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Cosplay Queen Saya
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patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open) Empty patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open)

Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:06 pm
It was another long night for the Demon of chance Hells angel Kiranomo. As usual she was making a few rounds about the large walls surrounding Yukigakagure village. She had spent an inordinate amount of time over the past couple of days checking and double checking the gates for any entry or exit to yukigakagure. She was vigilant in her duties to Maku just as she was to echo, but still....The monotony seemed incredibly boring. She remembered the jutsu she was working on and Decided at least she could get some training done. Performing a single hand sign she created two Mizu bunshin water clones which nodded at her as they formed. she was pleased with the effect, though a large portion of snow beneath them had seemed to disappear in a very obvious way. Next she decided to test out her own version for kinds. She took a deep breath, clearing her mind and concentrating as she molded her chakra. She would need to combine her jutsu to make the clone once more, and she was less then confident in the effects. 

     First, She used her shadow mastery skill. Beneath her a large circle of shadow formed, stretching down the walls on either side as well as moving ten meters in front of and behind her. Alright, she thought to herself. The easy part was over and now she would need to form the shadows into a clone. each of the water clones watched her with confusion, their head cocked to the side as she closed her eyes and brought her hands together. Slowly four shadow tendrils rose from the ground, moving closer together until they closed the distance of about a half a foot apart, turning it to less then two inches each. The tendrils seemed to almost lash at each other like whips, rotating back and forth like the head of a great snake seeking to get out of being held. They came together finally, the sharp pointed tips melding into one and then expanding to form a large cirlce. 

     "Hm....She must be doing the...." The first clone spoke to the second only to be silenced with a shhh and the one clapping it's mouth against the other. With a nod and a single look of the clones eyes she understood and simply watched the situation before her. The circle expanded slowly, forming into a perfect sphere that grew in size until it was about a meter on all sides, only to change its shape again, becoming a large oval about five feet two inches tall. THe head was formed first. The top of the oval shrunk in on the two top most rounded corners. What was left was a smaller circle that cut off at about a half foot. The shadow on either side evened out to form lines strait across until they met the natural downward curve of the oval once more, melding perfectly back together. The smaller circle evened out for a moment and as it did it seemed to rotate back and forth, left and right to test it's new piece of shadowy anatomy. The front most portion, or what Kira assumed to be the front most portion of what would be a person if she completed the technique correctly, sunk in, forming definable human features which were strange on the pitch black background they were given to work with. A nose and lips could be barely seen from a profile view, which luckily the kira clones had as they were standing just to the right of the kira clone on the edge of the wall. The mouth opened for a moment, letting out a hissing whisper as it continued to form from the shadow pallet before Kira. The eyes sunk in, looking like black semicircles that were barelly noticable until they opened, showing a pale white color, and the moment her eyes opened things fell into place. 

      The shadows seemed to rip from the center to form a large V shape that went upward to about the height of Kira's legs. As the formed the shadow simply peeled away. The method at which the rest of her legs were formed intrigued the two shadow clones. It was as if someone had taken a wood plane to the circle of shadow. Small shavings of shadow curled away one by one to fall backwards to the ground where they melded back into the shadow circle at their feets and disappear from view. What was left were two well defined legs formed to look perfectly like Kira's. The shadow imitation clone's skin seemed to have a strange textured look which confused the Water elemental clones. For several moments they looked back and forth between the new clone and Kira, studying both with absolutely zero realization that they were exact looking copies and could have simply looked at themselves they tried to decipher the diffence between only to notice it finally as the shadow imitation clone's short cargo shorts seemed to simply puff out from mid thigh, changing the textured look slightly. 

     "Oh! I got it!!! It's the suit! THe sui...." Once more the loud clone was silenced, though this time with only a stern glare from it's sister clone. Perspiration poured down Kira's face as she worked on the subtleties required to create such a creature. If she could just get it right she expected that things would be easier in the future and so she made every single inch of the shadow construct perfect the first time. 

     "You two....Stop criticizing....Go patrol the wall. If something happens let me know. " Her water clones talking was starting to make it dificult to concentrate. She found her mind split between the forming of her jutsu and the voices so similar to her own, albeit because they were, chattering on about her work. The clones nodded in unison, and each took off a different direction, running quickly to disappear from sight and start their rounds. She prayed nothing appeared on this night. It would be really unfortunate for someone to interupt her current actions. 

