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Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:23 pm
9:15 AM. The daybreak shone through the horizon, cutting through the cumulus clouds that covered the luminous sun in arrays. The land of Konoha once dreary from an unknown event of the rainy weather overnight now reverted to its sunny cast. Light collided against the open windows in the Ace’s room, battling the former darkness in an easy squash fight. Suddenly, his eyes would open immediately, albeit in a groggily matter. Tadashi would scan his room in a groggy manner; alarm clocks would appear as duplicates of each other and clothes would seem upside-down as if it were some sort of LSD Dream. The ginger would get off his mediocre bed which if he could remember correctly, was bought at a thrift shop about to close down for about 1.5k Ryo. Yeah, his father was a cheap man, to say the least. As he got off the bed, it shook repeatedly, screws spinning off rapidly similar to those Beyblades he heard of on the radio last night. The grand finale was the feeble legs snapping in half causing the construction to collapse wildly. Wood chips flew out in disarray, threatening to stab the teen in the eye if it was not for his superhuman-like reflexes catching it in the air between his pinky and ring finger. “And this is why you don’t buy shit in a thrift store.” He sighed heavily, this was a terrible start to what could have been a peaceful day devoid of ninja duties. Well, it could have been worse. Dropping the sharp piece of wood without injuring himself, he strolled through the upper hallway laced with gray fuzzy carpet which always gave him a euphoric feeling on his heels. Is that what being drunk feels like? Now he started envying Raiu, being able to drink Sake at 16, yet he never saw his brother drinking Sake at all for some peculiar reason. Perhaps it was not as good as people made it out to be. Musing would have to wait, however, since the ginger had arrived at his destination, the bathroom. Tadashi attempted to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. Looking down, a light would be present from the doorway. The ginger clenched his fist in annoyance.

“ASSHOLE! OPEN THE DOOR!” He knew it was his brother Raiu and the older brother usually took a long time in the bathroom. Tadashi wasn’t waiting for half an hour especially since he wanted to enjoy today. “NOPE! YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN HERE EARLIER! UNLIKE YOUR DUMBASS, I HAVE A DATE TODAY!” Raiu retorted. “YOUR BODY PILLOWS DON’T COUNT!” The door swung open in a flash, revealing Raiu’s sharpened glare, his 3-Tomoe Sharingan active at the same time. “The hell you said about my body pillows?” The older brother’s voice was deep, about to tackle the younger one, yet suddenly, his glare softened. Bewilderment took over his look, “W-w-what’s with your eyes?” The Ace, confused would run over to the closest mirror in the bathroom. His original sapphire eyes were switched to something more sinister. Blood red scarlet eyes, slit in the middle, resembling a demonic beast straight from the depths of purgatory. A strange, yet intoxicating feeling surged through Tadashi, the only feeling that was relatively similar was when he fought the young woman back in the Invasion of Sunagakure. He attempted to use physical force and tried to use chakra to reflow the energy back in his upper body, but it was all futile. “Maybe Dad would know!” The ginger thought quickly is desperation. If he did somehow “awaken” an atypical version of his Sharingan, he needed confirmation from his father since he was very close if not the closest person to Naomi, his Uchiha mother. Therefore, he would have some knowledge of the Dojutsu as a whole. Raiu wasn’t a reliable source the ginger thought since he had just awakened his Sharingan a few months ago.

Rushing down the staircase at lightning-fast speeds, Tadashi dashed to his father at Lightning-fast speeds. Souichirou was sipping on his signature iced coffee consisting of freshly harvested coffee beans from the Haven Country he bought months ago on an escapade for retired shinobi, vanilla cream made from Tanzaku town, fresh, mineral water, finally, all brought together with refrigerated ice. Masterfully holding his newspaper with his remaining hand without folding it, his glasses would droop down to his nose. As an experienced fighter, his sense of hearing detected his youngest son running towards him in a frenzy. He stood up immediately at the sight of Tadashi with Raiu following suit, equally as confused yet somehow more bewildered than that of the ginger. “Dad! Something is wrong with my eyes, what’s going on?” Tadashi frantically demanded. Souichirou blinked, surprised at what was happening before his expression turned more solemn. “So, he has awakened his Dracosight. Level 2 already.” He pondered, half in pride and the other half in astonishment. “Tadashi, Raiu. Take a seat, there are many things I need to inform you too about.”

