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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:47 pm
The Uchiha, Samaruo, made his way through his district, heading towards the training grounds to meet up with his "brother", Johnny Senju. Another one he thought, while calmly waking through the crowds of Uchiha, their clan emblems spawned almost everywhere. The pondering Uchiha thought back towards the incident, where he erased the mind of Johnny, implanting the false thoughts that suggested Samaruo to be his older brother. No matter, he thought this to be the appropriate action, he thought. Due to Samaruo's action, he would now have to care for not only Johnny, but Essme and Nightshade. Not to mention prim as well, but still, the list kept growing bigger and bigger. With a sigh, he turned the corner, the training ground now with in eye reach of the of the Shinobi. Today, would be the day where he would get to see what Johnny was capable off. He smirked as the inner thought statement, Johnny would be in for some tough training today. But when it all comes down to it, it is all really just to help him succeed, that is what brothers do, they help each other.

Now passing through the open gate, he walked towards an open field, stopping to admire it for a while as he waited. The Uchiha was dressed with a high collared grey shirt, short sleeved. With was tuck to his waited, because of the thick dark navy blue cloth that wrapped around it. His pants were ordinary black tights, which were also tucked into his high top shinobi sandals. The only weapon that he carried for today, was his sheathed sword, Selene, which was secured tightly to his back waist, the hilt pointing toward the right in an upward position, for easy access. Looking outward, his eyes, still black as coal as he had yet activated his sharingan, gazed outward towards the sun which was just about to set. It was very late in the day, but still held a little sun light. The scene was beautiful, butt he outcome was what Samaruo wanted to see the Moon appear, night time, his favorite time of the day. Not a day goes by where he never thought about the moon, a curse to others, but a blessing to him.

What would be next after this time with Johnny? What would Samaruo do next to keep this brother of his close to him? His mind warped as he tried to figure out the answer. For a moment, he thought this to be the right action, the right course for Johnny. But now, was Samaruo developing second thoughts about his actions, as if he already hasn't. His right hand reached for the back of his head, stroking, but at the same time grasping the back of his long back hair, his Scarlet ring shining somewhat because of the sun's reflection, contemplating on the fact that he might have screwed up someone's life. Samaruo flung his hand back to his side, the frustration brought upon this was..., unbearably frustrating. it wasn't his fault that Johnny's parents got killed in combat, but still, altering one's future still placed him in the drama. perhaps next time, which Samaruo did not foresee to come in the near future, would think more than twice if he was placed in the same situation again.

With a sigh, he felt his mind becoming at ease, what was done was done. Johnny was his responsibility now, he had to care for him now. First Esmeralda, now Johnny. Samaruo smiled at the thought, while waiting for his little brother to arrive on scene. His chakra senses, now mastered, scanned the area constantly, to reach out for him.

[My word count is 603.]
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:32 pm
Johnny notice he's older brother standing around waiting for him "Now my chance I'll bring you down and show you what i'm really made of" Johnny stood behind a brush as he pulled out a kunai he grin "I know brother is strong but so am I!" Johnny jump from the brush attacking samarou from his back "This is the prefect attack going for his blind spot he want ever notice" Johnny was going for a non-killing strike but a strike that would cause his brother to fall to the ground as johnny reach three feet from his brother johnny aim his kunai at  samaruo right arm. "I'm going to get him!"
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:54 am
As expected, Johnny had arrived. His form hidden from view, but not from senses. At first he honestly hadn't a clue who it was, except the fact that the chakra signature that was detected was relatively small, genin to almost academy level. And since no one here was to be expected except his brother, it was pretty obvious who it was, at last they could begin.

To a hint of fast pacing, gave clue that the match was already on its way. The source of chakra coming closer and closer, Samaruo smiled at the attempt. But this was why he was here, to help his brother become stronger. Samaruo turned towards Johnny, now facing him at 9 meters before Johnny could reach such a close range. His right hand reached for the hilt of his sword, pulling it out in a quick succession, the sharp sound echoed from it. If Johnny would proceed to carry out his official attack, with the kunai drawn. Samaruo would lift Selene high in the air, and slash downwards at the held Kunai, using his strength to disarm Johnny. He had much to learn, especially if he wanted to learn how to execute sneak attacks properly.

Today would be the first step towards the future for Johnny, with enough training and focus, he might be able too take the chuunin exams sooner than he things. it just depended on how well he could excel in the arts of shinobi.
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:06 am
Johnny saw the counter-attack by his brother and fell back regaining his position "Zahaha!" Johnny knew his attack wouldn't work " I'm glad to see you haven't gotten any weaker brother I think the village would have turn its back knowing a genin had brought you down" Johnny started to walk up to hes brother "So whats the plan for today big bro" Johnny looked up to hes brother with a big grin
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:07 am
Samaruo, observing the smile one Johnny's face, his own being quite bleak, returned his sword back into its hilt. Weak? Even in Samaruo's weak state, his brother Johnny would still be at a disadvantage, It was just how weak Johnny was. However, that would change soon enough. It was time for them to being their drills, Johnny really. Samaruo's job is to serve as his instructor to day, his first drill for Johnny, was chakra control, that is key to any shinobi that wished to excel in the arts. "Our drill for today will be focused on Chakra control, you need to learn how to utilize your chakra more proficiently, if you ever wish to use any high tier jutsu. That is what most shinobi today have trouble in, if you can master this, you can not only strengthen your potency of your chakra, but you can also learn to use less chakra when performing jutsu, thus saving chakra." Samaruo stopped himself to see if Johnny understood what he was saying, or more less listening. "So what did I just say, Johnny?"

