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Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:06 pm
As Kobushi expected, Angel easily dodged the kick, following it up with one of her own. Before she even close to hitting him, the options ran through his head. His leg was still swinging from his kick, so he could try and dodged it, but that would include having to cut his leg swing short, and he might lose his balance. He could try and attack, throwing her kick off, but he could not manage that with his kick.

With the kick coming closer, Kobushi chose another option all together. He would, right before it connected, grab her leg, and continue his spin, hopefully pulling her with him, bringing her off balance.

{WC 111}
{TWC 711}
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:49 pm
Angel Easily saw the arm reaching out to her.  This was her secret fighting style.  it was not derived from powerful blows but understanding the human body the way it moves and more specifically the way it doesn't.  grabbing the wrist of the arm that was reaching out to grab her leg intead of setting her foot straight back down she stepped forward slightly after the kicking leg passed by placing her foot behind and interlocking the foot he was standing on.  with her body weight behind him and with her other hand she placed solidly on his shoulder, she would stop the momentum of his kick.  with very little force she could push him over.  But instead she held him up and looked him in the eye with a look that hopefully he read as she had one the point.  

Angel would calmly let him regain his footing, if he did not continue the attack and would then reposition in the basic form once again.  She waited for him to ready up and strike again.  she didn't know how much she was teaching him being her form of striking was different even though her movment patterns were the same.  Instead of blows that delivered chakra into her apponents body her blows were directed at stopping, or inhibiting movement of the opponents strikes by locking joints or shifting balance.  Angel because of her size was not able to unleash the power in a blow to knock an enemy back but her weight was enough to throw of the enemies center of gravity.  Her secret was to always retaliate.  He attack power was lacking so she was unable to provide any sort of initial attack.

Angel would bounce a couple times like a boxer thumbing her nose before returning to the basic position again.
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:19 pm
Even within several minutes into the fight, Kobushi knew that he was quite outmatched by Angel, and that her fighting still might hold the facade of the Gentle Fist style, but was nothing like it. Angel was barely fazed by his change in attack, and easily countered it; though her method was unusual. Instead of trying to evade, and then retreating, instead she uses her limbs to lock up her opponents, and unusual tactic for someone who is on the smaller side.

There eyes made contact, and Kobushi gazed deep into her eyes. From the look in her eyes, she was clearly playing with him. He cracked a smile, allowing her to know that he knew what was happening.

Play with me huh?! I will show you...

Feinting that he was going to jump back, Kobushi instead dived right into her, planning to drag her to the ground with him. If it fails, and he alone falls, he stays on the ground and smiles sheeply at Angel.

{WC 164}
{TWC 875}
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:34 pm
Angel smiled.  her student was interesting and even Angel, as she was still a student herself could learn a thing or two from him.  But then he dove at her...  this was not a move befitting a ninja much less a ninja from the esteemed Hyuuga clan.  Angel simply sidestepped the action.  As he lay on the ground angel crouched and looked at him.  

"That was terrible form.  your trying but you gotta make better decisions."  She would offer him a hand up and then return to their starting positions.  "When we spar, watch me learn from my actions... Hyuuga are masters at this kind of hand to hand style of combat.  I've trained with a Hyuuga before which is while my form is similar.  there is nothing wrong with learning through imitation.  Look at the Uchiha.  Their prowess comes from studying the enemy.  Now come and fight me but watch what I do.  Analyze why I do it.  That is how you and in the end everyone gets stronger."
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:02 pm
Kobushi grabbed her hand, and took her offer to hoist him up; as she did, Kobushi purposefully stumbled, causing him to fall into her arms. Before she could say anything, he quickly stood up and dusted himself off. Quickly apologizing, the same sheepish grin covered his face.

Though he might seem like some clumsy academy student, Kobushi was merely acting like this to throw off her estimate of his abilities. "I know it is not befitting of a Hyuuga, hence why I tried it. Though, I am curious. If you do not mind me asking, who was the one who taught you our ways?" 

Kobushi returned to the Gentle Fist position, waiting for the next move.

{WC 115}
{TWC 990}
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:38 pm
Angel smiled as he stood up and returned to facing her.  then he asked her a simple question, who had trained her.  Angel's expression went blank as she remembered the girl from her childhood.

It actually hadn't been that long ago but when your young everything was a long time ago.  Her name had been Hashina Hyuuga.  They had met on this exact campus and had become the closest of friends.  they practiced everything together.  the flower arranging anf hand to hand combat...They were equals in every way.  Hashina had been better at taijutsu though being a part of the hyuuga main branch.  on the playground Hashina would fight with Angel and that is where angel had begun to learn the stances and in fact how to fight a hyuuga.  

But one day Hashina had been outside the village collecting flowers and was attacked by a wild animal.  Hashina didn't make it and Angel always blamed herself for not being there for Hashina. Angel stood there without saying anything for a minute.  "Don't worry about it.  Come we need to make you strong."  angel would say.  Moving forward she adjusted her stance slightly.  This would look odd because it was not Gentle Fist derived.  shemoved forward this time on her front foot with her back foot to provide direction and ballance.  she hunched forward and pulled in her arms closer to her body.  Her wrists though would droop unflexed.  The stance looked more derived from Mui Tai than anything.  This was her offensive style.  She needed to teach Kobushi how to attack.  she moved quickly into his close range zone crouching slightly she would aim a blow with her right elbom swiping from right to left to hit his stomach.  She did this at a speed he would be able to block and counter.
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:11 am
Hmmm.... strange, who ever she learned Gentle Fist from.... there is something in her past... interesting...

