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D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:37 am

Kojin dashed across the grounds of the academy chasing after a boy who was holding a paint brush and a bucket of paint itself. It was his mission to catch him since the Chuunin of the village somehow couldn't. It made him wonder, was he really better than a chuunin? There was a possibility that he was faster than one, but he bet his mind couldn't match a person of higher rank. He made a sharp turn as he saw the boy head for the streets. That was a smart move, he was concealing himself in the crowd of people to avoid capture. The other ninja who did this mission should have been able to catch him with chakra sense. Sadly, the boy did not know that skill so it seemed that he had to rely on his regular senses. He had recognized what the trouble-maker looked like so that made it easier.

He calmly walked through the large crowds of people eying every boy that looked like the prankster. Kojin also made sure that there weren't any traps anywhere. The kid must be good if he was able to lose people of higher rank, so it was possible he set up traps. He continued walked until he noticed something odd. There was.. a cardboard box... moving to the side of a grocery store. 'That's an original disguise' he thought with a small smile. He walked up to the box being sure that he couldn't hear him approaching. It was a good thing it was facing the other way as well otherwise the person in the box would have seen him already. Once the boy got next to the disguise he immediately plopped down onto it. He chuckled as he could tell that the prankster inside was struggling with the weight on top of him.

He wondered why this kid was doing pranks. Maybe it was for fun, or for attention? There were so much answers but only the student could say what it was. It felt weird calling the other kid a "child" since Kojin was one himself. Still, the things he were performing were to be considered childish. The genin couldn't do those things since he was supposed to represent the village and serve it, not vandalize buildings and cause the higher-ups stress. He sighed and sat up from the box when it stopped moving completely. That was a bad idea, since the prankster took that moment to get up and ran. The dark haired boy quickly chased the student down and back into the streets. He wasn't going to let him out of his sight this time! "Come back here!" he exclaimed.

'That's it!' he thought. This game of cat and dog was getting on his nerves, he was going to end this now. Instead of going at a slower pace than the prankster, Kojin picked up his speed and was now in front of the student. The other boy had to skid to a stop to not bump into the genin. Before the kid could get away again, Kojin grabbed him by the collar and walked in the other direction, dragging the student with him. "You're in a lot of trouble" he grumbled to which the kid replied with a nervous laugh.

{EXIT-- TWC: 549
Mission complete, Gained 450 ryo and 3 JP}
Xuro Kinzokutei
Xuro Kinzokutei
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D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty Re: D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:43 am
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