Samaruo was ready to train Johnny, and if his brother should listen, the more easier this whole exercise will be. All this took was will power, the power to keep going, and never quit. If Johnny gave Samaruo the go ahead, His first command would follow with the seal of the tiger, his hands making the appropriate gesture. "Whenever your ready, make the tiger hand seal, like this. Summon as much chakra as you can, and don't over strain yourself. Straining yourself will only hurt your chances of developing healthy chakra."
[My word count is 1131.]
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:14 am
Johnny heard what he's older brother had to say as Samaruo ask Johnny if he got everything Johnny nodded and respond back "I understand brother if i can learn how to control my chakra i will be able to used my chakar in a more efficient way" Johnny gave his brother the thumbs up as he preform the tiger sign "Okay Don't over do it but don't be scared to go all out as well i need the prefect balance to nail this" The grass under Johnny began to blow as the Chakra stir up the air a bright blue color started to show "Ahhhhhh! More I gotta show brother my power Ahhhhh!" The Chakra started to stir up even more causing a little dent into the ground "This is all i got i can't push out anymore" All of a sudden the chakra stop flowing and Johnny fall on his butt Johnny looked at his brother and smile "Guess I over did it a little big brother zahaha"
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:40 am
Samaruo took pride in being an instructor, he seemed to love to teach people the knowledge and wisdom that he knew he possessed. He even so much as requested that he become a instructor in the academy, teaching the young about what they were getting into, the life of a shinobi. This characteristic was no doubt the cause of Viper's success, Samaruo wanting what Viper has, which seemed to be everything a man could want. The road to lead him to this would be a long and tedious one, but in the end, his hard work and efforts will pay of, Samaruo knew this to be true.
Watching Johnny make the tiger hand sign, his chakra interacted with the environment. So much, that Johnny's chakra took form, then bluish aura surrounding him. This was actually quite a shocker to the Uchiha, normally chakra is invisible to the naked eye, the only time chakra takes form like this, is when there is an abundant amount of strong chakra. For Johnny to do this at his level..., perhaps Samaruo misunderstood what Johnny's current standing really was. Hearing his brother calling out to him, reaching his limit, Samaruo watched as the surge of chakra vanished, as well as Johnny falling to the ground. Was this his true limit? "No, you did just fine. You actually surprised me when your chakra took form, becoming visible like that. Do you know why chakra becomes visible like that?" Samaruo left a paused to see if Johnny would know or not, either way Samaruo would explain if he knew or not. This information was taught in the academy, so Johnny might know a little about it, or perhaps not. "Its because when the body releases an abundant amount of chakra, the chakra, the chakra points in your body are pushed to their limits, releasing raw chakra that take form. in fact, their are certain techniques that take that raw chakra, and allow it to take shape and form." Samaruo flashed back to where he first met Johnny, the fires that nearly burned down the Senju district.
Stepping back two steps, Samaruo's body turned towards his left, away from Johnny now looking towards a vast distance. Samaruo had planned to begin with Johnny all the way from square one, however, with this new discovery, Samaruo wanted to try something a little different with his brother. "Johnny, watch what I do, carefully...", he stressed the last word as this was dangerous. shutting his eyes, Samaruo's sharingan activated, the three tomoe eye took sight upon the world as he opened his eyes. bringing both of his hands up closer to his chest, his hands formed different hand signs, one after the other, slowly. Normally, he would cast these hand signs with great speed, but for teaching purposes, he needed Johnny to be able to see them. Horse, Tiger, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger, with these, Samaruo knead the chakra within himself, his right hand brought towards his mouth, expelling out a huge ball of fire that rumbled with noise. The fiery sphere traveling away from the two, till it crashed into the ground 20 feet away from them, forming a crater where it vanished. Turning towards Johnny, head alone, Samaruo would ask Johnny to try. "I want you to try this, this time, instead of releasing chakra, I want to concentrate it within your body, feel it within you. When you do so, expel it outwards." Samaruo pointed towards the direction where the crater was located, "That way..., if you need help remembering the hand signs, let me know and I will tell you by mouth, you should already be able to know them by now if you paid attention in the academy."

