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The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:08 am
“Exactly.” Queen said, cutting off the boy after his first sentence. “At least one, meaning we don’t need all of them alive either. They have to be made an example and I’m sure the Hokage would agree.” The girl had no care for the harsh tone Sal was beginning to have. She was used to getting under people’s skin. It was unfortunate most people didn’t share her views. Maybe she just grew up in the wrong village and truly belonged somewhere else. Either way, The blonde Chunin wasn’t going to let the boy get in the way of completing the mission in the way she saw fit. There was no way that the boys would get away with what they did without facing the ultimate consequence. If it was someone that Sal cared about that they killed, Queen was certain the he would feel the same way she had.

What happened next was something that Queen didn’t quite expect. It was hard to take the blonde beauty by surprise, but Sal did find a way. Queen flicked her eyes towards the boy who’s form began to change. What was once an almost six foot man was now a nine foot wolf the color of snow. “How fitting.” The Yamano said in a low tone voice but still audible to her teammate. Queen took another calming breath to activate the second phase of the Seven Heavens Breathing Method, increasing her speed to almost match Salzem’s and not falling too far behind from the boy. She could tell what he was trying to do and she’d be damned if she was going to let him get away with it. Was it her pride? Maybe, but her point would be proven.

With her Byakugan still active, Queen took her final breath, pushing her body body even further. She still remained behind Salzem, going at the same speed of 130. She could easily pass him at this point, but she figured she would wait for her moment. The girl watched as Salzem charged ahead of the Three Genin, cutting the traitors off from continuing their pass. Being oddly silent for his size, he was able to take the runaway ninja by surprise as he tackle the three ninja, knocking them away from one another being sent towards different directions; one of them headed towards where Queen was located. The moment Sal had gone for the attack, The blonde would have picked up her speed to 170, moving just as silently as the large beast. She prepared to draw her ninjato, as she pushed herself off the last branch and towards he Genin that was now flung towards her direction. The distance between the Queen and the Genin at this point was less than three meters while the distance to Sal was fifteen. The girl quickly swiftly drew out her blade and fatally slashed through the boy’s chest at a speed of 190 and strength of 130. She would come to a stop only a few meters from the boy’s body that quickly fell limp in a pool of blood. She was tough but she wasn’t cruel; she was sure to make it a killing blow.

To the other two that remained that stared in horror, Queen spoke calmly towards them. “You two have committed a terrible crime. Either you calmly return to Konoha with us, or you end up like your friend.” Rei wasn’t just going to let all three of them live for what they had done, but she figured making an example out of the one of the three would suffice as a compromise between the two Chunin’s conflicting views. Though, whether Sal would agree was a whole other question.

40 for Seven Heavens
20 for quickdraw
1 for byakugan
AP used up to this point: somewhere around 82

The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:11 pm
Salzem reached for one of the kids, having 2 of them fell away no more than a meter, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and slamming his forehead into his nose, causing it to crumple with a splash of blood (speed 145, strength 45). Immediately, the genin fell unconsciousness, laid out on the ground. Not wasting another moment, the white wolf reached for the other, thrusting his fist into his stomach, the force of the blow nearly making his eyes bulge out of his sockets (Strength 50, Speed 145). Two of them down before any of them had time to react. Salzem looked around for the third kid, a kid around his age, but he couldn't find his scent, only blood. Perhaps it was that what was splashed upon his wolven features, but to his dismay, this was not the case. He turned around only to see the corpse of the girl split nearly in half with Queen's bloodied blade being wrenched from his ribcage. Salzem stared at the corpse as Queen freed her weapon, then at the killer herself, giving her nothing but a look of contempt and disgust. And she called him scum... What a vile waste of human life... She didn't come after the others as they were already defeated, apparently decided she had killed enough children. Konoha's command would hear of this and, at the very least, she would be reprimanded. It was at times like these Salzem wished they never came to got him. He had this to return to. Authorized capital punishment on genin who hardly knew the point of a kunai from the pommel, who were more likely to have accidentally killed that innocent rather than it being in cold blood. To the ninja hierarchy those specifics may not matter, but to the lycan that just watched a child get cut in half, it did. Someone in command was in the wrong just as much as his murderer of a comrade. Was it worth coming back to see things have only degraded further?

