girl said as the clone went off to scout from above. “Let’s just approach the thing first. It seems to be in it’s natural element and not like we can get the sneak up on it.” They really couldn’t. The beast would see them coming as they breached the end of the tree lines and onto the open field. 

The blonde continued forwards, making her way towards the edge of the large body of water which would be about the time Ita’s close had approached the beast. She would watch the interactions of the two from afar. While she didn’t have an audio reading, she had a good idea of what was happening visually through the use of her Byakugan. Only time would tell if things were going to get ugly or not, but the blonde kinda wanted things to get dirty. What better way to test one’s own abilities that to go up against a Bijuu!? It’d sure be a good story.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:13 pm
Out of the corner of Isobu's eye, he caught sight of an approaching figure. Isobu sought to face the figure, to determine if they were friend or foe. As such, his body turned within the lake. This made a large wave, but it would crest within the water and crash a few feet from the edge of the lake.

The figure spoke. Isobu raised his 'mouth' from the water, curiously hearing the boy's words. "I," he started to respond. Isobu's voice was high, like that of an eight year old boy, but it was loud. Despite sounding like he was whispering, the voice was easily heard by both of the ninja in the area, and the several clones. The hushed tone had seemingly no hushing affect on the noise volume. "I kind of just... woke up here. I was trapped... somewhere..." Isobu was reluctant to acknowledge where (inside a person) and why (do i really have to explain this part?), for (hopefully) rather obvious reasons. "And then I woke up here." His voice was timid, withdrawn, like a shy child. "I really want to go to the ocean and get away from everyone, but I don't know how to get there! I'm sorry if I scared people!" Perhaps he was, but he WAS trying to scare people away. If they did not know what he was, maybe he could avoid their suspicions and... powers.
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:20 am
The turtle had seen Ita’s clone approaching out of the corner of its eye. It then moved within the lake, turning its body so that it could face him. The turtles motion causing a large wave. If it wasn’t for Ita’s surface walking technique, then he may have been swept away. As the wave neared, Ita anchored down using the technique allowing him simply pass through it.


Ita’s clone was now just 20 meters away from the enormous beast and watched with his keen eye sight the turtle raise its mouth from the water and inform those surrounding the lake of how he had gotten here in response to Ita’s clone’s question.


Ita remained just within the tree line, but was now peering outwards while his position still hidden. He heard the beasts booming voice as he looked onwards at the event unfolding in awe of the beast’s size and ability to speak. “This must be one of the legendary tailed beasts I’ve heard of. I’ve never actually seen one up close though.” Ita thought to himself.


Ita’s clone looked onwards continuing to suppress his chakra as the beast spoke. The clone almost felt bad for the beast. He could hear it in his voice how scared it was. Ita could hear it as well. The beast then explained that it did not mean to scare anyone and that it just wanted to make it back to the ocean, but it didn’t know how to get there. This was a problem. Taking note of where the location of the lake was and the ocean, if the three-tailed beast tried to leave for the ocean from its exact location it would run into several homes and into a trading port located at the edge of the sea and most likely cause mass destruction and fear for the locals. This was something Ita wanted to avoid at all costs.


With this in mind, Ita thought it would be smart to play into the emotions of the biju and not startle it further. Ita’s clone decided to continue the conversation, allowing Queen the chance to move into a more strategic position. “Do you have a name?” the clone asked. “My name is Ita. It is nice to meet you. Don’t be afraid, no one here wants to hurt you and I’m sorry about the locals, they just aren’t used to seeing anyone as big as you are. I’m sure if they knew you they wouldn’t be so scared.” Ita’s clone gave the biju an innocent smile reassuring the turtle what he was telling him was the truth.

ITA: 223 – 1 = 222

-1 Sharingan

Clone 1: 216 – 1 = 215

-1 Sharingan

Clone 2:  220 – 2 = 218

-1 Sharingan

-1 Surface Walking
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Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:05 pm
Queen, standing at the edge of the water quite a few ways out from where the huge beast and the clone was could still manage to hear the turtle speak. It was quite off actually, considering his soft voice. Despite it’s large and rather horrifying size, the large atrocity sounded like a small innocent child, just enjoying it’s time out in a wild. It reminded the blonde girl of a large (very large) puppy. Queen almost felt bad for it. A very small part of her wanted to escort the gentle giant to the Ocean waves so it can roam free away from any one that wanted to hurt it. Though a large portion of her wanted to gut it like a fish with a large trident. She was almost itching to test her skills against one of the legendary creatures that people were so scared of.

Assuming the original boy would have walked up with her towards the edge of the lake, the girl would tilt her head slightly to face him while still keeping her eyes on the interactions going on. “Thinking what I’m thinking?” She asked, a smirk creeping on her face as she cracked her knuckles. The blonde could recall a few techniques that Ita had in his possession, but one in particular echoed in her thoughts. “

If they were on the same page, things were about to get messy. Queen would approach the beast, and would be a step or two behind the clone that was speaking to it, and would just sit there and listen to the peaceful giant’s conversation.

-1 water waling
-1 byakugan
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails Empty Re: Ita & Queen vs The Three Tails

Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:47 pm
[Reference: Isobu is ~10 meters tall, ~30 meters wide at his widest, ~40 meters long, and his tails are ~60 meters long.]

Isobu listened intently to the clone. "Hi, Ita. My name is Isobu," he replied, shrinking back from the man a little. His vision soon shifted to the girl who was walking out from the treeline.

If Ita does not follow Queen:
Isobu was cautious of the nearing person. There were two of them, not just one, and they were confident. They were either stupid, or confident (or both). Isobu did not like this situation one bit. But, seeing as the girl had no one to talk to, she did not make the threatening movements. Isobu did not relax, and he did choose to back up a meters from Ita, but he was not taking real action yet. "Who is she?" he said, motioning his head ever so slightly towards the girl.

If Ita does follow Queen:
The girl was not alone, however. There was another version of the boy that had been talking to him. This confirmed that these individuals were capable. Isobu became worried, backing up a few meters in the water, away from the clone of Ita.

What he saw next, however, cinched it for him. The girl looked towards the boy. She cracked her knuckles, and the shear exhiliration on her face seemed transparent. At least, Isobu assumed it was like that. It was mildly difficult to tell at this distance. So he sat but a moment more, now ignoring the clone to watch the girl

Being stood on nearly the full length of his tails, and still being partially submerged, Isobu watched the girl walk onto the lake. Isobu took a sharp breath and released the tension in his tail, causing him to sink into the lake. The murky water made vision nigh impossible, so only by the virtue of their special eyes would the two be able to see Isobu (for simplicity's sake, assume the lake is a perfect circle that descends linearly to a maximum depth of 60 meters.) The murky water soon became cloudy, as did the air above. A thick mist was spreading throughout the area, going so far as to penetrate the tree line, and even reaching the bird-clone flying high above. As he sunk to the bottom of the lake, Isobu would bide his time.

[[Isobu AP Costs and Jutsu:
Illusionary Mist: 100 AP]]
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