They followed obediently. The ex-shinobi cleared his throat before proceeding, “I am not clanless. My name is not Souichirou Namikaze, it is Souichirou Pendragon.” The brothers’ eyes widened in unison. “W-wait, Dad, you don’t have a Dojutsu nor bloodline. How can you be part of a clan?” Raiu asked. Tadashi stood silent as a menacing wave of air blew through the open windows. Souchirou’s eyes shapeshifted slit emerald green, nearly mirroring Tadashi’s beside the color. “This is the main bloodline of a Pendragon, Dracosight. Every single Pendragon’s blood is infused with the blood of a Dragon naturally by birth. This blood holds mythical powers that far exceed the one that chakra can give. Dracosight is involuntarily learned when a Pendragon’s blood has matured to a point where latent power is released that can mimic the form of a dojutsu, creating things, and memorizing objects for examples. Usually, Pendragons are supposed to awaken Dracosight when they’re adults, by the time knights take up their sword. I guess the latent potential of the next generation of Royal Family is one to marvel at.” He explained. It seemed that his coffee was finished with, so he put it aside for the moment, resting on the table.

“...What the...So are you saying that Raiu and I both have Dragon Blood from this clan called Pendragon and we’re royalty? What kind of fantasy novel is this?” The ginger rubbed his forehead profusely. There was no goddamn way he could wrap his head around this. “All of my life, I’ve been called a weakling, trash, a degenerate, a waste of space back in the Uchiha district for almost all of my childhood. You NOW tell us that I’m part of some clan with special Dragon powers. I don’t believe you.” Tadashi was about to storm off, feeling dizzy from the amount of energy he was using to upkeep Dracosight but Souchirou would stop him with these words.“How do you explain the creation of your swords? Did you seriously think that they were created by you? How did you also know how to memorize weapon composition and their exact dimensions? Your projections were simply an advanced application of shaping your chakra precisely to mimic a weapon of your choosing. Any Pendragon worth their salt can do it. Allow me to demonstrate.”

A golden outline of light appeared on Souchirou’s hand before a rigid dagger was created out of raw chakra, shocking both Tadashi and Raiu to the bone. “T-this can’t be…” The Ace muttered, now realizing that the technique he thought he created out of pure hard work was simply an easy technique taught to his father’s clan. “I didn’t tell you guys about our lineage because House Silver, the ruler house of the Pendragon clan is in great danger. You see, there are many houses of the clan that serve a certain duty. The two main places in the Pendragon clan used to be Sunagakure and Hoshigakure. Due to a major fire in the two villages, most of the Pendragon population was killed off, especially the Royal family. There are 10 Royal Family members in recorded existence, including us. The others are rumored to live around the Haven Country mostly. Due to many power-hungry Pendragons in other houses, remaining members of House Silver have been forced to hide from stronger enemies in fear of a coup. If any potential dragon in Konoha saw you two performing Pendragon abilities, you could be captured as hostage- or perhaps killed. Your mother and I were supposed to rule the Pendragons happily, with honor and pride, yet we’re reduced to rats begging to stay alive. How pathetic are we?” Souchirou sighed, wounds from losing his wife have now resurfaced yet again. The room, once again, fell silent. Raiu and Tadashi were both shocked by what their father said; most of it - if not everything he said made sense to why the Namikaze family was not accepted into the Uchiha clan and why Tadashi had not awakened his Sharingan, yet Raiu had.