He didn't even acknowledge the girl's earlier comments nor the ones to their former opponents. With one massive arm, he scooped up the broken-nosed kid, draping him over his massive wolven shoulder and with the other, he tucked the bulge-eyed kid under his arm. There was nothing more to say. What would be the point? The mission was done and Queen had bloodied her blade for a stupid-a reason as her ethics on criminals. One could practically see the dark cloud brooding over Salzem's head as he made his way back to Konoha, evidence of their success in hand. If he were alone, he would have been able to save everyone, if only for a little while. Perhaps the Hokage would have sentenced them to execution and that was his right, but these were KONOHA people that were just slain and slain with such a cool brutality that it made it even more sickening a sight. Queen may have not seen herself as cruel, but that's the only word that she could be attributed with, a word that all Konoha ninja may have been attributed with. Each of the kids in Salzem's possession were breathing normally, less so the kid with the shattered nose, but he would not drown. Salzem anticipated Queen would go for one more as per her threat. He didn't bother to take the trees as they did on their way there. Now he walked at a normal pace back to the village, contemplating the horror show behind him.

AP 760

-10 Packleader form
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The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:25 am
The girl blade dug into the boy’s body and went through it like butter. The girl would have been three meters away from the boy once her actions was complete. During this time, Sal has grabbed the other two kids and knocking them out almost immediately. the girl just was plainly as she flicked the blood off her blade and re-sheathed it. The two Chunin made eye contact as Sal wasn’t at all afraid to express how he felt. He didn’t have to say anything, his face said it all. Queen’s eyes flickered to one of the boy’s the the male Chunin knocked out as it exploded into a puff of smoke, revealing the body to just be a log.

The girl’s eyes shifted to her left where the male was now rushing towards her at a speed she could easily read. To show Salzem that she would mean the boy no harm; well no fatal harm, she kept her blade sheathed and simply faced the boy. Him being no further than just a meter, she easily blocked the punch that he threw with her right forearm before grabbing the boy’s shoulder with her left hand. Having complete control of her body weight, she jumped over him, still maintaining a hold of his should. Using her weight and strength against him, she landed and flung the Genin ten meters until his path was cut off by a tree. It seemed to knock the boy out instantly.

Assuming that Sal continued the same actions of picking up the two live Genin, The young Hyuuga made her way towards the male she killed. She crouched down near the male who had been the injured one of the group. The boy laid dead on his back, his hollow eyes still open and looking up towards the clear blue sky. She studied his face, taking a look at all his features. She couldn’t help but think that he sort of looked like Jace. The boy couldn’t have been much younger than she currently was and with that, she considered the life that she took. Did she regret it? No, but she still believed that her actions were for the protection of the Hidden Leaf, There was a chance that they could strike again killing another innocent, and that was something she didn’t want to gamble. Besides, she would much rather a tainted life be taken over a pure life any day. Whether or not Sal or anyone else understood her for it was none of her concern.

Queen used her thumb and index finger to close the boys eyes before removing his headband. She would take it back to the village as proof that they took care of the third Genin. With that, she was off, catching up to her partner for the mission where they begun their quite trip back to the village.  “What I did was for the good of the village, whether you choose to understand that or not.” Queen spoke up, an hour into their travels back. Her voice would be different this time around. It wasn’t much of a stuck up monotone. “Have you ever heard of the broken glass theory? Well if we let these kids get away with murder and even an attempt to flee the village, they’ll be others who will try the same. Sure these kids will be punished now, but if they’re only sentenced to prison? That doesn’t frighten all people from committing crimes…”

She tried to explain it to her werewolf counter part. She wasn’t sure what it was that made her want  to explain, but she figured she’d give it a shot. “If it was someone you loved that they killed, someone you promised to protect. Don’t tell me you would show them mercy.” Her voice was almost sorrowful. She thought about the few people in her life that she actually cared for, and the things she would do to anyone who hurt them. Rei wasn’t sure how the man would respond, but depending on how he did would set the tone for their future encounters.