(TWC 1020 )
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open) Empty Re: patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open)

Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:24 am
With the wall safely being cared for she could concentrate her full energy on the situation at hand. Once more the shadow cirlce, which was more of an amalgamous blob of half human half non terminating non geometric figues split, and this time in two separate locations. Each side formed a large rip that raised slowly to test it's range of motion. It would look like a large almost triangular blade at first which was wielded around, raising and rotating to ensure it could do what it needed. With this test completed It would begin to slim itself down finally. In the same fashion as the legs had the large volume of shadow that would eventually form the girl's arms seemed to shave off long strips as if there were an invisible wood plane made specifically to work with shadow constructs. Each shaving fell to the ground as it was cut off to land on the ground, once more being absorbed into the shadow circle at her feet. First the hands were formed, a small circle of shadow that formed depressions and indentations similar to knuckles. From those four slender fingers stretched out from the hands, first the left and then the right, mimicing her sharp shadow tendrils until they reached their length. Each would round off at the end in a wave to form defined fingers with smooth skin like shadow and ridges where the joints of each finger formed small knuckles. Finally a small thin line protruded from the fingers less then a milimeter, shaping into tiny nails. 

     She had to admire the detail work. Her masterpiece was coming along nicely and every single individual piece, whether big or small was exact and perfect. The shadow apparition took a moment once more to test out it's new creations, bringing each individual finger in to meet the blackness where it's palm would be formed, starting with the pointer and moving outward until it's pinky finger flexed, only to extend back to it's full length outward. Each moved precisely as expected, working the hypothetically existent muscles to mimic human movement. Perfect, she thought to herself. The still bulky shadow arm turned on not yet formed rotation joints until the fingers shifted from pointing outwards to stop with the finger nails pointed to the ground, arm still outstretched to the shadow imitation clone's side. As it did the misshapen curves eavened out. The palm sunk in to form  an indentation of less then a milimeter almost as if a sharp pointed object pressed inward on the point, the surface of the shadow moving like cloth to the non existent pressure. The shadow's palm would continue to cause depressions and raisings of the shadow skin until it resembled the view of a great mountain range from thousands of feet above. The tiny curves evened out as barely noticable creases formed, one in the very center stretching from the mid point of the heel of the shadow imitation clone's hand to curve slightly upward ending just a little above the center point between where of the edge where the shadow's thumb would form and the begining of it's first joint for the pointer finger, the second forming a little less then an inch higher and running parallel to the first only to curve upward where it met the opposite side of the joint for the first knuckle of it's pointer finger to stop right at the high point where the hypothetical bone would become larger to fit into it's socket, and the third stretching from a little more then an inch from where the wrist would form on the left side of the underside of the shadow's hand to follow the joint of it's unformed thumb, indenting where the shadow imitation clone's skin would flex to allow the thumb joint to move as a thumb would naturally move. With these done the shadow blob set to form the thumb would thin down quickly, forming a single knuckle joint in the digit that quickly began to resemble the creature's thumb. 

    It's fingers moved independently, fluttering open and closed in a wave as the clone tested the dexterity before it's bright white shadowy eyes turned to the other triangular bit of shadow that would form into his other arm. The change was just as agonizing slow, but but exciting and interesting to watch, as the first. The right hand formed fingers similar to it's left, testing each individually before moving on at an agonizing pace. The palm creased in and formed hills and valleys. The creases stretched across the palm, barely visible due to the dark tint of the shadows.  The thumb finally formed after what seemed like hours, though it was much less, taking probably about two minutes from beginging to form the fingers and testing them out to finishing the thumb, and as they did the digits began to follow the same flowing pattern as her shadow imitation clone's off hand, testing the full dexterity of it's final hand. The juncture where the newly formed hands would meet with the large blob of shadow yet to be molded into arms thinned out quite a bit, forming several hill like lines where the girl's veins barelly raised from the skin of the shadow's still forming wrist. As it reduced in size both length wise and width wise three more creases in skin formed naturally at the points where the wrist would rotate upaward and downward and two heavy curves formed on either side of the wrist to accomondate the naturall smaller point in her body. It was an interesting tidbit of information that the human wrist, which was one of the smaller parts of the body externally visible that contained bones had more bones then most of the larger portions. She smirked at her own wittiness and the small random fact she had pulled from wherever she had learned it. She would have to tell that to youka or maku later to see if they were so well educated. 

(TWC 2025)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open) Empty Re: patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open)

Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:24 am
"Alright. heh...Now I just need to finish the arms, and the body." Her breathing was heavy from the exertion. She never imagined using a single jutsu could be so taxing, though with the combination of forming her clone, taking every tiny detail of her own form and painstakingly forming it from the shadows  and the long and arduous use of the mastery of shadows skill in order to keep her artistic work anchored on the three dimensional plane of existence, It would make sense were she to give it the time to consider. Mostly she was just starting to feel the effects of the jutsu pulling at her body and it was making her incredibly irritable and cranky.She wondered to herself what her two Mizu Bunshin clones were doing, sure that they would be off working their hardest to watch over the village and make sure nothing got through. 