The ginger would feel conflicted with his identity. Was everything a lie? Falsehoods? Half-truths? Whatever it was, quiet resolve would envelop the boy’s soul. Newfound bravery had awakened in Tadashi. Standing up suddenly, his Dracosight deactivated quickly, astonishing the other two males. “Take me to the Pendragon territory, it is our duty after all. This knight, dragon blood, and capturing shit doesn’t make sense to me as of this moment, but if you and Mom were planning on pursuing as being the rulers of this clan, I can at least help to the best of my ability." The Ace of Konoha declared, a fiery aura appeared around him subconsciously before turning to Raiu, “You have no objections, right Raiu?” “Hmph. You can count me in.” Raiu smirked calmly.

“I thought you’d never accept. Unlimited Blade Works: Aria.” Soichirou lightly chanted.  An aura of latent dragon prowess would circulate the room, transferring the 3 into the realms of Space-Time temporarily in a beam of green light. As eyes reopened, the smell of apple-like incense flooded the newly discovered young Pendragon’s light-tan nose making him cough immediately. Raiu had that same reaction as well, both priorly unexposed to this variety of perfume. As they looked up, the brothers’ eyes would broaden spontaneously. Seemingly infinitely upwards stairwells attached with golden jewels, polished glass stairs with carpet bases spreaded all around the area. They lead to different sections both upwards and downwards to what Tadashi and Raiu could assume were each of the Houses’ mini districts. Above were crystal lights and chandeliers dangling majestically over the males. On top of the ground was a crimson red carpet embroidered with many details which seemed to explain the history of the Pendragon Clan in a variety of, yet it was in a language with unknown characters. It didn’t seem to resemble Japanese which was the only language spoken in the Ninja World. Soichirou felt right at home, deeply inhaling and exhaling. “My sons, this is the Pendragon Estate of the Fire Country.” He said proudly. “WE’RE BACK! GLORY TO GOD!” He announced in a foreign language. Tadashi and Raiu could only assume that it was the same language written on the carpet. A man and two teens who seemed to be around the age of the two brothers came towards them in silhouettes before the light enshrouded them. As Soichirou and the man-made eye contact, they rushed towards each other happiness. “Gaius! How long has it been? 2 years I have not seen your face!” He said in a foreign language.

“It is such a blessing to see you here today. But I must inquire my friend, what brings you here today?” Gaius would reply in the same language, his long blond hair would shift away from his pale blue eyes, peering towards the two other males behind Soichirou. Before Soichirou could respond, Tadashi walked in front of the father, bowing in front of the three. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Gaius-san. My name is Tadashi Nami-er Pendragon. Son of Soichirou Pendragon I should say?” Raiu performed the same manner, but with a deeper bow to represent maturity. The blond man smirked happily while deciding to speak in Japanese, “Lighten up kids, Pendragons are not from the Ninja World. We only respond with a handshake, kneeling if necessary. So, why have you decided to join the Pendragon Clan?” The ginger would respond first, “I have come here because it is my duty to. I want to govern the Pendragons as well as protect the village I care for.” The determination was evident in his words, momentarily shocking the man. A solemn expression would begin to form, “To be honest, your chakra and Dragon blood that I sense from you pales in comparison to half of what is needed to even attempt to qualify for a higher position in the clan. My royal child, you must get stronger, perhaps awaken that Sharingan that lies dormant in you.”  He would then turn to Raiu, “You’ve seemed to have inherited most of your bloodline prowess from your mother. Try to dabble in more Pendragon techniques if you wish to protect the Pendragon Clan and eventually take up the sword.” Tadashi’s eyes would narrow more, trying to figure out more ways that he could awaken his Sharingan, but none truly came to mind.