The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:34 am
As they made their way back to Konoha, Queen remained silent for a while, not bothering to interact with him. Good. He thought. I don't want to talk with you anyway. It was about half-way back that she finally decided to speak up, claiming that what she did was for the good of the village, whether or not he chose to understand. Oh, he understood. He once had a student who felt the same damn way about those kinds of ninja, about himself once. Salzem knew what she was saying, he simply scorned her reasoning. He didn't say a thing as she attempted to justify her actions, saying that if others see that they can escape the village and come back unpunished, more will try as well. They reasoning she gave him for her murder was nothing less than frustrating. Not because she was right, but because of how wrong she was. He had no idea how many attempted to leave since he did nor could he predict how many contemplated it as an option, but since he came back, not a single case of a successful MN escaping Konoha has been recorded to his knowledge. In addition, she claimed that life-time in prison for these children wasn't enough to scare down the population into obedience and that made his blood boil. Is that where they were in this day and age? We have to scare our own people into staying in line for our own convenience? What kind of sick, twisted perversion did Salzem return to? Better question, what kind of sick twisted perversion was Queen spouting? Is this truly what she believed in? That they must kill children now to manipulate public opinion against acting against public opinion? Why the hell was she a Konoha ninja? Such ethics would by her a one-way ticket to the top in Kirigakure or Kumogakure, based on the little news to come out of either. Salzem snorted in contempt, adjusting his shoulder so the kid hung over would remain in place. She paused for a moment, seemingly to gather her thoughts. Salzem glanced down and saw that there was some amount of pain in her eyes, strain etched into her face. As if holding back tears, Queen asked if he would show mercy to someone who killed someone he swore to protect. That made Salzem stop, but not contemplate her words at all. He looked down on her with a sort of stony anger, silent for only another moment.

"I have lost five people to this damned job." He held up an extended hand, each finger representing a person. "One was my first and closest friend, murdered before my eyes. Two of them were my students in the ways of ninja, One was my teacher, the one who attempted that raid on Konoha a year back. And the last one was my own damned self because I let it consume me." He growled darkly at her question, his grip tightening on the kids just a bit. "If you asked me back when my best friend was murdered, I'd have said no. But FOUR people died because I couldn't resist my damned hunger for their deaths. Four. People. All of which I swore my life to as my friends and family. When I came back to the village, I mourned over their graves, I cursed the world, but one thing I didn't do is go off and demand their killers' heads. Do you know why?" He paused, but not giving her enough time to ask. "Because that was the stupidity that got them killed in the first place. You want to know if I would show them mercy?" Salzem dropped the kid off his shoulder, holding him up in front of Queen, shattered nose and all. "Look at him." He demanded. "Look at this kid. He can't be more than 12 or 13, a kid who can barely pull a katana out of it's holster and you want to kill him? Does that make you feel good to end another life to justify the one he took? He is a CHILD. He probably doesn't even realize what he's done." Salzem propped the kid back on his shoulder and turned his back to her and kept walking. "I just had a great idea. Why don't you kill me too while you're at it? After all I took my own fair share of lives doing my 'ninja duty.' Perhaps afterwards you'll get rewarded for killing someone extra on your mission, someone who posed an EVEN GREATER threat to Konoha's security because... ah, who cares about the details. All that matters is that I got blood on my hands. Rank? Age? Friends? Family? What does it matter to you, right? Its not OUR friends and family." His sarcasm was drenched across his words.

"We're all murderers, Queen." He grumbled. "We're just paid for it. Get over yourself." With that, Salzem continued on his way, leaving his words to sink in.