Else where on the village wall each of the clones had taken up their own side of the village to watch and protect, where protect was  clearly a metaphor for do anything but. The left mizu bunshin clone stood leaning up against the railing that protected those who patrolled form falling off. Her head hung low as she twiddled her fingers back and forth, making one chase the other in hopes that it would make the time go by faster. The right most mizu bunshin clone however was off doing much more efficient and important actions. It laid against the ice, face up and eyes closed. There was a loud roar of snoring coming from it's nose and mouth with each intake of breath. It had started simply enough. It took two passes through the long walk way leading from one side of the gate to the other, pausing for a moment as she got near her master to look up and see that the real Kira was still hard at work training with the shadow imitation clone, and then determined her job to be finished for the time being. She laid back against the floor of the ice wall, looking up into the sky and watching the starry night slip in and out of view as clouds passed. that was the plus and downside to Yuki.

      The actual area was so wonderfully more beautiful then Iwa had been. The bright white snow met dark mountains and evergreen trees and as the moonlight hit the surface of the frozen water it seemed to reflect back, causing the area to seem brighter then usual even at the dead point of midnight. As she watched the beautiful scene above she began counting stars and naming the few constellations she knew. The actual naming portion took her all of four seconds due to her less then expansive knowledge of solar systems and afterwards she just continued to count until the calming sensation of the open air, her almost relaxing feel of the ice beneath her back, the monotonous roll of the numbers as the slowly grew one at a time, and the fact that she had gotten little sleep lately lulled her easily into dream land, or the closest thing to dream land that an elemental clone jutsu could achieve considering she was made of snow instead of flesh and blood. 

     back with the main Kira she was continually working on the bits and pieces that would make her new shadow imitation clone perfect. With each arm's wrist and hands finally finished she worked the shadows to her whim in the creation of the forearm. A small indentation filled in down the center of what would be the under side of her forarm, creating the base only to fill back in once the muscles and ligaments needed to move the arm and assist in it's use were filled in between the two bones to copy exactly the shape and form of her arm. The outter edges of the shadow's skin peeled away in the same fashion as earlier to slim the portion of the shadow imitation clone's new part of her apendage down until the outter edges floowed the bone, curing softly outward to grow about one point five times it's total size as the arm grew to fit it's needed musculature before curving in only slightly at the juncture where the arm bone would connect to the socket for the elbow, creating a large knott at the base on the under side of the arm between the upper arm and the forearm that grew out from the once smooth curve like an enormous wart aside from the hardness of the knob being equivalent to the hardness of bone. Several small creases filled in on the juncture where the two arms met, on the inside to accommodate the bending and movement of the joint and allow the shadows arms to move as expected and needed. The final piece would be an interesting work of art she felt excitement towards. The upper arm thinned down, bits and pieces of pitchblack shadow shaving off of the portion of her shadow imitation clone jutsu's apendage in a way exactly that she had thinned out her shadows before, but she took the size far too small. With her jutsu based on her shadow's power and not her own stats it was granted certain extra things that her body itself could only gain with the use of stat increasing jutsu or other statistic altering effects and so she would need to build this girl a little different. Bits of shadow whipped out from what would now be clearly the bone of the jutsu clone's upper arm to wrap around it forming the shadow doppelgangers bicep muscles. Each looked exactly how they would in an anatomy book except for the pitch black canvas within which she worked and as they flexed she felt herself actually get slightly grossed out at the sight. With these finished she added the final muscle group to the under side,

     following the same method to allow the shadows to ribon out from the bone itself two wrap themselves into place. She had made sure that the shadows of her muscles were the same size while being slightly denser then her own muscles to accommodate the increase from her own fifteen strength to the clones one hundred and fifteen. The arm flexed each muscle group to test it's effectiveness and reaction and found them to be quite satisfactory. Next a tarp like layer of shadow wrapped around the upper arm segment like a large satin blanket. The creases and folds of the shadow tarp smoothed themselves out as it wrapped around her arm to pull tight creating a layer of skin that ran perfectly up the girl's well toned arm, following the hourglass like curves of her muscles on both sides before ending at the final joint needed to finish the apparition's arms.

(TWC 3174)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open) Empty Re: patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open)

Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:14 am
Her arms were now hanging significantly lower then usual. They had dropped from their position held up to her chest to now hand weakly at a height of about her belly button due to the strain and fatigue the intense control of her chakra to make the subtleties of the human body right before her eyes. Her head dropped as her arms struggled to hold onto the hand sign. Her palms were slowly separating as her head began to swim from the combination of lack of rest, training, and the level of concentration to complete her task and as it did the shadow imitation clone in front of her turned it's head. It could feel the weakening of chakra between them. The once constant flow that had created it's arms legs and head was now coming in in a syncopated rhythm timed with the quick and labored drawing of her breath but thankfully the clone was formed enough to give assistance. With a nod it began to shift the shadow within itself at her whim. Two large lungs formed into existence at their combined will, filled with small cilia like nubs that would draw the oxygen from the air and flow it into it's bloodstream. naturally it didn't actually need the oxygen nor really the lungs themselves as it's shadow body was an extension of her will and the power of the closely guarded secrets of the Nara clan. Tubes ran from the tops of the lung to create an airway, flowing up further into the shadow imitation clone's not yet formed neck to create the path way for air to be drawn in and out leading to the dark pursed shadow lips and vocal chords came into being precisely where they were needed to allow speech. 

