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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Recieving boring Empty Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:11 pm
Maku was sitting in his office.  He had made a couple of adjustments.  One he got rid of that ugly desk, and chair for that matter.  Instead he now had an incredibly short table with pillows around it.  They were white made from polar bear hide, and stuffed with the finest snow goose feathers.  He had all the bookshelves stocked with files, so it would be easier to access anything he might need, including all the reports on all the ninja of the village.

The curtains where a bright blue color, letting in the sun.  The carpet was an intricate pattern, of dark purples and reds.  Maku was sitting now one one of the pillows, drinking deep from a glass of the finest winters mead the village had to offer.  He had the bottle in the middle of the table, and an empty glass across from him, as he expected Youka at any time.  There was also a faint scent of lavender and vanilla from incense that were slowly burning also on the table.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:19 pm
Youka was on his way to meet Maku before he left the village, he had promised he would give a report on all the kids he had met letting Maku know what he thought. It was again a cold day as he made his way to the leaders building, Youka didn't understand how anyone could live here without killing someone just to see another color other than white. As he neared the building he looked up at the window and decided he would take that way instead of the normal stairs and door, he had to keep Maku on his toes after all.

Youka would begin to walk up the building using his surface walking technique to make it to his friends office window before he began knocking on the glass to hopefully get his friends attention and be let in.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:22 pm
Using his chakra senses, Maku watched as Youka approached, he knew the mans signature as well as his own.  Afterall they had spent so much time together after all this time.  Though it was odd the mans choice of entrances, when there was a perfectly good door located in front of him.  Standing, he walked over, and moved to open the window.

"Yea know, they could used clean if you want to come up this way."  He said pointing at the glass before going back and sitting back down.  "So how about these kiddies then?"
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:36 pm
Youka climbed through the window like a kid sneaking into a house that he wasn't supposed to be in performing a forward roll on the ground to the opposite chair before sitting in it giving the peace sign to Maku. "I like what you've done with the place, nice warm touch to take away from how cold it is here, nice scent too, is that vanilla"

Youka kept looking around for a moment before his attention was drawn back in to why he was here, "Ah yes the kids from the school hmmm". He pondered on all the run ins he had and what was learned from meeting with them before he continued. "The female Kanae if I remember correctly, she is a interesting bird I would say. She's much like Kira was when we first met her and seems to have a more dangerous side to her when pushed to a certain limit. Only thing I can see wrong with her right now is that she doesn't trust men as much maybe from something in her past, she clammed up when I offered to walk her home, ah also she might have a slight superior complex it seems she looks down on people a lot. Her combat could use some work especially in the way of teamwork but that's to be expected of these youngsters."

Youka took a breath before looking at his empty glass wondering if there was anything to drink before continuing on his report. "Daiyuki is a completely different story from the other child, he is very rash and tends to act before he thinks, I feel he is very singular minded, he doesn't seem to think how his actions affect others till it's too late. I would say you keep him a a very short leash and always exert dominance over him and don't let any one step over you, he respects power and as long as you havve that power he will be loyal. As you've more than likely seen he's more animal than human and I personally asked him to come meet me for a singular spar with just him. I enjoy his fighting style it's very unrefined and he fights like an animal which I like. Once he gains more power he will become a very able shinobi for the village. I would recommend you work with him directly as he has the most potential for advanced combat that I've seen while I've been here."

Youka let out another sigh he coudn't really think of anything else and had given his views.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:43 pm
Taking a drink Maku thought about everything his friend had said.  Both very unrefined, yet able ninja.  It would take time, and in a village with few shinobi, he could donate time to get both of them up to snuff.  He appreciated the work that Youka had done.  He didn't need statistics, or anything that a file would give him, but instead actual experience, which is what Youka had just provided him.

"Sounds like a good report to me, thank you friend."  Maku pondered it, both people had good and bad sides like any young shinobi.  It would be up to him to refine them, so that they would be diamonds, and not lumps of coal in the fire. 

"I'll take what you said, and act on it directly.  Perhaps I can build us up some powerful allies.  However, enough business.  WHat are your plans now?"
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:48 pm
"My plans...hmmm.., more than likely I'll leave in a few moments and head back to Iwa to get in touch with the Tsuchikage, I still need to visit Taki,but I don't know yet, think I'll go see a few other places". He would lean back in the chair throwing his arms back in a stretching manner. "What about you, how are you taking all of this leader stuff" Youka would stretch his arm out and point to everything around him with a chuckle.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:53 pm
"Its not so bad, comes with perks." He said laughing looking around at the place he had made for himself. "However, one does feel confined, but its still good work. Hopefully I can make something out of it, and use it productively. Though I think I will always be a missing ninja at heart." It was true what he said. He liked were he was at, though the knowledge of his limited freedom, and new responsibility was overwhelming at times, but perhaps that was more of his age.

"Were else would you plan to go after Iwa if not Taki?"
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

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Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:01 pm
"I heard there are some powerful earth ninja near Suna, I might head that way and see if there aren't any moves I can pick up from someone there". Looking at his friend again through slitted eyes he couldn't believe they would be apart from each other for awhile, they had spent a lot of time in the world together and been through a lot, but they had pulled through and made it to where they were now. "If you ever wanna take a break and give me your village so you can go sight seeing just call me hahahaha, I could use another massage from that cute secretary you have"
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:09 pm
Laughing, Maku took in what his friend was saying. He wished to go get stronger, well Maku should do the same, just have to learn on his own for awhile. "Haha, I don't think so, if I go anywhere she is gonna be going with me, never felt so loose." He did think of the offer and wondered if the man was serious. It'd be nice to get out every now and then. Though he wasn't even sure were he would head to.

"When do you ship out, and if you need me, call me on the choker and I'll be there as fast as I can. I'm pretty quick ya know."
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Recieving boring Empty Re: Recieving boring

Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:14 pm
"No you bastard!, anytime you come fast I end up knocked out and waking up in different places, you stay where you are!" Youka would point at his friend and laugh while holding his stomach with his left hand. "I'm just kidding you know I would call you, we've been through too much to not rely on each other". As he sat up straight in his chair he thought about it a moment before deciding. "I'm more than likely going to leave after we are done here, if I don't leave now, i'll want to stay more and beat these kids into shape"
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