Soichirou would clear his throat, “That reminds me, Gaius, we have some ‘important business’ to take care of. Why don’t you get to know each other, kids?” As they walked off, one of the teens would walk towards Tadashi. He seemed fairly simple; he had a light-tan complexation with shining glasses, jet-black curly hair, a white short-sleeved buttoned shirt with blue jeans. He was a year younger than Tadashi. The other teen was a very attractive blonde girl with long hair, sapphire eyes with bold eyelashes. She was the same age as the older brother. Raiu would blush at the sight of her.  “Name’s Satou Uchiha. Nice to see you all, and we welcome you humbly to the Pendragon clan.” He said in a welcoming tone in Japanese. The girl would continue, “My name is Avaline Pendragon, as Satou said, it is nice to meet you!”

Within a few minutes of chattering, many things would be revealed.
1. Satou is adopted, born from parents who never wanted him, he was abandoned in the wild. 2. Gaius found and brought him to the Pendragon Family of House Violet.
3. Satou vowed to become Tadashi’s student as he will travel to Konoha soon to pursue his goal of becoming the best scientist in the ninja world.
4. Raiu has a crush on Avaline.
5. Raiu is a pervert.
6. Raiu is a womanizer.


It was time for the Namikaze family to travel back to Konoha. Using the teleportation technique again, they would arrive back at the house. Raiu rushed towards the ginger, his eyes wide and his mouth drooling pervertedly, “Maaaannnn! That girl was S-M-O-K-I-N-G HOT! I gotta ask her out on a date bro.” Tadashi would reply in a very...disgruntled expression.“That’s….Your literal cousin, Raiu.” “It doesn’t matter! It’s legal in the Ninja World!  How do you think clans preserve their bloodli-” He was stopped by a sharp kick to his...prized area as he fell to the ground with a pained cry.

“Fucking womanizer,” Tadashi grunted under his breath, “going out guys.” “We’re not done here, bastard!” Raiu attempted to grab the younger brother’s foot before he slammed the door. Soichirou, indifferent would make another batch of his coffee. “Raiu does make a good point, preserving the bloodline would be good for the Pendragon clan…” He mused in his thoughts. While outside, the ginger would activate his storage displacement to put on his clothes and switch out his pajamas with his signature outfit. The Corpse Storage Scroll of Senhime would also be brought back to reality as well. Tadashi would grimace at the thought of his plan. There was no other way. He needed to transplant Senhime’s organs to increase the chances he had to awaken his Sharingan. He knew someone who would be willing to do something like this. Tadashi was making a deal with the devil. As he arrived at the person of interest’s house, he would smirk before knocking on the door.

“Nekrun, you awake?”

WC: 2837
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:57 pm
Nekrun woke up to a sudden knock at the door. He didn't know anything of who might be there, but as he woke he felt a sudden surge of adrenaline. He had been laying around for the last few weeks with no sense of life, never training, just wasting away in his home, although he did study medical books as often as he could since that was his specialty. He felt a sudden amicability with the knock on the door as it shocked him out the mesmerized state he had been in while he stayed in his home. He sat there for a few minutes just thinking about the knock, but suddenly realized that he should actually answer the door sometime today before his visitor decided to leave him. Nekrun got up, making his way to the door of his room he walked out into the hallway. The house felt almost dead, the only sound invading the building was the knock from the person sitting at the door. Nekrun walked to the door rubbing his eyes, he was wearing his usual clothing with his scythe on his back, he never took off the scythe. His scythe was his most prized possession he wouldn't give it for anything at this point. Nekrun kept walking and finally made it to the door, there was no windows to see out so Nekrun took his only choice and opened the door. At first, although it didn't show on his face, Nekrun didn't recognize the visitor as the door swung open and he saw the crimson hair. He didn't recognize his own teammate for a solid second, but soon enough he responded to the one line Tadashi gave "Tadashi!, I haven't seen you in a while, I'm glad to see someone from outside, what do you need?"

