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Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Annoying the three tails (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:33 pm
Komon sat cross legged, in the training grounds awaiting his prized gennin. Sakana meijin, he had sent a summons to his student telling him it was time to get some training in on that giant turtle he had given him. The three tails of legend, Isobu. A faint smile would appear on his face as he recalled the victory he had achieved against it. “I wonder if it’s still mad at me” He’d think to himself as he continued to sit.

The Hoshigakure training grounds were much fancier than the training grounds in kumogakure, where Kumo had grass fields and picket fences, hoshigakure had water gardens and stone structures. Looking over the pond in front of him he couldn’t help but think he had chosen the perfect place to train his water meijin friend, and the aquatic three tails of legend.

“This should be interesting” The hyuuga would think to himself.

WC: 151
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:44 pm
Sometimes Sakana couldn’t understand why some people did the things they did sometimes. He was staying very close to Komon and Komori in the slums yet the chuunin sent him a message telling him to meet up at the training grounds. It didn’t matter, how he got the message though he was going to go anyway. This meeting was about the three. The Meijin was getting kind of tired of being told how and when he was supposed to interact this thing. It’s not like it was easy, it actually really sucked.
As he approached the water gardens he realized they were probably the nicest thing in the village. There were some pretty plants and overall had a nicer vibe to it then the rest of the village. Sakana saw Komon sitting down on the ground and would give him a small wave as he said “Hey Komon, you wanted to see me about the three tails? Also you shouldn’t sent me messages about the three tails, people can get a hold of those, oh and plus I have a telepathy seal. Senshi gave it to me and we can talk there.”

WC: 194
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:06 pm
His thoughts were interrupted by the meijin soon enough, the boys voice disturbing the peaceful sounds of nature that surrounded him in the watergardens. His eyebrow would raise as he listened to Sakana’s concerns about the letters. “Good point” He’d say having not really thought about the consequences of his action. He’d not at the mention of the telepathy seal, it was good that more Kumo shinobi were getting linked into the useful seal.

On that note his voice would ring into sakana’s head, “Then its best we talk here, Hoshi ninja could be watching, anyways. I don’t really know anything about training a bijuu… Tell me what you’ve learned so far, so we can think up a plan on how to train this thing.”

He was being honest at least. He had never studied the tailed beasts, the only experience he had with them was sending kunai into their throat. A hint of curiosity would cross his mind before he continued to telepathically speak. “Also are you able to talk to that thing?” He’d chime in, curious as to whether or not the beast could hear him.

WC: 348
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:51 pm
Komon seemed surprised at his entry, like he was expecting him to arrive later or something like that. He would then go on to agree that he should not have sent the letter and that they should talk using the telepathy seal from now on. 
“Sounds good. And yeah I try to vary my movements up so I cant be followed but I have seen some of them watching me.” Sakana would pause a moment as he collect his thoughts on how to train the bijuu. “ Well the thing is there isn’t much of a set say. Senshi told me to meditate but that’s pretty useless most of the time. He was mean to me once and that brought it out but that’s not my favorite thing to deal with so I’m not to sure.” He thought that was everything until he remembered about what the three tails said at the gates. “The three tails did say his family was around at the gates, I’m not entirely sure what that means.  Oh and look at what I can do now.” Sakana would say as he extended his arm. He now accepted the three tails chakra in his body and started to flow it in his hand, causing his fist to be covered in coral. “Pretty cool, right?” There would be a grin on his face.

WC: 428
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:22 pm
Komon listened to the thoughts flooding into his mind from sakana’s. Taking into account the fact that sakana had tried to dodge his watchers, and that he’s seen a few of them. Komon would nod, acknowledging that he had experienced the same series of events.

The next part was what he was most interested in, as he began to listen to sakana’s progress with the beast, it seemed he had gotten pretty far Komon would note as he watched mildly impressed with the coral arm. “So you trained the first tail by getting angry? And the thing talks to you?” Komon would say with a bit of curiousity before an idea popped into his head.