From Angel's reaction, there was clearly something that troubled her, some deep seated pain that was brought up by that question. Kobushi filed it away, as a shinobi never knows when information might come in handy. Suddenly, Angel was attacking in a way that clearly was not Gentle Fist, nor modeled after it. Kobushi wondered if the switch was due to his question, or some other motive. The attack that was coming at him was clearly slowed, as Angel had shown signs of being faster. 

Tells me to not go easy on her, yet pulls her punches... or should I say elbows...

Though his anger lashed out at this realization, he knew that she easily could trounce him, wiping the floor with him. He blocked the elbow with his left arm, and countered with his other one going to hit the Tenketsu on Angel's left shoulder. Though he was unable to use the Gentle Fist style to it's full capacity, and unable to send chakra into the Tenketsu, and his aim was based off diagrams, not actual site of the node, there most it would do would send a dull throb into her arm, possibly slowing her arm down.

If this blow was successful, he would follow up with his left hand aiming for her right shoulder's main Tenketsu, which would have the same effects.

{WC 238}
{TWC 1228}
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:55 am
Control.  That was what this training was about.  Control and precision for that was the foundation of the Hyuuga's style.  Blows were fine but if the accuracy of the blow was off an enemy would use it and counter harder.  Speed helps but in the end even the shifting of weight from one foot to the other was something that could be used in a fight.  

Kobushi blocked her attack on his left side with his arm.  this forced him to attack with the other arm.  as he attacked Angel used her wrist to block his attack at his wrist pushing his arm outward missing her arm entirely.  Now with a simple rotation of her wrist she grabbed his wrist.  This manuver was not to permanently subdue the arm.  she held the arm only as long as it took her flick her right arm outward knocking his blocking arm away.  she then brought that hand over striking the forearm of his right arm while releasing his wrist.  the reaction was natural as the blow would knock his arm way he would also pull his arm out of her loosened grip.  The blow would simulate a gentle fist strike as it would be done with 2 fingers which would cause little to no damage.  The gentle fist technique was not about the power of the blow but the location.  The plot of the attack was to gain control.  Kobushi now had an arm moving away from her.  Depending on how fast or if he continued to return his left arm to combat she now had 2 arms to his one.  returning her right arm straight across her chest she would intercept the attack going toward her shoulder with her elbow.  flicking her arm out again like she had to knock away the block earlier this time she gripped his arm just below the elbow.  pulling his arm she struck his shoulder like she had struck the other arm.  With her two finger strike she would let the arm she was holding go.  likely the blow would cause him to rotate that shoulder away from her, pulling his other arm back into the action.  She would catch his shoulder with with her left hand her thumb landing on a point she was sure he knew well.

Gently Touching two fingers to his left pectoral. she would stop for a teaching moment.  "Your attacks are too broad and lack focus.  If i'm going to attack a person with gentle fist I strike with as much attention to detail as possible, threading that needle perfectly.  And the more detail those eyes see the more carefully your enemy will have to be if they ever wish to hold a candle to your power in a fight."

Releasing him entirely she would step back and ask, "Shall we continue?"
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:21 am
Kobushi knew that there was no way to beat Angel. Though she gave off the impression that she was simply a student, her speed was faster then any Genin that Kobushi had seen, and that included any of his fell Hyuuga. He quickly flexed all his muscles, making sure that they were all working. After the quick diagnostic check  showed he was fine, though a bit worst for wear, he returned to the basic Gentle Fist position. 

"So, my moves lack control. How would you suggest I gain this control then?"

Then Kobushi did something he normally does not do when fighting... he let the mask slip. Within the span of one second, his face went from the small smile, to a twisted expanse of rage. He was given the nickname of the Wrathful Hyuuga back in Konoha, and this was the reason. When he released his anger, he lost all the control and precision that the Hyuuga clan had taught him, but it opened up a whole new style of fighting. 

Aiming a back kick at Angel's head, Kobushi started to press his opponent. After his first kick either connected or missed, he would instantly plant it, and start aiming blows along Angel's arms, the intention to busy them up. The next move would be to lift his leg up for a knee blow to her thigh, attempting to drive her to the ground

Hahahaha, why have control when you can have rage!!!!!

{WC 243}
{TWC 1471}
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part II{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:05 am
Angel stood ready until the students face contorted in rage.  Her heart sank slightly.  He hadn't heard her.  He thought that the increase in power meant increase of ability.  but the loss of precision was to staggering a deficit for a hyuuga.  Angel wondered what he would gain from sacrificing the greatest potential he possesed.  Anger Rage...they achieved nothing in a ninja's life that was worth anything.  on the other hand well calculated Wrath was different.  Angel took a half step back and caught Kobushi's foot in front of her face.  Angel's perfect smile would twitch but for the smallest fraction of a second.  if Kobushi saw it possibly even his Rage would be quelled.  Swiftly Angel, balling her fist, struck the heel of his foot.  if he was wearing just foot wraps [idk] the blow was not enough to do any damage but it would definitely hurt and it was plenty enough force to throw him off his feet. 
"You Fail today's lesson.  Only a fool uses blind rage as a tool.  Go shower off and cool your head."  Angel would turn and leave hoping Kobushi would think about her lessons more abstractly than just in this context. 

[Attempted Exit]
TWC 2206
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