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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:41 pm
Makussu blanched temporarily at the walls of the building in front of him. When he had been assigned to capture the cause of the mess he had been told that it was pretty obvious where he struck, he didn’t think it would be this. the once stark white wall had been covered in blue and oranges and pinks in all sorts of shapes and designs. Looking at it from an artistic point of view it actually rather nice but as a ninja he had to stop it. Suddenly he heard a slight murmur in the distance, almost like a crowd beginning to build up. Grinning at his possible lead, he put on a burst of speed and headed over to the sound. He eventually stopped in the market district where he found a growing mob surrounding a three story cylindrical building, shouting at a civilian child up top. But what interested him was the similar design as what he found earlier. Raising his voice he yelled up to the identified prankster. “Attention! I am Makussu Koutaishi, Genin of Konoha! You are under arrest for vandalism of private property! come down from the building and you shall not be hurt!” The boy stiffened briefly at the appearance of the ninja before laughing and getting into a crouching position. “Hah, you think you can catch me? I’m one of the best of the academy!” With that the boy sprung off the ledge making a few civilians screech before landing on a lower rooftop in his attempt to escape. Makussu quickly sent chakra to his feet and ran up the wall meanwhile muttering, “I don’t care how good you are at running away, you’re going down kid. He jumped across the rooftops, dodging paint pellets the boy threw at his with almost no hits except for on his right arm which was suddenly coated in a bright pink. Eventually as he closed the distance to the prankster he reached into his pockets for a short ranged attack against him and suddenly a shocked face appeared on the prankster as he realised he had completely emptied his pockets. Suddenly stopping on a large roof the boy turned around and got into a basic taijutsu stance. Seeing this Makussu smirked. Sure he wasn’t arrogant, but he had more up his sleeve than just basic taijutsu. “Well kid is this your way of surrender? You arent going to win this fight, I can guarantee it.,” he said with a smirk as he sent chakra to his hands ready for the child to make the first blow. The kid simply gave a shout and began punching him again and again, meanwhile Makussu blocked the majority and sent a few towards the boy as well. Eventually the boy stopped and charged at him suddenly fighting like a brawler, not a good thing to do against a ninja. “Eat fist!,” the boy yelled as he punched Makussu straight in the face. He then began screaming and holding his hand as “Makussu” became The Log in all it’s glory. Suddenly as he cradled his bruised and he heard an oddly quiet voice behind him. “You know kid, if you’re going to become a ninja, you really need to learn to check your surroundings, even while in pain. One Thousand Years of Death!” With that he sent chakra to his hands while performing the single hand seal and watched as the boy went flying to the other side of the roof. Dashing over to confirm his target was unconscious and not dead he got the boy in a fireman’s carry over his right shoulder. Man this kid was heavy! Jumping across the rooftops with slight difficulty due to the added weight he sighed. Sure the boy was vandalising, but it was some rather nice looking art. But who was he to judge. The law was the law and as a ninja he must cooperate, no matter how he felt.

658 words

+450 ryo
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty Re: D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:25 am
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty Re: D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:04 pm
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D-Rank: Capture the Prankster Empty Re: D-Rank: Capture the Prankster

Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:12 pm
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