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Zen Nara
Zen Nara
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Capture the Prankster D-Rank Empty Capture the Prankster D-Rank

Mon May 12, 2014 11:36 am
Capture The Prankster D-Rank:

Playing with the kids of Sunagakure No Sato, Zen would be awkwardly playing kick ball with them. They always asked if he could play or what not, but Zen seemed to say yes all the time. Once  a hard kick knock the ball into the net, Zen would call it quits. " Well little homies, I have some business to take care of. Please forgive me!" Zen would then stand and walk away. This was pretty fun and obviously awkward. Though, playing with the Academy Students was always pretty cool. Heading home, Zen would moving at a fast pace. But it was always something that had to stop the boy.

While walking straight home, two ANBU, approached him, they asked if he wanted to take on a mission what so ever. With Zen being so curious, he always wanted to see how a mission would be like. " Sure!" Zen stated, he would grab ahold of his katana and sigh. " Where's my information? I can't do a mission without the information!" He saw one of the ANBU'S go inside his pocket and pull out a simple piece of paper?  Reaching over to grab ahold of it, Zen would continue to look at it, but before he could turn his head up, he noticed the two ANBU was already gone. " Awkward." 

The mission was certainly appeared to be easy. Capture a Prankster? and Zen get's paid!?? Who all wins here?  Heading off to the village, the boy would try lurking around, and very well it was dark, perhaps the boy only worked at night so he wouldn't be spotted, however, he would have to set up a plan, but, he wanted to block this girl/boy off. He didn't know what gender it was, but hopefully it wasn't a girl!

Walking around and still lurking a few areas. Zen would take the back alley, just to hear a awkward spray noise. Now he couldn't be messing up the sand walls now could he?!!?!?!? jetting off towards the sound, the boy would quickly go as fast as he could. Turning to the left then right, he quickly spotted the man. " hm,  now what ya doing?" Zen asked in a joking matter. " No, I was kidding with ya, my name is Zen! What's your name?" The boy asked, while he was still approaching to him, the boy quickly realized it wasn't a girl due to his dressing style, instead it was am teenager. Where would the world be without them?

Just before Zen grab him by the shoulder, he would notice the wall was being spray painted. This could be the prankster right here? While holding him, Zen would look at the man. " Howdy?" Though he wouldn't seem to talk back, perhaps something was wrong with him? Removing the guy hood off his head, he noticed that he was one of the shy types. Though Zen would have to show him his work order. he was now in custody. " Well since you don't talk, I got something for you, something I know you not going to like!" Reaching in his pocket, Zen would pull out his work order, the mission was to capture him and bring him over to higher authority. The mission was an success. All Zen had to do was find those two ANBU! And collect his prize and continue on with his life.

" Alright big shot let's go!"


+5 Kunai: Complete 1 E or D-Rank Mission
+1 Exploding Tag: Complete 1 D-Rank Mission

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Capture the Prankster D-Rank Empty Re: Capture the Prankster D-Rank

Mon May 12, 2014 3:37 pm
U can only claim these rewards once, so insta deny on that, the regular mission and reward is approved
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