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:17 am
The Ace would give a brighter smile at the sight of his teammate and friend. It was a long time since he's seen Nekrun at all due to the militaristic campaign. It left a sour taste in the teen's mouth especially the last time the four of them including Ita had been together, it had been interrupted...for some reason. As Nekrun opened the door and responded to the ginger, he would respond with a nonchalant shrug, "Nothing much, just came back from the Sunagakure Invasion, so I wanted to check up the team and such. So, What's been going on with you?" He would listen to the Uzumaki's words intently, before asking if he could enter the house. If Nekrun approved, Tadashi would calmly enter the house before closing and locking it. Taking off his shoes as a form of respect, an air of suspicion would arise in the house. The ginger would expect to hear inquiries such as "Why did you lock the door," or something like that. He would take a sharp gulp and deep breath. This was one of the few times Tadashi would ever break the Konoha law on purpose.

"Nekrun, this was not the only reason I came here today." He proceeded to pull out the Corpse Storage Scroll which the blond Uzumaki would most likely recognize what it held. "During the Sunagakure Invasion, I killed a Missing Nin; she was an Uchiha who possess her Sharingan and perhaps the genetics needed to awaken it. I was born half-Uchiha, so maybe her power will help me awaken my Sharingan to get stronger to protect Konoha." There was a pregnant pause before he continued, "If you can, I would like you to transplant her kidney and both of her eyes onto me...You can keep the body and my leftover body if it serves some sort of use to you. Hell, I might have some secret power in my kidney that you can awaken as well." He morbidly gave a light chuckle on the last statement, half-serious and half-joking. Tadashi was still in disbelief from the discovering on his lineage.

"So, you in or out?" If Nekrun accepted, the ginger would hand him the scroll. Sitting down on the couch, he would knock himself with a swift chakra enhanced chop to the neck out so he wouldn't feel the pain of the transplant regardless if the Uzumaki had anesthetic or not. Due to being knocked out, his body would unconsciously lay down on the couch as he drifted off to sleep...

WC: 524 
TWC: 3361
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:36 am
Nekrun heard the answer from the pendragon which seamed hastily said. He paid it no mind and accepted Tadashi into his home as he moved to the side and put his hand out in a motion saying, "come on in" Tadashi walked through the door and locked it which made Nekrun suspect that he wasn't just here to "check on the team" Nekrun watched as they made their way in and looked over at Tadashi asking "why did you lock the door on your way in?". The pendragon made his speech on why he can over today and Nekrun listened intently and started to grin under his mask. He didn't totally understanding why Tadashi wanted to break the law, but it gave a upside to Nekrun, so he went along with it. Tadashi swiftly put himself to sleep, so Nekrun didn't administer any anesthetic. Nekrun started by grabbing the corpse scroll that Tadashi gave him and opening it to find the dead body lying there next to Tadashi, Next he looked through his pockets for some tools, he would have to get a bit crafty since he didn't have a scalpel exactly, but he found a way to cut into the pendragon and started to grab the kidney of the uchiha first while clearing a way into Tadashi's kidney. Nekrun swiftly and carefully severed the kidneys respectively from the bodies and put the uchiha one into Tadashi and vise versa., quickly Nekrun used mystical healing palm to connect the kidney to the body and followed the same procedure with the eyes. He used the same jutsu to heal the incision he made and put the uchiha back into the scroll, knowing Tadashi probably wouldn't want to see the person who will forever be part of his life and him. Nekrun woke Tadashi as he put the corpse scroll into the holder around his waist. "The organ transplants went great, now we see if it helps you like you hypothesized" Nekrun looked at Tadashi and asked a simple question "feel any different yet?" Nekrun waited for a response from the pendragon as he stood there.