Sakana, I have an idea and you’re not going to like it.” A devilish smile would appear on his face as he said his next idea. “I’m gonna talk to it.
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:44 pm
Sakana’s grin turned into a frown as Komon barely seemed to care about the coral arm. Then the chuunin started to repeat a bunch of things the Meijin had just said.
His frowned hardened as Komon started to suggested the same things that Senshi had tried. Last time that happened he had gotten really hurt, and he wasn’t a fan of getting beat up over and over again for other people’s amusement. “Are you sure that’s what we should do? I mean last time Senshi had to hit me really hard and I would rather that not happen again. But he also threatened to demote me to an academy student if I ever talked back to a superior so I hope that didn’t happen.”
WC: 554
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:55 pm
Just trust me on this, old buddy old pal” Komon would say as his hand swiveled toward his assimilate all creation necklace, and came into contact with the wooden texture. His skin would begin to transform into wood as he got up from his sitting position and said some comforting words to Sakana. “Don’t worry about fighting, I’m not senshi… Not here to beat you up, but I am gonna have to contain you if you’ll allow it.

If Sakana gave him permission he’d start the process of concealing the boy in bedrock coffin, trapping him in an earth dome so that the bijuu couldn’t roam free when it emerged. It would simply be a mental battle between Sakana and the three tails.

With one exception of course, Komon would be using the mind reading technique and the telepathy seal to communicate with both sakana and the three tails along the way, with sakana properly sealed he’d activate the eye mind reading technique to view into sakana’s mind. The three tails wasn’t present yet, but they’d get there in a bit.

Alright, Im in your mind, I can see and hear what you hear. So how do you normally talk to this thing?” He’d ask telepathically, in the real world Sakana and his three tails chakra would be concealed behind the earthen barrier infused in komons own chakra, and Komon would on the outside of it, out of harms way.
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:51 pm
The “Just trust me” statement that had just come out of Komon’s mouth annoyed Sakana more than he would have liked to admit. Why was he supposed to just blindly trust everyone these days? Usually that’s how people end up dead in the movies. But he did trust Komon and Komori more then any other shinobi so he deiced to go along with whatever the chuunin in front of him wanted.
The Hyuuga touched the wooden block around his next and his body started to turn to wood. It was a cool thing to watch, the Meijin wondered if he’d be able to replicate something like that with his coarl eventually. “Nice trick.” Komon then said he wanted to contain him. Sakana would shrug and sigh at the same time. “Alright”
AS he was incased in a literally coffin he would get a telepathic message from Komon saying he was in his mind and he could see and hear everything Sakana heard. He was asked how he normally talked to it. Well that was an issue he keep trying to get across to Senshi last time he was asked that. There was no ‘normal’ way of doing this. He wasn’t really in control of making the monster talk. “Ummm, I don’t know, sometimes he just talks to me. I’ll try using his chakra and see if anything happens.” The Meijin would begin to flow both their  chakras around his body. The bijuu’s to get it to talk and his own to keep himself in control. Finally after a moment or so the three tails had growled, not said any words but it was a start.
Usually the three tails spoke up in the presence of things he didn’t like, Senshi and the other tailed beast for example. That left Sakana with an idea, Komon was also there when the three tails was defeated, maybe he had the same hate for him too. “Maybe you should try talking to him.”

WC: 891
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:57 am
Sakana didn’t seem to have a clue on how to get this beast's attention. It was like the thing didn’t want anything to do with the boy, and was throwing itself a pity party deep in the meijins subconscious. He’d listen closely as he watched the black void that was sakana’s mindscape, and could hear a growl emanating from the dark, which seemed to be the best that his pale faced gennin could muster out of the turtle.

Maybe you should try talking to it

The tidbit of advice rang in Komon’s subconscious, in the form of Sakanas voice. Komon would give a nod in his physical body, forgetting that Sakana couldn’t see it and giving the meijin and the beast little preparation to what he was about to say.

Hey three tails! How’s the neck!?

His voice would echo loudly through the black void, much like an echo in a cave.
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Annoying the three tails (IO) Empty Re: Annoying the three tails (IO)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:56 am
Komon agreed to talking to the three tails, sadly he seemed to just want to taunt it and not try and do anything productive. Normally this didn’t work on the three tails but the chuunin seemed to hit a sore spot. The three tailed beast would snarl and say   “Get out of here.” And that would be it for now.
Sakana wanted to say something but he was unsure on what to do, he lived with this thing and it didn’t talk to him very often so the best thing to do he figure would be to stay back and listen into their conversation. Hopefully not lose control and such.

WC: 1,003
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