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Patroling mission Empty Patroling mission

Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:13 am
Name: Patrol
Rank: D
Type: Scouting
Character Requirements: None
Word Count Requirements: 300
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 450 ryo

Task: Scout around the village to make sure the
area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to
higher ranking shinobi.

Mezurashii stretched languidly as she rose. It was still early, but she felt like a mission today, she grinned as she showered and changed, her new wakizashi strapped to the back of her white belt. Eating a quick breakfast Mezurashii jumped out the window and sped all the way to the mission board, she took her time picking out a mission. Deciding on a simple patrol for the morning she set off to complete her mission.

The redhead jumped through the forest area she was assigned to scout, generally she would be speeding as fast as she could but she didn't want to miss anything, she had to be thorough.

She stopped suddenly as she heard a familiar tune, to anyone else it would seem like a bird singing but Mezurashii knew better. She darted to where the sound came from, repeating the tune over and over again.

A light caught her eye and she immediately pulled out her wakizashi and blocked the kunai that was aimed at her temple. She glared at the enemy, only for her eyes to widen at what she saw. Two Konoha ninja were bloody and unmoving while one stood, looking dazed and scared, and she recognized the man.

"Papa!" she called out, his eyes widened and he stumbled forward. She managed to catch him before he fell, tears threatened to spill but she held them back in favor of taking care her father.

"Mezurashii, what are you doing this far from the village?" he groaned in pain and Mezurashii shushed him hurriedly.

"I'm not far away at all papa, your in the eastern forest just a few miles from the wall, your safe now papa, your safe" she said, soothing him as best she could. She grabbed a kunai with a paper bomb and threw it high in the sky before it detonated, that would bring help.

"Lay down papa, I'll take care of you and your teammates" the redhead whispered, grabbing one of her storage scroll she brought out all her medical equipment and began treating the three men as best she could. She was surprisingly calm dispite the situation but she didn't have time to think about that.

"Where are the others? There were more of you when you left the village" Mezurashii asked in a hushed tone, but the deathly silence that came afterwards was enough of an answer. Before she could ask any more questions another explosion sounded off in the distance, they wanted to know where they were, this time Meurashii threw three up, signaling there were three.

Soon enough a whole team of ninja came to their location, she stood straight and nodded to them. They jumped down and picked them up gently, Mezurashii quickly but clearly listed off their injuries and suspected injuries before she traveled with them to the hospital.

Once they reached the hospital they were quickly swarmed by doctors and nurses as they swooped the injured away, all the while the redhead remained calm and oddly numb. When her papa and the remainder of his team were rushed off she was told to report to the Hokage.

When she finally got home Mezurashii opened the front door slowly, after shutting it behind her she collapsed onto her knees and began sobbing.

Her papa was found beaten bloody with his team, or what was left, and was in the emergency ward, and she had remained completely numb. Now that she was alone and her mission was complete she crumbled. She was scared, she was worried and she didn't know what to do.

"Tomorrow... tomorrow I'll train, get my mind clear, get some food maybe" she said to herself as she rocked back and forth for a few seconds, that was the first real action she'd ever seen. And that was just the aftermath!

Stop. Wait. Calm. Breath. Mezurashii took a deep breath and calmed, she could handle this, she just needed to be patient. She was good at being patient, she stood and walked to the kitchen. Taking a drink and having some rice and fish for dinner Mezurashii walked calmly up to her room and bathed instead of showered.

When she exited she sighed, it had calmed her greatly and now she could sleep easy. Her papa would be fine, he was strong and their medical personnel were the best. The redhead climbed into bed and quickly fell into a black sleep.

[738 words, +7 JP]
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Patroling mission Empty Re: Patroling mission

Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:00 pm
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