AP: 760

-10 Packleader Form

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The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:21 pm
Queen listened patiently to the boy’s angry remarks, letting his words seep in and honing in on his emotions. The boy suddenly stopped, and Queen paused with him as he suddenly held up one of the unconscious kids towards him. She didn’t refuse his request and simply stared at the boy, her face emotionless but behind her walls and deep within, she did feel a little bit of guilt but she’d never admit to it. Even though, she didn’t agree with all Sal said about the child. at 12 or 13, Queen could probably hold her own against most of the Village’s Chunin and she wasn’t even a ninja yet. In the world they lived in, age meant nothing. The ninja world was a world where one had to grow up fast. These kids swore and oath when they decided to become a ninja, and they broke that oath when they killed an innocent civilian, accident or not.

“ I don’t know what your full story is nor do I want to but yes. People die, it’s part of the job description. Those deaths weren’t on you and if you think they were then get over it. No one likes a pity party.” Queen finally replied, her voice quite spiteful. She didn’t believe that he quite got the point she was trying to make and she wasn’t about to try to change a stubborn mind. “Child or not, he committed a crime and broke his duty as a leaf ninja. If you think he deserves special treatment then maybe this just isn’t the job for you.” She said bluntly. “Maybe you should go teach at the academy and teach these brats not to kill people.”

Queen was almost at her tipping point with her male counterpart.  “Of course it matters!” She almost shouted at the male before bringing her voice back down. “ If it was someone I cared about,  one of the few people in this world that I care about who murdered an innocent man or woman, I would want their head too.” Her voice were quick and in sync, not missing a single beat before slowing down for her closing statement. “You can call me a killer if you please, but I am doing what I feel like I must to ensure that those around me stay safe. There is no room for chance so if there is even a slight possibility that these kids could strike again, I want to squash it.” Queen proceeded to leaped off the ground and on to one of the many branches up above. “You’re right. We’re all murderers. It’s why we kill that matters.” She took a small pause before continuing. “Get those two into custody, I’ll file the paperwork.” With that, Queen headed off ahead at a speed of 170.

[exit unless conversation continued]

twc: 3390
Claiming 3000 ryo and 7 ap
1196 words toward early sacrifice finishing it
1665 towards mastering seven heavens
529 words towards weaponry
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The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:45 pm
Approved, Queen


+3000 ryo
+8 Stat Points
+7 Ap
Early Sacrifice
+1665 words towards mastering Seven Heavens
+529 words towards

The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:47 am
"Sure, I'll bring them into custody." Salzem snorted as he watched Queen disappear from sight. "Too bad their friend won't be joining them." He was really starting to hate this girl. He contemplated if this was some sort of twisted joke the Hokage had played on them, putting them together. He wouldn't put much past this new Hokage after today, he was sure of that. Salzem nudged the broken-nosed kid off his shoulder as he continued his walk home, holding him by this neck as he observed his bleeding. It seemed that the kid was tougher than he looked, though, at the angle his nose was now pointing, it was likely he would wake up screaming. He wondered how much Queen would enjoy to watch his trial and possible execution. He imagined her standing right up there in the front of the crowd, eating out of her favorite snack as if it were a sporting event. The image itself had a surprisingly appealing macabre humor, funny enough to get a laugh out of the werewolf. People were so stupid... The Shinobi code was so flat and non-negotiable that they don't account for situations like these. He knew that what Queen had said earlier was meant to be a jab but he was seriously considering becoming a teacher at the academy so stupid stuff like this would never happen again. He imagined standing in front of a class of kids who hated being there, keeping his temper on it's shortest leash as he attempted to explain basic principles to kids who would resist him every step of the way... He laughed again. With any luck, the kid will be demoted and tossed back into the academy along with his compatriot. What they should be teaching is how to save lives, not just OUR lives. Its like Konoha is constantly undermining its own strength so it has an excuse to execute people like these two children and feel GOOD about it. "Here's your pay and here's another star on your collar for a job well done."

The ninja code... Its such garbage... but for now, its all he's really got.


WC: 3505

Claiming: 3505 towards Early Sacrifice and 3000 ryo.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Queen and her Dog - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queen and her Dog

Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:55 am

You also get 7 AP. Approved <3
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