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:11 pm
Tadashi didn't feel anything, just pure numbness from the bone. Even when Nekrun opened his eyes to replace his current ones with Senhime's, what only emerged in his apparent vision was darkness. A darkness that was thick enough to suffocate the teen in an instant as if it were a specter like entity. This was, in fact, a dream, but it didn't appear like one. The different reality felt like a premonition to was about to come in the aloof mind of the ginger. Suddenly, what was the ground, crumbled to nothingness, revealing a vacuum of space down below. No light was present, only the constant variable motion of falling... The teen couldn't scream, only a wheezing sound emanated out from the fear of falling. He shut his eyes and braced for the inevitable agony, yet it never occurred. The ground reconstructed at once as a blinding light form from nothingness. The phantom of a Silver Dragon's visage emerged out of the blinding light, its shining white teeth out. As Tadashi recovered from the temporary blindness, he marveled at the fierceness of the energy the dragon exalted. He wondered if the energy was even chakra, or if it was that mythical energy Soichirou mentioned. 

"So it seems that you have tried to increase your latent power using other means... How pitiful, especially for someone who has the blessing of holding my blood and being my slave." The dragon concluded, his voice ominous and powerful, nearly shattering the ginger's ego. Yet, quiet resolve crept towards him as a spiteful retaliation to the dragon. His eyes began to shapeshift into a 3 tomoe Sharingan, however, it was bright scarlet. It oozed out Dragon Blood grotesquely in each eye as the ginger closed the eyes in agony before reopening them. An unyielding will to protect flowed through him, reflecting through his eyes. The Silver Dragon, surprised, stood in meek silence.

"Who said I was the slave? You surely do not know your place. I will take your power without a moment's hesitation to pursue my goals. Do not dare to think highly of yourself when I am the catalyst for keeping your spirit alive." He declared with a demonic inflection. His resolve was clear to the dragon as the entity gave a demon-like smirk. "Memento Mori. If it is the last thing I'll do, I'll make your time in the afterlife hell as I crawl out of your corpse..." The dragon grunted slyly. Suddenly, the false reality turned to light.

As Tadashi reopened his eyes, a new power started to awaken in him. Was it his Sharingan manifesting, or rather, was it a new mutated dojutsu. It was evening, so all of the musings would have to wait. Standing up, it would seem that Nekrun had stiched his eye socket and opening to his kidney. The ginger knew it would take a while to recover from since he felt rather weakened from the ordeal. He would put his leftover eyes in a bag before fist-bumping Nekrun, "What a surprise that it actually did something. I'm feeling ok, but I'm really tired now. Thanks for this man, I appreciate it. I'll keep you updated on the details." Closing the door and leaving the house, a vision appeared in his mind. Those same scarlet eyes that he showed to the Dragon were imagined in great detail. Was it another omen of something to come in the future? He would have to think of this later since a head piercing headache formed from his temple. Yeah, he needed to take a LONG nap now.  

(EXIT. Will make WC claims once rolling is finished.) 

WC: 682
TWC: 4043

(Claiming transplanted Uchiha Genetics and Sharingan from Senhime's body. Rolling for Uchiha Genetics transplant to surface. Success is 1, Failing is 2.)
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Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:11 pm
The member 'Tadashi Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:29 pm
TWC: 4043
Uchiha Genetics surfacing and active from Tadashi's kidney.
(1500/1500) Towards learning how to use Uchiha Genetics, using 25% Max Stat Training Discount
(1500/1500) Towards learning how to use 3-Tomoe Sharingan due to Sen already having awakened 3-Tomoe before she died. Using 25% off Max Stats Discount.
(750/750) Towards Summoning Jutsu, using 25% off Max Stats Discount
(293/1213) Towards B-Rank Sphere of Lightning, using 25% off Max Stats Discount
Claiming Uchiha Genetics substat buffs (+25 Chakra, +25 Fire Power)
Claiming Nekrun's Chakra Signature

Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:03 pm
Nekrun watched as Tadashi woke up and looked around in a daze with his eyes bright red showing the three tomoe sharingan that had awakened within him. Nekrun listened to Tadashi's thanks and even he was happy that it worked. Nekrun hoped that he would meet back up with his friend soon enough, but today Tadashi had to leave and Nekrun understood that. He watched as Tadashi left and he formed a plan in his head on something that he wanted to do so he could become stronger. Nekrun was ready, but was his body?, he didn't know yet. There was only one way to find out if Nekrun was ready for this power and he was ready to take that way. Nekrun didn't know the probability of it working, but it worked for Tadashi so why not have it work for him as well. Nekrun was looking at the corpse scroll laying next to his hip and watched it then remembered he should lock the door. He did so and went back to his spot in the room. Nekrun grabbed the corpse scroll off his hip and held it in his hand. Nekrun slowly opened the scroll and watched the body appear out of thin air into the room. Nekrun looked at the body for a short time, but found his resolve. Nekrun administered an anesthetic onto himself so he didn't feel the pain of inserting the organ into himself. He grabbed Tadashi's kidney and look at himself finding the best spot to make an incision. Nekrun made the incision and found his kidney, cutting it out the same way he cut out Tadashi's and switching it around. Nekrun healed the kidney into place in his stomach and inserted his old kidney into the body lying on the ground before healing himself and resealing the corpse scroll. Nekrun healed his stomach with the mystical healing palm as well. He felt different immediately like a wave had crashed over him and he felt his blood fill the kidney. He looked at himself and asked if he felt any different at all. He knew he felt different, but couldn't tell if it was a good or bad different. He started to feel exhausted as he layed down onto the floor more. Nekrun soon fell asleep. He looked around, but his dream was a black void. He felt his back, his scythe was gone. Nekrun looked around and shouted "Where the hell is my scythe!" into the darkness, but no answer fulfilled his question. The void looked like it almost beckoned him as he looked toward it. Nekrun walked toward the infinite darkness and he didn't even know why or question it. He just kept walking with unbreakable resolve. Nekrun walked for what felt like days, while in the real world only a mila-second had passed by this point. He walked and walked and didn't care what he faced he kept going. Nekrun finally saw one thing in the distance, it was just standing there, no reason or why it was just there looking at him. His scythe lay on the ground almost watching him, asking Nekrun to save him. Nekrun started to run toward the scythe at break neck speed and couldn't stop himself. He ran with more resolve than he had ever had in his lifetime. Nekrun finally made it to the scythe and picked it into his arms. It felt cold, colder than usual and suddenly it swung itself at him. Nekrun almost dodged the scythe, but was barely hit by it and woke up in the real world. He was sweating profusely and his scythe was still on his back as he jumped up from the floor to his feet. Nekrun stood there and looked around, nothing had changed, he was still there in his home. Nekrun was ready to see if his power had grown at all, but he didn't know how to get started so he decided to wait. Nekrun soon fainted again, back into a deep void, but this time everything was a ethereal white, and it looked like it went on forever. Nekrun knew it would be easier to see things in the distance this way, but he still didn't see anything. Nekrun walked forward toward the distance and looked around, still nothing, so he kept walking into the distance. Nekrun didn't stop, since he knew he would find something in the distance eventually as he kept walking. He didn't know what he would find and kept going anyways. Nekrun was ready to find something in this infinite void and kept thinking that he saw thing, but once he got to them they dissipated into thin air before his very eyes. Nekrun finally found something real, a statue. A silver statue layed before him and he as he examined it he learned what the statue was of, it was a silver dragon, not quite awakened yet, but it was there. Nekrun looked at it and noticed some writing, so he went over to look at it, but right before he got the chance to read it the floor fell out from underneath him, and he was suddenly in a normal dream.


(rolling for Pendragon bl, 1 is success, 2 is fail)
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Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:03 pm
The member 'Nekrun Uzumaki' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant) Empty Re: Precipice of Lineage (IO, P, Transplant)

Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:06 pm
claiming pendragon bl, 1500 wc, using max stat discount (I know I have to update my sig)
(+25 Strength, +25 nin power)
also claiming exit
Body of Senhime Tokugawa with my kidney in it in Corpse Storage Scroll 
and memorizing Tadashi's chakra signature

Last edited by Nekrun Uzumaki on Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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