    "Kira....Just a bit more. We're almost done. " Her own voice spoke to her and she could feel her strength return. The illusion of regained stamina caused by adrenaline and excitement fueled her body to keep going and once more her hands clasped together fully, palms touching and raising up to chest level as she stood erect once more. The shadow clone's chest puffed out in a shape that loosely resembled the tight fitting leather shirt she always seemed to wear and as soon as it did the large still semicircular portion that would become shadow kira's chest and abdomen spiraled inward seeming to consume itself to shrink down to more accurately fit the size of kira's body. A single indentation formed just south of the center of her abdomen, sinking in like a stab wound from a fairly large needle to form the belly button and her creation flowed through the final bits of her clone from that point on, using this as the center point to work off of. Her chest area flattened out as her thin flat stomach formed atop the belly button. It expanded out as it neared the collar bone and chest area, following the same cloth over objects concept it had with her arms. To an onlooker it would seem like the shadow flowed up over two mid sized circular balls at first, but after a few moments the details would fill in naturally.

      The curve of her breasts wasn't over the top but it was enough to notice and as the cloth made it's way to her neck it tucked in on the sides to sink in more in between the mounds at her chest. Another hour glass like shape formed as the details were set for her clothing which sunk in at a v shape at the top and bottom of the center between her breasts only to expand back out where the clothing of her savar suit would not cling so effectively, at the top portion nearing her collarbones. With this done the small bones of her collar would poke out slightly on either side upon creation, curving in and outward to form the shapes that would flow into her not yet formed shoulders and there was a clear flow of movement from each collar bone inward to spiral upward as if hanging cloth losely up the shadow imitation clone's neck to hang from her chin and hair line. The cloth like layer of shadow continued to turn like a crank wheel, tightening in until it met the inward curve that would form in on her neck  meeting the jawline and actual neck itself together only to flow back out to combine into the shoulders. As they did they continued their path to flow like water at a slight downward angle to meet the edge of the joint that would allow the arm to move as a whole and connected each arm to the torso of her shadow imitation clone's body. From there if went downward creating a slightly circular portion of her shoulder which found it's detail quickly to finish up the bolt of the clones body. Next she needed to finish the lower abdomen. The clone's internal organs formed as a yoyo whose sting unraveled quickly upon itself. Intestines and kidneys formed into existence based on her understanding of the human body, though she couldn't quite remember how she had gained such extensive knowledge. The inner workings were completed in a matter of about two minutes before she looked up at the clone once more. It raised a hand to wipe the sweat from Kira's drenched face before offering a kind smile to coax the girl into continuing. 

The final bit was fairly simple. The juncture between her belly button and her legs formed at the same time. The curve of open space between her legs met a barrier to even out at the girl's crotch, internal faux reproductive organs shaping into being as the outer appearance finished. The legs sunk in at the top portion only to expand out once more as the muscles of her strong able thighs fed into the curves of her hips, creating a slight dip that was barely noticable before the expanding of her hips, giving another clear indication of temininity. Her belly toned and tightened both below and above the midway point for her body creation and likewise the muscles of her buttox shaped up like two medium sized clothes that quickly were covered by the savar suit. The final details worked themselves into place and when they were finally done Kira gave the clone a weak smile. 

 "Good job" both spoke in unison, the clone to it's creator and Kira in recognization that she had accomplished an excelent task and no sooner had she spoke then her hands left their sign and her body went limp to fall to the ground. The Kira shadow imitation clone caught her, bending down to lift her up. She decided it best to take the girl back to her home to rest after a hard training session and likewise felt little need to summon the water clones and so she zipped off towards their place of temporary residence to allow their master to rest.  When she got there she opened the door slowly, sliding it the rest of the way with her foot. She set Kira down on the bed and walked back to close the door. Closing it she took a moment to compare the likeness between herself and her master and smiled before the jutsu was released and kira nodded off into blissful slumber. 

(TWC 4412 requesting mastery of shadow imitation clone and 4412 words added to amethist)

Last edited by Kiranomo on Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open) Empty Re: patroling the wall, and practicing a bit.(open)

Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:48 am
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:50 am
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Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:51 am
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