[My word count is 1754.]
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:16 am
Johnny faced showed a glowing looked getting approval from his brother meant a lot to him "Thanks brother I know i can do better just..." Before Johnny could finish Samarou ask him a question "Ahh... I think i might have skip that class" Samarou went on telling Johnny anyway "Thats so cool I heard of high rank ninja being able to control the elements but never believe them" Johnny sat back and watch his brother preform the hand signs as the fireball flew from his mouth it made Johnny eyes grow big "You think i'll be able to do that brother? I don't know it seems a little out of my league don't you think?" Johnny took this challenge on anyways stepping back at a good distance "Okay just like what brother did" Johnny got his hand signs down saying each one out loud "Horse, Tiger, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger" He than took a big inhale then exhale a flame looked to appear coming out from Johnny mouth Johnny had closed his eyes not knowing if it was working or not "Am I doing it!?" Johnny would open his eyes to see a less greater fireball then Samarou the flame was about the size of a soccer ball Johnny face looked disappointed and stop the jutsu he walk back to Samarou with his head down "Talk about a weak flame. I don't think i'll ever be on the same level as you brother"
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:51 am
With a slight smile, Samaruo looked over to the side away from Johnny, he had much to learn. But that was why his big brother was here, it was very fortunate that he had Samaruo to help guide him, not many would talk the time and help those who are in need, correctly. For Johnny to not know the fundamentals of chakra, but to have graduated from the academy really bothered him, just what kind of instructors were teaching at the academy? It was a shame really, the shinobi arts took more than just memorizing the hand signs and learning jutsu, it also required one to study the knowledge and history behind the techniques as well. Samaruo even wondered if many even knew that the Fire ball jutsu was created by the Uchiha, and used by them for many purposes, if this practice kept up, the knowledge of most jutsu would vanish within time, being lost.
Focusing back on his brother, his body whole, shifting back towards the direction of Johnny, caught his words of doubt. "You have the capability Johnny, you just need proper instruction, discipline, and the will. As long as i'm here, as long as you have the will, you will be just fine." Samaruo watched as Johnny backed away from him, while ending with words of hope and confidence, Samaruo too walked off to the side, towards Johnny's left, out of the line of fire. Standing 6 feet away from Johnny at his side, he watched Johnny perform the hand signs. Everything seemed to be going well, he even managed to expel a ball of fire out of his mouth, though it seemed to lack strength in it. The fire ball made was then sent away from them, a good few meters away, Samaruo's face tense after the flames, he relaxed it while watching Johnny return to him, his head tilted down. Did he give up already?  
Already, it was then that Samaruo had already discovered what the problem was, before Johnny walked over to him. "Your right. You, will never be as good as me..., as long as you have that sense of doubt within you. There's an old Uchiha legend that most outsiders don't know very well, his name was, Utagai Uchiha. Utagai was a young, and very talented Uchiha, whom some thought was blessed by the heavens twice. It was due to his natural talent in the shinobi arts. But the flaw he held was that he was too easily swayed into giving up when he failed in certain tasks. Ironic, how with all that talent, all that fame..., all the high expectations of becoming an unbeatable shinobi, he failed to even graduate from the academy and simply gave up, thus defeating himself. The point is, you will never go anywhere if you don't have the confidence or will to achieve something. I watched as you closed your eyes, an action of doubt." Samaruo could tell that Utagai's shoes fit very well on Johnny's as of this moment, that would need to change. "Believe in yourself Johnny, now walk back over there, and try again." he extended his arm outwards towards Johnny's previous spot, his fingers pointing the way. Hopefully this tragic story would prompt Johnny into not giving up, seeing Johnny end up like that was not something Samaruo would idly standby and let happen.
[My word count is 2121, Memorizing Johnny's chakra signature.]
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Brothers of two Lineage [P] Empty Re: Brothers of two Lineage [P]

Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:25 am
You could see the fire in Johnny eyes as Samaruo gave his motivating speech to him "Maybe your right brother maybe i do but to much doubt in my ability a little to much I have to convince myself I do have the skills to become a elite Shinobi okay brother i'm ready to do this again" Johnny walk back to where he first attempted the jutsu Johnny began to talk to himself only mumbles could be heard from a distance "Brother has so much faith in me why can't i believe in myself as much as he does I have to stop putting myself down so often" Johnny arrive at the location where Samaruo pointed at "Okay Johnny take a deep breath you can do this" Johnny counting saying those words repeating them five times he then locked in opening his eyes his body language showed my confidence "I've never felt this way before its a feeling of no worries not fearing if i will fail or disappointed anyone this is what brother must of been talking about" Johnny grin as he shouted out to Samaruo "Brother I finally get what you were talking about I'm going to master this jutsu right now!" Johnny quickly preform the handsigns and took in a huge breath his chest puff out in mere moments a gaint fireball arise from Johnny mouth the fire lasted a couple minutes it then disappear Johnny face showed excitement he started to jump up and down he then ran towards Samaruo "Brother I did it I did it!" Johnny waited for Samaruo reaction
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